J.<.aalO InK. - lUt: v UH..,,", Vi "'UUJ.V .." .. AMERICAN MEDIA SERVICES,LLc CHARLESTON 'I f BROKERAGE &DEVELOPlv1E..'H c~~~~ : ;~~ , ,., 843.972,2200 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA From' Today-'s News September 26, 2006 'We Rave 1'0 Do A. Lot Of1'hings Differently' Clear Channel CEO Mark Mays said Wednesday features that the radio industry must embrace new methods Publishers' Notes of reaching listeners and populating new fonns of media with its content if it hopes to compete in the Subscribe widening world of consumer media. Subscribe To Daily Headlines "For radio to propsper, we will have to do a lot Streamline Press things differently." he said during the Dickstein Shapiro Broadcast Financing 2006 session at the Industry a&A NAB Radio show. "We need to be taking content. Radio Revenue repurposing it, and giving it to people in a format Market Profile that they want We have to be constantly evolving and changing what we're doing. and asking Calendar of Events ourselves what changes can we continue to make to Reader Feedback mak.e radio viable." The Camer CaDler' .. Mays continued, "We have two customer bases; Mo: Classilleds our advertising customers and our listening customers. We need to do a betterjob of looking at Pt Radio Ink liSIS .. how to reach those two customer bases, because SlASll So IllduslrV lillks .. there is more competition today. for listeners. We're just trying to gain entertainment space in people's minds. We need to create very TIME I Comllanv News .. innovative environments in the future." AN BOOS Business News .. Fellow panelist and Greater Media CEO Peter Smyth shared Mays' sentiments. "As evolutionary Columnists things happen, people want to get on bandwagon," he said "People in the industry needl0 tak.e chances, and not be afraid to fail. We are on the way to great renaissance in American radio." AboUt Us .. Contact Us Aside from embracing technological change, Mays says that radio must also further consolidate over the next ten years if its wants to stand toe-to-toe with other, more consolidated industries Advertise that are using their scale to gain stronger footholds. "Look at radio versus other mediums," Mays said, noting that the cable, newspaper and television industries have all consolidated. "We are going to have to be broader." Mays even joked with Emmis Communications CEO Jeff Smulyan, another panelist, that he would have left Emmis' KZLA Los Angeles as a Country station - Emmis recently flipped the station to Rhythmic AC as "Movin' 93.9 - insisting that the scale Clear Channel has in the market would have allowed it to keep the market's sole Country outlet on the air. Under his breath and with a smile, Smulyan said, 'No you wouldn't have'." Comml!!lLM.!b.!LI.W.Il/ E-mail thiLtto'Y 10 a frimll! Sig!lyp-foLB.iulllLl:!