РПС LXW 4. 196 IN TWO SECTIONS SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1959 Ш TWO SECTIONS No. 196 VOL. LXV1 L. Palamarchuk, Soviet Ukraine's 250th ANNIVERSARY OF HETMAN UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASS'N Cleveland, O. and Amsterdam, N.Y. Foreign Minister, Attacks "Captive MAZEPA'S RISE AGAINST RUSSIA OFFICE OPENED IN TORONTO Observe 65th UNA Anniversary Notions" Resolution 170M959 CLEVELAND, Ohio. — On The concert concluded with SEVERAL HUNDRED PERSONS ATTEND OPENING AND the einging of the Ukrainian SAYS "UKRAINE IS FREE," NEEDS NO "LIBERATION" Sunday, October 4, 1959 over JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY OF U.N.A. BRANCH GOO persons attended a jubilee national anthem. concert. In the Lincoln High Prior to the concert Mr. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. peaceful populations of the TORONTO, Ont. — Several M. Koliankiveky (We and the School Auditorium commerat- Slobodian held a meeting with Sept. 30. — "We cannot pass Ukraine, Byelorussia, Lithu­ hundred persons took part in World) and Lev Kossar (The ing the 65th anniversary of the UNA officials from 13 UNA over in silence the actions of ania, Latvia and Estonia. •a combined ceremony of opon- Telegram, a Toronto daily). Cleveland branches. : Ukrainian National Associa­ the United States designed to "I cannot help reminding the ng an office of the Ukrainian On Sunday, a banquet com­ tion. The program included the * arouse hostility between the distinguished but forgetful National Association and the bined with a musical program opening address of Dmytro AMSTERDAM, NY. On peoples as one ofAhe objectives Senators, and likewise their celebration of the 20th anni­ took place in the Auditorium Szmagala, UNA Adviser, the Saturday, October 3, 1959 the of the cold war. I have in advisers who come from the versary- of UNA Branch 432 in of the Ukrainian National Fed­ rendition of the American na­ Ukrainian community in Am­ mind so candid and unfriendly ranks of traitors to their own Toronto on Saturday and Sun­ eration of Canada, commemor­ tional anthem by Dorothy sterdam, N. Y. observed the an act on the part of the in­ countries, that the Ukrainian day, October 3 and 4, 1959. ating the 65th anniversary of Olen and two principal ad­ sixty-fifth anniversary of the fluential circles of the United people have I twice known the The opening of the UNA UNA and the 20th anniversa­ dresses, by Roman Slobodian. Ukrainian National Associa­ States as the adoption by the great joy of liberation. It hap­ Office took place on Saturday- ry of Branch 432, the largest Supreme Treasurer of the tion with a banquet, in which United States Congress of the pened first in the days of the connected with a press confer­ UNA lodge in Canada. Rev. UNA, who spoke in Ukrainian, over 200 persons took part. notorious, resolution calling great Bocialist October Revo­ ence, with an address by D. Yaroslav Benesh opened the and the other by Taras Szma­ The principal speaker at the for the liberation, mind you, lution, and then it happened Halychyn, Supreme President banquet by an invocation, while gala, former president of the fete was Dr. Jaroslaw Pa- of so-called captive nations, again when the fascist hordes of the UNA, who spoke about Volodymyr Kossar, UNA Au­ UYL-NA, who addressed the doch, Supreme Secretary of including the Ukraine. The au­ were booted out of our native :he importance of this event. ditor and Director of the UNA gathering in English. Messrs. UNA, who spoke on the vital­ thors of the resolution, by a land. The Ukrainian people He said that the Ukrainian Office, delivered an introduc­ I. J. Bilinsky, member of the ity and progress of the UNA. etroke of the pen, create on are free, and their freedom is National Association has 6,221 tory epeecn. Yury Karmanin City Council, and Omar E. Other speakers were Rev. Lev the map of the* USSR some guaranteed by the constitu­ members in Canada (out of the was toastmaster at the cere­ Mllea, president of the United Lishchynsky, Ukrainian Cath­ sort of. new geographic con­ tion of the Ukrainian SSR and total 72,735 UNA members in mony. Ukrainian Societies of Cleve­ olic pastor, Rev. Fr. Cherniav- cepts, and then include them the constitution of the USSR. general) and the UNA assets The principal speaker was land, also spoke. sky, Byelorussian pastor, and in the list of countries which We would advise the self-ap­ in Canada amount to $2,020,- D. Halychyn, Supreme UNA The principal attraction of representatives of UNA are to be subjected to 'libera­ pointed 'liberators' to put that 837.40 (out of the total UNA President, who praised the the artistic program was the Branches: Dmytro Oliynyk tion.' " in their pipes and smoke it." assets of $22,246,574.46). members of the UNA in Can­ appearance of Donna Grescoe, (UNA Branch 266, Volody­ So spoke Luka C. Palamar­ Mr. Palamarchuk further