EXPLICIT REFERENCES TO NEW TESTAMENT VARIANT READINGS AMONG GREEK AND LATIN CHURCH FATHERS VOLUME I A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Notre Dame in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Amy M. Donaldson _______________________________ Brian Daley, Director Graduate Program in Theology Notre Dame, Indiana December 2009 © Copyright 2009 Amy M. Donaldson EXPLICIT REFERENCES TO NEW TESTAMENT VARIANT READINGS AMONG GREEK AND LATIN CHURCH FATHERS Abstract by Amy M. Donaldson In his introduction to New Testament textual criticism, Eberhard Nestle stated a desideratum, later repeated by Bruce Metzger, for a collection, arranged according to time and locality, of all passages in which the church fathers appeal to New Testament manuscript evidence. Nestle began this project with a list of references; Metzger continued the work by examining the explicit references to variants by Origen and Jerome and expanding Nestle‟s list. This dissertation picks up where Metzger left off, expanding and evaluating the list. The purpose is to contribute to patristics and New Testament textual criticism in two ways: first, by providing a helpful catalogue of patristic texts that refer to variant readings; and second, by analyzing the collected data with a focus on the text-critical criteria used by the fathers. The dissertation begins by considering the social and historical backdrop of the early church, especially textual scholarship in antiquity and its patristic application to the Old Testament. The explicit references to variants are then examined, first by individual father (organized by Greek and Latin), then by variant (for the variants discussed by Amy M. Donaldson multiple authors). This information is then summarized in terms of literary genres in which the references occur and the criteria used to evaluate the variants. After a general assessment of New Testament textual scholarship by the early church (including recensional and scribal activity), patristic textual criticism is compared to modern practice to assess to what extent the church fathers engaged in textual criticism and what insights we can gain from them today. The second volume contains the catalogue of explicit references to variants (each entry includes the variants and their textual evidence in modern critical editions, the Greek or Latin excerpt and English translation, and a brief discussion of the context). Passages that discuss textual problems but are not explicit references to variants are collected separately. In an appendix, the lists by Nestle and Metzger are compared alongside the list of texts in the catalogue, followed by another appendix on Bede, and a third appendix containing a brief biography and bibliography for each father cited in the catalogue. TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME ONE: ANALYSIS Acknowledgments . iii Abbreviations . iv General Introduction . 1 1. Textual Analysis in Antiquity and Its Application to the Old Testament . 38 2. New Testament Textual Analysis by Greek Fathers . 93 3. New Testament Textual Analysis by Latin Fathers . 133 4. New Testament Textual Variants Discussed by Multiple Fathers . 181 5. The Purpose and Application of Textual Analysis in the Early Church . 231 6. New Testament Textual Criticism, Ancient and Modern . 281 Conclusion . 327 VOLUME TWO: TEXTS Introduction . 335 Catalogue . 344 Additional Texts . 548 Appendixes . 578 Bibliography . 621 ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it seems that it takes an entire network to produce a dissertation. I would like to thank the following people for their support, assistance, and patience. First, my dissertation director, Brian E. Daley, and my readers, David E. Aune, Robin Darling Young, and from Bethel University (MN), Michael W. Holmes. Also, the Theology Department at the University of Notre Dame (especially the successive Directors of Graduate Studies during the tenure of my dissertation, Joseph P. Wawrykow and J. Matthew Ashley, and the PhD Administrative Assistant, Carolyn Gamble), my professors, mentors, and colleagues there, and the circulation staff and monitors at Hesburgh Library. My thanks also go to the supportive community of family and friends, both at home and online, who have sustained me through this long endeavor since I left South Bend for the greener pastures, or forests, of Oregon: my extended family at Christ Community Church; my Dissertation Accountability Network, and those who have encouraged me by e-mail; my proofreader extraordinaire, Marybeth Cieplinski; the library staff at George Fox Seminary, especially Charlie Kamilos and Mikell Benham; and, most of all, my parents. I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. For your steadfast love is as high as the heavens; your faithfulness extends to the clouds. (Ps 57:9-10, NRSV) iii ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations for biblical and ancient works follow The SBL Handbook of Style, ed. by P. H. Alexander et al. (Peabody, MA: Henrickson, 1999), 73-84, 237-63. Only exceptions or omissions are listed below. ACCS Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture Adult. conj. De adulterinis coniugiis AGLB Aus der Geschichte der lateinischen Bibel Aland The Text of the New Testament, by K. Aland and B. Aland, trans. by E. F. Rhodes, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989) Altaner Patrology, by B. Altaner, trans. by H. C. Graef (Freiburg: Herder and Herder, 1960) Anc. Ancoratus ANF The Ante-Nicene Fathers, ed. by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson, 10 vols. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature, 1885-96) ANRW Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt Apoc. Apocalypse of John BETL Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum lovaniensium BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly CBQMS Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series CCSG Corpus Christianorum: Series graeca CCSL Corpus Christianorum: Series latina Comm. Commentarius/Commentarii iv CPG Clavis Patrum Graecorum, ed. M. Geerard, 5 vols. (Turnhout: Brepols, 1974-87) CPL Clavis Patrum Latinorum, ed. E. Dekkers (Turnhout: Brepols, 1995) Cramer Catenae Graecorum patrum in Novum Testamentum, by J. A. Cramer, 8 vols. (1838-44; repr. Hildesheim: Olms, 1967) CSEL Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum Drobner The Fathers of the Church: A Comprehensive Introduction, by H. R. Drobner, trans. by S. S. Schatzmann (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2007) Eng English (verse numbering or translation) Ep. Epistulae Ep. Eus. Epistula ad Eusebium, Marcellum, Vivianum, Carpum et ad Aegyptios Epi Epiphanius volumes of GCS series Eun. Adversus Eunomium Eus Eusebius volumes of GCS series ExpTim Expository Times FC Fathers of the Church Fr. Fragmenta (scholia) GCS Griechische christliche Schriftsteller Heine The Commentaries of Origen and Jerome on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians, trans. by R. E. Heine (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002) Heinrici Des Petrus von Laodicea Erklärung des Matthäusevangeliums, ed. by C. F. G. Heinrici, Beitrage zur Geschichte und Erklärung des Neuen Testamentes 5 (Leipzig: Dürr, 1908) Heither Origen, Commentarii in epistulam ad Romanos, ed. and trans. T. Heither, 6 vols., Fontes Christiani 2 (Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1990-99) v Hist. eccl. Historia ecclesiastica Hom. Homiliae HTR Harvard Theological Review IEJ Israel Exploration Journal JBL Journal of Biblical Literature Jo. John JTS Journal of Theological Studies Kannengiesser Handbook of Patristic Exegesis, by C. Kannengiesser, 2 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 2004) l(l). line(s) Luc. Luke LXX Septuagint Metzger A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, by B. M. Metzger, 2nd ed. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft/United Bible Societies, 1994) MS(S) manuscript(s) NA, NA27 Novum Testamentum Graece, ed. by E. and E. Nestle, B. Aland, K. Aland, J. Karavidopoulos, C. M. Martini, and B. M. Metzger, 27th rev. ed. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1993) NovT Novum Testamentum NPNF A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Series 1 and 2, ed. by P. Schaff, 28 vols. (New York: Christian Literature, 1886-99) NT New Testament NTS New Testament Studies NTTS New Testament Tools and Studies NTTSD New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents vi ODCC Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, ed. by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone, 3rd ed. rev. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005) Or Origen volumes of GCS series OT Old Testament parr. parallel passages from Synoptic Gospels PG Patrologiae cursus completus: Series graeca PL Patrologiae cursus completus: Series latina PO Patrologia orientalis Quaest. Marin. Quaestiones ad Marinum Quasten Patrology, by J. Quasten, 3 vols. (1950; repr. Notre Dame, IN: Christian Classics, 1995); vol. 4 ed. by A. Di Berardino, trans. by P. Solari (1986; repr. Allen, TX: Christian Classics, 1995) RB Revue biblique ResQ Restoration Quarterly Reuss Matthäus-Kommentare aus der Griechischen Kirche, ed. by J. Reuss, TU 61 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1957) SBL Society of Biblical Literature SBLNTGF Society of Biblical Literature: The New Testament in the Greek Fathers SBLSCS Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies SC Sources chrétiennes SD Studies and Documents SNTSMS Society of New Testament Studies Monograph Series Souter Pelagius’s Exposition of Thirteen Epistles of St. Paul, by A. Souter, 3 vols., Texts and Studies 9 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1922-31) vii Staab Pauluskommentare aus der griechischen Kirche aus Katenenhandschriften
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