261, 353 Aanjar

261, 353 Aanjar

426 Index New City 184-5, 182-3 archaeology 21, 215 ABBREVIATIONS Old City 175-81, 176 architecture LACT Lebanon A u s - shopping 191-3 Aleppan houses (S) 178 Stralian Syria Capital sights 175-85 Damascene houses (S) 93 Territory souqs 191-3, 191, 9 Lebanon 256 NSW New South tours 185 Syria 72-3 A Wales travel to/from 193-4 area codes AamiqNT Marsh (L) 261,Northern 353 Ter- travel within 194 Lebanon 387 Aanjarritory (L) 351-3, 12 Alexander the Great 23-4, 373-4 Syria 236 AaqouraQld (L) 316 Queensland Al-Ghab (S) 166-7 Armenians 45, 67, 250, 353 Abbasids 25 Al-Joubaili Soap Factory (S) 179 Cilicia Museum (L) 278-9 Abed, Pepe 312 Al-Khosrowiyya Mosque (S) 181 Army Museum (S) 98 Abi-Saad, Pierre 310 Al-Merjeh (S) 95 art galleries, see galleries Abu Shady 109 Al-Muallaq Mosque (L) 331 arts, see also literature, music accommodation, see also individual Al-Omari Mosque (L) 275 Lebanon 253-7 locations alphabet 23, 149-50, 306, 307 Syria 69-74 Arabic phrases 413 Amchit (L) 312-13 Arwad (S) 139-40 Lebanon 380-1 American University of Beirut (L) 271 al-Assad, Bashar 29 Syria 226-7 Amioun (L) 346 al-Assad, Hafez 28-30, 153 activities Amrit (S) 141 Assassins 170 Lebanon 381-3 animals Assyrians 23 Syria 227-8 Lebanon 260 ATMs INDEX Adonis 315 Syria 76 Lebanon 385-6 Adonis Valley (L) 314-17 An-Nuri Mosque (S) 156, 163 Syria 233 Afqa Grotto (L) 314-16 Apamea (S) 167-9, 167, 8 al-Atrache, Farid 72 Ain al-Fijeh (S) 125 Aphrodite 315 AUB Museum (L) 273 Ain Dara (S) 196-7 Arab Epigraphy Museum (S) 89 Ayyubid Palace (S) 180 air travel 390-1, 398 Arabic language 411-18 Ayyubids 26 airports 390-1 arak 49, 350 Azem Ecole (S) 91 Akkad, Moustapha 194 Aramaeans 23 Azem Palace (S) 92, 163 Akkadians 22 Aramaic language 122 Azze Hrawe (S) 157 Al Bustan Festival (L) 295 archaeological sites, see also castles Al-Adliyya Mosque (S)179 Aanjar (L) 351-3, 12 B Al-Anderine (S) 171 Ain Dara (S) 196-7 Ba’ath Party 28-9 Al-Bahramiyya Mosque (S) 177 Al-Bass (Tyre; L) 376 Baalbek (L) 354-61, 355, 357, 57 Al-Bara (S) 199-200 Al-Mina (Tyre; L) 375 accommodation 359-60 Al-Bass (L) 376 Apamea (S) 167-9, 167, 8 festival 354 Aleppo (S) 172-200, 174-5, 176, Baalbek (L) 354-9, 357, 57 food 360-1 182-3, 191 Bosra (S) 125-8, 126, 6 history 354-7 accommodation 185-7 Byblos (L) 306-10, 306, 10 information 357 Al-Jdeida 181-4 Cyrrhus (S) 197 ruins 357-9, 357, 57 drinking 190-1 Dead Cities (S) 198-200, 8 travel to/from 361 entertainment 191 Dura Europos (S) 222-3, 222 Baalbek Museum (L) 357-8, food 187-90 Ebla (S) 198 359 history 173 Mari (S) 223 Bab al-Qinnesrin (S) 179 information 174-5 Palmyra (S) 206-11, 207, 6, 60 Bab al-Saray Mosque (L) 367 Qatura (S) 196 Bab Antakya (S) 175-7 000 Map pages Sidon (L) 366-8 Balaa Gorge (L) 317 000 Photograph pages Temple of Echmoun (L) 370-1 Balaa rock formations (L) 316-17 Ugarit (S) 149-51, 150 Barada Gorge (S) 125 332-index-syr3.indd2-index-syr3.indd 442626 110/04/20080/04/2008 11:12:54:12:54 PPMM Index (B-C) 427 bargaining 235 bus travel caving 381-2 Baron Hotel (S) 186 between Syria & Lebanon 396-7 Cedar Revolution 40 Basilica of St George (S) 125 to/from Jordan 394 cedar trees 324 Basilica of St Sergius (S) 218 to/from Kuwait 395 Cedars, the (L) 342-4 bathrooms 