8 A Free Public Library ftod ft $ N Stevens Ave U Aabey H J SO UTH Vol. 99 No 7 Advertising Less Than 75%CITIZI South Amboy, N.J. Thursday, February 16, 1978^ 10 cents REMOVAL COSTS MOUNT FOR CITY SCHOOL BUDGET PASSES BY 4 VOTES; AS SNOW PILES UP KABOSKI, SCHWARICK, VEILLEUX, DAVIS, WIN ( nuru tl tacked $10.00(1 onto an emergency resolution at a South Amboy s school As for the canaidate^i. th<- Keh !J mwting to cover ••lection Tuesday turned oul Edmund Kaboski, Teresa mounting costs of snow t<i \H> somewhat of an historic Schwanck. Anita Veilheux remrtval Mayor .) Thomas slate swept to victory for ( ross was quoted as saying event in tful. for the firsl lime since thr fitv had an three year terms Their ally il had run the city up to in the contest for the single $4i).oo as of that date ami the two year term open, Edwin '2Ti p<-r cent of the 1977 budget Davis, was also elected Itgtirr for this use had l>erti Mrs Schwarick led the exhausted Th»- added voting with 328, closely $iii IXNI will I*- discharged in tollowed by the lone present the IM7H budget txiard members eefcing a The Counvj] has provided new term. Kaboski, with 304 Inr such a contingency by Mrs Vetllieux did not match raising the W>.265 49 for their vote-drawing power. Divisinn of Roads. running close to beat out Miscellaneous other Kx James Ryan 235-202 Elena [x-nses. in the 1977 budget to Wahler and William $.i4i.-Z(Mi for the same account Kindblad trailed tn the I97H budget The Anita VeilleuK Minwfall of F'eb 14 will Davis l>ested his rtval James Brmamen. by a 3 year term frquiif a further charge comfortable margin. 266-183 ,< gams! the account and The triumph of the [M)N.sihl\ an amending <>f the Kaboski. Schwarick, hgiires after the originally Veilleux, Davis, forces drawn is subject to public assures Thomas Teresa Schwarick hr.uin^ Levandoski, battler for Thr other items in the 3 year term building a high school on the emergency resolution John St tract, a working II II I I II \(THO|<m < HXIHMXN I nuVrr.k Kurt/. needed to meet in elective board and the voters majority on the new board of Stinth \nilm\. cils CII^IIHTI . is shnwTi allow hrin^ sworn in sufficiencies in the tern ' acted on tax for schools, a education to take office Feb li.mil vi t-rtrii for IMIII > its ( hairmati <if thr Mnirtlrsrx ( imnlv porarv budget adopte<i Jan budget was passed The si-wt'i,ii;«' \ulhoritv Tuesiktx l>\ s.uniul < hi.ir.iv.ilh. \ur ;• were $,r).Wl for payments $1,810,671 tax for Current <li.ilim.m Hi- MUS ih(is«M In h<-uil (he b«*1\ at thr annual <Ju<" on contributions l<» the Expenses in the 19787H itiuii iii«>«*iin^ til th<- i oimiiissmncr* Kurt/ is .i I'ohce and Firemen s l*en budget squeezed through by south \inbo\ Hi- .lUtndfd Hoffman High and n.iiiu >»( sion Fund and $8,000 for the slimmest of margins. his tiiuiiMMi utn drurtM* from Norlhraalrrn t(<i\i<( hiring persons under the i:» 135 And only 274 of the tiiisioii Hr foundrri his own rngtnrrrinK firm ami Comprehensive Kducationa! M* voters who turned out on <.<•! wrf as ;i im-mta-i »d thr Middlri.ru County Krwer»ni> <i TraminK Act iCKTA) a snowy day cared enough nni* for ini \r»«s Itts nnt r«»lr an chairman hi This is desmn ited for about the budget to vole on i.ill\ briiHu i.»l In South \mtu»\ .is Ihr rity will hr "community beautifuation it And they represented i .me MI \ H •• ti mo I In \uilmi it\ in (wo >rar%. and presumably will tie in about one twenttety of the with the Green" Acres grant over 4.800 registered voters Edmund Kaboski for the John L Zdaniewicz *n Ihei-itv Memorial Park, formerly 3 ytMr teini Council Introduces Annual Budget; designated the Sixth .St IMaygrouid It is exptvted Tax For Municipal Needs Unchanged 11 persons will bt- taken on in April These items of the CITY ADVISED ON RULING FOR iiuii'.iM- HI the collections I l'\ I UUIIi ll ml ! iMJlll-nl .1 emergency resolution will l'i,i\ bu<ln«'i ut $;' '*(.' .in, .'; \>>.i- l.ut>il\ attributable to also be discharges in the 197K RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMITS icli '• i Illl r Will IH- .1 pllbll* rhr st.itutdi \ requirement on budget I he ,li-rse> Central I'ower & hr.ii ni>-', oil it Mai i:i and it Fred Kurtz, city engineer, The Traffic Engineering There is also the hazard of \,v ill hr pi mini in full wi Ihr l.iuht * <• lo JM> \H) per cent Division of the State pedestrians. particularly Edwin Davis ul the !ev> last year while advised the Council the ( ih/rli .i^ lit l-'rli >A, l!<7li Department of En- Department of small children, wandering 2 yeat reim I hr budget introduced for (hr utiht> was pursuing an Transportation has served out into the traffic lane of a appeal "before the Stale vironmental Protection had The newcomers with l.i^t vrai in February. lt*77. been served by his office on ('apt James Tedesco, street because they do no see Kaboski will displace Int.died *..' ,>K i i.'l. (H hilt (tie Hoard of lax Appeals to get traffic control consultant of what is coming because of an $H.H7r>.HO»l assessment of with a copy of the Develop retiring board members. !,i \ lui iiujini ip.11 nrrds inent Project Agreement the South Amboy Police parked cars John Hulsart, Bruce rrtll.llDs thr s.linr ,il $t>0 IMHI its F II Werner plant in the 1 with (ireen Acres and the Department a copy of (he Many municipalities now Richmond and Michael Thr ,i|ipiu\iinatfl\ $:{.M).INMI i it> cut tn $2«l.