Cheshire Rugby Football Union MEMBERSHIP CARD SEASON 1989/90 Name ............................................................... Club ................................................................ PAST PRESIDENTS: H. M. BlYTHE (1880/83) J. W. H. THORPE(I883/1904) J. BAXTER (1904/42) R. R. RICHARDS (1942/47) T. WALTON (1947/49) R. D. NESBJT(I949/51) W. H. PEMBERTON (1951) N. McCAIG (1951/53) C. H. OFFLAND (1953) A. S. CAIN (1954/56) J. MONTADOUR (1956/58) P. H. DA VIES (1958/60) W. M. SHENNAN (1960/61) D. R. WYN-WILLIAMS (1961/62) . W. G. HOWARD (1962/63) H. V. MIDDLETON (1963/65) W. J. THOMPSON (1965/67) G. C. NODEN (1967/69) N. A. STEEL (1969/71) J. E. STARK (1971/73) E. J. LOADER (1973/75) H. M. CURPHEY (1975n7) A. F. KOENEN (19nJ79) P. G. TURNER (1979/81) A. H. RUSHTON (1981/83) W. S. PLATT (1983/84) G. C. COX (1984/86) A.1. HART (1986/88) M. COHEN (1988/89) OFFICERS FOR YEAR 1989-90 President: W. GOIT. FRICS 4 U ys Enfys. Gwernymynydd. Mold, Clwyd CH7 5NB 0352-57857 (Hom el 051-63261:37 (6us. 12.:Z" Senior Vice-President: J.M. YOUNG 2 Vanderbyl Avenue. Spital. Wirral. Merseyside L62 2AP. 051-334 5834 (Home) Vice-Presidents: C. J. COVENTRY cio J. F. Parker Ltd Davcnport Road, Broadheath. Altrincham. Cheshire WA 14 5EL. 06 1-9280027 (6us.) F. R. POVALL 4 Mere Park Raad. Greasby. Wirral. Merseyside L493GN 051-677 9674 (Home) D. O. DIAMOND 26 Nicholas Street, Chester CH 1 2PQ 0244-321111 (6us.) Pasl Presidents: H. V. MIDDLETON Sunnybank, Flat l, Holl y Road North , Wilm slow. Cheshire SK9 IND. Wilmslow 527855 (Home) W.J.THOMPSON Hunstanton. Kenelm Raad. Rhos-on-Sea 0492-44524 (Home) G.c. NOD EN 147 F~~lei,nË~~~Fr~~33B~~~lands. 06 1-973923 1 (Home) N.A. STEEL Borrowdalc. Spital Raad. Bromborough. W irra l, Merseyside L62 2AF. 051-3341776 (Home). J, E. STARK 16 Wealstone Court, Chester CH2 IHA. Chester3 17851 (Home). A. F. KOENEN 33 Woodcote Avenue, Bramhall, Cheshire SK7 3ND. 061-4856772 (Home). P.G.TURNER BakeMa~â~~atf~l d2~K~~ I ~Ë~oad. 0625-611012 (Home). A. H. RUSHTON 25 Laburnam Grove. Irby, Wirra l. Merseyside L61 4UT. 051-6485353 (Home). G. C. COX 47 La th am Avenue, Helsby, "c-. .. \.'''' Warrington. Chesh ire WA60DY. " \'" 6 1... Helsby 2108 (Home), A. I. HART The Hermi tage, 7 l n&cstre Road. Birkenhead, Merseyside L435UY 051·6520375 (Home), 051-486 3151 (Bus.) M.COHEN ~i ~;c~~I:fi~ ~ ~ê~~~f,:~eu~~ PO~~"x 0625-243 17 (Home), 0625-613 111 (Bus.) Hon Secretary: D. 1. ADAMS 7 Beaumaris Drive. Thingwall. Wirral. Mem:yside L61 7XP. 051-6481681 (Home) Asst. Hon Secretary: J. N.LENTON 27 Foxcover Raad. Heswall Hills. Wirral. Merseyside L60 1YB. 051-3423923 (Home). Hon. Treasurer: M.COHEN Linnells. Marlborough Drive. Macelesfield. Cheshire SKIO 2JX. Macelesfield 24317 (Home). 613111 (Bus.). Asst. Hon. Treasurer: N. H. MIDDLEBROOK 27 Clarendon Raad. Sale. Cheshire M33 2DU. 061-962 2957 (Home). Hon. Match Secretary: A. RIPLEY 19 Melling Raad. Wallasey. Wirral 051-6911562 (Home). R.F.U. County Representative: D. O. D1AMOND 26 Nicholas Street, Chester CH 1 2PQ. Chester 321111 (Bus.). R.F.U. Privilege Member: N.A.STEEL Borrowdale. Spital Raad. Bromborough. Wirral. Mem:yside L622AF. 051-3341776(Home). " R.F.U. Colts Association Represent ative: B.EWING Philton. Wolfrick Drive. Spital. Wirral. Merseyside L639NB. 051-3349619 (Home). R.F.S.U. Count y Representative: J.M. YOUNG 2 Vanderbyl Avenue. Bromborough. Merseys ide L622AP. 051-334 5834 (Home). Oivisional RepresentalÎves: G. C. COX. D. O. DIAMOND. D. 1. ADAMS Courage Clubs Championship Representative: G. S. ANDREWS Honorary Medical Officer: Dr. W. T. DUNNE 6The Royal. Hoylake. Wirral L47IHB. 05 1-6323507 Physiotherapist: P. BURKE 82 Farnworth Road . Penketh. Warringlon. 