236 to/from Saudi Arabia 395 cell phones Batroun (L) 313-14 to/from Turkey 395 Lebanon 387-8 Bcharré (L) 339-42, 340 within Lebanon 403, 404 Syria 236 beach clubs (L) 279, 369-70 within Syria 399-400 Chamoun, Camille 33-4 Bedouin 212 business hours, see also inside front Chapel of Ananias (S) 94 beehive houses (S) 171 cover Château Kefraya (L) 352 Beirut (L) 262-92, 265, 272, 275, Lebanon 383 Château Musar (L) 352 277, 10, 58, 59 Syria 228 Chehab, Fouad 33-4 accommodation 281-3 Byblos (L) 306-12, 306, 10 children, travel with 228-9 activities 279 accommodation 311 Arabic phrases 418 drinking 286-7 activities 311 Beirut 280 entertainment 287-9 drinking 311-12 Damascus 103 festivals & events 280-1 festivals 311 health 410 food 283-6 food 311-12 Chouf Cedar Reserve (L) 261, 323-4 history 263-6 history 307-8 Chouf Mountains (L) 317-24, 294 information 267-70 information 308 Christianity 24, 44-5 shopping 289-90 sights 308-10 Christie, Agatha 186, 224 sights 270-9 churches travel to/from 290-1 C Basilica of St George (S) 125 travel within 291-2 Cafés du Bardouni (L) 349 Basilica of St Sergius (S) 218 Beiteddine (L) 320-2 car travel Cathedral of Our Lady of Tortosa INDEX Beiteddine Festival (L) 322 within Lebanon 403-4 (S) 139 Beiteddine Palace (L) 320-2, 10 within Syria 400-1 Chapel of Ananias (S) 94 Beit al-Aqqad (S) 92 castles Chapel of Mar Chmouni (L) 344 Beit as-Sibai (S) 92-3 Castel Blanc (S) 142 Chapel of Mar Marina (L) 345 Beit Ghazzali (S) 181 Castle Moussa (L) 319 Church of Saidet at-Tallé (L) 319 Beit Jabri (S) 94 Castle of St Louis (L) 368 Church of St Elias (S) 125 Beit Mery (L) 295-6 citadel (Aleppo; S) 179-81 Church of St John the Baptist Beit Nizam (S) 93 citadel (Bosra; S) 126-7 (L) 309 Bekaa Valley (L) 347-61, 56 citadel (Damascus; S) 85 Church of St Sergius (S) 122 Beybars 26, 133 Citadel of Raymond de Saint-Gilles Church of Sts Peter & Paul (L) 338 bicycle travel, see cycling (L) 329 Church of the Girdle of Our Lady Bimaristan Arghan (S) 179 Crusader Castle (L) 308 (S) 157 books Moussalayha Castle (L) 314 Church of the Holy Sepulchre (L) 337 Damascus 93 Musyaf (S) 169 Mar Butros (L) 316 food 50, 51, 52, 65 Qab Elias (L) 324 Our Lady of the Castle (L) 338 health 406 Qala’at al-Hosn (S) 133-6, 134 Our Lady of the Wind (L) 337 history 26, 27, 40, 41, 246 Qala’at al-Mudiq Citadel (S) 169 Qala’at Samaan (S) 195-6, 9 Lebanon 246-7, 248, 253 Qala’at Burzei (S) 167 Qalb Lozeh (S) 197 Syria 64 Qala’at ibn Maan (S) 210-11 St Estaphan (Stephen) Church travel literature 64-5, Qala’at Ja’abar (S) 214-16 (L) 313 245-7 Qala’at Marqab (S) 143, 143 St George’s Cathedral (L) 275 border crossings 394-6 Qala’at Najm (S) 216 St George’s Orthodox Church Bosra (S) 125-8, 126, 6 Qala’at Niha (L) 324 (L) 313 Bosra Festival (S) 127, 231 Qala’at Salah ad-Din (S) 151-3, 152 St Paul’s Chapel (S) 94 B’qaa Kafra (L) 345-6 Qala’at Samaan (S) 195-6, 9 Cilicia Museum (L) 278-9 Brummana (L) 296-8 Qasr al-Heir al-Sharqi (S) 213-14 cinema, see also films Burj es-Sabaa (L) 333 Sea Castle (L) 366-7 Lebanon 253-4 Burtasiya Madrassa (L) 332 Zalabiyya (S) 218 Syria 70-1 Burtasiya Mosque (L) 332 Cathedral of Our Lady of Tortosa citadels, see castles Burton, Richard 100 (S) 139 civil war 35-9 