«l!7 ..Id & I required Pre-Con-slmctton C S Supreme Court decision have "no parking on anyCharmello. who have itHif.tsr III appropriations is paid on!\ frfi per cent ot lev\ Engineering certificate (hat upholding the issuance of street" from 2 am. to 6 am adhered to the advice of lar^rK .iMsi I t:\ an uuieasr tn I«i7i. refusing payment in tin1 work can uroceed i.pecial permits for parking regulations but this is for State Commissioner of of $|7N..Mo ni misrrllalifous total trorn the dale tor filing in residential zones in thelargely newly built-up towns Education Fred Burke and ,i()|M-.tl against the ruling of TheCounc.il. by resolution, \{v\ rnurs | rum •)>.! .' It. V.i'l executed $ contract with the County of Arlington, with residences on large lot his planning advisors in last >ear In $:!..t!C'.ir»H this the Middlesex Counts Ta\ Virginia The DOT hassizes No such simplified strongly opposing the use of Hoard in uphelding the levy County of Middlesex for a u-.ii and a dro|Mi{t in the subgrant for the 'comreferred the decision to the solution is available to South the John St tract for a Ki'MM \ r tnl I IU ollri ted This sland otf in l*iV4. valutcd mumty iM'autificatum" with State Attorney General for Amboy Capt Tedesco and school The new board will T,i\es lloli) $2.il.»>>. taM the Ueserve tor liu -ollectcd ( ETA help an opinion as to its municipal officials have now likely make known its year to $l4'.<.lt..» tfiis \ear. Taxes $144,401 in I'M. tn applicability in new Jersey been long working on preferences for John St S2;»1.«i:i7 last year A letter from the offices of saving A tax iiujMist nl Die Division of Local (iover This development in thepossible solutions to a truly when the Council seeks to *>)»:.Wl A il) >»»>-TTM-fcasr \n matter how the M'i* & nationwide pn»bU»m of thvgritty problem. Mayor 4 have Gov Brendan T Byrne I. appi'al giK's before tlu nment Services relative to til J""ranrhise Taxes the electrical subcode in • parking of automobiles on Thomas Cross is disturbed overrule Burke on the issue Anticipated also aids the Slate ll(ktnt ot Appeals, il public streets, especially because it is compounded in adjudicated this year, il sped ion services contract silualioti provoked Council President overnight, was brought to the daytime by the number No increase in the tax rate should have no affect on the the attention of South Amboy of out of town commutors 1U7H budget as it is taul) Thomas o Hrierj to denoun is anticipated and the final ce the slate of affairs by nil Rials and police through who come in to park their rate for South Amboy In be obvious lite loser in the State mijury about the Virginia cars in the South Amboy JJ. Harrigaii Co., Inc. Hoard decision will then n<> which the mayor and coun struck off by the Middlesex cilmeti, as (ifhciais elected ruling by Clark Convery. station area 'tHJtitv Tax Ifctard may show into the courts enough lo city attorney. Some progress has been extend the matter a year or by the people, had to be 1 a decrease through harassed by state depart The parking problem on made under ordinances 750 Rf 9 Soulh Amboy increased ralahles so more cit> streets has l>eeri a which limits parking near ments and agencys 721 7500 The decrease in the The present Council ha.s executives, deriving their longtime problem in South specified traffic Kcserve for UncolU'cted taken cognizance ol thepowers of office only by ap Amboy It is probably more intersectlorus and at sites 'I'.'xes was accomplished by peculiar situation that exists pomtmenl to high paying aggravated here by much of where the incidence for raising the rate of collections not only id the tax appeal but positions the city being made up of two accidents is marked Capt from m per cent in 1976 1 o W> also in a suit in process that family residences where two Tedesco has submitted a would force the (iross Nicholas Sinolney, cent of levy in W77 The business administrator, ad or more cars much be plan for the further partial Receipts Tax revenues now jiarked in front of tin* house correction of the situation to received in total by the city dressed MA Kerro, Wayne, about the agreement for if there is no driveway or the Slate Department of MAIN to distributed among all the garage to receive 'he Tiiinsportation One of the municipalities in the area emergency repairs to the MADURA Hroadway on a $2,4HS vehicles The streets are more difficult aspects of (he LIQUORS served by J(T & L (ir«»ss estimate of work Kurtz ap accordingly lined with cars problem is that anything HeceipLs revenues coming proved thj retaining of overnight and (his presents a devised must be approved in ON UPPER MAIN PHARMACY into the City mounted- to Ferro to get the work done problem both in publtc Trenton where the & DAVID ST.
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