Shades Hart toktoi mm MtMb NUMBER 9 VOLUME 54 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1950 Notice To Candidates jE. J. H. S/ Band Wins March Term South Arm Community Meets An I First Division Rating Farm Bureau Red Devils Now Candidates for the office of Untimely Death of Circuit Court The February meeting of the Mayor, Aldermen and a Justice of The East Jordan High School Conference Champs Peace of the City of East Jordan, ;Band, composed of forty-two CONVENES AT CHARLEVOIX South Arm Community Farm Bur­ GEORGE M. MOORE Michigan, must have their nomin- : members^ went to Traverse City ON MONDAY, MARCH 6th eau was held Feb. 21st", at the VICTIM OF CAR ACCIDENT ating petitions in the hands of the -Saturday for the annual District home of Mr. and Mrs. George EAST JORDAN TAKES Engagement Announced ENROUTE HOME Klooster. City Clerk not later than 5:00 p. Qualifying Festival. At the Fes­ The Court Calendar for March CHARLEVOIX 33-25 m., Friday, March 10th, 1950. tival, seven Class "C" bands were Mr. Klooster, who is ch'rman of is rather a lean one, with only the Charlevoix County Soil Con­ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Penfold an­ George Melvin Moore, son of TEelma M. Hegerberg, entered. The bands were from one criminal case on record. Bal­ (by Jim Nachazel) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, was 9-2 Citjr Clerk. East Jordan, Charlevoix, • Boyne servation District, as well as the nounce the engagement of their s ance of the docket is likewise Last Friday, when the Red Ray- born May 4, ,1929, at East Jor­ "" '' u-—-—-o— r-4 City,. Gaylord, Grayling, Elk Rap­ chairman of our community F. B. daughter, Miss Elizabeth Ann dan, and was fatally injured in a somewhat lean. group, gave a report on grass and ders met our Red Devils they were Penfold, 14183 Rossini Drive, De­ ids and Reed City. The East Jor­ JURY LIST car accident in the southeast part, R^belfaiis—Od d* ellows dan, Charlevoix and Boyne City grass silage. defeated 33-25. This game meant troit, to Mr. Charles M. Scales, of Boyne City at an early hour- (Subject to call when ordered by The scheduled Feb. group dis­ the conference championship for 2600 West Long Lake Rd., Ponti- Meet bands each received a I Division the Court) Saturday morning, Feb. 25, 1950. rating. This rating entitles these cussion, "Marketing and Buying the Red Devils 'and they played a ac! Howard and Norman Crosier, two,* Carl Prohaska. _.___._____:— Bay Problems", was led by Delbert In- good, hard game and deserved the The Re-bekahs and Oddfellows bands to enter the State Qualify­ Miller Kline Boyne Valley passing motorists, found the body. ing Festival at Lansing on April galls and carried on over the pot victory. celebrated National Brotherhood Chris Nicewander _.'_. Chandler In the first quarter, Charlevoix It was removed to the Boyne City Wee,k with a pot luck supper on 29; Also entered in the District luck lunch and coffee. Mrs. Cora B. Leitch Police Station. Dr. Litzenburger Carl Bogart •.'_ Charlevoix The next meeting on Mar. 24th got the crowd excited by taking Feb: 22nd. The tables were decor­ Festival were two clarinet quar­ Aline Fineoue _^—— Evangeline Passes Away pronounced him dead and Coron­ ated with flags and hatchets. tets from the East Jordan High will be held at the home of Mr. the lead by the score of 9-6. East er S. B. Stackus was notified. 1^ Jacob jJBjrock . , Eveline and Mrs. Delbert Ingalls. The Jordan was able to flip in only at Traverse City Cherry pie was the featured des­ School Band. One quartet compos­ Peter Winnick Hayes was believed that George had fall-? sert/ "" ."'"'/> ed of Sharleen Brock, Sharon Miles District 4-H Calf Club and one bucket, made by Karr, and 4 en asleep and the car left the Purl Iieazier __•_ Hudson K. C. Fosterling will be our guests* free shots. Charlevoix scored 3 The program committee outdid Brock, Bethany WhitefOrd and Mrs. Cora B. Leitch was born road and hit a tree. '' •• Clyde Cunningham Marion Mi*. Festerling will show pictures buckets by breaking through our themselves. Gloria Rogers was entered in the Oct. 20, 1859, at Schnectady, N. He was raised on a farm near Edward Bensinger Melrose of the Calf Club at Camp and at well formed defense. It seems our The rest of the ~ evening was High School Division and receiv­ Carl McBride „ ,__ Norwood Y. East Jordan and attended the ele­ ed "a two-plus rating. The other the Charlevoix County Fair. Also boys always start out a little spent dancing to music by the Francis Mooney _.l Peaine On March 26th, 1880 she was