~ad!i_ G~ MAr. CAM http://www.radioink.comIHeadlineEntry.asp?hid=135185&pt=todaysnews 9/26/2006 CI .h I ala ATTACHMENT 2 LOS ANGELES METRO RADIO MARKET REVENUE SHARE DATA In 2005, the L.A. Metro Radio Market had ...<:> <:> §I revenues of$1.080 billion.* ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••l'Il~••j~_IIII.j~~;~1lliI115.·M#IIi.iII.=!i5Iili.··N~"ft'.~·..·l-.nn n.,IOi&..(.j~;;~tmil~-'"n'l ::::.~~~~i~·:1,·",' ..{'-;.:'i€.±.;;~~~~.:l -~ u .., Clear ChamwI (20.6)"" Radio Qne h.6)** Salem12.2).... Lotus Kame_on {o.8).... ~ KBIG-FM KKBT-FM KXMX-AM KIRN-AM III KHHT-FM Emmj"(4.~ KKLA-FM KWPA-AM • KFI-AM KRLA·AM KWKW-AM KUS-PM KPWR-FM KFSH-FM KLAC-AM KZLA-FM 830AM.(o.ar· Taxi P'dtns CIJj)'" KMXE-AM KOST-FM ABC/Disney (5.6)"* KJLH-FM J.<TLK-AM Multic:nltural (O.9)~ KYSR-FM KABC-AM 1l! KDI8-AM EntravisioD (S.8)"" KALI..AM z; o CBS Radio h8,4)"* KLOS-FM KLYY-FM KALl-FM ....'"-l KCBS-FM KSPN-AM KSSE-FM KAZN-AM KSYY-FM KMNY-AM '"' KFWB-AM Liberman {4,.z)"" iii ]{u;X-FM KVYY-FM KMRB-AM KBUE-FM/KBUA-FM/ KNX-AM KDLD-FM KYPA-AM KROQ-FM KERN-PM IDLE-FM KBLA:-AM KRTII-FM KHJ-AM ,., KWIZ-FM Mi.Wilson 1M Ct-4)** Hi Favor (0.5)" .. KTWV-FM ..., KMXN-FM (Bimulcastwith KBUB) KMZT-FM KLTX-AM Uniyisioo Radio ha.4}.... KSUR-AM .. SRanisb B'cst (6.1)­ Sporting News (0.2)*­ .. KLVE-FM ::> KLAX-}'"M Styles Media (0.7)** KMPC-AM ...,., KRCD-FM/KRCV-FM KXOL-FM KDAY-FM 2 KSCA-FM CalvaryChappel (0.8)·· .. KTNQ-AM KWVE-FM ,.,.. ... W Radio (o.d"· .. XTRA-AM ::> ::> .. Source: 'SCBA Reporllng Statlons Jan.-Dec. 2005 for 59 Radio statIons In L.A. and Orange Counties. "­ 0,/25/06 ,..... "Shares based on Spring 2006. Arbilron Los Angeles Metro Ratings. Monday-Sunday, 6A-12M. Pl2+. ~ In 2004, the L.A. Metro Radio Market had ":> :> i revenues of$1.045 billion.* 'Z'" """..... YS'. ,_ l~:.\"'iiif.~~t:r~5~~:f.-~..-~nWb~;!"'ioi#-'m."&!:~-:-;-~ ~ ~ ClearChannel (ao,a>*" Radio One (3,2)" Salem h,g)*" Lotus Ka)menson (0,6)·· ..,~ KBIG-:FM KKBT-FM KXMX-AM KIRN-AM KHHT-FM KKLA-FM KWPA-AM ~ Emmis (6,0)"· .. KFI-AM KRLA-AM KWKW-AM • KIIS-FM KPWR-FM KFSH-FM KLAC-AM KZLA-FM Radiovisa (o.V·" Taxi P'dtns Cl,41"* I<MXE--AM KOST-FM APe/Disney (4.9)** KTLK-AM KJLH-FM. Multicultural (o,S).... KYSR-FM KABC-AM KDIS-AM Entravision (5.d·" KALI-AM ~ Infinity <18,4)" KLOS-FM KLYY-FM KALI-FM § KCBS-FM KSPN-AM KSSE-FM KAZN-AM ~ KFWB-AM KSYY-FM KMNY-AM ~ liberman <4,6)"" "' KLSX-FM KVYY-FM KMRB-AM ~ KNX-AM KBUE-FM/KBUA-FM/ KDLD-FM KYPA-AM KEBN-FM KROQ-FM KDLE-FM KBLA-AM KHJ-AM KKI'H-FM KWIZ-FM Mt, Wilson FM h,o)" Hi Favor (0,,4)** KlWV-FM .., KMXN-FM (simulcast with KBUE) KMZf-FM KLTX-AM " Univisjon !tamp Ctl.3)"" PubIi.e Railjo Statiops KSUR-AM SDOJilng News (o.ll~ "'" .. KLVE-FM <4,6)"* Styles Media (0.9)" KMPC-AM .. KRCD-FM/KRCV-FM KUSC-FM KDAY-FM ...:> KSCA-FM calvary ChaJ)J!eJ (o,sY· KPCC-FM " KTNQ-AM KWVE-FM ~ KCRW-FM ~B'rst (6,0)"* .. K.KJZ-FM " KLAX-FM "..... KCSN-FM KXOIrFM ..... KCLU-FM :>" N Soorce: ·5CBA Reporting Stations Jan.