Messrs. Volodymyr Kossar, ada for their zeal and devotion talented Ukrainian American myr Zaparanluk, UNA District chuk, Foreign Minister of the tackled the German problem UNA Auditor, Bohdan Zorych, to the oldest and largest violinist, who played several Organizer; V. Zyma (UNA Ukrainian SSR, ' In denuncia­ and attacked the West German UNA Adviser, and Anthony Ukrainian fraternal organiza­ selections. Branch 484, Utica), P. Dzin- tion of the cold war and "militarism," which brought Dragan, editor of Svoboda, tion. Messrs. W. Hirniak, B. The other half of the con­ dtirysty and William Kolody against the "Captive Nations so much suffering to the were spokesmen and gave ex­ Zorych, M. Mota, president of cert included a recitation by (UNA Branch 191, Troy). P. Week" Resolution before the Ukrainian people. He pointed tensive information on the UNA Branch 432, and A. Dra­ Ihor Oliar, songs by the choir Seredynska (UNA Branch 79, U.N. General 'Assembly. He out that one of the Bonn Min­ progress and development of gan also spoke at the banquet. "Dnipro" under the direction Broadalbln) and S. Hnatkiv- recalled that Alfred Rosen­ isters, Theodore Oberlaender, the UNA in Canada. The pur­ The artistic part of the pro­ of E. O. Sadovsky, and "Ho­ eky, who represented the lo­ berg "worked out nightmarish is again teaching the German pose of the UNA Office in To­ gram included the youth or­ min" under the baton of Prof. cal branch of the Ukrainian plans for the dismemberment youth how to "dismember and ronto, they said, is a) to rep­ chestra of the Musical Insti­ Y. Barnych; and performances Congress Committee of Amer­ of the USSR and the enslave­ enslave Ukraine." resent the Ukrainian National tute under the direction of by the dartce ensembles,—first ica. There were also recita- і ment of its pebble?' (Cf. "Foreign Minister of Association in Canada; b) to Prof. Kovaliv, with Prof. Mar­ by members of "Plast" under tions, and orchestra! numbers - "From • our pomt of view," Soviet Ukraine ' Speaks." a coordinate UNA activities in tha Barabash. at the piano; the direction of Dada Ruden- by the 3UMA orchestra of he continued, "It ф rather ilh- reportage by' the Hon. Nich­ that country; c) to be aspokes- rhythmic dances by a group Utica' under the direction of ska, and the other by SUMA ! sound "arid improper for the olas Mandziuk, Member of the man of specific interests of of Ukrainian Girl Seouts and under V. Raitsa. M. Kozhakhar. " } parliament- of ejibh a country Canadian Parliament and UNA Canadian members in the the recitation by Mrs. Kempe as the-United'States to re­ Member of the Canadian De­ general system of the UNA. of a humorous poem about the peat tfce ігіШІіЬпв1 of char­ legation to the U. N. General A portrait of Hetntan Ivan Mazepa of Ukraine by Peter Andru- • Press Well Represented UNA and its leaders. Mr. Zo­ Ukrainian National Home in Jersey latans'* m' politics' Who only're- Assembly, which appears else­ •siv of Philadelphia, painted on the occasion of the 250th an­ c Several representatives of rych acted as master of cere­ ceriUy ne}ped'ihe>Naiis to de­ where in 'this issue of The niversary of hie rise against Peter I of Russia, oppressor of the Ukrainian Canadian press monies and Mr. Karmanin de» City Observes First Anniversary Ukrainian Weekly — Ed). Ukraine, і The portrait. will be exhibited for the first.time in, took part in the press con­ livered the closing remarks, stroy аяИ -• exterminate the Were president of the Ukrain­ the Hunter College A'uditorhinv Nefr York City, where* the ference. Among them were: and Very Rev. M. Markiw, JERSEY СИТ, N. >.'w Over 500 persons attended а ian National Home Michael United Ukrainian American Organizations of Greater New York Father K h о m у n (Catholic OSBM, offered the concluding banquet on Sunday, Septem­ Tislo, Draytrp Halychyn, UNA will give a commemorative concert in honor of this great son weekly Our Aim), Father Svir- prayer. Ukrainians Hail Secretary Benson ber 27, 1959 commemorating President, Roman Slobodian, of Ukraine this coming Sunday, October 11, 1959. sky (The Light), Anatole Kur- Minister Michael Starr who the first anniversary of the UNA Treasurer, Mrs. Myro- In Kiev dydyk and Oraelan Tarnav- was scheduled to be a guest new Ukrainian National Home alava Dragan and John Ber- • Uu, . • '• - - sky (Free Word), Alexander speaker, was prevented from in Jersey City, which was vetsky, member of the board right. There are no secrets in Matla (Homin Ukrainy), M. attending the celebration, and ИЕу.'икг”'а'іпе, Oct. 2. Farming Town of Mazeppa, Minn, opened a year ago. The pro­ and manager, respectively, Mr. our agriculture. The important Seleahko (The New Pathway), sent a congratulatory tele­ (AP).-^iJ5^taryt .of Agricul­ gram included the Invocation Kostiv and Anthony Dragan, thing is to move up the stan­ P! Volynlak (New Days).
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