S8416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2005 attacks on September 11th, our critical We are living in extraordinary times. Jay Rockefeller, Mark Dayton, Harry infrastructure remains largely exposed Never before in our history has there Reid, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Russell and our emergency first responders been a period of time when the threat D. Feingold, Tom Harkin, Herb Kohl, spread too thin. Today, less than 5 per- of harm to Americans on their own soil Frank R. Lautenberg, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Paul Sarbanes, Chris cent of commercial cargo arriving at has been so high. While it has been al- Dodd, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, our seaports is screened for threats; most 4 years since terrorists attacked Ted Kennedy, Barack Obama, Carl our rail systems and bus systems re- the World Trade Center, the more re- Levin, Barbara A. Mikulski, Jack main largely open and unsupervised. cent attacks in Madrid and London tell Reed, Charles Schumer, Ron Wyden, Meanwhile, our first responders lack us that we must remain vigilant about Daniel K. Akaka. both the staff and resources they need our domestic security. They tell us f to protect lives and property. Hundreds that we must renew and redouble our NOTICE OF INTENT of police departments—both large and efforts to prevent and respond to ter- small—have experienced alarming per- rorism here at home. Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I sub- sonnel shortages. A super majority of I applaud Homeland Security Sec- mit the following notice in writing: In fire departments in this Nation does retary Chertoff’s decision earlier this accordance with rule V of the Standing not have the manpower required to week to streamline his department’s Rules of the Senate, I hereby give no- meet the 21st century needs of their administrative bureaucracy. I believe tice in writing that it is my intention districts or municipalities. that this will enable the Department to to move to suspend paragraph 4 of rule As the Senate considered this legisla- respond more effectively to the needs XVI for the purpose of proposing to the tion, I was pleased to lend my support of our States and localities. At the bill H.R. 3057 the following amendment: to several amendments that sought to same time, I am deeply disturbed by S.A. 1256 raise resources for critical infrastruc- the Secretary’s comments yesterday At the appropriate place, insert the fol- ture protection and first responders. which suggested that transit security lowing: Among these measures were those to should be paid for entirely by States. I SECTION 1. FINDINGS. simplify homeland security grants, in- find this view to be dangerously out- Congress makes the following findings: crease resources to local homeland se- dated and incongruous with the one (1) Oil and natural gas resources are stra- curity programs, enhance air cargo se- needed to combat terrorism effectively. tegic assets critical to national security and the Nation’s economic prosperity. curity, increase truck security, ensure If the events of last week did not re- greater protection of our rail and tran- (2) The National Security Strategy of the mind us already, we no longer live in United States approved by President George sit systems and provide first respond- the 19th century but in the 21st. Our W. Bush on September 17, 2002, concludes ers with advanced communication sys- very survival depends on planning and that the People’s Republic of China remains tems. I also offered an amendment that coordination that involves all levels of strongly committed to national one-party would have increased critical infra- government. No one entity should bear rule by the Communist Party. structure security and first responder the enormous financial burden of pro- (3) On June 23, 2005, the China National Off- funding by $16 billion to a total of $20 tecting Americans from terrorist at- shore Oil Corporation Limited (CNOOC), an- nounced its intent to acquire Unocal Cor- billion. My amendment would have tacks. codified a recommendation made 2 poration, in the face of a competing bid for On balance, I voted for this legisla- Unocal Corporation from Chevron Corpora- years ago by a task force chaired by tion because the funding it appro- tion. our former colleague, Warren Rudman, priates is much better than nothing. (4) The People’s Republic of China owns ap- along with a distinguished panel of na- However, I look forward to working proximately 70 percent of CNOOC. tional security, intelligence, military with my colleagues in the coming (5) A significant portion of the CNOOC ac- and public health officials. years to find and provide the necessary quisition is to be financed and heavily sub- Regrettably, none of these measures resources that can make our Nation as sidized by banks owned by the People’s Re- public of China. was adopted. They were largely re- safe and strong as it can possibly be. jected because they exceeded the budg- (6) Unocal Corporation is based in the et caps placed on the bill. Members f United States, and has