THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY Serving Woodbridge Township, Carteret and Edison ttnttni u M Out Mil At .P. 0. Woodbhdi*. N. J. Published Wtekl; Woodbridge, New Jersey, October 1, 1969 On Wednesday TEN CENT3 Half Century of Service These are The Facts! (An Editorial) Landfill Site Being It has often been said that "prac- for us — and good enough for most Our Woodson Mosley tical politics consists in ignoring of the people in the First Ward. facts." We have known Joe Somers for In our humble opinion the facts more than three decades and al- Turned Into 15-Acre were entirely ignored when a story though this expression may be some- Marks His 50th Year appeared in another newspaper, quoting "a reliable source", that Jo- what old fashioned, Joe Somers' seph P. Somers, candidate for First word is as good as his bond. Ward Councilman, intended to step Whether you are a Democrat or a Park, Says Barone down from office if elected to be re- Republican. Those of you who know With the Leader-Press the First Ward candidate — and WOODBR1DCK - The Wood placed by John Zennario, chairman they are a legion — know that his bridge garhqse dump off upper of the Planning* Board. Nothing Main Street is now m the pro could be farther from the truth. background is one of integrity and 'Figment of ccs of heinc turned into IS acrt Incidently that "Reliable Source" sincerity. He is not the kind of man park, Mayor Ralph P. Baron* is a pretty overworked guy. He must to lie — the truth is bred in him. announced toda; at his weekly be related to "They Say". When Joe Somers makes a prom- Imagination' press conference. Mr. Somers has said if elected he ise, he keeps it. If he says he will On September 16, resident* will complete his full term. If Joe serve a full term, he will. You can of Oakwood Estates, adjacent Says to the landfill operation, srid Somers says that, it is good enough Tely on it. I that Louis Cyklor, builder of — 'There isithe development, had p,ostod a absolutely no truth in it. It is [letter from Mayor Raron'e slat just a figment of .someone's ima-'1"* the operation would bp shift HUD Names Eight Swedish Engineers ',-.;.,., . , , _ ito an alternate site and that ginat.on . declared Joseph P.|..gmg wol,ld be growing ihpt, Somers, First. Ward c,ui(Jidatelby spring." Meholick As, To See Paving of Local for the council on the-Democra- Rftrone said today that "•very- tic ticket, in an interview this one that writes a letter to m« week. gets an answer if it is answer- Consultant Road Using WAMMethod .Somers was referring 10 a!able." story in another newspaper "Mr. Cyklor asked what vi WOODBRIDG E— Township! WOODBRIDGE — Eight Swe 1 which related lhat "a reliable• intended to do about the. land Iiu.iinc.ss Administrator, George dish engineers will visit the Mail source" had indicated that Som jfill site and 1 gave him the best T. Meholick, Jr., has been nam-|TOwnshjp today (Octobectober 2) tto,.o . , ers would step down if elected;estimate and timetable of whrt to serve as a Consultant for view the now Or and would be replaced by John was to happen and what could h» federal Government's Hous* world-famous' *"' .... * .... — _ WOODBRIDGvvv/vvi/nniuurEj — unOne <JofI twoj^ennariol\vf , chairman of the 1'lan done," thp mayor related. 'T,i« ing and Urban Development Dei deep llfl Permane^ TOad Pav men arrested by Patrolman Zig ning Board. area contiguous to the develop partment, headed by former ! ' ' "•"•' " ' "i-e techniques originated by miind jfcblocky for breaking into "This same story has crop ment is being leveled and seed Governor of Michigan, George Public Works Director Charles j Frank's Hot Dog Stand, Pearl ped up before", said Somers, ed with grass." Komnc-y. Sit VI'AHS <>r OUTSTANDING SUKVICK: Uomlson Mosley. a pressman for The Leader Press W. Beagle. Street, and stealing two cartons "and I vigorously denied it. 1 Barone also staled that the is cclrbialing tils SDth iiniiivcisitry with u*. Move lie is shown rciiiviiiK congratulations. Left "Mr. Meholick was selected "For the 'umpteenth' time, thought the rumor had been laid Township was waiting for a from among the nation's top city we will have engineers of a for- ?a complaint of asault with °a" huge pit where A. I\ Green v>»* to 1 iRhi, Mayor Ralph I'. Baronp; Harry I*. Frank. Associate Publisher; Mr. Mnsley and Law- deadly weapon and held under to rest, but some re|K>rler has iriHv I', Campion, I'ulilislicr, who is shown prerenting a walrh to Mosley. Incidently, Mr. [managers and administrators toi eign government and industry revived it on the theory, per- mining clay. $1,000 bail. v I rank recently celebrated his 50th anniversary with (lie parent company, Mid-Atlantic Publish- I lend his professional assistance]watch how the WAM Method .two bail. j;"" Ti 7 i"" U"A r""/' '"" "We expected lo be ablp to In? Company. He is also publisher of The Journal, Elizabeth. 