O DOCUMENT MESOME Ep-112 652 PI. 007 109 TITLE Catalog of Instructional Material., INSTITUTION Defense Language Inst., Monterey, Calif. REPORT NO DLI-PAM-350-5 PUB DATE Jul 75 NOTE- 225p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$10.78 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *Audiovisual Aids; *Catalogs; Inservice-Getses; *Instructional Materials; *Intensive Language Courses; *Language Instruction; Magnetic Tape Cassettes; Refresher Courses; Second Language Learning; Slides; Tape Recordings; Textbooks; Transparencies ABSTRACT This cateloprovides an up-to-date listing of foreign language training te ts tapes and transparencies available from the Defense Language In titute for all U.S. Department of , Defense components engaged in elementary, maintenance or refresher language training programs. Courses described are designed for use in an intensive Vtogram with a trained speaker of the language serving as instructor.. The 210-hour refresher courses can be used for self-instruction, although the Defense Langdage Institute provides no 'correspondence course services.. The catalog lists'in detail the contents of each volume and lesson series, for courses in some 37 languages and dialects. The prices listed for.each segment are fqr appropriated fund users only: Prices for Others are available upon request and are approximately two percent higher.(CHK) *********************************************************************** * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal,unpublished * * aaterials not available ftom other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to btain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * repr1Kducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality ,* * of t e microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERICDocument Reproduc ion Service "'(EDRS). EDRS is not * '* responsible for the quality of he original document.. .ReprodUctions * * supplied by EDRS are the best thacan be made from the original. 4", ************************************ *********************1c************ - 1. 41` DLI PAM 350-5 'July 1975 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF - EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN RE PRO PEF ;;SION TO REPRODUCE THIS CUPY DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM RI61. D MATERIAL HAS (WEN 614ANTED DY THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DD NOT NECESSARILY RE PRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY Tc) FRIG A ORGANIZA-TioN, F,Rf PATINh -LINGER AGEIEWENT5V.ITH THE NATIONAL IN ..Ttl'UTE: OF PFAKATION TI1FiTHEFFFFEPPF, RUCTION OUTI,kIT THE EPIC!;I-.Tf M ilE QUIFIEflPERMV,vioN ,OF THE CoPYFFiCiI4F MAZER "4- LL CATALOG of INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL 9 DEFENSE LANGUAGEANSTITUTE 4 THIS PUBLICATION IS FORUSE 4Y THE FACULTY, STAFF,AND STUDENTS, OF THE DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE AS A PART OF THEDEFENSE LANGUAGE PROGRAM. INQUIRIES CONCER ING THESE MATERIALS, INCLUDINGREQUESTS FOR COPIES OR AUTHORITY TREPRODUCE MATERIALS. CONTAINED HEREIN SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO DI ECTOR, DEFENSELANGUAGE INSTITUTE, PRESIDIO OF MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA 3940. ver6,1) S R. KO Co nel,.US Di ctor 3 DLI PAM 350-5. July 1975 TABLE OF CONTENTS'. PAGE PREFACE iv ALBANIAN 47 WEEK 1 ARABIC 12 WEEK* 9 ARABIC 17 WEEK* 10 BULGARIAN VT WEEK 14 BURMESE BASIC 