Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 740 (2014) 48–53 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/nima Beam studies and experimental facility for the AWAKE experiment at CERN Chiara Bracco, Edda Gschwendtner n, Alexey Petrenko , Helga Timko , Theodoros Argyropoulos , Hannes Bartosik , Thomas Bohl , Juan Esteban Müller , Brennan Goddard , Malika Meddahi , Ans Pardons , Elena Shaposhnikova , Francesco M. Velotti , Helmut Vincke CERN, Geneva, Switzerland article info abstract Available online 7 November 2013 A Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment has been proposed as an approach to Keywords: eventually accelerate an electron beam to the TeV energy range in a single plasma section. To verify this Accelerators novel technique, a proof of principle R&D experiment, AWAKE, is planned at CERN using 400 GeV proton Linear accelerators bunches from the SPS. An electron beam will be injected into the plasma cell to probe the accelerating Charged particle beams in accelerators wakefield. The AWAKE experiment will be installed in the CNGS facility profiting from existing Beam injection in particle accelerators infrastructure where only minor modifications need to be foreseen. The design of the experimental area and the proton and electron beam lines are shown. The achievable SPS proton bunch properties and their reproducibility have been measured and are presented. & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction extracted from the CERN SPS and sent towards a plasma cell to drive the plasma wakefields. The proton beam will be focused to The AWAKE experiment is the world's first proton driven plasma sx;y 200 μm near the entrance of a 10 m long plasma cell with a wakefield acceleration experiment, which will use a high-energy proton density adjustable in the 1014–1015 cm À 3 range. When the proton bunch to drive a plasma wakefield for electron beam acceleration. beam with an rms bunch length of sz ¼ 12 cm (0.4 ns) enters the Simulations have shown [1] that an LHC type proton bunch (1 TeV, 1011 plasma cell, it undergoes a self-modulation instability (SMI) which protons) with an rms bunch length of 100 μm can accelerate an produces a series of ultra-short proton bunches that can reso- incoming 10 GeV electron bunch to more than 500 GeV in 500 m nantly drive wakefields to large amplitude [2]. The effective length of plasma with an average gradient Z1GeV=m. Recent studies [2,3] and period of the modulated beam is set by the plasma wave- have demonstrated that similar gradients can be reached with a length (for AWAKE typically λp ¼ 1 mm). modulated long proton bunch, opening the path for an immediate Ahighpower( 2 TW) laser pulse, co-propagating and co-axial experimental investigation with the existing proton bunches at CERN. with the proton beam, is used to ionize the (initially neutral) gas in the plasma cell and also generates a seed of the proton bunch self- modulation. An electron beam of 1:25 Â 109 electrons injected at 1.1. Baseline design 10–20 MeV serves as witness beam and is accelerated in the wake of the proton bunches. Several diagnostics tools are installed down- For the AWAKE experiment at CERN, an LHC-type proton bunch stream the plasma cell to measure the proton bunch self-modulation of 400 GeV but higher intensity ( 3 Â 1011 protons=bunch) is effects and the electron bunch properties. Fig. 1 shows the baseline design of AWAKE. n Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Bracco), [email protected] (E. Gschwendtner), [email protected] 1.2. The AWAKE facility at CNGS (A. Petrenko), [email protected] (H. Timko), [email protected] (T. Argyropoulos), [email protected] (H. Bartosik), [email protected] The AWAKE experiment will be installed in the CNGS facility (T. Bohl), [email protected] (J. Esteban Müller), [4], a deep-underground area and designed for running an [email protected] (B. Goddard), [email protected] (M. Meddahi), experiment with high proton beam energy without any significant [email protected] (A. Pardons), [email protected] (E. Shaposhnikova), [email protected] (F.M. Velotti), radiation issues. The facility is fully operational, with a 750 m long [email protected] (H. Vincke). proton beam line designed for a fast extracted beam at 400 GeV as 0168-9002/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2013.10.060 C. Bracco et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 740 (2014) 48–53 49 20m 10m 15m e- spectrometer Laser RF gun EOS e- Diagnostics plasma cell Proton beam dump SPS Laser Acceleration protons SMI dump OTR, CTR Diagnostics Fig. 1. Baseline design of the AWAKE experiment. ECA4 area to house the laser system. Currently a fibre/Ti:Sapphire laser 55 m system is under