August 9, 2014 Vol. 2014, Issue 8 Volunteer Picnic Luncheon on August 9 Chaplain of the Week Volunteers are essential to with the op- The Rev. Dr. Martin . Marty the quality of the Lakeside erations of Lakeside Chautauqua wel- Chautauqua experience. the Lake- comes the Rev. Dr. Martin Lakeside will recogni e side-Mar- E. Marty as Chaplain of the and celebrate the service and blehead Week from August 10-15 . commitment of volunteers at Lighthouse The Rev. Dr. Marty will a luncheon. Festival. lead the 10:30 a.m. Hoover The Volunteer Picnic These Community Worship Service Luncheon will be held from are ust a on Sunday, Aug. 10 in Hoover 12-1 p.m Saturday Aug. 9 on few of the Auditorium. His sermon, ti- the front lawn of Hotel Lake- ways vol- tled All,” is based on 1 Cor- side. unteers inthians 3:16-23. Volunteers help in vir- make an For those who wish to tually every aspect of what impact at attend worship, a compli- renders the Lakeside Chau- Lakeside Chautauqua all Lakeside Chautauqua ap- mentary Church Pass may be tauqua experience distinctive year. preciates the time and tal- obtained Sundays between taught for 3 years at the Uni- and unique. From Saturday, Aug. ent each individual gives to 7:30-10:30 a.m., valid until 3 versity of Chicago Divinity In the spring, they assist 9-Friday, Aug. 1 , the com- make a significant impact on p.m. The pass includes admit- School in the History Depart- with the beautification of munity will celebrate the the community. tance for guests and auto. ment. the grounds during Lakeside countless hours and dedica- All are invited to pause The Rev. Dr. Marty will From 1969-2010, he was Spring Cleanup Day. tion of all the special volun- next week, with Lakeside also preach at 9:15 a.m. Mon- the editor of the semi-monthly Volunteers maintain teers. Chautauqua, and give thanks day-Thursday for Chaplain’s newsletter, C onte t, a publica- Lakeside’s many gardens In reality, this small ges- to the volunteers who make Hour in Orchestra Hall. His tion on religion and culture. in the summer months and ture in no way expresses the Lakeside Chautauqua ex- overall Chaplain’s Hour The Rev. Dr. Marty was teach children to sail for the enough thanks to the volun- perience special. theme for the week will be also a weekly contributor to first time at ids Setting Sail. teers that give of themselves See ‘Thank ou, Volun- “ Turn-Arounds that Offer S i htin s, an electronic edi- In the fall, Lakesiders daily, weekly, monthly and teers’ on page 7 for more Possibilities for Change.” torial published by the Mar- return to Lake Erie to assist all year. details. A complimentary Chap- tin Marty Center at the Uni- lain’s Hour Pass is available versity of Chicago Divinity LSO presents “The Music of Judy Garland” from 8:30-9:1 a.m. Mon- School. day-Thursday, valid until 1:30 He was also a columnist The Lakeside Symphony “ Broadway p.m. The pass includes admit- and the Senior Editor at the Melody of Orchestra (LSO), under the tance for guests and auto. C hristian ent r for decades 1938. direction of Robert Cronquist, At 7:1 p.m. Tuesday, the and continues to write for its The LSO will present a program in trib- Rev. Dr. Marty will lead Eve- blog. will pres- ute to Judy Garland, featur- ning Prayer & Praise, held at The Rev. Dr. Marty served ent excerpts ing soprano Joan Ellison, at the Steele Memorial Band- as president of the American from The 8:1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 9 in stand. His sermon is titled Academy of Religion, the Wi ard of Hoover Auditorium. “ Y our Church, Unsleeping. American Society of Church O ” in cel- Ellison, with the ensem- The Rev. Dr. Marty is cur- History and the American ebration of ble Circa 1939, performs ret- rently serving as the Fairfax Catholic Historical Associa- its 7t h an- ro-radio-style concerts that M. Cone Distinguished Ser- tion. niversary. celebrate classic American vice Professor Emeritus at the He was the founding pres- In 1939, popular songs. University of Chicago. ident and later the George B. Garland song from The Wi ard of The program will open He was ordained a Luther- Caldwell Scholar-in-Res- played the role of Dorothy O , Over the Rainbow. with the rousing overture an pastor in 19 2 and served idence at the Park Ridge Gale, which showcased her The second half of the pro- “ Morning, N oon & N ight in parishes in the west and north- Center for the Study of singing talents and acting gram will memoriali e World Vienna, a popular 19th cen- west suburbs of Chicago, Ill. Health, Faith and Ethics. abilities, leading