VOL. XXI, NO. 8 an independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary ’s Saint Mary’s to inaugurate Hickey president Hickey cherishes Sunday activities mission of to highlight Saint Mary’s weekend events By MARGIE KERSTEN By AMN KALTENBACH Saint Mary's Editor Assistant Flews Editor W illiam Mickey, who will be inaugurated South Bend Mayor Roger Parent Sunday as the ninth president of Saint has proclaimed this weekend Saint Mary's , said he would like to be remem­ Marys College Weekend in South bered for enhancing and cherishing the Bend' in conjunction with the activi­ values in Saint Marys students.' ties surrounding the inauguration of After more than 25 years with the Col­ William Hickey as the ninth president lege in administrative and teaching pos­ of Saint Mary's on Sunday. itions, Mickey was named president in February of last year. Sister Madonna Murphy, Chair of Upon his appointment, Mickey said, To the College's Board of Regents, will be asked to lead the institution that not install Hickey as President at 2:30 only stands as one of the nations best p.m. Sunday in O'Laughin undergraduate colleges for women, but Auditorium. The public is invited to which has also provided me with so many attend the event. A reception will fol­ personal challenges and rewards, is both low the inaugural ceremony at 4 p.m. an honor and privilege.' in the LeMans Courtyard. Mickey said he thinks the upcoming in­ The weekend's events will begin at augural weekend is something that goes 5 tonight with a student dinner in the along with the office (of president) - a new beginning lor the College. Ivc tried Dining Hall, where Hickey will speak to remain emotionally detached, but I am momentarily at 7. Also during the now really getting more personally in­ dinner, Hickey will be presented a volved and excited.' sculpture designed by Saint Mary's More than $40,000 has been spent on student Michele Chlebek, said Stu­ the various festivities surrounding the in­ dent Body President Jeanne Heller. auguration and Mickey said the majority Following the dinner, Heller said ol the money was spent on food and the 1400 blue and white balloons will be printing of invitations, tickets and signs. released outside. Attached to each The College has a separate budget for balloon will be a postcard. A student the inauguration, Mickey said. Me said because every student, faculty had the option of having her name member, administrator, staff member printed on one of the postcards for and alumna of Saint Mary's received an donating 25 cents. invititation, the College expects a full The student whose postcard house in O Laughlin auditorium for the returns from the farthest distance by inauguration. The auditorium holds ap­ Oct. 1 will win a brunch for two at proxim ately 1,300. i nc UD.server/narQic rxcrsicn Tippecanoe Place Restaurant with When plans were started for the Hickey and his wife. weekend, Mickey said, the inaugural com William Hickey will be inaugurated the ninth president see HICKEY, page 4 of Saint Mary's this weekend. Related stories at left see PRESIDENT, page 7 and right. ______________________________________ _ SMC students recieve U.S. airliner hijacked in Pakistan obscene phone calls Associated Press at 3:25 p.m. EOT today, ac­ the stairs into the plane, said cording to the airline. the sources. KARACHI, Pakistan - A Pan We are aware of the reports One airport source, who By RACHAEL JAROSH and inquired if a man had ever American jumbo jet was and are monitoring the situa­ refused to be identified, said Flews Staff seen her in the natural state, seized on the ground at tion, said Peter Roussel, a the plane's crew managed to which she assumed to mean Karachi airport early today by White House spokesman in flee the aircraft after hearing Several students at Saint naked. four uniformed men who fired California with the vacationing the shots, but none of the pas­ Mary's College have received “ When I answered, its none of shots in the air and then President Reagan. The presi­ sengers were able to get off. obscene phone calls from a man your business, he simply said stormed the plane, demand­ dent has been informed and U.S. consulate officials said claiming to be conducting a sur­ Okay and went on. I should have ing to be flown to Cyprus, of­ is being kept updated on it by they were in touch with the vey, according to Richard hung u p .” ficials said. John Poindexter, the White U.S. State Departm ent in Chlebeck, director of Saint The Notre Dame Security has Aviation sources said Pan Mouse national security ad­ W ashington, but could give no Mary's Security. not received