-Dec. 2004 far 59 Radio stations in LA. and Orange Coun1ies. '­ 09/');2/05 ...... ··Shares based on Spring 2005. Arbltron los Angeles Metro Ratings, Mon.-Sun.• 6A-12M. P12+, '­.. " ..o In 2003, the L.A. Metro Radio Market had o 5il revenues of$1.035 billion.* ~....-:-~~=_~<:'_"~~"'~~.,Gf-'5'·,":.'.:"~.;f~:-:;.~ _____________;_......__ ... ~ l§ u...., Clear Channel (ao.21"* Radio One (3.0)'.... Salem (2.1))** Lotus KalmensoD (O.7)~" KBIG-FM KKBT-FM KXMX-AM KIRN-AM i KHlIT-FM KKLA-FM KWPA-AM • KFI-AM Emmis ('L4)** KRLA-AM KWKW-AM KIIS-FM KPWR-FM KFSH-FM Radiuma (0.5)** KIAC-AM KZLA-FM TaxiP'dtn, h.g)"* KMXE-AM KOST-FM ABClDisDev<5.7)"* KXTA-AM KJLH-FM Multic:ulturaJ (0.5)·· KYSR-FM KABC-AM !l! KDIS-AM Enuavision <4.4).... KALI-AM KLYY-FM KALI-FM '"~ Infinity <to.or" KL08-FM ..-l KSPN-AM KSSE-FM KAZN-AM ~ KeBS-PM ~. KFWB-AM KSYY-FM KMNY-AM ~ Libennan (4.8)"* KLSX-FM KVYY-FM KMRB-AM KNX-AM KBUE-FM/KBUA-FM/ KDLD-FM KYPA-AM KEBN-FM KROQ-FM KDLE-FM KBLA-AM KHJ-AM KRTIi-FM ,., KWIZ-FM Mt. WllSOD PM (2.0)** Hi Favor(0.')** KlWV-FM ",., KMXN-FM (simulcast with KB,UE) KMZl'-FM KLTX-AM Uniyision Radio (7.7)­ .' KSURAM .. SptlQWt H'cst (7.3)** - $pomp!NewJ! (0;1>*" .. KLVE-FM XTRACOm. (0.S>'" :> KLAX-FM KMPC-AM ,.,... KReD-FM/KRCY-FM KXOL-FM XTRA-AM KSCA-FM CalvaryCbgppel (0,6)** ~ KZAB/KZBA-FM XTRiI\-FM KTNQ-AM KWVE-FM ,., ", . ... ",. Souce: ·SC8A Reporting StatiOns Jan.-Dec. 2003 for 57 Recio stations in LA. and Orange Counties. , ••Shores based on Sprtng 200". Arbiiron Los AngeleS Metro Roiings. Mon,-Sun.. 6A-12M. P12+. Arbitron data used with '".. permission from !he Arblfron Company and may not be quoted orreproduced without written pemissioo trom Arbitron. 07/20/04 ... ",. In 2002, the L.A. Metro Radio Market had revenues of$950 million.* - ...- iS~!i!=1!~:~'i,:,-..+"twf'f&t--r ~~~·~"::i¥":j+..3""ji:!a£ (j,ear Channel £19.9)** EmmiB (7.S)** FourSquare Gospel (Q.d"" Radio Unic:a (0,8)*" KBIG-FM KPWR-FM KFSG-FM KBLA-AM KHlIT-FM KZLA-FM Taxi p'dtns h.g)*" Lotus Kalmcnson (o.6)*" KFI-AM KII8-PM ABC/Disney (5.0)" KJLH-FM KIRN-AM KABC-AM KWPA-AM KLAC-AM En1ravision (2,6)** KOSf-FM KDIS-AM KWKW-AM KLYY-PM lOtTA-AM KLOS-FM KSSE-FM S,porting News (o.ll KYSR-FM KSPN-AM KDLD (formerly KSSC-FM) KMPCAM Ipfipitv £1g.5)" Uberman (5-g)­ KDLE (formerIyKSSD-FM) eRN (O.3)*" KCBS-PM KBUF...FM/KnUA-FM KSYV-FM KFWB-AM KHJ-AM KV¥Y-FM KPLS-FM KLSX-FM KWIZ-FM Mt.WilsonFM (2,4)** PublieRadiQSmtions(~~*~ KNX-AM KMXN-FM KMZf-FM KUSC-FM KROQ-FM SpAnish B'est(s 4)" KSUR-AM KPCC-FM KRTH-FM KLAX-FM KCRW-FM IITWV-FM Multicultural (o.S)*" KKJZ-FM , KXOL-FM HispanicB'cstCor(9,2)-­ KALI-AM KCSN-FM ,• Salem (2.5)*· KALI-FM KCLU-FM KLVE-FM • KEZY-AM KAZN-AM • KRCD-FM/KRCV-FM • KKLA-FM KMNY-AM > KSCA-FM • KLTX-AM KMRB-AM > KTNQ-AM ~ KRLA-AM KYPA-AM "- Radio One (3-6)*­ KFSH-FM ..? KKBT-FM • " ":> Source: 'SCM Reporting Stations Jan.-Dec.
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