332-index-syr3.indd2-index-syr3.indd 442727 110/04/20080/04/2008 11:12:59:12:59 PPMM 428 Index (C-G) climate 383-4 travel within 118 ethnicity Lebanon 243-4, 383-4 walking tour 101-3, 101 Lebanon 250 Syria 62-3, 229 dance Syria 67 climate change 393 Lebanon 257 Euphrates (S) 221 coffee 287 Syria 73-4 exchange rates, see inside front cover consulates dangers 230, 270 Ezra’a (S) 125 Lebanon 384-5 Dead Cities (S) 198-200, 8 Syria 230 Debbané Palace (L) 368 F convents, see monasteries & convents deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 406 Faisal, Emir 27 Corniche (Beirut; L) 273 Deir al-Qamar (L) 317-20, 318 Fakhreddine 319 costs, see also inside front cover Deir as-Salib (L) 345 Fakhreddine’s Cave (L) 372 Lebanon 245 Deir ez-Zur (S) 219-22, 219 Faqra (L) 301-2 Syria 63 Deir Mar Antonios Qozhaya (L) 345 Faraya (L) 299-301 Cotton Festival (S) 231 Deir Mar Elisha (L) 344 Faraya Mzaar (L) 299-301, 11 courses 102, 103, 229, 279-80 Deir Mar Maroun (L) 361 Farid Serhal Palace (L) 372 credit cards Deir Mar Semaan (L) 346 Feast of Our Lady of Seidnayya (S) 121 Lebanon 386 Deir Qannoubin (L) 345 festivals 376 Syria 233 Deir Samaan (S) 196 Lebanon 246, 281, 385 Crusader Castle (L) 308 Deir Saydet Hawka (L) 345 Syria 231 Crusades 25-6, 133, 137 departure tax 390 films culture desserts 48, 165, 12 Lebanon 246 Lebanon 248-57 Diman (L) 346 Syria 64 Syria 66-74 diphtheria 407 Fisher, Greg 215 customs regulations disabilities, travellers with food 46-52, 8, 12 Lebanon 384 Lebanon 388 books 50, 51, 52, 65 Syria 229 Syria 236-7 fossils 310 cycling Docudays 253, 281 Franjieh, Suleiman 35 INDEX Lebanon 382, 402 Domaine Wardy 352 Free French 28 Syria 227-8, 398-9 Douma (L) 317 French Mandate 26-7 Cyrrhus (S) 197 drinks 49-50 driving, see car travel G D Druze 44 galleries Dahdah Palace (S) 93 Dumeir (S) 121 Agial Art Gallery (L) 278 Damascene houses 92-4 Dura Europos (S) 222-3, 222 Art House (S) 97 Damascus (S) 78-118, 80, 82-3, 86-7, Atassi Gallery (S) 97, 55 98, 114, 5, 6, 54, 55 E Ayyam Gallery (S) 97 accommodation 103-6 Eastern Orthodox Church 45 Espace SD (L) 278 Christian Quarter 94 Ebla (S) 198 Galerie Abdal (S) 97 drinking 109-11 economy Galerie Alice Mogabgab (L) 278 entertainment 111-12 Lebanon 32 gay travellers 288 festivals 103 Syria 32 Lebanon 385 food 106-9 Ehden (L) 338-9 Syria 231 history 79 electricity 226 Gemayel, Amine 36 information 81-5 embassies Gemayel, Bashir 36 Old City 85-94, 105, 86-7, 5 Lebanon 384-5 geography Salihiyya 98-9, 98 Syria 230 Lebanon 259-61 shopping 112-16, 113 emergencies 230, see also inside Syria 76 sights 85-100 front cover Gibran, Khalil 341 souqs 115, 114, 6 Arabic phrases 415 Gibran Museum (L) 340 tours 103 emigration 249 Golan Heights 30, 130-1 travel to/from 116-18 Enfe (L) 336-7 government environmental issues Lebanon 32 000 Map pages Lebanon 258-9 Syria 32 000 Photograph pages Syria 75 Grand Mosque (Hama; S) 163 Escobar, Dario 346 Great (Omari) Mosque (L) 367 332-index-syr3.indd2-index-syr3.indd 442828 110/04/20080/04/2008 11:12:59:12:59 PPMM Index (G-K) 429 Great Mosque (Baalbek; L) 358-9 Hermel Pyramid (L) 361, 56 internet access Great Mosque (Tripoli; L) 330-1 hermit 346 Lebanon 385 Green Line (L)

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