SBA Brings Mesa C\Iii TIE.i ON Entertainment Films Seven films are being brought together had v.isions of the Spain to the Mesa campus by the Stu­ they wanted. OF MESA --- COLL£GE dent Body Association. The films Danny Kaye plays the part of a M are free. Russian peasant mistaken for an Two of the films, "The Guns of inspector general during the days Vol. No. XXXIV Tuesday, April 25, 1967 No. 23 Navarone" and "The Great Im­ of Napoleon. The movie, "In­ poster," have already been shown; . spector General" also stars Wal­ the other films are "The Killer ter Slezak and Gene Lockhart. of Kilamanjaro", to be presented The final movie to be shown on April 30; "Mickey One", May will be "King Rat". Set in a 7; "For Whom the Bells Toll", prison camp, the story revolves Judge Dismisses Case May 14; "Inspector General", around the "King," Flight Lieu­ May ,21; and "Ktng Rat", May 28. "The Killers. of Kilamanjaro", tenant Marlowe and his methods starring Robert ';I.'aylor, is a story to gain more food, clothes, and set in the heart of Africa. Filmed favor for himself and the men on location in Tanganyika, it in­ who hate him, but followed hira. Saying 'College Prank' volves the railways struggle to The movie stars George Segal cross Afica. as the "King," and Tom Court­ Municipal Judge Harry Claus­ profane language used by the supported Welch's action fully. Warren Beatty, Jeff Corey and enay and James Fox. sen told the Criterion last week two ~en and the action itself Kenneth Lemoine, college admin­ Franchot Tone star in "Mickey that his ruling which dismissed constituted a disturbance. istrative official, said that the One". It is the story of a night­ NOTICE the case of two non-students in­ According to Claussen there college also supported Welch. club comic who owes a large sum volved in the depantsing of a was no proof that criminal dis­ "We had asked him to use his of money to nameless gangsters. There, will not be an issue Mesa College student that he He tries to bury himself in Chi­ turbance was involved since it judgment and both the staff and of the Criterion on Tuesday, based his decision on the laws could not be assumed that Mary cago, but finally faces his foes. governing disturbance, and his the students ~re pleased with the "For Whom the Bells Toll", May 9th. Because of our dead­ Rait, a girls' dormitory, was oc­ lines, copy preparation for the remark terming the action a "col­ cupied at the time-12:05 a.m. job he is doing." based on the novel by Ernest lege prank' on the definition of Welch was hired earlier this Hemingway, stars Gary Cooper May 9th issue · would involve a prank. Claussen said that Welch could and Ingrid Bergman. The Span­ the period set aside for mid­ still file a civil charge, but Welch year to patrol the campus at ish Civil War is the setting of the Claussen defined a prank as said that the student involved night to protect both students terms. an act which does not involve love story of Robert Jordan and did not wish to file another and college property. a courageous Spanish girl who injury. He said that in cases in­ charge. volving criminal disturbance it must be proved that someone was Welch said that the dismissal disturbed. He said that sufficient of the case amounts to an open proof was not offered in this case invitation to this type of action and that things have to be on the campus and leaves the measured in favor of the accused. students at the mercy of out­ Registration Incident Claussen also said that a wrong siders. He said that he went to charge had been made, that The Sentinel because he did not Floyd Welch, the campus secur­ ity officer should have filed an feel that the trial was fair and assault charge. Welch said that "I had to be heard." He said before filing the charge that he that at the. trial he and his wit­ May Evoke Ruling had been advised by city attorney ness had been questioned, but Gerald Ashby to file a disturb­ An incident involving the late, March 27-28. Anyone registering without even asking or notifying ance charge. that they had not been allowed to question. Claussen said their late registration of a student af­ after this time must have the me.'' The case stemmed from an in­ ter Spring break was the subject permission of each individual in­ cident on the Mesa campus April f allure to prove a prima facie of a controversy which may bring structor to enter that class, usual­ The student missed five cla~s 14 when two men removed the case precluded their right to changes in the fee assessment for ly obtained in the form of