THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW NOVA SCOTIA CANADA'S EASTERN GATEWAY NOV A SCOTIA is the nearest Canadian Province to Great Britain. As the oldest estab­ Ilshed Province of the Dominion, it has more to offer the newcomer from the standpoint of social conditions, than the newer Provinces of the west. There are other important reasons however, why British people should settle in Nova Scotia. NOV A SCOTIA has the most basic resOurces for industrial development of any portion of the American Continent. While her industries are expanding rapidly, agriculture still remains of prime importance and last year the Province was favored with crops to the estimated value of over $35,000,000. ANNUAL WEALTH Returns for 1922 Coal .. ........ .. ... .. .. ...................... .......... $30,180,000 Coke and By Products .......................... .... .. ... .. 2,600,000 Gold and other Minerals .. ........ .. " ................... 214,COO Gypsum, Limestone, etc . .............. .. .... .. ...... .... 2,850,000 Building Materials and Clay Products ............. ... ..... 1,730,OCO Iron and Steel Products .............. .. ......... ...... ... 11,000,000 Fi~h~ri~s .... .. .... .. .. ........... ... ........... ...... .. 12,720,000 Manufactures, Ships and Freights .......... ................ 55,360,000 Products of the Farm ... .. .................... ............ 34,318,500 Products of the Forest ..... ............................. 11,180,000 GaIIle and Furs ........................................... 890,000 Grand Total ............................................. $163,042,500 NOV A SCOTIA has land suitable for Mixed Farming, Market Gardening, Dairying, Sheep Raising and Fruit Growing. Her apples are aIIlong the finest flavored in the world. Trees bear from five to ten years after planting and yield profitably for from sixty to one hundred years. Nearly a million acres of land not yet planted are suitable for orcharding. NOVA SCOTIA has strong local markets and unexcelled opportunities for exporting. Her ports, a number of which rank aIIlong the most accessible and safest harbors in the World, are near to the great international trade routes. NOV A SCOTIA, unlike the great prairie Provinces of Canada, the development of which depend very largely upon one or two resources, presents the greatest variety of agricultural industrial and Commercial opportunities of any part of the Dominion of Canada. Full information supplied .on application to JOHN HOWARD, ESQ., W. B. MAcCoy, Agent General Secretary Industries and Immigration 57 Pall Mall, London, S. W .1. Hal1f~, N. S. ii THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW Don't Write Home­ Telephone! Would you rather write a letter to a person or talk with him? Would you rather read a letter from a man or talk with him? Why, you would prefer to talk every time. So would anyone. Writing letters is invariably a bore. The written word is at best but a poor substitute for the spoken one. That's why the student's practice of writing a weekly letter home is falling into the discard. The TeJephone Talk over the Long Distance lines, with its free and easiness and the element of give and take, which make it all but as good as a face to face chat, has ousted the weekly epistle from its wonted place. MARITIME TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE CoMPANY ======== LIMITED ======== HALIFAX NOVA SCOTIA THE DALHOUSIE RElVEW iii MAVYCUT CIGARETIES "Super- Q.uality" 10 for-IS! .20 " N>" dnd in fins of I' gO tiM IOO More sold than all other brands combined Beautifully eool and SweetSmo~ iT THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW UJlJr Agricultural QInlltgr TRURO, NOVA SCOTIA OFFERS A. Scholastic Course for those who are applicants for degrees in Agriculture. B. Practical Farm Course, Two Years. C. Series of Practical Short Courses. Several graduates now holding prominent Dominion and Pro­ vincial situations were graduates of Colleges and Universities be­ fore entering the Agricultural College. TUITION FREE to students from the Maritime Provinces For Full Particulars write M. CUMMING, Principal TRURO, N. S. THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW v iulqnustr lllutnrrstty HALIFAX, N. S. (With which King's College is now associated). Arts Science Commerce Music Engineering Pharmacy Law Medicine Dentistry Valuable Entrance Scholarships: Nine of value $200.00 to $85.00, awarded on results of matriculation examinations, September 23rd-26th, 1924. Equally Valuable Scholarships: Awarded at end of each year of course. UNIVERSITY HALL, residence for men. on banks of North West Arm. temporarily the home of King's College. SHIRREFF HALL, beautiful new residence for women. REGISTRATION DAYS, September 23rd to 27th for all Arts and Science students and first year students in Engineering, Medicine and Dentis­ try. September 8th for all other students. FOR FULL INFORMATION apply in person or by letter to the Registrar. vi THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW 1A1altfax 1Jja~tr!1' OJullrgr aull <!!ouspruatory of .fllluSlr THE COLLEGE THE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC MISS E. F. BLACKWOOD, Principal. MR. H. DEAN, Director. School Course ieading to graduation. All grades in all branches to graduation. Special Courses in French, Physical Train­ Teacher's