20 CAMBODIAN REFRESHER 21 CHINE0E-CANTONESE47 WEEK 22 MINESE-CANTONESE REFRESHER '28 CHINESE-MANDARIN 47 WEE} w 33 CHINESE-MANDARIN REFRESHER* 39 CHINESE-TOI IAN 47 WEEK 41 CZECH 20 WEEK CZECH 47 WEEK 48 DUTCH REFRESHER 55 FRENCH 214 WEEK 56 FRENCH REFRESHER 59 GERMAN 12 WEEK * 60 GERMAN 32 WEEK* 62 GERMAN REFRESHER* 67 -GREEK-47 'WEEK 69 DLI PAN 350-5 July 1975. °I(IORAELI)diEFIESHE4 73 flUNGARIAN 47 WEEK 74 O INDONEOTAN 36 WET: t wive, ITALIAN 12 WEEK 86 ITALIAN 2.4 WEEK 90 . ITALTANOICILIAN 36 WEEK 95 ITALIAN 1:FF-IEJII,ER 97 JAPANE1E WEEK 100 102 awl:1E1E WEE: : JAPA11LUI ET,wREOFIET-1 108 AAN 4Y WEEK 112 KOREAN EE.,,ii,E0HE1,1 LAWIAN Li!.&EF,OHER. NALAY CEPREI,TER 120 PEWEAN 12 WEEK 121 PEMAN 47 WEEK ,y 129 47 WEEK 126 14)ETIME V WEEK 133 134 ORI Ndir TTE;',E 211 is.d,Z R'JNANIAN tP 139. 1,',0!AlliAN 3Y WEEK 14p UXIAN WEEE 144 ?i`eWEEI: DDT PAM 350-5 July 1975 162 RUSSIAN INTERMEDIATE 164 ._01J3CIAN ADVANCED OCIENTIFIC RUGOIAN 6 WEEK 166 OCIENTIM RUCOIAN 10' WEEK 167 EUGOIAN REFREOHER 96 HOUR 169 RUOCIAN REFRE3HER 210 HOUR 171 0E4PO-CROATIAN 47 WEEK 173 179 2LOVEHIAN REFflEORER a. OFAHIOH 24 WEEK 181 $WAIIILI 12 WEEK 184 185 21.7AIIILI 37 WEEK 186 THAI 12 WEEK* 189 THAI 18 WEEK* 192 'THAI 47 WEEK* 199 THAI REFREaFil* 201 TURK181I 12 WEEK 203 TURKT011 47 WEEK 208 UltRAIITAN 11WEEOHPIt 209 7 Iov twa.3E-'IA NO I 40 WEEK 213 V IIIPHAMEOE-ClA NON 12 WEEK APPEHDIX A me also Appendi;:A DLI PAM July 1975 CATALOG OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 4 1. PUIZOOE: This pamphfet provides an Up-to-date listing of foreign language training texto, tapes and transparencies available from the Defense Language Institute for all DOD componento engaged in elementary, maintenance or refresher language ti.aining programs. 2. SCOPE. This pamphlet applies to all the activities of the Defense Language. Program (Leference JON AE 350-20/0PDAVINOT 1550.Y/APR 50-40/ M 0 1550.4D). 3. RESTONSIDILITIES. Defenoe Language inotitute, Nonresident Training Operations Division, is responsible for the maintenance of the course material listing and for the computation and up-dating of prices. 4b. 4. At Aptkndix A in a list of additional DLI languag specific reference material and a list of material concerning the Defeno, Language Pet,gram and language teaching. 5. Courses described are designed for use in an intensive program with a trained speaker of the language. The 210 Hour hefresher Courses can be used for oelf-instruction but DLI provides no correspondence course cervices (grading papers, testing, etc.). Toots listed with any of the 210 Hour Couroes are for Official Use Only and available only to autho- rised Test Control Officers. 6444Prices Indicated in the body of the pamphletare subject to change ,(-"thollt prior notice. It is, therefore advisable t- request price "'" verification prior to submission of procurement decumlhts. Prices ',.-___Iisted in the catalog do not include tapes. (See owdering inotructiono, v..2 ,graph 9, to calculate the cost of tapes.) Y. Texts and tranapr enciea arcOvailable on short notice; however, th nor ally a'D-day delay before tares can be chipped. ( _4ed material will be shipped in b,?ixes. There are for handling tare orders a tape exchange basis or for lending tapes 9. or1erin7 instructions for appropriated foci ,iusers July 1975 DLI PAM 350-5 To facilitate the handling of your order of languagematerials, please include all pertinellt information concerning the itemodesired, i.e., quantity, 'description or title, and any otherinformation-which will identify the item. A purchase/requisition order, with appropriate fund citation,should be submitted to: Defence Language Institute Nonresident Training Operations Divioi n Presidio of Monterey, California93940 P For peo, be cure to specify reel-to-reel or cassette.;if reel-to-reel ndicate 3 3/4 or. .7 1/2 ipo. Reels are recorded full track; cassettes are dual track, i.e., recorded on bothsides. 