PAGE TWENTY-TWO THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970: Avmtge Dally Net Press Run lianrlipatfr ^nming l| m ld The Weather For Tlie Wfrtt Ended Y r AuguM 22, 1676 Partly cloudy, chance of Iso^ Six^Town Police CUisses lated thundershowers tonight; ‘Bucky- Retires As MMH Housekeeper 1 5 ,2 3 0 ManrlfpatTr lEupnitig H rralii low In 60s. Tomorrow, Sunday .if? lA . A » wrmmm ^ fair, warm; high 86 to 60. B j W nU A M OOB Scheduled for Manchester Manchester— /4 City .of Village Charm (HeiiUd Keportor) An In-service training pro- pllcatl<m to the Law Enforce­ Mrs. Marion Buckler, graun for policemen In Manches­ ment Assistance Administra­ VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 280 who for nearly 26 years has (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1970 (Classified AdverUoIng on Page 16) PRICE TEN CENTS ter and five surrounding towns tion, through the State Planning had charge of keepinsr Man­ Committee on Criminal Admin­ chester Memorial Hospital is now in the planning stages istration. shining clean, retires to­ and should begin in November. The town has already receiv­ \ morrow from her post of rile Manchester Police De­ ed $10,000 of the $18,000 grant executive housekeeper. partment has received a feder­ and the Board ot Directors wlU She’U be leaving a big job al grant to Implement the pro­ be asked Tuesday to appropri­ Cholera gram, which ^11 also include ate that sum to the police War Has Claimed that would give a harried housewife nightmares — the Glastonbury, Blast Hartford, budget for the program. Coverup planning and supervising of all South Windsor, Vernon and Cov­ Manchester PoUce will actual­ Inside housekeeping at w u w entry. ly provide the training program That Includes the cleaning of The outline for the course is for the other five towns. This Charged acres of rooms and corridors, now being studied. regional cooperatlini is the first PLAZA DEPT. STORE 4^008 U.S. ^Copters Manchester Police Lt. Robert phis doing the laundry for more such program In the state east (We Have A Notton To Pleoae) GENEVA (AP) — The World than SOO patients! Laiuian and Patrolman Rfohard of the river. In-service training Health Organization charged to­ Sartor have surveyed all the po­ E. MIDDLB TPKE. (Next to Popular Mkt) SAIGON (AP) — The U.S. 4,004 helicopters have been lost were destroyed as the result rile duties are ever-increas­ such as this does exist, but un­ (Command announced today that day that certain governments ing as the hoepltal continues to licemen about the tentative cur­ til now it was only in large cit­ OPEN WED., ’THUBS., FBL ttU 6 to all causes in North and South rocket, mortar and other at­ are deliberately covering up riculum. The course will Include 4,(X)8 American helicopters have Vietnam, Laos and Clambodla tacks on the ground, mechanical eoqiand. When Mrs. Buckler ies . been lost In the Vietnm war cases of cholera and stated that Joined the hoqiital staff In 1M4, the areas of criminal law, ar­ Office Switch since Jan. 1, 1661. A spokesman failures, air collisions and pilot the disease “ is spreading more rest procedure, warrant appli­ and 4,152 Americans were killed error. she had only 85 beds to worry In order to make room for a NEED SOMETHING FOR BABY? said four more were shot down rapidly than Indicated by offi­ cation, rules of evidence, report or presumed killed In them. rile U.S. Command said of the about, and all the housekeeping training classroom and offices over South Vietnam Wednesday cial notifications.’’ writing, human relations and Informed sources estimated 43,418 Americans killed in ac­ could be handled by a staff of for the program, the Manchest­ HND A WONDERFUL SELECTION and Thursday, bringing the total But the organization’s chief of traffic control. the worth of the helicopters at tion through last Saturday, 2,368 12 maids and 2 male workers. to 4,008. information, Maurice Sinclair er police station Is undergoing more than a billion dollars, died in helicopters hit by enemy Separated gobs The training program is not extensive renovation. Second U.S. headquarters said 1,786 said the organization’s hands police education for recruits. AT PLAZA based on an average cost of fire and another 1,748 were ‘Sack In those days, I had floor offices, formerly occupied of the helicopters were shot Eire tied by the fact that It has to Instead, it is related to training roughUy $260,000. killed In helicopter accidents. In charge of receiving and dis­ by the Family Relations Divi­ Birdseye Prefolded Goose Dialers ................. dot. S8A6 down in South Vietnam, 23 in needs of the experienced officer. the two helicopters shot down rely on government sources. tributing supplies, too,” she re­ sion of the 12th Circuit Court, Nylon Carriage Neta ........................................ each $ ! . » The U.S. Command's weiekly Cambodia, 10 In North Vietnam Commenting on the "mystery The course is designed to im­ summary of aircraft losses said this week, six Americans were called. “ But that’s all changed are being remodeled now. Colorful Terry Backed Bibs ............................... 8 for 66o and nine in Laos. Another 2,230 dlsesise’’ which has killed 27 now. Am we grew, receiving and prove the skills and efficiency killed and 30 others are missing of the policemen, Lannan and The Manchester department triple crotch ........................................................8 for 91.U and presumed dead. persons Elnd hospltEiUzed more 2 supply was made a separate A has also received an additional Colorful Terry Backed Bobs ..............................S for 66o than 200 In Guinea in West Afri­ function." Sartor said. The Army, Air Force and Ma­ rile primary Instruction $3,(XX> grant to make a study of Fine Quality Crib Sheets ................................. eooh SLtt rines have more than half a doz­ ca, SinclEiir sEild: “ We CEin nei­ The housekeeping staff die ther confirm or deny the very supervises since has grown to would be from experts In each communications needs. Police Wblte Quilted Baby Pads ........................................... Wo en types of helicopters operat­ field. A prosecuting attorney, Chief James Reardon Is propos­ Baby Undershirts ...............................................« for $ U » ing In South Vietnam, riiey detailed reports given in the mme than 90 people and In­ press." cludes 88 maids, 16 men, and for instance, would lecture on ing a completely new radio sys­ Receiving Blankets ............................................2 for fl.W range from the tiny OH6 obser­ But he sEild that If cholera Is 18 workers in the laundiy. what would be necessary for tem to tie in with other systems vation craft to the 88-foot-long officieilly confirmed in Guinea More workers wlU have to be successful prosecution after ar­ in the capital region. FX.US MANY BBAUTIFULi GIFT ITEIIB! HH63, ths Jolly Green Giant, added soon, as the' new iKN^tal rest. Two <Xher grants have been whose primary function is res­ “It would be serious" because it Policemen have to be kept in­ Come In and See — Hie Values Are Great! would be the first time the sick­ wing re^dly nesiring comple­ (Herald ptwto by Buoehrtctus) active for iiearly a year now. cue and recovery. tion opens late this year. Mrs. Buckler, retiring housekeeper at Manchester Memorial Hospital, inven­ formed of changes in the law The two grants were In the The command noted that ness had ever penetrated Africa 8 But planning for and provid­ and court procedures, Lsinnan areas of a traffic records study more than 4,000 American heli­ south of the Ssdiara. He added tories linens in laundry with Ralph Giannotti, who succeeds her. and Sartor said. They have to ing the housekeeping for that and a police traffic services copters are operating in Indo­ that lack of experience and portion of the hoepltal will fall know not only the law as writ­ study. china, flying an average of medlcEil personnel In the Eu:ea ler Sr. at their home at 47 Holl Last night, she was honored He said he is already involved ten, but how the courts will In­ on the shoulders of Ralidi Oian- Manchester is the “ pilot’’ pro- 10,000 hours per day Euid fre­ would add to the problem. Police line up in front of the New Haven courthouse where Black Panther at a surprise reUrement party in planning his phase of the re­ terpret it. This Involves study nottl, 48, of Enfield, vdio joined St. g;ram tor the statewide traffic quently are exposed to both ene­ SinclEilr SEild countries have a Charge List Lonnie McLucas is being tried, as his supporters try to march up the steps. Ber service at the hoepltal to­ at Willie’s Steak House, given sponsibilities for the new wing, of theory to enable policemen the MMH staff earlier this records study. Under the pro­ my fire and excessive wear. duty under the World Health Or- Jury is in its third day of deliberations. (AP Photofax) which will include a 40-bed in­ to read the "Intent” of the law. month and will succeed Mrs. tals a UtUe less than 25 years by her co-workers and attended posal, records are being com­ The summary of aircraft loss­ gEuiizatlon’s mEindatory interna- tensive care unit. Another problem area spon­ Buckler. because she left for a year and by more than 60 persons. She piled for computerlzaUon. es also listed 1,888 flxed-wlng tionEil sEinitary regulations to Oh Panther sors hope the training program Was at Sonesta a half during the Korean Con­ was presented a money tree as planes shot down in the war, notify It of a number of dls- Qlannottl comes to Manches­ flict to be with her husbEuid, a farewell gift.
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