E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2014 No. 23 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was vote on agreeing to the Speaker’s ap- marijuana last year? He complained called to order by the Speaker pro tem- proval of the Journal. that people think marijuana is benign. pore (Mr. HASTINGS of Washington). The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Well, I don’t think marijuana is be- f question is on the Speaker’s approval nign, but I can understand how people of the Journal. can get confused when so-called ‘‘ex- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER The question was taken; and the perts’’ cannot give straight answers. PRO TEMPORE Speaker pro tempore announced that Federal law says that marijuana is The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the ayes appeared to have it. more dangerous than cocaine and fore the House the following commu- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, on methamphetamine, which everybody nication from the Speaker: that I demand the yeas and nays. knows is a lie. WASHINGTON, DC, The yeas and nays were ordered. Unlike marijuana, tobacco use is fall- February 6, 2014. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ing. Unlike marijuana, we don’t arrest I hereby appoint the Honorable DOC HAS- ant to clause 8, rule XX, further pro- millions of people for using tobacco. TINGS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this ceedings on this question will be post- Tobacco use has been cut almost two- day. poned. thirds because we have been honest JOHN A. BOEHNER, f about the facts. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Maybe there’s a lesson for our drug f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE policy officials: if you want to discour- PRAYER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the age marijuana use, be honest and be di- gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. rect. Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, St. NEAL) come forward and lead the House f Luke Institute, Washington, D.C., of- in the Pledge of Allegiance. INVEST IN U.S. ACT OF 2014 fered the following prayer: Mr. NEAL led the Pledge of Alle- O God, you are the Lord of Heaven giance as follows: (Mr. NEAL asked and was given per- and Earth, yet You are humble and it I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the mission to address the House for 1 is Your delight to serve us, Your be- United States of America, and to the Repub- minute and to revise and extend his re- loved children. We pray that we too lic for which it stands, one nation under God, marks.) might have that same spirit of humil- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ity and a deep desire to serve. f to talk about a piece of legislation that May we be especially mindful of I have introduced to boost our econ- those who are struggling, those who ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER omy, invest in our crumbling infra- are suffering, and those who are poor. PRO TEMPORE structure, and create jobs. You have a special love for them; may The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The economy is in need of a jolt, a we have that same love. Chair will entertain up to five requests proverbial shot in the arm to get it We thank You for being the humble, for 1-minute speeches on each side of moving again. The need for this legis- loving God that You are. May we be- the aisle. lation is clear. Our unemployment rate come more like You: loving, humble, f is too high, the number of jobs created serving. We pray this in Your holy too low, and income inequality has name. DRUG POLICIES—BE HONEST AND made our recovery uneven, at best. Amen. DIRECT Eight million jobs were wiped out f (Mr. BLUMENAUER asked and was during the recession. We have to get given permission to address the House them back. I have introduced the In- THE JOURNAL for 1 minute.) vest in U.S. Act. My legislation will go The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, a long way toward helping the econ- Chair has examined the Journal of the Wednesday, in a congressional hearing, omy take off again. last day’s proceedings and announces under oath, Michael Botticelli, the It makes strategic investments in in- to the House his approval thereof. Deputy Director of the Office of Na- frastructure, bond measures, wildly Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- tional Drug Control Policy, could not successful Build America Bonds pro- nal stands approved. answer my direct questions: What is grams. It makes the R&D tax credit Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, more dangerous, methamphetamine or permanent, and many other tax credit pursuant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a marijuana? How many people died from initiatives. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1661 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:41 Feb 06, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06FE7.000 H06FEPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1662 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 6, 2014 The Invest in U.S. Act also takes full them are children—living below pov- b 0915 aim at rising income inequality. It in- erty in this country. We have the The package includes several com- creases the minimum wage. It provides greatest economy in the world. This is monsense land conveyance bills to re- tax relief for small businesses who hire absolutely shameful. move unnecessary bureaucratic strings new employees and those that buy new We must adopt and be committed to attached to how land is used and how it equipment. the concept of full employment. Take is managed. It recognizes that locally The American people want one thing: up the President’s American Jobs Act elected leaders, not Federal bureau- an improved economy and more jobs. of 2013. Rebuild this country’s infra- crats, know how to best manage cer- Join me in supporting this legislation structure, invest in education, in our tain lands. that will finance critical infrastructure first responders, and in medical re- There are measures to prevent unrea- investment, fight income inequality, searchers. It is time to put America sonable Federal regulations or actions and grow our economy. The argument first and Make It In America. from destroying a historic lookout is about jobs. f tower in my home State of Wash- f PUBLIC ACCESS AND LANDS ington, blocking unreasonable public REFOCUSING ON THE IMPROVEMENT ACT recreation access to the Cape Hatteras ENVIRONMENT seashore in North Carolina, and pre- GENERAL LEAVE venting the use of hand-powered boats, (Mrs. DAVIS of California asked and Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. such as kayaks, in several national was given permission to address the Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that parks in the West. House for 1 minute.) all Members have 5 legislative days in This bill will help family businesses Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- which to revise and extend their re- and ranchers by implementing com- er, climate change, offshore drilling, marks and include extraneous material monsense reforms to the process of re- wildfires, scarcity—these concerns are on H.R. 2954. newing livestock grazing permits. expressed over and over again from my The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Livestock grazing on Federal lands is constituents in my district. MCCLINTOCK). Is there objection to the an important part of the American People are anxious that the world request of the gentleman from Wash- ranching tradition. This bill will help that they are handing down to their ington? our Nation’s ranchers operate more ef- children is not as pristine as the one There was no objection. ficiently and with greater certainty. they inherited. They plead with us to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The package, Mr. Chairman, also in- protect the environment. Yet time and ant to House Resolution 472 and rule cludes legislation sponsored by the time again, the House majority votes XVIII, the Chair declares the House in Public Lands Subcommittee chairman, to undercut clean air and water laws, the Committee of the Whole House on Mr. BISHOP of Utah, requiring the BLM while blocking efforts to protect public the state of the Union for the consider- to establish an Internet database for lands. What a travesty when an alle- ation of the bill, H.R. 2954. all BLM lands that are available for giance to industry takes precedence The Chair appoints the gentleman sale to the public. over maintaining a healthy environ- from California (Mr. DENHAM) to pre- In the year 2014, if I may be paro- ment. side over the Committee of the Whole. chial, when a Seahawks fan can pur- This week, we wasted precious floor b 0913 chase a championship hat on the Inter- time with needless bills, like the Sac- net just moments after the Superbowl ramento-San Joaquin Valley Emer- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ends, the Federal Government can cer- gency Water Delivery Act, which made Accordingly, the House resolved tainly get its act together and post its a mockery of the serious drought in itself into the Committee of the Whole lands that are available for sale online. California. The House needs to stop House on the state of the Union for the This bill will expedite the planning bringing irresponsible bills to the floor, consideration of the bill (H.R.
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