ar Forcing Restrictions On Unions, Industry Collective Bargaining Periled THE VOICE Labor Day Observance Told 6301 Biscayne Blvd. Miami 38, FJa. Threats and pressures resulting from the cold war have cre- Return Requested ated the most serious crisis ever to confront the United States. The decade of the 1960s may prove to be the turning point in the continuing struggle to counteract world-wide communism and to establish a just and lasting peace. Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida The outcome will depend in large measure on decisions made in the field of labor-management relations, with the possibility that the government may be forced to intervene by setting up guidelines which could impose upon both labor and management VOL. IV NO. 24 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy AUGUST 31, 1962 some form of compulsory arbitration. These were some of the striking views expressed by two ALL ROADS LEAD TO MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION HALL Catholic leaders in the field of human and industrial rela- tions at the second annual Labor Day Observance spon- sored by the Diocese of Miami Cardinal To Ordain Refugee Sunday Thursday of this week at the Everglades Hotel. All roads will lead to Miami Beach next Sunday, Sept. 2, for the most distinguished and most significant assemblage in the The speakers were Msgr. history of the Diocese of Miami. George G. Higgins, director of the Social Action Department Beginning at'4 p.m. in ceremonies at the Miami Beach of the National Catholic Welfare Convention Hall, Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of Conference, Washington, and New York, will ordain to the priesthood the first refugee Cuban Father Benjamin Masse, S.J., seminarian to complete his studies in the United States. associate editor of the magazine "America." Then at 7 p.m., a banquet and reception honoring Cardinal Msgr. Higgins presided at the Spellman will be held at the Fontainebleau Hotel. It will be the two earlier seminars held morn- Cardinal's first official visit to the Diocese of Miami. ing and afternoon in the Seven other members of the hierarchy will be present on the Everglades Hotel and he also altar when Cardinal Spellman confers the Sacrament of Holy delivered the sermon at the 5:30 Orders upon the Rev. Mr. Daniel Sanchez, of the Diocese of Pinar p.m. Mass celebrated at Gesu del Rio, Cuba. They are: Church by Msgr. William Bar- ry, P.A. Bishop Eduardo Boza Masvidal, Auxiliary Bishop of Havana Father Masse spoke at the af- and Cuba's most outstanding exile, who will preach the sermon. ternoon seminar on "The Public Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan, head of the metropolitan see of Interest in Labor and Manage- Atlanta, Ga. ment Relations." Principal speaker at the Archbishop John F. Cody, of New Orleans, La. THE REV. MR. SANCHEZ banquet which closed the ob- Bishop Coleman F. Carroll, of Miami. Refugee To Be Ordained (Contiinued On Page 10) Bishop Robert E. Tracy, of Baton Rouge, La. Bishop Francis J. Reh, of Charleston, S.C. Labor, Management Must Not Fail Public Page 7 Bishop Eduardo M. Dalmau, titular bishop of Theuzi. Text of Msgr. Higgins' Labor Day Sermon Page 8 Because the Miami Beach Convention Hall, at 1700 Washington Father Masse's Talk on "Public Interest" Page 9 Ave., is the largest auditorium in the South, with a seating ca- pacity of 15,000, those in charge of arrangements have assured Labor Day Statement of NCWC for 1962 Page 11 that there will be adequate and convenient accommodations for (Continued On Page 3) Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop Of New YoTk How To Get There MIAMI CONVENTION 'St. John Vianney Miracle' HALL Goes On With 198 Enrolled With an enrollment of 198, the Facilities have grown, too. St. John Vianney Seminary will Since the first seminary build- begin its fourth year next week, ing opened in 1959, other con- struction has included an continuing the remarkable addition to that building, a growth which has won for it the college building, science build- designation as "the miracle of ing, and dining hall, a faculty St. ,T"Jm Vianney." residence and this year, open- •. ing for the first time, a second luc total registration of mi- college building which in- nor seminarians this year will cludes a temporary chapel, be 180, it was announced by seating 400. Father James J. Walsh, Dio- cesan Director of Vocations. In the high school depart- In addition, while the philos- ment, those who attended last ophy department of the St. year will report next Monday, Vincent de Paul Major Sem- Sept. 3, between 3 and 5 p.m., inary is being constructed, the while newcomers will report first philosophy class of 18 — all of them graduates of the next Tuesday, Sept. 4, between minor seminary this year — 3 and 5 p.m. will begin classes at St. John Vianney. All college students will re- turn on Thursday, Sept. 6, be- The first class in September, tween 3 and 5 p.m. 1959, numbered 57 and each year since that time the enroll- Keeping pace with the larg- ment has increased as more er enrollment, the size of the faculty has been increased to boys continued to follow the vo- TH cation of studying for the priest- 15, making it one of the most l3 Sr. hood of the Diocese of Miami. (Continued on Page 13) TO BE OPENED BY BISHOP BOZ/L.SUNDAY Week Of Prayer Here For Cuba Bishop Eduardo Boza Masvi- Spellman in the Miami Beach minate in the celebration of the On Saturday, Sept. 8, the stat- dal, exiled auxiliary bishop of Convention Hall next Sunday. Feast of Nuestra Senora de la ue will be taken to the Miami Havana, will open a week of Caridad by the Latin American Stadium where it will be car- Bishop Boza will deliver prayer for the Christian recon- colony in the Miami Stadium ried in procession during the the sermon at the ordination on Saturday, Sept. 8, at 8 p.m. observance there of the feast of struction of Cuba following the Mass which begins at 4 p.m. Nuestra Senora de la Caridad. ordination of a Cuban semi- A statue of Our Lady of El narian by Francis Cardinal The week of prayer will cul- Cobre, patroness of Cuba, smuggled out of that country Cardinal's Desire: to the United States last year, 22,000 Refugees Resettled will occupy a place of honor To Be A Missionary on a flower - bedecked plat- form near the large altar ~ BOSTON (NC) — Richard"' By Catholic Relief Services during Sunday's ordination Cardinal Cushing said here he would gladly go to Latin A- '- More than 90,000 Cuban ref- ceremonies. tied in other areas by these or- ca as a missionary of the-. -*- ganizations, CRS has resettled ugees have been registered and From there, the statue will ety of St. James the Apostle 22,553. These welfare agencies, 22,000 resettled by the Catholic be taken to five parish church- which he founded. as well as the U.S. Employment Relief Services, according to es for evening devotions next "I would gladly resign my of- Service and the administrative week. Bishop Coleman F. Car- fice here and work for my con- Hugh McLoone, director of the offices of the Cuban Emergency roll has granted permission for freres in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia CRS refugee program in Mi- Center, are located in the "Free- the celebration of evening Mass- and other countries where they dom Tower" at Biscayne Blvd. ami. es on the following schedule in will be assigned in the future," and Sixth St. in downtown Mi- these churches: he asserted. CRS has registered 93,289 ami. refugees, out of a total regis- Monday, Sept. 3 -— The Ca- tered by private organizations Catholic Relief Services, an thedral. Latins Warned Of Reds of 136,826 since February, agency of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, employs Tuesday, Sept. 4 — Little BURGOS, Spain (NC) — Com- 1961. Other welfare agencies munism in Latin America has more than 40 persons in Mi- Flower, Coral Gables. and the individuals they have grown from a threat to a tan- registered, include: Interna- ami to assist in the refugee Wednesday, Sept. 5 — SS. Pe- ter and Paul., gible reality, according to Man- tional Rescue Committee, 29,- work. Since most of the refugees uel Fernandez, founder of the 947; Church World Service, are Catholics, CRS has conduct- Voice Photos Thursday, Sept. 6 — Corpus Catholic magazine La Quincena 10,766 and the United He- ed the major portion of the re- Christi. STATUE of Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, patroness of Cuba, of Havana which was suppress- brew Immigrant Aid Society, settlement program. Friday, Sept. 7 — Gesu. ed. will be taken to five parish churches next week for evening 2,824. devotions during a week of prayer for the Christian reconstruc- tion of Cuba. Of the 37,597 refugees reset- The Best m Liturgical Art" NEXT TO ST. MARY'S CHAPEL (through the Arcade) ENTERED SEMINARY IN HAVANA NORTHSIDE THEKET SHOPPING CENTER He Will Be Ordained In Exile toe are not The Rev. Mr. Daniel Sanchez, He had five years of prepara- celebrating its 25th anniversary Locksmiths who will be ordained to the tory study there, followed by and during those 25 years, 1,200 priesthood next Sunday, Sept. 2, three years of philosophy arid priests have been ordained from by Francis Cardinal Spellman, three years of theology, and there. received the sub-diaconate in When his course was finish- — and we don't Archbishop of New York, at the ST.
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