HUNT’S MERCHANTS’ MAGAZINE? W f f h l ÿ §Uw.spat>iï, REPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES VOL 44, NEW YORK, MAY 28, 1887. NO. 1,144; f i n a n c i a l . Ifituttucial. Hfinaucial. Da n ie l Ma n n in g . F. Bl a n k e n h o r n . AMERICAN President. Cashier. C. N. Jo r d a n , H . A . Sm it h , Bank Note Company; Vice-Pres’t. Assistant Cashier DIAMONDS. THE 78 TO 86 TRINITY PLACE, NEW YORK. Bsilaeu Founded IT95. Alfred H. Smith & Co., Western National Bank t a u r ^ n M uder Lews of Stole of Row York. WM. Reorganized 1879. IMPORTERS, O F T H E E ngravers a n d P rinters or 182 Broadway, Cor. Join Street. BONDS, POSTAGE & REVENUE 8TAM P8( CITY OF NEW YORK. LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTE8 o f the UNITED STATES; and for CAPITAL, - - - 93,000,000 Foreign Governments. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, N e w Y o r k , May It, 1887. BANK NOTES, SHARE CERTIFICATES, BONDS This Bank Is now opened for business. Accounts F o b governments a n d corporations , respectfully sollolted. The usual banking facilities DRAFTS, CHECKS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, SOLID SILVER. extended to customers. STAMPS, do.) In the finest and most artistic style Orders for purchase or sale of securities will FROM STEEL PLATES, receive careful attention. «nth SPECIAL SAFEGUARDS to PREVENT COUNTERFEITING. GORHAM M’t’g Co., Special papers manufactured exclusively for Sterling Exchange bought and sold. Facilities for use of the Company# Broadway and Nineteenth Street, keeping accounts in Sterling Exchange, subject to SAFETY COLOR8. SAFETY PAPER8. draft In kind, will be afforded. The methods of re­ Work Executed In Fireproof Building*. AND 9 MAIDEN LANE. ceiving such deposits and making payment against LITHOGRAPHIC AND TYPE PRINTING. them will be subject to arrangement. RAILWAY TICKETS OF IMPROVED STYLES. Show Cards, Labels, Calendars. F . BLANK ENHORN, Cashier. BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION JAMES MACDONOUGH, President A. D. SHEPARD, ) Floyd-Jones & Robison, W. M. SMILLIE, > Vice-Presidents. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Taintor & Holt, TOURO ROBERTSON, J No. 2 Exchange Court, New York. THEO. H. FREELAND, Sec’y and Treat. BANKERS, Stocks, Bonds and U. S. Government Securities ¡.Bought and Sold on Commission. No, 11 W all St., Cor. New, New York. Maverick National Bank W m . 0 . F l o y d -Jones, W il l ia m Ro b ison Members New York Stock Exchange. TRANSACT a G EN ERAL BANKING business. BOSTON, MASS. DEPOSITS received and INTEREST allowed on C A P IT A L, .... $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 balances. J. A. Kohn & Co., Buy and sell GOVERNMENT, M UNICIPAL and SURPLUS, .... $600,000 RAILR O AD Securities. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corporations Private telegraph wires to Providence and Boston. (Mil l s B u il d in g ), 19 B R O A D S T . , N. Y . solicited. GILES E. TAINTOR. GEO. H. HOLT Members of the New York Stock Exchange. Our facilities for COLLECTIONS are excellent G. D. L’HUILIBR. Execute orders on commission for B o n d s, S to c k s and we re-discount for banks when balances war­ and Foreign Exchange. rant it. Dealers In first-class Investment Securities, Boston is a reserve city, and balances with us from Particular attention given to Investments for Cap­ banks (not located in other reserve cities) count as a italists, Trust Funds and Institutions. F. E. Trowbridge, reserve. BANKER AND BROKER, W e draw our own exchange on London and the Continent, and make Cable transfers and place No*. 3 & 5 Broad or 29 Wall Street*. money by telegraph throughout the United States William T. Meredith, and Canada. 4 8 WALL STREET, (Br a n c h Ovficb, 290 Br o a d w a y .) Government Bonds bought and sold, and exchanges (Bank of New York Building). In Washington made for banks without extra charge. Member of the New York Stock Exchange. Di­ Bonds and Stocks bought and sold at the New W e have a market for prime first-class Investment rector of Merchants’ Exchange National Bank York Stock Exchange. Securities, and invite proposals from States, Coun­ American Savings Bank, American Safe Deposit ties and Cities, when issuing bonds. BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES FOB Company, Ac., Ac. SALE We do a general banking business, and Invite cor­ Securities bought and sold on commission, for respondence. cash or on margin. All Inquiries gratuitously res* W . H . Dic k in so n , Ed w a r d P. a l l in g . ponded to. Correspondence solicited. ASA P. POTTER, President. Member N. Y. Stock Exchange. JOS. W . WORK, Cashier. Dickinson & Ailing, BANKERS AND BROKERS, Henry S. Ives & Co., W . P. Wight & Co, No. 30 Pine Street, New York. Buy and sell at N. Y . Stock Exchange, for IN ­ BANKERS, 12 Broadway, VESTMENT or on M ARGIN, all classes of. Stocks STOCK BROKERS. and Bonds, and allow interest on deposits, subject to No. 25 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. check at sight._________ ____ __________________________ >wi ..TTs -Awwiiiuit S ft ä d ’f o Ä f S ? Î Â 1h “ eoU8 Securities boi P. 0 . BOX 1,422. or on m* r*in J. B. Cr eig h t o n Memb. N .Y. Stock Exch. A. B. Cl a f l in , S] Green & Bateman, Transact a general banking business, lneludlng the purchase and sale of securities listed at the New STOCK BROKER. BANKERS, York Stock Exchange, or in the open market. 10 W all Street, New York. Receive deposits subject to check at sight and Lansdale Boardman, allow Interest on dally balances. n e t t Y O R K , 8 0 B R O A D W A Y <k 5 NEVI Stocks, Bonds and Cotton. Government, State, County, City and Railroad T R O Y , N .Y ., No. 17 FIRST STREET bonds constantly on hand for sale or exchange, and Transact a General Banking Business particular attention given to the subject of invest­ Stock Exch. membership; private wire: all facili Interest allowed on Deposits. ments for Institutions and trust funds. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 THE CHRONICLE. [V o l. X L iy . gjmfcjers atuft grawjetrs of JZoveij$u fioritauge. Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., THE BANKERS, INVESTMENT CO . WALL STREET, CORNER OF BROAD. Nos. 34 and 36 WALL S T R E E T . N E W W O R K . ISSUE TRAVELERS’ CREDITS, available In all parts of the World, through of Philadelphia. Drexel & Co., Drexel,Harjes & Co Messrs. N. M. Rothschild Ac Sons. London. “ do Rothschild Bros., Paris. 3 1 0 CHESTNUT STREET. Corsoi 5th A Chestnut Sts. 81 Boulevard Haussmann, “ M. A . de Rothschild Ac Sons. Frank­ Capital, 82,000,006. Fall paid. fort o\m. CONDUCTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PHILADELPHIA PARIS. S. M. de Rothschild, Esq., Vienna. Allows interest on cash deposits, subject to check AND THEIR CORRESPONDENTS. or on Certificates. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN RANKERS. Draw Bills of Exchange on, and make Cable Trans­ Bnys and sells Bills of Exchange, drawing on Deposits received subject to Draft. Securities fers to, England, France and Germany. Baring Bros. A Co., London; Perler Freres et Cle. ought and sold on commission. Interest allowed on Paris; Mendelssohn A Co., Berlin, and on Pan) Deposits. Foreign Exchange. Commercial Credits. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Hamburg. Cable Transfers. Circular Letters for Travelers, Negotiates Securities, Railroad, State, Municipa available in all parts of the world. Kidder, Peabody & Co., etc. Offers for sale first-class Investment Securities. A t t o r n e y s a n d a g e n t s of FOREIGN BANKERS, Particulars and terms on application. W ILLIA M BKOCKIE, President. Messrs. J . 8. MORGAN Ac CO.« WHARTON BARKER, Vice-President. 1 Nassau Street, New York, H EN R Y M. H O YT, JR., Treasurer. Vo. 22 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. ETH ELBERT W A T TS, Secretary. 113 Devonshire Street, Boston. Board of Directors—William Brockie, George S. Pepper, Morton McMtchael, Wharton Barker, Henry 0 . Gibson, T. Wistar Brown, Isaac H . Clothier. Erown Brothers & Co., ATTORNEYS AND AGENTS OF Advisory Committee of Stockholders.—William Potter, George M. Troutman, Gustavus English, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, William Pepper, M. D., Thomas Dolan, John G. AND Messrs. BARING BROS. & CO., London Reading, Joseph B. Gillingham, John Wanamaker, A L E X A N D E R R R O W N Ac SONS, Henry E. Smith, Craige Lippincott, Hamilton COMMERCIAL CREDITS. Digs ton, Clayton French, Francis Rawle, William BALTIMORE. Wood, Walter Garrett. Members of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Circular Credits for Travelers. Stock Exchanges. Execute orders for all Investment securities. Buy Canadian Rank of Commerce. and sell Bills of Exchange on Great Britain and Ca b l e T r a n s f e r s a n d B il l s o f E x c h a n g e on CAPITAL, f «,000,000. SURPLUS, $1,600,000. Ireland, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, G r e a t B r it a in a n d t h e Co n t in e n t . J. H. GOADBT & ALEX. LAIRD, Australia, St. Thomas, St. Croix and AGENTS, British West Indies. 16 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK Issue Commercial Ac Travelers’ Credits J. & W . Seligman & Co. BUY AND SELL STERLING EXCHANGE, CABLE IN STERLING, BANKERS, TRANSFERS, ETC. Available In any part of the world, In Fr an c s for No.
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