'Reels at 7 1/2 ips are $2.60 each. To calculate the gost of reels at 3 3/4.ipo or cassettes, divide the_ total number of tapes. by two. ,(rounding off to the next whole number) and multiply by,1,33.55 for reels at 3 3/4 or p.tio for cassettes. S I ALBANIAN/47 WEEKS/ BASIC COURSE PAGE 1 VOLUME I LESSORS 1-16 PP.80 JULY01966 TRANSLATION AND°CARTOON GUIDE: VOLUME I LESSONS 1-16 PP 284 V.PT 1965 1.70 TAPE SERIES TOE] 12 TAPES SUBJECTS: GREETING EXPRESSIONS. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES, CITY AmUSEmENT, PRESIDIO FACILITIES. DAILY LIFE OF A STUDENT, ALBANIAN FACULTY AND STUDENTS (NATIONALITIES). EVENING / ACTIVITIES, MILITARY RANK, PESTDENCE (ADDRESS,ETC.) SEASONS. MONTHS OF THE YEAR, DlYS OF THE WEEK, TELLING TIME. GRAMHAR: EMPHASIS ON LINEAR AN't SUPRASEGMENTAL PHONEMES, NOUN) IN ALL 5 CASES, NOUNAD,FCTIVE AGREEMENT, PROROMNS (PERSONAL AND INTERROGATIVE) P4ESENT, FUTURE AND° SIMPLE , PAST TENSE OF VFc.,BS ENDING IN HOE" AND SOME PRESENT TENSE. OF SOME IRREGULAR VERBS, POSSEsSTVE ADJCTIVES IN NOMINATIVE THE PRONOUN ICILI1 (WHICH). , VOLUmE II LESSONS 17-26 PP 204 AUGUST 106S 1.20' TAPE SERIES TOPP 15 TAPES SUBJECTS: SOCIAL EXPv:E5SION3. STUD' HABITS. IN Tug'OINING POOH. A NEEKFND IN MONTI-REY, T4E F..ATLY ,CE AN OFFICER AT PpEqIoIl, LANloAGE,-, TAUGHT AT AI. ALBANIA: LOCATION, QELIEF, CLIMATE. BUYING GROCERIES. 'RENTING A HOUSE, BUYING A CAP. GRAMmAR: -NOUNS (BOTH GENDERS), BOTH NUMBERS. IN r6904ATIVE AND ACCUSATIVE ONLY, ALL FORMS: IND.DEF.. BOTH ULAR AND IRREGULAR: PRESENT. FUTUPE. SIMPLE PAST. PERFECT TENSE OF REGJLAR AND IRREGuLAR VERBS. D-IRECT OBJECT AND OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITIONS 'ma' (WITH). 'NE'(IN). 'PER' (FOR), ImBI. (44), 'PA' (WITHOUT), IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES, NOUN4* ADJECTIVE AGREEMENT IN NOMINATIVE AND ACCUSATIVE.REFLEXIVE VERBS, ADVERBS DEALING WITH LAtIGUAGES, ADVERBS.- VOLumF; III LESSONS 27-36 PP P2P MARCH 1965 TAPE SERIES TO2-3 20 TAPES SUBJECTS: CORRESPONDENCE WITH PARENTS, RELATIVES ETC., X-MAS AND NEW YEAR, PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY, AT THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE AND DRUGSTORE. BIRTHDAY AND SAINT'S DAY/CELEBRATION, A MARKET DAY IN ALBANIA, AT THA-' AIRPORT IN TIRANA, AT A HOTEL IN VLONA. A SHORT HIKE. GRAMMAR; NOUNS: INDIRECT OBJECT, ABLATIVE, GENITIVE WITH ALBANIAN/47 WEEKS/ BASIC COUP PAGE ? OBJECT OWNED IN NOMINATIVE; PRONOUNS: INDIRECT OBJECT, ABLATIVE, GENITIVE WITH'OBJE,OT OWNED IN NOMINATIVE; VERBS: FUTURE OF VERBS ENDING IN '1ST "ERSON OF THE PRESENT TENSE IN 1-J' AND IN CONSONANTS, FUTURE TENSE or VERBS 'ME OENE1 (TO BE) AND 'ME PASE1 (TO HAVE), SIMPLE PAST OF VERB 'ME QENE' AND 'ME PASO AND OF THE VERBS ENDING IN THEE QUASI-COMPOUNDS, THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE, THE PROGRESSIVE OF TOE PRESENT, THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD: DELENSION OF THE POSSESSIVE PARTICLE.
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