Arthropoda Selecta 15 (2): 153171 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2006 A survey of Holarctic Linyphiidae (Aranei). 4. A review of the erigonine genus Lophomma Menge, 1868 Îáçîð ãîëàðêòè÷åñêèõ ïàóêîâ ñåìåéñòâà Linyphiidae (Aranei). 4. Èññëåäîâàíèå ðîäà Lophomma Menge, 1868 Yuri M. Marusik1, Valeri A. Gnelitsa2 & Seppo Koponen3 Þ.Ì. Ìàðóñèê1, Â.À. Ãíåëèöà2, Ñ. Êîïîíåí3 1 Institute for Biological Problems of the North, Portovaya Str. 18, Magadan, 685000 Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Èíñòèòóò áèîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîáëåì Ñåâåðà, ÄÂÎ ÐÀÍ, óë. Ïîðòîâàÿ 18, Ìàãàäàí 685000 Ðîññèÿ 2 Sumy State Makarenko Teachers Training University, 87 Romenskaya Str., Sumy 40002, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected] Ñóìñêîé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé ïåäóíèâåðñèòåò èì. À.Ñ. Ìàêàðåíêî, Ðîìåíñêàÿ óë. 87, Ñóìû 40002, Óêðàèíà. 3Zoological Museum, University of Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland. E-mail: [email protected] KEY WORDS: Aranei, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae, spiders, Lophomma, Holarctic, new combination, new synonymy. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Aranei, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae, ïàóêè, Lophomma, Ãîëàðêòèêà, íîâàÿ êîìáèíàöèÿ, íîâàÿ ñèíîíèìèÿ. ABSTRACT. A review of the Holarctic genus Lo- òèïîâîãî âèäà ðîäà, L. stictocephalum Menge, 1868, phomma Menge, 1868 revealed that this genus includes ñ÷èòàþùåãî ìëàäøèì ñèíîíîíèìîì L. punctatum. only two species: L. punctatum (Blackwall, 1841) and ×åòûðå âèäà Lophomma ñèíîíèìèçèðîâàííû: L. L. vaccinii (Emerton, 1926) of 11 known before. Both candidum Bösenberg, 1902 syn.n. = Mioxena blanda Lophomma species are illustrated as well as all Nearc- (Simon, 1884); L. rufipes Bösenberg, 1902 syn.n. = tic species formerly treated in this genus. Status of L. Typhochrestus digitatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872); stictocephalum Menge, 1868 (the generotype), treated L. umbilicatum Crosby & Bishop, 1933 syn.n. = as a junior synonym of L. punctatum, is discussed. Lophomma vaccinii (Emerton, 1926) è L. cognatum Four Lophomma species have been synonymised: L. Holm, 1960 syn.n. = Lophomma vaccinii (Emerton, candidum Bösenberg, 1902 syn.n. = Mioxena blanda 1926). Ïðåäëîæåíû ÷åòûðå íîâûå êîìáèíàöèè: (Simon, 1884); L. rufipes Bösenberg, 1902 syn.n. = Diphya albulum (Paik, 1983) comb.n. (Tetragnathidae), Typhochrestus digitatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872); Diphya tanasevitchi (F. Zhang, Y. Zhang & Yu, 2003) L. umbilicatum Crosby & Bishop, 1933 syn.n. = Lo- comb.n. (Tetragnathidae), Ceratinops sylvaticus phomma vaccinii (Emerton, 1926) and L. cognatum (Emerton, 1913) comb.n. è Silometopoides pingrensis Holm, 1960 syn.n. = Lophomma vaccinii (Emerton, (Crosby & Bishop, 1933) comb.n., âñå ex. Lophomma. 