approximately 1,750,000,000 barrels of oil equivalent, with its who spoke in opposition to these PETITION TO DISCHARGE core operating areas in Southeast Asia, Alas- amendments argued that we could not Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today ka, Canada, and the lower 48 States. afford the extra cost. Instead of finding pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 802(c), I have sub- (7) A CNOOC acquisition of Unocal Cor- new resources, they suggested using ex- mitted a petition to discharge the Sen- poration would result in the strategic assets of Unocal Corporation being preferentially isting resources already in the bill to ate Committee on Environment and boost infrastructure protection and allocated to China by the Chinese Govern- Public Works from consideration of ment. first responders. S.J. Res. 20, a joint resolution pro- For this reason, I had to cast my vote (8) A Chinese Government acquisition of viding for congressional disapproval of Unocal Corporation would weaken the abil- against two amendments that would the rule relating to the delisting of ity of the United States to influence the oil have increased funding for first re- coal and oil-direct utility units from and gas supplies of the Nation through com- sponder and border patrol security by the source category list under the panies that must adhere to United States decreasing State homeland security Clean Air Act, submitted by the U.S. laws. grant and Coast Guard funding. This (9) As a de facto matter, the Chinese Gov- Environmental Protection Agency kind of bureaucratic shell game is a ernment would not allow the United States under chapter 8 title 5, United States wholly inadequate means to protect Government or United States investors to Code, the Congressional Review Act. our critical infrastructure, our first re- acquire a controlling interest in a Chinese energy company. sponders and our borders. It entails in- DISCHARGE PETITION We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON SALE OF UNOCAL TO vesting in new resources to do what it CNOOC. is right to put our country on a more ance with Chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, hereby direct that the Senate Com- Notwithstanding any other provision of secure and sound footing. mittee on Environment and Public Works be law, the merger, acquisition, or takeover of Ironically, many of the Members who discharged from further consideration of S.J. Unocal Corporation by CNOOC is prohibited. opposed these amendments have sup- Res. 20, a resolution providing for congres- f ported permanent tax cuts for the most sional disapproval of the rule submitted by affluent of Americans—tax cuts that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EDDIE ALBERT: IN MEMORIAM have been projected to cost $1 trillion relating to the delisting of coal and oil-di- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise to over the next 15 years. If we can afford rect utility units from the source category honor an extraordinary actor, enter- to give such a generous tax break to list under the Clean Air Act, and further, tainer, and humanitarian. Upon his the few thousand wealthiest Ameri- that the resolution be placed upon the Legis- passing, Eddie Albert leaves a legacy of lative Calendar under General Orders. cans, then why can we not afford ade- Patrick Leahy, Jim Jeffords, Barbara talent, determination, and good will. quately to safeguard 281 million Ameri- Boxer, Joe Biden, Tom Carper, Jon S. Eddie Albert Heimberger was born in cans from terrorist attacks at a mere Corzine, Susan Collins, Olympia Illinois on April 22, 1906, and moved to fraction of that cost? Snowe, John F. Kerry, Maria Cantwell, Minneapolis as a child. It was there VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:52 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S18JY5.REC S18JY5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY July 18, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8417 that Mr. Albert began his stage career, MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT EC–3043. A communication from the Acting Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, hosting magic shows and singing in Messages from the President of the small venues to put himself through Internal Revenue Service, Department of the United States were communicated to Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the drama school. After becoming a crowd the Senate by Ms. Evans, one of his report of a rule entitled ‘‘Rulings Declared pleaser in Minnesota, he decided to secretaries. Obsolete’’ (Rev. Rul. 2005–43) received on pursue his creative passion in other f July 12, 2005; to the Committee on Finance. cities and on the radio. After dropping EC–3044. A communication from the Acting his last name to avoid being mistak- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, enly called Eddie Hamburger, he shift- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the As in executive session the PRE- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ed his focus to comedy.
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