'to various regional planning] He is James Shilling. 24. 157 ^P*. »«"t he had heard some (Woodbridge Accelerated e aagainam , ifl 1 am j use the pit by May," conli w>\ agencies that have been working Grove Avenue, Woodbririge. Ilisj^.f ."«* °«f serv« e ±my ?*fullhhe mayor. "But A P. (Ir^en By RUTH WOMC term t oot lOr "I guess I fio with the ke<r% as you do." HUD Community De „ „ RllphlSJ™ Str^t So,ilh Phi'Pl'-'iTnller' m t^i' ' ' '• d willing, J; wasn't ready. Then they told us "He is my friend! The words Woodson remarked lo this writer. "After! nent M J think my past background is in ! it would he available for us lo Brought Summer and the birds; ] P. Barone proudly stated at his'J?"ld w« noL i'nv^veS i, Maxwell Logan my bosses included Hugh Kelly weekly press conference. "sault and Id ,„ • idilative of my sincerity in any.use as a landfill operation in And all my Winter time (now deceased) Charlie Gregory (also de ..Ia ftct..t Ba,.one continuedjown iS ' |office 1 have ever held —, po 'July but it was not made -ivail Thawed into running rhyme ceased) and Larry Campion. And now the new International City Mu „ litiivlly, civic wise or fraternal able to us until two wel.s a,;o And rippled into song, 1 vl llors Iiom ll company-North Jersey Publishing Company lament Association, the world,!"™" " * «"•«•* " "HITMX '«Tu'l "i"V'( 'J'-" . Monday." Warm, tender, hrave and strong (publishers of The Leader Press)" wide professional organization of|{;ul raved So nuich about costing Maiy ^illetto, .,4. I'ort Beagle's WAM paving tech'-jReading, early Monday morning: Air./.ennario m a telephone in-1 The Township's chief exoeu- cily mana ffls and And »o it sings today— Old Timers Remembered ' 2 administra niques that a lead article ofias she entered her car at the>'vi«j\v today was highly indig-'live related that last Spring an 'New England Construction'i1w> Diner Parking lot. Policejnani about tho story which l, ordinance was passed by the Mu So ttiiy it sing alway! Woodson also recalled some of thee ^plr,^ ^^t ACU! P With whom he has work through the years -„! Stance hefSSinthe, magazin- e was devoted to our saidhe held a knife at her lhro;i|.jsajd UHs ••fabricated out of nicipal Council authorizing the let each mate measnre end loc al ! rect avin With "Still he is my friend." Stanley Osbornr and Russell Lorch whhoo v.cic evaluation process and lendin«! ' ' P 8 programs".'However Mrs. Silletto screamed whole cloth". jimrchase of 2,000 loads of dirt to —James Whitcomb Riley typesetters and later became Woodbridge Post nuinagcts and administrators asi The mayor then quoted ex >nd blew the tar horn, scaring, ^ am ,1((t a ,.andi(lale f0I> *pr«clI over ||" •>""• JJ" A tried nnd true friend is celebrating a very Office employes. Osborne is retired and lives her assailant away. Patrolman .. ,. dirt was delivered nut coulan f Zablocky, aided by Patrolmuna"v |nlljllc oifleR and ' eerlain|y be spread until now. Most nf speci.-il anniversary this week. lmi(lt (i( al "Then there were Henning Peterson who has, Beagle's nickname) fame has Russell Stevenson, picked up ' "° ' whatsoever with the area has already been seed Kor today, Woodson Mosley, a pressman, since retired and is living down the shore! "Mr. Mnholick waj selected to ,anyone. I was nevrt1 approached;e,l and since it is Township pnp- employed by the LEADER PRESS, is ccle< st>lve as one oi nese ennsuI spread all over the country un r and Chris Olson who has also retired Steve' ' Jby anyone., 1 am working very erty it has been designated offi- brat ing his .>Oth Anniversary with his one and tanLSl the ))ia 01 said til todayh e is recognized as the Sabo (the composing room foreman) has also; " >' " - hard on the Planning Board and eialy as park property and will uiilv employer—this newspaper! a world's foremost proponent ofScllOOl Safe Stolen, worked here for 40 years. I also recall two' As consultant, however,"Mr. taking care of my own business remain as a park site. Si\tysix years old—and he has no idea of linotype operators, Alex Pie and George Walk-t Moholick will be asked lo serve I to earn a living, That's more; The mayor said trees will b* reliring ;it this point—Woodson was born in er, who have since died.
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