complaints of American World Airways Flight viser. other details. In Washington, The caller has pretended to be similiar calls, according to secur­ 73 was on a route from Bom­ Hanlon said the Boeing 747 State Department spokes­ surveying on the topic of parent­ ity investigator Anne Schellinger. bay, India, to Karachi; was reboarding in Karachi woman Deborah Cavin said ing for the national Educational She said that last year an indi­ Frankfurt, West Germany; and around 9 p.m . EOT yesterday she had no information on the Association, Chlebeck said, add­ vidual conducted a false survey New York. Pan Am spokes­ when four armed individuals, situation. ing the calls were sim ilar to those over the phone, however. woman Pamela Hanlon said in dressed as security guards, Security forces at the airport received by Saint Mary's students “ The male individual would call New York that about 280 pas­ boarded the airplane and went on immediate alert and last year. and say he was conducting a sur­ sengers and 13 flight atten­ demanded they be flown to personnel armed with ma­ “ Its likely that the same person vey on grade school sex educa­ dants were on board the Cyprus. chine guns and rifles quickly is bothering Saint Marys stu­ tion,” said Schellinger. She said plane. The men told the cockpit sealed off the area of the tar­ dents, " said Chlebeck. the calls came from off-campus A U.S. consulate spokes­ crew, who had left the plane, mac where the plane was One harassed student, who re­ and could not be traced because man in Karachi said, To the to get back on the craft and parked for refueling. quested anonymity, said the cal­ the caller rarely harassed the best of my knowledge there prepare for take off, she said. Officials at the airport ler began with questions regard­ same student twice. have been no casualties. The men, wearing blue uni­ refused to say if they were in ing her age, hometown, and Chlebeck recently sent a letter Hanlon said Americans forms, drove out to the parked contact with the men in con­ number of brothers and sisters. to Saint Mary’s students describ­ were aboard, but she did not jet shortly after it landed, ac­ trol of the plane, nor would According to the student, the cal­ ing the nature of the obscene know how many. The flight cording to airport sources. they say if they had any idea ler then began asking sexual calls and recommending steps to was scheduled to arrive at The men fired several shots who the men were or why they questions. take against such calls. Kennedy International Airport in the air and then rushed up had seized the je t. She said the caller asked how she felt about premarital sex see PHONE, page 3 ¥ The Observer Friday, September 5, 1986 — page 2 V V t r i ­ color TV Rentals. x \ \ x Pre-Law Students In Brief Low Semester Rates, (Any Student Considering Law School) Attend An exhibit for the Saint Mary's Inagural Weekend will be held at the Upper Moreau and Hammes Galleries at the Col­ The Pre-Law Society General Meeting lege. Admission to the galleries is free and open to the public. Gallery hours during the Inaugural Weekend are Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.; Sunday I I a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon., Sept. 8 at 7:30pm in Eng. Aud. -The Observer Dean W addlck will speak on: Course selection, applying, financial aid, events planned, etc. A 4 12-pound Polish sausage that its stuffers claim will feed 2,000 people is reigning this weekend over the 13th annual Sponsored by the Notre Dame - Saint Mary's Pre-Law Society World Kielbasa Festival in Chicopee, Mass. The four-day ethnic Please Bring 54 Membership fee Freshmen Encouraged festival with non-stop polka music annually attracts more than 50,000 people to this most Polish of the state's cities. It began yesterday. Undoubtedly this has got to be the big­ gest, said Jerry Patyka, vice president of the Chicopee Provi­ sion Co., which prepared the festival's King Sausage. Well, maybe. This year's King Kielbasa, which stretches 26 feet 3 inches, tops last year's 307 pound Chicopee effort by a con­ siderable margin. But a Milwaukee company last year claimed the record with a 425-pound sausage for a Polish Festival Chairman needed there. - AP To run Multiple Sclerosis Fundraising Event Of Interest Society and ethics will be the focus of today's Friday Forum at the Center for Social Concerns. Speaking will be Father Edward Malloy, associate provost, from 12:15 to I in Room 124 of the CSC building. - The Observer A campus Bible fellowship will hold weekly Bible studies starting today at 6:30.
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