Gotham Outfits Centering Attack On Runner-Up Positions Team Defeats WASHINGTON PARK New York Fans English NET TOURNAMENT May International Duo STARTSTO-NIGHT See City Series With For Doubles Title Two Opening Round Giants And Yankees on This Even* BY HENRY McLEMORE Matches BY L. S. CAMERON (rnltpd Pr*>»» Staff t'orrcapondpnt) ing at 7 O’Clock— (I'nltnl Prrw* Sport* Editor) Forest Hills, N. Y., Aug. 25.—(UP).—The national New York, Aug. 25.—(UP).—Possibility that the New women’s doubles second in 32 Entries Competing re- championship, importance among -s, #<* w York Giants and Yankees will win second place in their United States was in Great Britain for added incentive for a titles, to-day, The first round of the Washing- spective leagues to-day furnished post beauteous and Mrs. Eileen Bennett and lovely Whittingstall ton Park annual tennis tournament season city-series between the two clubs. buxom and smiling Betty Nuthall defeated Dorothy Round, will get underway this evening at Proposals for a city series, ad- vanced the New Tork World- also of Great Britain, and Helen Jacobs of Berkeley, Calif., 7 o’clock with some of the out- by have been received en- the Hill Telegram in the finals of the 1931 tournament yesterday. Scores were standing net playefs on MANDELL GIVEN thusiastically by the players and ■ title. The o-z, 0-4 competing for the 1931 followers of the two teams who un- have not met since 1923 when Both Mrs Whlttlngstall and Mias matches are being conducted they BEATING BY clashed In the world series. Nuth&Jl seemed to enjoy the very der the direction of Denny Noonan BAD BUCK YANKEES IN Both dickens out of winning, but with Runners-Up and Edmund O'Connell. With the Giants as- all due regard for their prowess It apparently Two Matches To-night sured of second In the Na- was an almost hollow victory. Of meets RING KING place EXHIBITION HERE To-night Jerry Shanahan FORMER tional League and the Yankees the losing side only Miss Jacobs while William Francis McCarthy within one game of the second played decent tennis. Miss Round Barrett. To- O’Neill takes on Ed place Washington Senators In the lost each of her four service games, morrow at 10 o’clock Bill Wins Round morning Kaplan Every American League the se- and that was Just a bit too much, THIS EVENING with Harold proposed Ferris will volley ries would be second In Interest even for the hard-fighting play while James O’Neill and Bout—O’Brien Sheehan of Poor only to the annual world series. displayed by the home American will be in Pat Donnelly opponents The Yankees moved to within a in the final. Meet Hills in another match- Gets Gift Decision Over short when Washington single game of second place yes- The first set was cut I-alley vs Creavcn — terday when they defeated Chicago. the ultimate victors twice broke Benefit Game To-morrow afternoon at 2 o’- Davis—Gordon without Large / Stopped 8 to 6. for their sixth consecutive through the round service Ed takes on Jack clock Lahey victory. Babe Ruth led the New compensation breaks against the Crowd to See while at the same time Expected Crcaven By JOHN A. CIANEY York attack with his 37th homer All-Biitlsh side. Tom Derwln tests Vln McElligott. Hartford, Auk 24—About three of the year. Weak Partner Contest At 3 o’clock Ray Dcsmaris will hack were Glants-Cubs Split Miss Jacobs came gamely, have John Darling as his oppon- thousand boxinK patrons fought furiously in the opening A ninth inning homer by BUI With any kind of a fair break ent while Charley Lewis meets given proof positive here to-night games of the second set. Rut Terry, his second of the day en- from old man weather, Hamilton Johnny Byrnes at tho same time. so consist- when, in the fourth game, Miss why Sammy Mandell abled the New York Giants to win Park should be taxed to overflow- Shea Faces Murpliy Round's delivery was again a los- ducked a bout with Louis the second of a doubleheader ink to-night when the Rlack Yan- At 4 o’clock to-morrow afternoon ently game the cause seemed lost. the with the 2 to 1, The ing one, kees, formerly the Lincoln Colored Pat Murphy will vie for honors Kidw Kaplan of Meriden when Chicago Cubs, Play did follow service for three Cubs took the opener, 8 to 4. Giants, make their dehut here with Larry Shea while Francis former held the 133 pound boxing games and in the eighth Miss O’Neill will his All other National League games against Jack Slattery's Washington pit strength against these round