The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus Zkf Notre Dame Alumnus 1952 Vol. 30 No. 2 MARCH-APRIL, 1952 Class Reunions James E. Arnistrong, '25, Editor fttne 6, 7, 8 John P. Bums, '34, Managing Editor John N. Cackley, Jr., '37, Associate Editor Classes Returning and Halls Thomas W. Carroll, '51, Editorial Assistant 1902, '07, '12, '17—Howard '22—Morrissey This magazine is published bi-monthly by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind. Entered as second class matter Oct 1, '27—Lyons 1939. at the Postoffice, Notre Dame, Ind., under the act of Aug. 24, *32—^Morrissey 1912 '37_Dillon '42—Dillon BOARD OF DIRECTORS '47—Dillon < ., •• OFFICERS Friday, June 6 .—%' R. CoNBOY SCOGCINS, '24 Honorary President (all times Central Daylight Saving) HARVEY G. FOSTER, '39 President RICHARD J. NASH, '23 First Vice-President General Registration Law Building DR. MATTHEW W. WEIS, '22 Second Vice-President WILLIAM C. SCH.«7TT, '10 Third Vice-President Class Registration in Class Halls DIRECTORS TO 1953 Golf Tournament, Class Reunion Dinners, Smokers HARVEY G. FOSTER, '39 202 Federal Court House, El Paso, Tex. RICHARD J. NASH, '23 1840 S. Kilbourne, Chicago 23. III. Sotuiday, June 7 DR. MATTHEW WEIS, '22 7379 Northvioor, St. Louis 5, Mo. LESTER W. FOLEY, '24 Foley. Florida Class Masses, Pictures, Elections DIRECTORS TO 1954 More Golf JOSEPH S. MORRISSEY, '28 49 Race St., Cincinnati 2, Ohio JOHN H. NEESON, JR., '35 167 Summit Lane, Bala Cynwyd, Pa. President's noon luncheon for 25-year class WILLIAM C. SCHMITT, '10 2765 N. W. Nicolai St., Portland, Ore. LUTHER M. SWYOERT, '27 6330 Hahman Ave., Hammond, Ind. Campus and football movies in Washington Hall, JAMES E. .ARMSTRO.NG, "25 Director and Secretary 2-3.30 p. m. DIRECTORS TO 1955 Moot Court Finals, 2:30 p. m., and Law Cocktail J. RALPH CORY.V "22 1211 16th Ave., Moline, 111. Party, Law Building, 4-6 p. m. JoH.N W. COURTNEY, '25 -tOl S. Highland, Dearborn, Mich. GALVIN HUDSON, '15 1515 Sherick Bldg., Memphis I, Tenn. Annual Alumni Banquet. 6 p. m., dining hall— JAMES G. MCGOLDRICK, "39 2675 H. Hudson Pkwy., Nen- York 63 The Alumni Secretary, toastmaster CHAIRMEN OF THE 1952 COMMITTEES Principal address, by Father John Cavanaugh HARVEY FOSTER Executive Awarding of Golf Prizes—Trainer Hugh Burns DR. WEIS Budget and Finance RICH.VRD NASH ..-. Foundation, Alumni Fund and Gifts Presentation of awards to members of 50-yr. Club JOHN H. NEESON ..::. Class Activities JOSEPH S. MORRISSEY Club Activities WILLIAM SCHMITT. Job Counseling and Placement Reports of Alumni Board Officers DR. WEIS Religion and Citizenship JOHN H. NEESON Prestige and Public Relations RICHARD NASH Preparatory School Relations Sunday, June 8 DR. WEIS Inter-Alumni Association LUTHER M. SWVCERT Resolutions 10:00 a. m.. Low Mass, Sacred Heart Church 2 The Ntttre Dame Alumnus h 1^ ^<, ^i^J^Ji p^*ii "%. ""t-a- V7 ame TWENTY-NINTH U.N.D. HARVEV FOSTER. '39. NEW ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT NIGHT IS ON APRIL 21 January Board Meeting Featnns Oiaaer for Father Cavaaangh and Appointment of New Conunhtces; laacaiii^ Board Work Radio Program Scheduled April 29; Glee Reflected in Activity of Directors All Year Aroyad Club on Dumont TV April 24; Father Cavanaugh's Los Angeles Appearance Topsi List Harvey Foster, '39, now FBI i^ent Pubh'c Relations, WGN-Mutual will in EI Paso, Texas, o£Bce, was elected Notre Dame Clubs throughout the President of the Notre Dame Alumni originate a Notre Dame radio pro­ world, including some 10 new Clubs, Association at the January meeting of will meet on Monday, April 21 (or gram on Tuesday, April 29th, and the Board of Directors of the Alumni within the octave of that traditional Dumont's network program, "This Is Association, R. Conroy Scb^ins, '24, date), to observe the 29th Annual Music" is scheduled to feature the was named Honorary President. Vice- Universal Notre Dame Night. Notre Dame Glee Club on Thursday, Presidents are Richard J. Nash, '23, April 24th, from WGN-TV. John Chicago; Dr. Matthew Weis, '22, St Campus speakers, distinguished Louis; and William C. Schmitt, '10, speakers from the Club's own area, Portland, Ore. James E. Armstrong, and campus films, will mark the '25, was re-elected Executive Secre­ LATE BULLETIN Club's local programs, dedicated this tary. year as a special tribute to the prog­ Thomas E. Murray, Atomic En­ Primary concern of the Board was ress of Notre Dame under the admin­ ergy Commissioner, was named the the 1952 basic program, with three istration of its retiring President, Rev. 70th recipient of the Laetare Medal major objectives: 100% alumni par­ John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., whose Afarch 23. ticipation m the Tenth Annual: Fund, The announcement was made by term ends