mentary grades and graduated quartet composed of Nanette Dra- a movie on cherry processing. slow to get the feel of the game "Alma. Trio". Mike Eaton _„ _,._ South Arm united in marriage to Judson E. from East Jordan High School on j peau, Pat Barnette, Francis Tro- in the first quarter, but they al­ Shirley Behling _-•,_ Wilson Houghton, who passed away Mar. May 23, 1947. After graduation i janek and Carol McPherson was ways open up in the second. Past Noble Grands Club met Mrs. Lillie CampbellB. City 1st W. Leon Kowalske Dies 26, 1928, in East Jordan. To this he was employed at the Jordan entered in the Jr. High Division Whitef ord and Boring stole the with Jane Foote on Monday, Feb. Harry Barkley Boyne City 2nd W. at Detroit, Burial union a son, Harry, and a daugh­ Valley Co-operative Creamery. 27th. Our project was making and also received a two-plus rat­ ball several times and the Red From there he went to Flint, Percy Anderson Boyne C'y 3rd W. at East Jordan. Devils broke through Charlevoix's ter, Doris, were born. napkins for the home in Jackson. ing. The quartets conipete in an Arthur Ikens _Boyne City 4th W. working as inspector of auto par-ts. v. Our .hostess served u§ pineap­ Open division regardless of the defense and scored 10 points to On Sept. 8th, 1929, she was DeWitt Peters Charlevoix 1st W. Leon Kowalske, Wayburn Ave, at Chevrolet Motors' until the ple sherbet and angel food cake. size of the school. Charlevoix's 3. This gave the boys married to Rev. James Leitch, at time of his death. Arthur Waxstaff Charle'x 2nd W. Grosse Pointe, was born on July a 4 point lead over Charlevoix at that time pastor of the local Meth­ Program was in charge of Mary Carian Carey Charlevoix 3rd W. 27, 1896, at East Jordan, son of George was a well liked youthi- HiteKeock. - ' >." « the half. odist Church. They left East Jor­ and had many friends everywhere South Arm Grange Ronald Scott East Jordan 1st W. Rudolph Kowalske. He grew to The third quarter was a very dan nine years ago, going to Mus­ he went. He was a constant be­ Teddy Kotowich E. Jordan 2nd W. manhood in the vicinity of East close fought game all the way kegon where Rev. Leitch passed liever in everyone's happiness South Arm Grange met last Clifford Brown E. Jordan 3rd W. Jordan and attended the East through and East Jordan was on­ awey Jan. 22nd, 1942. Business As Usual CRIMINAL CASES Jordan School. He served in the and well being. fSatuday evening, Feb. 25, for a ly able to sink three buckets for Mrs. Leitch was a member of At Ferris Institute The People vs. Lawrence Nev- United States armed forces over­ Surviving are the parents, Fred special meeting. There were six­ 6 points while Charlevoix made 5 the Methodist Church and active vils, defendant, delayed motion seas sixteen months. and Lillian Moore; three brothers Despite Bad Fire.s teen members and two visitors points. in the different departments of and five sisters:— Mrs. Muriel present. for new trial. On March 5, 1921, he was unit­ During the last quarter the ball ISSUE OF FACTS AND LAW the church, especially in the Sun­ Hatley, Concord, N. C; Mrs. El­ The Grange received an invita­ ed in marriage to Miss J_tae was moving very fast as well as Lester Stevens, Treas, of Mel. day School where she taught the len Merritt, East Jordan; Mae, Students fom this section tak­ tion from Peninsula Grange to be Brown at Bellaire, and for the the players and both teams dis­ Mary Martha Class eighteen years. Mildred and Arvilla, at home; ing their college courses at Ferris their guest this Saturday, March Twp. Unit Sch. Diet., plaintiffs, past twenty-five years has been played keen footwork and sharp Earl, Flint; Arnold, St. Louis, Mo.; Institute, in Big Rapids returned vs. Carl L. Goodwin, defendant, in business at Grosse Pointe. ball handling. The ball was being She passed away at Traverse 4th, at 8:30 for a special program City, Feb. 23, 1950, from pneu­ and Harry, Ellsworth. Eight neph­ to that city Monday for registra­ and luncheon. They voted to ac­ assumpsit. He passed away at the Dear­ stolen from both teams and they ews, four nieces, and grandmoth­ tion for the spring term, after be­ cept the invitation and agreed to Strong Distributing Co., plain­ born Veterans Hospital Feb. 20, both had a good defense which monia. er, Mrs. Bessie Moore, Bellaire. ing home several days because all meet at the home of Charles tiff, vs. Keith Stinchcomb, defen­ 1950, after an illness of 2 years. made the offense work harder. Surviving is a son, Rev.
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