was again bested. The play bauble of the world. In great were because of rain. Hills in a benefit game to holster Ray Fitzpatrick. One hour later postponed was one extra to extended Just game Pat on Sammy was told Just what The Washington Senators lost the “On To Cleveland Drive." To- JEROME H. DEAN w'lll find Qullter taking days, when Mrs Whittlngstall lost her By (DIZZY) their ninth game In IS starts when night’s fray will get underway Marty Egan and Denny Sullivan expect should he commit the faux service in the ninth game, and was (Copyright, 1931, NEA they a # to 5 verdict to promptly at 5:30 o'clock with A! Service, opposing Billy Gullfolle. the erstwhile dropped ended as the All-British side pas of mixing with Detroit. Dale Alexander’s double Kellie calling the good and bad TENNIS DOUBLES (Inc.) GAINER AND OLIN Joe Corey Listed scored against Miss Jacobs deliv- Saw and to-night he with two out In ninth ac- ones. After Scout Don Curtis signed At 8 o’clock Joe Corey and Ray Meriden Buzz the the final game. ery in will a and in a counted for the winning run. Johnny Jablonowski of a O’Keefe hook up in rival got it—hard, often Hetty Rings In Terry- me to Houston contract, I re- ville will he Slattery's mound selec- match as will Don Monaghan and of leather such as he Widen the Gap It was the second consecutive TEAMS START FOR mained In San Antonio and MIX AGAIN NEXT shower tion against the visitors old pitched Tommy Shea. The final matches In Philadelphia's Athletics defeated time In which Miss Nuthall shared with hasn't seen in many a year. reliable Tiger Keane on the receiv- the Public Service team to a state the first round will be played at 7 St Louis, 5 to 1 and Increased their the doubles title, for she paired fjoiiIh Was “Right” ing end. of Then o'clock with Vlnny Saukas taking American League lead to 14 1-2 with Miss Sarah Palfrey of Bos- Mickey Dujack Torrlng- championship. things began To make a short story less pain- ton will knock them down at first, NATIONAL HONORS TUESDAY AT ROCK on Jack Johnson and Pete Con- around games. Roy Mahaffey allowed only ton to beat Mrs Lawrence A. Har- to lag. ful, Mandell was belted Vic Radzevlch of the same nolly meeting Louis Ruslllllo. 5 hits to score his fourteenth vic- of Oakland, California, and town the ring by a galvanized Kid Kap- per will be seen at I was not due ot report to Hous- tory. Mias Edith Cross of San Francisco second, Ray Ahearn lan, who must have wished, some- at the ton until the next spring. Some- Kddle dizzy corner and Jyarry Mul- VineS'Gledhill Duo Rated Willie Bush, Ernie the that the title Heavy hitting by Morgan one year ago. how or other the months of Oc- Sims, time during bout, to lens at short. Shea, was gave Cleveland an 11 7 triumph Mrs Helen Wills Moody of San “Happy” was at stake, for the Kid In “Razor" Doran and Pat of tober, November and December and Joe Also on ARCHIE ON CARD over Boston. Morgan drove In five Francisco, who on Sunday ac- Slattery Equal Top*Seeded Vignali form and only by hard and will patrol the outer gardens. passed by. Then Fred Ankcnman, great runs, three with a homer In the quired her seventh national cham- fast holding, heeling, and grab- The visitors are a con- Combination president of the Houston Buffs, White first and two with a single with the played an exhibition reputable Doeg=Lott City Card Next the Sheik avert pionship tingent and have wrote me and said to report March bing did Rockford bases loaded in the and match with Clarence J. ("Peck”) staged some won- AT NORTH ADAMS seemed immi- fourth, ). Hut I him a knockout, which scored and derful exhibitions at t he Polo Chestnut Hill, Mass., Aur. 25.— handed six weeks Week twice himself, Griffin of California, won, 6-1, nent on three different occasions— doubles Grounds, their home field, where back. Along about January 16, I 6-3. Griffin was national (UP)—The country's best tennis only to be followed by some clutch- back. they have taken the Hrooklyn Roy- wrapped by extra suit in a news- New champion some 15 years Haven, Aus 25—Matchmak- Local Colored Boxes on the of Mandell that al Colored Giants, Detroit Clowns combinations, kept Idle yesterday by paper and set out for Houston. Boy ing part er A1 Weill of the White City Sta- would make Strlbllng green with and other formidable clubs over rain, were to commence competi- Hero I Am, Fred Olaf Herset ! RING GOSSIP the hurdles.
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