her to re- War II with John Williams’ tury overture by Fran von for a decade before oining the Supp . ceive an Academy Award for “ Midway March, commem- University of Chicago faculty See CHAPLA N her performance. orating the famous 1942 bat- Ellison will then move to in 1963. on page 13 Ellison will then sing three tle in the Pacific. Broadway for Z ing, Went The Rev. Dr. Marty has the Strings of My Heart selections, Boy ext Door from the movie “ Listen Dar- and Trolley Song, both See E LL SON ling and the popular Y ou from the movie Meet Me in on page 10 Made Me Love Y ou from St. Louis, and the signature Military Appreciation Day To honor the men and Retired military will also Gladiolus Show returns to Lakeside Chautauqua women who have served, receive free admission for Gladiolus growers and tance in exhibiting. or are currently serving in one guest, while active mil- exhibitors from Ohio, Mich- Special classes for the U.S. Military, Lakeside itary will receive admission igan and Pennsylvania will novice, intermediate Chautauqua has slated Satur- for their immediate family. participate in the Eastern In- and youth are provided. day, Aug. 9, as Military Ap- Passes are valid from 9 a.m.- ternational Gladiolus Show Gladiolus is a genus preciation Day. 11 p.m. and do not include an at Lakeside Chautauqua’s of flowering plants in Those who are retired overnight visit. Hoover Auditorium. the iris family. Some- from, or are currently serv- Lakeside Chautauqua res- The Gladiolus Show, times called the sword ing in any branch of the mil- idents are asked to hang which has been held at Lake- lily, the most widely itary, will be granted free American flags at their cot- side for more than 0 years, used English common admission and parking to tages on this day to show will take place from 3- p.m. name for these plants is Lakeside Chautauqua upon Lakeside’s appreciation for Saturday, Aug. 9 and 12- p.m. simply gladiolus. presenting credentials and/or all branches of the U.S. Mil- Sunday, Aug. 10. The e ns adio u s missing; white, pink, red, military ID at the gates. itary. Many different and un- contains about 260 species, purple, yellow, orange, salm- usual gladiolus arrangements of which 20 are native to on and even green gladio- will be on display. sub-Saharan Africa, primarily li are available, along with Chautauqua Lecture Series: Exhibitors and Gladiolus South Africa. many bi-colors. Society members promote Although glads, as they are The wide range of colors, ‘Ohio Geology: From Fossils to Fracking’ appreciation of gladiolus commonly called, are used to sies and flower types make & ‘Health & Medicine’ growing and assist interested a limited extent for landscape them particularly useful for This week’s Chautauqua Lecture Series will begin with persons or groups in their cul- effect, their chief value is for flower arrangements. geologist Scott ell presenting an overview of the geology tivation and use. cut flowers. The flowers will be dis- of Ohio. He will then look specifically at mining on the This is an open entry show. Gladioli produce tall tributed to the public, free of Marblehead Peninsula and the controversial topic of frack- Locals may bring gladioli spikes of large blossoms in a charge, after 8:30 a.m. Mon- ing. on the morning of Saturday, rainbow of colors. day, Aug. 11, on the Hoover The second lecture theme of this week focuses on health, Aug. 9 and will receive assis- Only clear, true blue is Auditorium porch. wellness and medicine. Lectures will explore cancer treat- ments and preventions, followed by lectures on memory loss and memory strategies. 11-year-old prodigy joins LSO as soloist See ‘Education’ page 8 for a full description of this Gavin George, an 11-year- the Little Russian because same year as Lakeside Chau- week’s Chautauqua Lecture Series. old piano prodigy, will oin of its nationalistic folk song tauquas first season. Music Director Robert Cron- themes. During the second half of quist and the Lakeside Sym- Drenched in Russian col- the program, the LSO and I nside the Lakesider phony Orchestra (LSO) as or, the symphony places the George will perform the col- the featured piano soloist for composer in the school of orful and virtuosic Felix Me- A n n o u n c e e t s .......... Pgs. 2-3 an inspiring evening concert Russian N ationalism. The delssohn’s Piano Concert in C o m m u n i y N e s .......... Pgs. 4-6 at 8:1 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. first movement is built on a G minor, op. 2 .
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