S. No. Name of the Ph.D Name of the Name of the guide/s Title of the Thesis Year of Year of Scholar Department registration award of of the Ph.D scholar AIH & Archaeology 1 Jai Chand AIH & Archaeology Prof. Anil Kumar Ákphu Hkkjr dh vFkZO;oLFkk ds fodkl esa 2011 2019 foKku ,oa rduhd dk ;ksxnku ¼ÁkxSfrgkfld dky ls 600 bZ0 rd½ 2 Ram Sajeevan AIH & Archaeology Dr. Dugesh Srivastava ekS;Z ;qxhu vFkZO;oLFkk rFkk orZeku esa 2011 2019 Bhardwaj mldh ÁklafxdrkA 3 Anurag Kumar Yadav AIH & Archaeology Prof. Anil Kumar lkfgR; ,o a vfHkys[kksa esa of.kZr Ákphu Hkkjr 2011 2019 dk HkkSxksfyd Lo:i 4 Om Prakash AIH & Archaeology Dr. Anil Kumar izkphu Hkkjrh; bfrgkl esa O;kolkf;d 2011 2018 xfrfof/k;kWa vkSj lkaLd``frd fodkl esa mudk ;ksxnku 5 Reeta Chaudhary AIH & Archaeology Dr. D.K. Srivastava dkfynkl ds xzUFkksa esa mfYyf[kr lekt 2011 2018 vkSj laLd``fr 6 Garima Bharti AIH & Archaeology Dr. Piyush Bhargava The concept of Buddha, 2011 2018 Bodhisattava and the Buddhist deities in Literature and Art. 7 Rajveer Singh Kashyap AIH & Archaeology Dr. Anil Kumar izkphu Hkkjrh; lSU; O;oLFkk dh iz”kklu esa 2012 2018 Hkwfedk ¼oSfnd dky ls xqIr dky rd½ 8 Rajesh Kumar Patel AIH & Archaeology Prof. S.K. Jaiswal nf{k.k Hkkjrh; pkyqD; ;qxhu laLÑfr dk 2011 2018 ,sfrgkfld v/;;uA 9 Jai Kumar AIH & Archaeology Dr. Anil Kumar izkphu Hkkjrh; vkfFkZd bfrgkl ds v/;;u 2011 2018 esa iqjkrkfRod lzksrksa dk egRo 10 Prashant Baboo AIH & Archaeology Dr. D.P. Tewari iapky jkT; ds vfHkys[k] flDds ,oa ewfrZ;kWa 2012 2017 S. No. Name of the Ph.D Name of the Name of the guide/s Title of the Thesis Year of Year of Scholar Department registration award of of the Ph.D scholar 11 Ram Kumar AIH & Archaeology Dr. Prashant Srivastava izkphu Hkkjrh; bfrgkl dk xqIrdky 2011 2017 Lo.kZdky% ,d feFkd 12 Dinesh Kr. Yadav AIH & Archaeology Dr. D.K. Srivastava mRrj Hkkjr esa lkekftd^&vkfFkZd ifjorZu 2011 2017 ¼bZ0iw0 200 ls 500 bZ0 rd½ 13 Shweta Singh Gaur AIH & Archaeology Dr. Amar Singh eFkqjk ,oa y[kuÅ ds jktdh; laxzgky;ks esa 2008 2017 mi nsork % ,d izfrek foKku fo’k;d v/;;u 14 Gyanendra Singh AIH & Archaeology Dr. S.K. Jaiswal lkrokgu;qxhu izeq[k lkfgfR;d d``fr;ksa 2012 2016 vkSj vfHkys[kksa esa of.kZr jktuhfr dk ,sfrgkfld v/;;u 15 Arvind Kushwaha AIH & Archaeology Dr. D.P. Tewari lk[; x.kjkT;% ,d lkaLÑrd ,oa 2011 2016 iqjkrkRrfod v/;;uA 16 Arvind Rautela AIH & Archaeology Dr. Piyush Bhargava izfrgkj dyk dk foLrkj 2008 2016 17 Angad Kr. Singh AIH & Archaeology Dr. D.P. Tewari lksuHknz tuin dk iqjkrRo 2012 2016 18 Shyam Prakash AIH & Archaeology Dr. D.P. Tewari gjnksbZ tuin dk iqjkrRo 2012 2016 19 Ram Chandra AIH & Archaeology Dr. S.K. Jaiswal ckS) /keZ vkSj mldh fujarjrk&Hkkjrh; 2006 2016 lekt ds fo”ks’k lUnHkZ esa 20 Pradeep Kr. Verma AIH & Archaeology Dr. D.K. Srivastava izkphu Hkkjrh; lekt esa yksd dyk vkSj 2011 2016 ;{k izfrek,a ¼flU/kqdky ls “kaqx dky rd ½ 21 Nidhi Siddharth AIH & Archaeology (Teacher Candidate) izkphu Hkkjr esa oL= m|ksx a ¼flU/kq lH;rk 2009 2016 ls ysdj lkroha “krkCnh bZ0 rd ½ S. No. Name of the Ph.D Name of the Name of the guide/s