consideration, providing a 1–2 TW laser pulse in 30–100 fs and operating at 10 Hz. The high power laser beam used Access gallery SPS tunnel for plasma ionization and bunch-modulation seeding is trans- ported through a new dedicated tunnel (0.5 m diameter, 4 m TI8 tunnel AWAKE length) connecting the laser area to the proton beam tunnel. The Target chamber compression of the pulses will be performed in a vacuum chamber Service gallery LHC tunnel coupled to the proton beam line, located at the laser/proton beam junction 20 m upstream the plasma cell entrance window. The laser pulse that is used to produce the electrons on the electron Decay tunnel source photo-cathode is derived from the low power level of the plasma source ionizing laser system, ensuring synchronization between the different beam types. Hadron stop The electron source as well as the klystrons powering the Connection gallery source is housed in an area adjacent to the experimental area to TI8/LHC (between the access gallery and the proton beam line), which is a low-radiation area and free of electromagnetic interference (necessary for the klystrons). The electrons are transported from the electron source system to the proton beam tunnel along the Fig. 2. The AWAKE experiment in the CNGS facility. electron beam line through a new liaison tunnel (7 m long, 1 m wide and 2.5 m high) before being injected to the front-face of the needed by AWAKE. The experiment will be installed upstream plasma cell. Around the electron source area also a major part of the CNGS target area (see Fig. 2); only minor modifications are the electronic racks is installed. necessary to the end of the proton beam line including changes to A state-of-the-art magnetic spectrometer with a very large the final focusing system and the integration of the laser and momentum acceptance (10–5000 MeV) and a good momentum electron beam with the proton beam. General services, such as resolution is installed downstream the plasma cell to measure the cooling, ventilation, electricity, radiation monitoring and access properties of the accelerated electrons; the electrons are separated system exist, are operational and need only minor changes to be from the protons by a dipole spectrometer magnet. A scintillating adapted to the AWAKE experimental setup. Civil engineering screen connected to a CCD camera is used to image the electrons modifications are required to be able to combine the electron exiting the spectrometer. Before the dipole two additional quad- beam and the laser pulse with the protons in the plasma cell. The rupoles are installed providing focusing in both planes to improve AWAKE facility will be separated from the radioactive area located the energy resolution and reduction in the vertical beam size at downstream the CNGS target area by a shielding wall. the scintillator screen. The electron beam dump is located imme- diately after the electron spectrometer. Energy deposition esti- mates lead to a beam dump design with a 30 cm thick block of iron 2. Experimental area surrounded by 30 cm thick concrete shielding. Optical Transition Radiation Diagnostics (OTR), Coherent The integration of the AWAKE experiment in the experimental Transition Radiation Diagnostics (CTR) and Diagnostics using area is shown in Fig. 3. The plasma cell is housed in the down- Electro-Optical Sampling Methods will be installed downstream stream end of the CNGS proton beam tunnel. For the first the plasma cell to measure the proton bunch self-modulation experiments the 10 m long plasma is a metal vapor source effects [5]. (Rubidium) [5] combining the self-modulation and the accelera- Downstream the diagnostic instrumentation the proton beam tion effect in one plasma cell. To this end the required longitudinal vacuum tube goes through the shielding separating the AWAKE density uniformity is of the order of 0.2%. The area can be modified area from the CNGS target area. The proton beam exits through in order to house a shorter vapor cell (used for the self-modulation a vacuum window and passes the 100 m long target chamber and of the proton beam) followed by a helicon and/or discharge source the 1000 m CNGS long decay tunnel before being dumped in the (used for wakefield acceleration). In order to avoid accidental existing CNGS beam dump, a 15 m long carbon–iron block venting and possible contamination from the plasma vapor to the equipped with a cooling system. proton beam line vacuum, a double window system for the proton Additional safety measures are applied to allow for stand-alone beam is integrated in the new design, 46 m upstream of the operation of the different beams (laser, electron and proton beam).
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