an add sessions in a row and in a three pants from a college student and question or give evidence. late registration and the adoption slip signed by the instructor. hour class which would subject of set policies regarding late reg­ threw them on the roof of Mary Mrs. Robinson found no evi­ him to technical failure accord­ Rait Hall. Welch arrested the Speaking as his immediate su­ istration. perior, Carl Close, college main­ dence that the student was reg­ ing to the ·English Department two and filed the disturbance April 6, the day after registra­ istered in her class; no card had policy that states "if a student charge, alleging that the loud, tenance supervisor, said that he tion closed, a Mesa College stu­ been picked up; and no one had dent home on spring break re­ informed her that the student misses as many· · sessions . as tl1e ceived a phone call from an in­ was registered in her class. April class is worth in credit hours, lte structor asking if he was return­ 18 Mrs. Robinson was officially is subject to tec.hnical failure.'' 1 ing to school this quarter. The notified that the student was en­ student said he had planned to rolled in her English class. '\Vhen asked about the college return, but had some financial cut policy, Dr. Heiny, dean Mrs. Robinson said, "My class qf difficulties and a sick relative. was technically. closed April 5, faculty, said "The. college has no Apparently, things were cleared real policy, the amom:1t of cuts up, because the instructor a~­ tlie last day to add or change ranged to register the student. classes. I didn't have to accept allowed is up to the individu~l However, he failed to obtain an the student. However, I happen departments and. instructors." i to think highly of the ·student IBM card for Mrs. Robinson's In regard to the late re-gistr~­ English class. and accepted him and have been helping him catch up in his work. tion, Dr. Heiny said again, ' '.Tl\e The student began attending college has not definite ,policy; classes April 10, five days after What makes me angry is that the last day to change classes. someone went right over my head usually we allow a week to lO Formal registration was held and put the student in my class days depending on the circunj._ stances." Heiny . said, 1'1f a sf~ ... dent is registered ·on time' and is .. rs · ~~~u1~\:es~,;::t::h:c!:~~£: failure policies of . the depart..i. Congress Hea ment o.r instruct?r-''. Jack Scott, director of adll);is- sion~ said that the '·iate· registr~- tion problem i~ gr~wing out ~f ey Matters proportion at Mesa, Scott . s~i<;l, Mo.n "Between .60 a~d . 100 st;udents Business conducted by Student Foreign Language Club, $50, and registered late this quarter, and Congress at their April 18 meet­ SNA, $30. we are going to have to do soni~- ing consisted mainly of budget N ew Business included the ap- thing about it.'' · matters and committee reports. propriation of $1000 for· the dec- A balance of $5498 was report­ orations for Golddigger's all, Dr. Heiny said that there we:-r.e ed, with commitments of $175 for May 13. three alternatiyes . being consid- the "Page", $300 for the film The Foreign Language Club, ered: ~horteh the . time allotted committee, $375 for · the Fresh­ sponsor of _the Ge1:11an Speaker, for late registration·· toughen ·t:qe man Class function, $30 for the Colonel Price, April 20, was al-· . ' f acuity evaluation, $200 for Engi­ lotted $12 for a small reception policy m regards to excuses ac- neers Club, and $500 for Russ following the speech. cepted for late registration; and Burgess. In order to send four students finally, and most likely, accord­ Under Special and Committee to the CCA _conference April 28, ing to Dr. Heiny, increase the Reports, Pat Robinson reported 29 and 30, m Denver, $200 was 1 t . tr' t• f Mud Pies Any.one? that five nurses attended the appropriated. a e regis a ion .ee. Colorado Student Nurses Confer­ . The students, Tom Mulqueen, Scott said, "Compared to .other Working in the cold weather of lately, Miss Jo Roper and ence in Denver, April 15 and 16. Tom Traynor, Steve '\Vorrell, and colleges, Mesa's $5.00 late regfi;­ one of her stµdent helpers, Rich Larson, apply plaster to Barbara Thoele, hope to be able tration fee is quite small. SoIX.le Various clubs reporting on tenta­ to meet the agents and learn the 20-by-10 foot. relief mural that will decorate the lobby tive sums expected from the SBA what will be prominent in the schools charge between '$25 and of the .new library.
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