Title of the Thesis Year of Year of Scholar Department registration award of of the Ph.D scholar 22 Vandana Gupta AIH & Archaeology Dr. Prashant Srivastava izkphu Hkkjrh; bfrgkl esa _f’k ifRu;kW a a 2011 2016 ¼_XoSfnd dky ls 12oha lnh rd ½ 23 Rachana Singh AIH & Archaeology Dr. S.K. Jaiswal iwoZ e/;dkyhu izeq[k lkfgfR;d d``fr;ksa esa 2011 2016 of.kZr mRrj Hkkjrh; lkekftd ,o a vkfFkZd laxBu 24 Shipra Srivastava AIH & Archaeology Dr. S.N. Kapur dFkk lfjRlkxj &,d lkaLd``frd v/;;u 2008 2015 25 Hanuman Ji AIH & Archaeology Dr. S.N. Mishra e/; xaxk ?kkVh ds ik= ijaijkvksa dk 2006 2015 u``rRoh; iqjkrkfRod v/;;u ¼vkjEHk ls NBh “krkCnh bZ0iw0 rd½ 26 Martand Pt. Singh AIH & Archaeology Dr. G.S. Bhadouria /kkfeZd lfg’.kqrk dh vfHko``f) esa izkphu 2006 2015 Hkkjrh; ujs”kksa dk ;ksxnku 27 Asha Gupta AIH & Archaeology Dr. S.N. Mishra iwoZ e/;dkyhu mRrj Hkkjr ds izeq[k 2007 2015 jktoa”kksa dh jktLo O;oOLFkk 28 Manoj Kumar Tiwari AIH & Archaeology Dr. S.N. Mishra izeq[k mifu’knksa dk lkaLd``frd v/;;u 2004 2015 S. No. Name of the Ph.D Name of the Name of the guide/s Title of the Thesis Year of Year of Scholar Department registration award of of the Ph.D scholar Anthropology 1 Priyanka Verma Anthropology Prof. Udai Pratap Singh Anthropological study of 2008 2019 reproductive and sexual Health of females of Mal Paharia tribe of Jharkand. 2 Sudhir Patel Anthropology Prof. Nadeem Hasnain An Anthropological study of 2011 2019 occupational Status among the Beedi makers of Chattisgarh (India) 3 Radhika Singh Anthropology Prof. Nadeem Hasnain Social Context of Elementary 2011 2019 Education in Rural India An Exploratory study in Mainpuri District of Uttar Pradesh. 4 Mahesh C Pal Anthropology Prof. Udai Pratap Singh Study of ethnomedicinal aspects 2011 2019 among the tribal inhabitants of Bajag Forest of Dindauri District M.P. India 5 Kuldeep Chandra Anthropology Prof. Udai Pratap Singh Bharat ki vrihad pariyojnao ke 2011 2019 parinamswaroop hone wale visthapan, punarwas evam samajik arthik parivartanon ka manav vaigyanik adhyan- Sardar Sarovar bandh pariyojna ke vishesh sandarbh mein S. No. Name of the Ph.D Name of the Name of the guide/s Title of the Thesis Year of Year of Scholar Department registration award of of the Ph.D scholar 6 Varsha Anthropology Prof. Udai Pratap Singh Mahila Sashaktikaran: Purvi Uttar 2011 2019 Pradesh ki dalit evam picde varg ki mahilaon ke vishesh paripekshya mein 7 Suchi Yadav Anthropology Prof. Udai Pratap Singh Changing Social Economic and 2011 2019 Labour Structure- A study with special reference to Manrega and Pris en villege of Allahabad District 8 Annop Kr Bajpai Anthropology Prof. Udai Pratap Singh The study on Periodontal diseases 2010 2019 and Assesment of Oral hygiene status in District Barabanki 9 Ravindra Kr Keshav Anthropology Prof. A.P.Singh The study of Health and Hygiene 2010 2019 among mentally retarded Childrens of Lucknow District U.P. 10 Gaurav Mishra Anthropology Prof. Udai Pratap Singh Forensic Applications of Molecular 2011 2019 Anthropology-A Study of Human blood with