Certificate. ing, Stenography. Licentiate of Music from Dalhousie. Art Courses leading to Teacher's Diploma Bachelor of Music from Dalhousie. School of Expression leading to graduation For Calendars and Information apply to MRS. M. E. TAYLOR, Secretary, HALIFAX, N. S. mlJr ,rrlibytrrtau OJullrgr PINE HILL, HALIFAX In affil;ation with Dalhousie University ROVIDES instruction in the Theological subjects prescribed for Ministers or the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Residential accommodation is available for 115 men during both their Arts P and Theological courses. Bursaries also are ohtainable. Application for accommodation in the Residence should be made early to the Dean. Prof. H. A. Kent. Pine Hill. For fmther information about courses, con­ ditions, and privileges apply to the Principal CLARENCE McKINNON, PINE HILL, HALIFAX, N. S. Nuua ~rutta wrrlJutral OJullrgr AFFILIATED WITH ACADIA. DALHOUSIE, KINGS, MT. ALLISON, ST. FRANCIS XAVIER and ST. MARY'S. Offers Courses leading to the Degree of B.Sc. in CIVIL, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL AND MINING ENGINEERING TWENTY SCHOLARSHIPS COVERING FULL TUITION. TUITION $75.00 per year. SHORT COURSES IN LAND SURVEYING, ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING, STEAM ENGINEERING, TECHNICAL CHEMISTRY, ETC., ETC. CORRESPONDENCE STUDY COURSES IN A LARGE Nu"rBER OF CO"!MERCIAL AND TECHNIcAL SUBJECTS F. H. SEXTON, D.Sc .• L.L.D., Principal., HALIFAX, N. S. THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW vii PORT HOPE wriuily (!tnllrgr ~rqnnl ONTARIO HEAD MASTER: REV. F. GRAHAM ORCHARD, M.A., CAMBRIDGE, D.O ., TRINITY The School Is now in its 58th year. The Large and Hand- some New Fireproof Buildings are furnished with all modern appliances for the health and comfort of the boys. Pupils are prepared for the Honour and Junior Matriculation Examinations of the Universities, the Entrance Examinations of the Law and Medical Schools, the Royal Military College. Army, Navy, etc. The school premises include upwards of fifty acres of land, which afford Ample Grounds for Cricket. Football. Tennis and Other Out-Door Games. There is also a spacious and handsome brick Gymnasium. with playroom for use in bad weather, and a new covered Skating Rink. The Junior School. under a separate staff, provides fo r boys between the ages of eight and fourteen. Only Boarders are taken and there is a staff of 15 Masters for 160 boys. Fur copies of Ihe prospecluses apply 10 Ihe Head Masler. ROCKCLIFFE PARK Al1qbufY Qtnlltgt OTTAWA, ONTARIO BEAUTIFUL SITE. MODERN FIRE-PROOF BUILDINGS. RESIDENT EXTENSIVE PLAY - GROUNDS, ETC. SCHOOL FOR Special training jor R- M. C. and Universities BOYS McGill Arts McGill Science Founded 1891 Fur CalendaT Apply 10 REV. G. P. WOOLLCOMBE, M. A., Head MtU/" N Buckingham Palace Today­ I In Your Home Tomorrow? '1r' HE Princess Royal Piano made by us is a replica \.Wof the one selected by H. R. H. the Princess Royal and christened by her "Princess Royal". The original rests in her quarters in Bucking­ PRINCESS ham Palace. The replica-identical in every respect with the one that won the wonderful ROYAL distinction of being chosen above all other instruments by one with exalted musical taste A ROYAL and authoritative tutoring-can be yours for AMHERST a moderate amount. PIANO Superb-Supreme-it confers distinction .on the home that has one; it ministers to every musical mood with a beauty and fullness no other instrument can attain. AMHERST PIANOS LIMITED, AMHERST By ROYAL ApPOINTMENT TO H. R. H. THE PRINCESS ROYAL viii THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW DOMINION The ATLANTIC Canada Permanent RAILWAY Trust Company Paid - up Capital, $1,000,000.80 Executors TRAVEL via The Acad- Trustees ian Land and Canadian Administrators Pacific from Halifax, Nova AUTHORIZED TRUSTEE UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Scotia, to Montreal, Toronto, Bra""h Officu fTGm Ih. AI/Qnlic to Ih, PtU:itk Winnipeg and West We are prepared to manage proper­ ties and collect rents and mortgage interest, collect and deposit interest And enjoy the charms of a coupons, dividends, etc., at a moderate trip through the far-famed fee. Wills may be filed in our vaults free of charge and a receipt will be given "Land of Evangeline" therefor. Vou are at liberty to make use of our premises <lnd examine your will touching fascinating Dighy at any time. so picturesquely situated on SAFETY ' DEPOSIT V AULTS a charming slope with placid Our burglar and fire proof vaults are equipped with Safety Deposit boxes "Annapolis Basin" which may be rented. Special arrange­ ments have been made for the convenience at its very feet. of customers when e:<:amining securities. Our premises are conveniently located on Barrington street, in the centre of the shopping district. The staunch oil-burner "Em­ press", after an interesting PERSONAL INTERVIEWS sail across romantic "Fundy" We are very glad at any time to lands you in St. John, N. B. furnish explanations or give any advice whence the luxurious c.P.R. in our power covering business which trains, the pride of Canada, would come within the scope of a Trust . take you comfortably along Company. If there is any assistance we can offer in this way. it will be freely on your Western journey.
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