in July. Father Cavanaugh especially related to the Father Cav­ Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C, is recognizing Pacific alumni loyalty anaugh Testimonial Fund; a record- President of the University, on Lae­ breaking Universal Notre Dame Night by a personal appearance in Los An­ tare Sunday. Mr. Murray, the father geles April 21. on April 21; and a record-breaking of eleven children (two of wluHn are Universal Communion Stmday on De­ priests), has been three times knight­ The academic, the cultural, the cember 7. ed by the Vatican. He is a Knight of athletic, the scientific, the fine arts, Malta, St. Gregory and of the Holy Other important objectives consid­ the alumni and Foundation phases of Sepulchre. ered were the Club Presidents' Coim- the University — all of which have Mr. Murray was appointed to the cil in June; the Class Reunions and flourished under his patronage, will Atomic Energy Commission in 1950 Class organization; a Notre Dame find reflection in a wide variety of to succeed David LilienthaL He was Family Communion Simday on Lae­ programs headed by such familiar bom in Albany, N. Y., on June 20, tare Simday; the introduction of the headliners as Deans Manion and Mc­ 1891. Job Counselii^ Clinic idea as the New York Club has inaugiirated it as a Carthy, the Vice-Presidents of the Full details of the award %vill be program in other Clubs; the relation published in the May-June issue of University, members of the coaching of alumni to the sustainii^ of Uni­ the ALUMNUS. and teaching staffs. versity enrollment through the Direc­ tor of Admissions ofiBce; the continu­ Through the efforts of Rev. John ing of prestige and public relations, H. Murphy, C.S.C, Vice-President of Noland, Glee Club soloist, will be a and religion and citizenship, throu^ guest star on the Fred Waring show, Club publicity and programs particu­ Sunday, April 20th, according to pres­ larly; a ma""al for Class Secretaries;- The May-June issue of the ALUM­ ent plans. and the improvement of the Notre NUS would like to have reports and ALUMNUS; the increase of activity by The Mutual-WGN radio show on pix of the Club observances no later friends of the University through April 29 will be on WGN at 9:30 p. alumni interest and invitation. than May 1 for proper editing. Have m. CENTRAL DAYLIGHT time, and on your secretary send them promptly The next meeting of the Board will the Mutual network at 10:30.. "This be held in conjunction with the Club to James E. Armstrong, editor. Is Music" will be broadcast at 7 p. m. Presidents' Coimdl and the Class Re­ CENTRAL STANDARD time April 24. unions on June 5, 6, 7 and 8. March-April. 1952 1 Testimonial from the ilumni Address of R. Conroy Scoggins given Jan. 23, 1932 at TestimonUI Diiiiicr for Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C, President of the Univeisty of Notre Dame. It is with mixed sentiments of zeal and a new maturity of accom­ deep spiritual gratitude and equally plishment in their programs. In all deep human regret that I as the retir­ the major objectives of the philosophy ing President of the 21,000 active of our organization—in enrollment, members of the Notre Dame Alumni working with Notre Dame, in pres­ Association address you this evening tige and endowment, seeking out at this testimonial dinner given by the Foundation prospects, moving into Alumni Board for Notre Dame's great civic activities and alumni programs, President, Father John Cavanaugh. the Alumni Association and the clubs During recent years our Association were strong as never before. has grown at the rate of 1,000 or The Law Alumni Association and more alumni annually. '»Ve have 52 the Monogram Alumni Association class secretaries, 117 local alumni are two strong supplementary alumni clubs, and 237 City Chairmen of the groups. Notre Dame Foundation. AVe have • R. Cooroy Scoggins, now the Honorary Our association is working with the been able to show this great progress President, congratulates the new Alunmi Director of Admissions. We are con­ because we have had the unselfish President, Harvey 'Foster, following his stantly contacting prospective stu­ support and guidance of Father election on January ^23. Rev. John Cava­ naugh, University President, congratulates dents. We have helped with a bro­ Cavanaugh. them both. chure for prospective students to be What do we think of Father Cav­ accompanied shortly by a manual for anaugh? Our spiritual bouquet on alumni for preparatory school and Universal Notre Dame Sunday of liminary Foundation Reports show personal interview use. 7,595 Masses, 7,490 Communions, and 8,590 alumni gifts totalling $329,- Sixteen Notre Dame clubs have 10,489 Rosaries gives eloquent testi­ 379.69.
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