E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1998 No. 7 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- I hope the President gets the mes- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nal stands approved. sage. pore (Mrs. EMERSON). f f f PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONGRATULATIONS TO THE DEN- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the VER BRONCOS: SUPERBOWL PRO TEMPORE gentleman from Washington (Mr. CHAMPIONS The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- WHITE) come forward and lead the (Mr. JOHNSON of Wisconsin asked fore the House the following commu- House in the Pledge of Allegiance. and was given permission to address nication from the Speaker: Mr. WHITE led the Pledge of Alle- the House for 1 minute and to revise WASHINGTON, DC, giance as follows: February 5, 1998. and extend his remarks.) I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the I hereby designate the Honorable JO ANN Mr. JOHNSON of Wisconsin. Madam United States of America, and to the Repub- EMERSON to act a Speaker pro tempore on Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to lic for which it stands, one nation under God, this day. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the winners of Superbowl XXXII, the NEWT GINGRICH, World Champions of football, the Den- f Speaker of the House of Representatives. ver Broncos. f ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER I expected to be here discussing how PRAYER PRO TEMPORE the Lombardi Trophy would once again be making its home in Titletown. Reverend Douglas Tanner, Faith and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The That aside, let me say that this Politics Institute, Washington, D.C., Chair will now entertain five 1-minutes year's Superbowl left no football fan offered the following prayer: from each side. disappointed. It was a nail-biter of a Almighty God, who created, sustains f game that was decided with only 32 and redeems us: THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS seconds left on the clock, leaving those We come before You on a rainy, of us from northeast Wisconsin windy morning in this capital city, and (Mr. DELAY asked and was given per- scratching our collective cheeseheads pray that You would send a rain that mission to address the House for 1 wondering what went wrong. cleanses our souls and a wind that en- minute and to revise and extend his re- So today, I give my best version of livens our spirits. marks.) the mile-high salute to John Elway, to This month we recall our history as a Mr. DELAY. Madam Speaker, as Terrell Davis, and to the entire Bronco Nation through the lives of George usual with this administration, the team. Congratulations on a well-earned Washington and Abraham Lincoln and devil is in the details. The President's victory. I guess those of us in Green the distinctively rich contributions of budget, carefully constructed by poll- Bay will only have to console ourselves Black Americans. Grant us the grace sters, is a hodgepodge of nice-sounding with three Superbowl trophies, and to see it honestly, to receive who we government programs. In fact, it ex- congratulate Denver on this moment of are, and to embrace who You are call- pands government spending by close to glory. ing us to become. $100 billion. Let me also say to the people of Den- We dare to believe that is one Nation, Now, there are two ways to pay for ver that they are extremely fortunate under You, indivisible, with liberty and this additional Washington spending. to have a Congresswoman who fights as justice for all. Give Members of this One is to increase taxes, and the other hard for her constituents as do the House, we pray, the understanding to is to spend any surplus. Broncos, the gentlewoman from Colo- walk, the wisdom to lead, and the cour- Madam Speaker, my constituents rado (Ms. DEGETTE), a lifetime Bronco age to legislate in such a direction. have two messages for the President: fan and, like her team, a champion. Amen. Do not increase taxes and do not spend f the surplus. f The American people do not want THE JOURNAL more government programs; they want ELECTRONIC CAMPAIGN The SPEAKER pro tempore. The more efficient government programs. DISCLOSURE ACT Chair has examined the Journal of the They do not want more taxes; they (Mr. WHITE asked and was given per- last day's proceedings and announces want lower taxes; and they do not want mission to address the House for 1 to the House her approval thereof. us to spend the surplus. minute.) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H337 H338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 5, 1998 Mr. WHITE. Madam Speaker, in CONGRESS SHOULD MOVE CAU- racy out of our children's classrooms. March we are going to vote on cam- TIOUSLY ON RESOLUTION RE- Unfortunately, the administration is paign finance reform in this House. It GARDING IRAQ now trying to reverse our progress and is a very important issue but also a (Mr. PAUL asked and was given per- to put Federal bureaucrats back in very difficult issue, and it is made par- mission to address the House for 1 local classrooms by implementing a ticularly difficult because most of the minute.) national testing program that Congress bills before us are big bills that deal Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, in 1964, a has already once clearly rejected. I have said it before, and I will say it with the whole comprehensive issue resolution passed this Congress which again: National testing is not in the that we have to talk about. urged the President to take all nec- I have got one of those bills, and I best interest of this country. essary measures to repel any armed at- hope that we can pass one. But just in The key to providing America's chil- tack against the forces of the United case we cannot, today I am introducing dren with the best possible education is States and to prevent further aggres- what we might call a small bill that to put control in the hands of the par- sion, the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. will deal at least with some of the ents, teachers and communities, not in problems. This bill is called the Elec- Today there is a resolution floating the hands of Federal bureaucrats who tronic Campaign Disclosure Act, and around this Congress that urges the are hundreds and even thousands of what it does is tell the Federal Elec- President to take all necessary and ap- miles away. tions Commission to get into the 21st propriate actions to respond to the For the sake of our children, I hope century. threat posed by Iraq. We should re- those of us who believe in parents and It directs the FEC to establish a member history. We lost 50,000 men teachers, instead of bureaucrats, will database on-line to search over the after we passed that last resolution. We pass H.R. 2846 to prohibit Federal test- Internet for all the information needed do not have a sensible policy with Iraq. ing, without the authorization of Con- about campaign finances in our coun- We should move cautiously. gress. try. Every campaign would have to file Madam Speaker, I would also urge f within 10 days a report of every con- other Members to be cautious when CONGRESS MUST WORK TO PRE- tribution that it receives and contribu- they talk about a surgical strike and SERVE AND STRENGTHEN AMER- tors, and PACs would also have to file. assassination. Assassination of foreign Madam Speaker, sometimes we can- leaders is still illegal under our law. ICA'S PUBLIC SCHOOLS not do it all in one step. The longest I urge my fellow colleagues, please, (Ms. DELAURO asked and was given journey begins with a single step, and I be cautious, be careful, and be wise permission to address the House for 1 think if we cannot pass a big bill a when it comes to giving this President minute and to revise and extend her re- small bill like the one I am introducing the right to wage war. Ironically, this marks.) today would be a step in the right di- President did not respond in the same Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, in rection. manner with the Gulf of Tonkin resolu- last week's State of the Union, Presi- f tion. dent Clinton challenged this body to f pass legislation to improve America's HOME HEALTH CARE BENEFITS public schools. Democrats are eager to MUST BE RESTORED FOR MEDI- ACCESS TO THE WHITE HOUSE BY get to work, reducing class size, repair- CARE RECIPIENTS COMMUNIST CHINESE IS DAN- ing crumbling schools, putting comput- (Mr. WISE asked and was given per- GEROUS ers in every classroom. mission to address the House for 1 (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was But my Republican colleagues on the minute.) given permission to address the House other side of the aisle are saying no. Mr. WISE. Madam Speaker, today is for 1 minute and to revise and extend They bring unnecessary legislation February 5, the day that up to 3,000 el- his remarks.) today that would block national tests derly and homebound West Virginians Mr.
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