1926). Four new combinations are suggested: Diphya Õîòÿ Lophomma depressum (Emerton, 1882) íå albulum (Paik, 1983) comb.n. (Tetragnathidae), Di- ðîäñòâåííà òèïîâîìó âèäó ðîäà, îíà ïîêà íå âûâå- phya tanasevitchi (F. Zhang, Y. Zhang & Yu, 2003) äåíà èç Lophomma ïîñêîëüêó íåÿñíà òàêñîíîìè- comb.n. (Tetragnathidae), Ceratinops sylvaticus (Emer- ÷åñêàÿ ïðèíàäëåæíîñòü ýòîãî âèäà. Ëåêòîòèïû âû- ton, 1913) comb.n. and Silometopoides pingrensis äåëåíû äëÿ Lophomma stictocephalum, L. pingrensis (Crosby & Bishop, 1933) comb.n., all ex. Lophomma. è L. sylvaticum. Although Lophomma depressum (Emerton, 1882) is not related to the generotype it was left in Lophomma Introduction because its taxonomic position is not clear. Lectotypes are designated for Lophomma stictocephalum, L. ping- Lophomma Menge, 1868 is a relatively small genus rensis and L. sylvaticum. of linyphiid spiders with 11 species distributed in the Holarctic [see Platnick, 2006]. Six species are known ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Èññëåäîâàíèå ãîëàðêòè÷åñêîãî ðîäà from Eurasia and the same number is reported from the ïàóêîâ Lophomma Menge, 1868 ïîêàçàëî, ÷òî ðîä Nearctic [Platnick, 2006]. There is only one species âêëþ÷àåò âñåãî äâà âèäà: L. punctatum (Blackwall, common to both subregions of the Holarctic, L. cogna- 1841) è L. vaccinii (Emerton, 1926) ïðîòèâ 11 âêëþ- tum Holm, 1960. Of three species known from Europe, ÷àâøèõñÿ ðàíåå. Îáà âèäà Lophomma ïðîèëëþñò- only one is well known, L. punctatum (Blackwall, 1841), ðèðîâàíû êàê è âñå íåàðêòè÷åñêèå âèäû ðàíåå ðàñ- the generotype (according to Platnick [2006]). Two ñìàòðèâàâøèåñÿ â ýòîì ðîäå. Îáñóæäàåòñÿ ñòàòóñ other species, L. candidum and L. rufipes, were de- 154 Y.M. Marusik, V.A. Gnelitsa & S. Koponen scribed by Bösenberg [1902] from Germany. Since The following abbreviations are used in text and then nobody has reported or redescribed these species, figures: but just discussed them [Roewer, 1928 & Braun, 1982]. In Asia there are four species: L. punctatum, L. cogna- Cp cephalic pits (ãîëîâíûå ÿìêè); tum, L. albulum Paik, 1983 and L. tanasevitchi Zhang Da dorsal tibial apophysis (äîðçàëüíûé et al., 2003 (not listed in Platnicks catalogue versions îòðîñòîê ãîëåíè); 46). Three species, two German and one Holarctic are Ek keel of Ta (êèëü Ta); known from females only. The same number of species Em embolus (ýìáîëþñ); is known from males only: two Nearctic species [see Ia intermediate apophysis (ïðîìåæóòî÷íûé Platnick, 2006] and one Chinese. îòðîñòîê); Lophomma was never revised in Eurasia or in North Me embolic membrane (ìåìáðàíà ýìáîëþñà); America. Eurasian species of this genus can be easily Pa paracymbium (ïàðàöèìáèóì); recognized by numerous pits (=punctation) on cara- Pi pit of epigynal septum (ÿìêà ñåïòóìà pace and sternum. All Nearctic Lophomma species, ýïèãèíû); except L. cognatum and L. columbia Chamberlin, 1948 Pp posterior median plate (çàäíÿÿ ìåäèàëüíàÿ (now in Scotinotylus), were surveyed by Crosby & ïëàñòèíêà); Bishop [1933]. Only two American species attributed Pt protegulum (ïðîòåãóëþì); to this genus have carapace pits (punctation). Ra retrolateral tibial apophysis (ðåòðîëàòåðàëü- íûé îòðîñòîê ãîëåíè); In Siberia there are only two species, L. punctatum Rx radix (ðàäèêñ); and L. cognatum [cf. Eskov, 1994]. Although females Sa suprategulum (ñóïðàòåãóëþì); can be rather easily separated, there were certain diffi- Se septum (= anterior median plate; ñåïòóì èëè culties with males, because the male of the latter spe- ïåðåäíÿÿ ìåäèàëüíàÿ ïëàñòèíêà); cies was never described. Therefore we undertook this Sf swollen part of femur (âçäóòàÿ ÷àñòü áåäðà); study with the main goal to describe the male of L. Sm marginal suprategular apophysis (êðàåâîé cognatum and to provide