0925-727209 R.F.U. Senior Coach: D. HUGHES R.F.U. Coaching Award Holders: M. ALLEN. L. DAVIES, P. FRANCIS.J. GREEN. B. HUGHES. S. LANDER, R. PINDER Honorary Lire Members: G. H. GIBSON, M.B.E .. W. FLETCHER. H. V. MIDDLETON. N. A. STEEL. AIR-COMMODORE R. H. G. WEIGHILL. C.B.E .. D.F. C. Auditor: W. POITS. F.C.C.A. ~klq jolt U\ol~ e' (. ~ÎJ . COMMITIEE Ashton-an-Mersey: M. WILLIAMS. 2 Wayside Cio Lymm. Cheshire. 0925 7545\0 (Home); 0925 33~_ (Bus.). Birkenhead Park: G. S. ANDREWS 2 Ravenswood Raad. Heswall. Wirral. Merseyside L616UA. 051- 3422170 (Home). Bowdon: B. F. FALLON. Il Kenmore Drive. Timperley. Cheshire WAI5 BQN. 061-9BO 2477 (Home). Caldy: T. 1. F. PRICE. 6 Graham Raad. West Kirby. Wirral L48 5DW. 051-6325232 (Home); 051-632 3201 (Bus.). CapenhurSI: G. HODGSON. 24 Queens Gardens. Ellesmere Port. South Wirral L65 7DN. 051-357 \320 (Home). Cheshire Conslabulary: B.E. BAISTER. The Cedars. 3 Kidderton Close. Faddiley. Crewe. Cheshire CW5 BJU. 027074465 (Home); 0244 350000 (EX!. 2002) (Bus.). Cheshire Fire Brigade:- CheSler: J. A. JARVIS. 59 Hartington Street. Handbridge. Chester CH4 7BN. 0244 676432 (Home); 051-3557272 (Bus.). Chester Col/ege: P. E. GRINTER. 29 Bache Drive. Upton. Chester CH2 2JB. 024-1 38tl\57 (Home); 0244 3754-14 (Bus.). Chris/le/on: T. JONES. 75 Green Lane. Great SUllon, South Wirral. 051·339 3424 (Home); 051-327 4256 (Bus.). Cong/elOn: D. A. PALIN, 12 Bailey Crescent, Congleton, Cheshire CWl2 2EW. 0260 275781 (Home); 0260275781 (Bus.). Crewe & A/sager Co//ege: Crewe & Nantwich: J. FERGUSON, 40 London Road. Stapeley. Nantwich. 027U 6248U4 (Home); 027U 663993 (Bus.). Doug/os (I.O.M.): P. GARRETT 15 St. George's Street. Douglas. Isle of Man. U624 29U37 (Home); 1162424535 (Bus.). Dukinfie/d: M. S NIELD. 23 Grant Close. Old Hall. Great Sankey. Warrington WAS 50Y. 0925 33U23 (Home); 1161-998 7284 (Bus.). Helsby: B. McLEAN. 23 Conery Close. Helsby WA69PJ.092-824746(Home). Ho/mes Chapel: R. DYSON. 19 Station Road.· Holmes Chapel. Cheshire. Il4n 34683 (Home). Hoy/ake: D. WESTERN. White COllage. 118 Irby Road. Heswall. Wirral. Merseyside L61 6XQ. U51-6483211!1 (Home). Liverpool Polytechnic: Lymm: C. ROWE. 22 Grave Avenue. Lymm WA\30HF.0925-754687. Macc/esfÙ!ld: A. J. CLOSE. 30 Roan Court. Macclesfield. Cheshire. 0625 34602. 0625 51 Hl20. Manchester Insurance Ins,i/U,e: M. S. MILLIGAN. 35 Lady thorn Road. 8ramhall. Cheshire SK7 2EY. 061-4400469 (Home); 061-787 8787 (8us.). Marple: K. A. A880n. 136 Station Road. Hadfield. Hyde. Cheshire SKI4 7AA. 061-8325705 (8us.); 04574 61516 (Home). Mid-Cheshire College: G. KENNEDY. 1 Beechwood Drive. Wincham. Northwich. Cheshire. 056-589 3889 (Home); 061-485 6222 (8us.). Moore: R. JOHNSON. 53 Shepperton Close. Dudlows Green. Appleton. Wamngton. Cheshire WA45JZ. 0925604191 (Home & 8us.). New Brighton: J. C. 8. PINNINGTON. The 'Dalœrry. 