Special Reference to Alu Markers S. No. Name of the Ph.D Name of the Name of the guide/s Title of the Thesis Year of Year of Scholar Department registration award of of the Ph.D scholar 11 Tara Bhatt Anthropology Dr. Keya Pandey Maternal and New Born Health 2013 2019 care practices among Slums of Lucknow- A socio Culture Study 12 Kiran Kumari Anthropology Dr. Keya Pandey Food and Food Habbits among the 2011 2019 Chamars of Hardoi District of U.P. India 13 Tripti Shukla Anthropology Prof. Nadeem Hasnain Embroidering Dreams in Textile:A 2012 2018 study in Socio Economic status of Chikan workers of Lucknow 14 Harshita Tripathi Anthropology Dr. Keya Pandey Management of Livelihood in 2008 2017 droughts affected Rural areas (in rice based farming system) of Sultanpur Distt. Of Eastern U.P.: An Anthropological perspective. 15 Anjana Singh Anthropology Prof. Udai Pratap Singh Study of Genotoxic attributes of 2010 2017 Pan Masala and Betal among Fashionable Chews of Urban and Peri UrbanLucknow dist. S. No. Name of the Ph.D Name of the Name of the guide/s Title of the Thesis Year of Year of Scholar Department registration award of of the Ph.D scholar 16 Shama Naz Anthropology Prof. Nadeem Hasnain Sonebhdra jile ki Agariyajanjati me 2011 2017 Mahilawo ki prashthi ek anvaishanatak aadhayan 17 Saumayta Pandey Anthropology Prof. Nadeem Hasnain Study Empowerment 2007 2017 Anthropologically Role of Women Organisation in Empowerment of women in Lucknow District. 18 Arun Kumar Tiwari Anthropology Prof.A.P.Singh foLFkkiu ,oa iquokZl dk ,d ekuo'kkL=h; 2008 2016 v/;;u fVgjh cka/k ifj;kstuk ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esaA 19 Reeta Gautam Anthropology Prof. A.P.Singh Hkkjr ns’k ds mRrj izns’k jkT; ds y[kheiqj [khjh 2009-10 2016 ftys ds Fkk# tutkfr dk lkekftd lakLd`frd vkSj vkfFkZd ifjorZu dk ekuooSKkfud v/;;u” 20 Soni Verma Anthropology Dr. Keya Pandey mjk¡o tutkfr ds e/; ekuotkfr fpfdRlk % ,d 2010 2016 v/;;u” 21 Swati Singh Kushwaha Anthropology Prof. A.P. Singh "Family marriege kingship among 2008 2016 the tharus of Lakhimpur Khire." S. No. Name of the Ph.D Name of the Name of the guide/s Title of the Thesis Year of Year of Scholar Department registration award of of the Ph.D scholar 22 Anjali Vimal Anthropology Prof. Udai Pratap Singh Shiksha evam mahilaon ki 2010 2016 prastithi: Rajasthan ki meena janjati ka manavshastriy adhyan 23 Jaya Atal Anthropology Prof. Indu Sahai dksYVk&mRrjk[k.M dk ,d gfjtu tkfr 2007 2015 leqnk; lkekftd ,o a vkfFkZd ifjorZu ds ifjis{; esa ,d ekuo'kkL=h; v/;;uA 24 Riddhi Srivastva Anthropology Prof. Indu Sahai "Caste Dynamics Today: A Study 2007 2015 of A Religious Center of Rural Lucknow." 25 Jyoti Shukla Anthropology Prof. A.P.Singh "A Study of Cchid Bearing and 2005 2015 Rearing Practices Amongst Tharu Tribals of Lakhimpur- Khrri Uttar Pradesh." 26 Jyotioka Singh Anthropology Prof. Samreena Maiti "Art and Ritual: Their 2010 2015 Interrelation, Interdependence and importance." 27 Archana Singh Anthropology Prof.
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