comparative drawings of two îòðîñòîê ñóïðàòåãóëþìà); similar species. Working on this project, we found that Su sulci (ñóëüöè èëè ùåëè); L. stictocephalum Menge, 1868 (the type species by Ta terminal apophysis (âåðøèííûé îòðîñòîê); original designation), treated as a junior synonym of L. Tp tailpiece (õâîñò); punctatum, differs from L. punctatum. We also recog- Ts tegular sac (òåãóëÿðíàÿ ñóìêà). nized that most of the Nearctic species are not related to the generotype, and that the Oriental species, L. Lophomma Menge, 1868 albulum and L. tanasevitchi are wrongly placed in Linyphiidae. Therefore we decided to extend our study Type species: Lophomma stictocephalum Menge, 1868, to encompass all Lophomma species. from Danzig (=Gdansk). Methods ETYMOLOGY. Derived from two Greek words ëüèïò & üììá meaning crest and eye respectively. Menge Material treated herein is shared between collec- [1868] translated his name as hill-eye (or eyes on eleva- tions of the American Museum of Natural History, tion). The gender in neuter [Cameron, 2005]. New York (AMNH); Canadian National Collections, COMMENTS. Bonnet [1957] and Platnick [2006] list Ottawa (CNC); Institute for the Biological Problems of Walckenaera punctata Blackwall, 1841 as the type species the North, Magadan (IBPN); the Manchester Museum of Lophomma, although this genus was described on the of the Manchester University (MMUM), Museum of basis of 9 new species [Menge, 1868]. All species described by Menge were later transferred to other genera, only one Comparative Zoology, Boston (MCZ); Burke Muse- was left: L. stictocephalum Menge, 1868. Simon [1884] um, University of Washington (UWBM); Zoological synonymised W. punctata and L. stictocephalum. The cor- Museum, University of Turku (ZMUT); Zoological rect name of the generotype according to the ICZN rules is Museum, University of Bergen (ZMUB); Naturhistoris- Lophomma stictocephalum, and not W. punctata. L. sticto- ka Riksmuseet, Stockholm (NRS) and Zoological Mu- cephalum has to be considered for another reason also: L. seum of the Moscow State University (ZMMU). Mate- stictocephalum and L. punctatum are possibly not conspe- rial from Kirill Eskovs collection, stored in ZMMU is cific (see below). marked as ZMMU-KE. Map is based on material stud- There is another problem concerning L. stictocephalum. ied during this project, our earlier identifications pub- Judging from the verbal descriptions and illustrations of this lished in several papers and literature data. species, Menges female and male belong to different gen- era, and only the male would now be considered a Lophom- Illustrations were made using transmitting and re- ma. flecting light microscopes with drawing devices. Type material stored in Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) SEM-microphotographs were made with a JEOL JSM- was thought to be lost, but material which can be considered 5200 in the Zoological Museum, University of Turku. as syntypes is present in Stockholm. All measurements are given in mm. Embolic division DESCRIPTION. Medium sized 1.82.7 dark colored was abbreviated in parts of the text as ED. erigonines. Habitus and coloration of male as in Fig. 7. A review of Lophomma 155 Figs. 16. Copulatory organs of Lophomma punctatum (14) and L. vaccinii
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