91 Telegra(!h Road. Heswall. Willal ~ L600AE.OSl-3427773(Home);0244390440(8us.). Old Anselmians: D. J. MASON. 3 Brimstage Avenue. Hil!her 8ebington. Wirral. Cheshire L63 5QH. OSr-608 7027 (Home). Otd Birkonians; D. EWING. 48 Silver 8irch Way. Whitby. South Willal L66 2UX. 051-339 1839 (Home). 9 1 Old l":'l0nians: A. E. BUSHELL. 68 Village Road. HigherBebington. Wirral.051.()()86311. Old Parkonians; R. W. KNIGHT. 40 Athelstan Close. Bromborough. Wirral L62 2EX. 051-334 9974 (Home). Old Rockferrians: A. J. JONES. 170 Meols Parade. Meols. Wirral. Merseyside L47 6AN. 051-632 3gJ5 (Home);061-8~3273(Bus.). Old Salians: R. LOWE. 30 Ashlands. Sale. Cheshire M33 5PD. 061-969 7856 (Home); 062S 529985 (Bus.). Oldenhaw: D. P. WRIGHT. Tynron Colta~e. West Road. Noctorum. Birkenhead. MerseYSIde L43 9UH. 041-65211402 (Home); Chester 325123 (Bus.). Peel (I.O.M.): G. CLEATOR. 5 Selbome Drive. Douglas. Isle of Man. 11624 22188 (Home); 11624 29203 (Bus.). Peninsular Veterans: J. J. MOSCROP. 8 Roman Road. Meols. Wirral'L47 6AQ. 051-632 ~99 (Home); 115 1-6S222 14 (Bus.). Port Sunlight: D. JONES. 14 Mill Road. Higher Bebington. Wirral. Merseyside L63 SOQ. 1151-6118 8808 (Home); 051-7096133 (Bus.). RanlSey (I.O.M.): B. A. STRICKETT. Trammon. Walpole Road. Ramsey. Isle of Man. 11624812021 (Home): 11624 75415 (Bus.). Ronaldsway (I.O.M.): M. J. LORD. Sale: R. A. PULLIN. 141 Norley Road. Cuddinglon. Northwich CW8 2TB. 06116888573 (Home); 11925 3221-11 (Bus.). lU Sandbach: D. HOWARD. 14 Brookfteld Drive. Holmes Cha"",l. Cheshire CW4 7DT. 0477 32948 (Home); 060b 882192 (Bus.). Shell (Carrington): C. BLACKBURN. 37 Derwent Road. Unnston. Manchester. 061-748 9980 (Home); 0925 835457 (Bus.). Shell (Stanlow): D. 8. PYE. Il Robins CroIt. Whitby. South Wirral L66 2LO. 051-355 2973 (Home); 051-373 5722 (8us.). Simon: J. SUTCLIFFE. 108 Crossefteld Road. Cheadle Hulme. Cheadle. Cheshire SK8 5PF. 061-486 0238 (Home»; 061-4807331 (8us.). Southem Nomods (J.O. M.): M. J. LORD. Thom Cross: S. HUETSON. 100 ThelwaIl New Road. Thelwall. Warrington. Cheshire WA4 4UY. 0925 601540 (Home); 0925 602081 (Ext. 236) (8us.). Vagabonds (I.O.M.): M. J. LORD. 68 Hoole Road. Chester. 0244 312702 (Home). Vawchall Motors: D. FRIDAY, 8 Fulwood Mews. Little Sutton. South Wirral. 051-339 8847 (Home); 051-3553777 (Ext. 596) (8us.). Wallosey: H. REES. 4 The Orchard. Wallasey. Wirral. 051-6384685 (Home). Whitehouse Park: F. WILLIAMS. 23 Rawdon Close. Palace Fields. Runcom WA7 200. 0928 718738 (Home). Wilmslow: M. J. HAMLIN. Phoenix House. 6 Foxley Close. Lymm. 0925-756050. Winnin,8!on Park: J. DAVIES. 30 Greendale Drive. Mtddlewich. Cheshire CWIO OPH. 0606 843638 (Home); 0606 552300 (8us.) II Winsford: S. JONES. Rifteman Inn. Weaver Street. Winsford. 0606593269 (Home). Wirra/: D. B. LEWIS. Dibbinsdale Lodge. Dibbinsdale Road. Bromborougb. Wirral. Cheshire L63 OHQ. 051-334 2937 (Home). Referees' Society: W. BUCKLAND. 28 Dinmore Road. Wallasey. WirraI. 051-6382051 (Home). e. BUCKLEY. 30 Ramilles Avenue. Cheadle Hu1me. Cheshire SK8 7 AL. 061-485 6030 (Home). Schools: M. J. BRIERS. 49 Mount Road. Hidler Bebington.
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