in Viewers Guide to JESUS OF NAZARETH See Pages 12 and 13 r Denver Catholic Register WEDNESDAY. MARCH28. 1979 VOL. LIV NO. 25 Colorado’s Largaat Waakly 24 PAGES 25 CENTS PER COPY Adults *On Cair Counseling Program Serves Metro Youth By Frederic M. Lilly kind of thinking subsided and he was able to the sacraments, fearing that he would be the program so far are mainly Catholic, Register Staff get on with living. doubling his sin. junior and senior high school students in At one point in his life a teen-aged But in the area of faith he was left with a Then one day he came in contact with a public schools, she said. "But we would member of a Denver parish contemplated tremendous amount of guilt. He felt that counselor in his parish. The counselor — not never turn someone down because of their committing suicide. After a few weeks the even considering suicide was an unpar­ a professional but an interested parishioner age or religion,” she added. pressures that drove the young man to that donable sin. He refrained from receiving who participated in a 10-week training program sponsored by Catholic Youth Ser­ Contldantlal vices of Denver — was able to reassure the The service is free and confidential, Mrs. young man that he could be reconciled with Fuentes said. “Nothing that a person tells a the Church and was a welcome participant counselor will be released without their per­ in the life of the parish. mission.” She said that the program is kept flexible Success Story and informal. It is advertised by word-of- The counselor and that actual counseling mouth in the parishes and by a few posters situation are part of the success story of the that have been displayed in some areas On-Call program established bv CYS last where teen-agers gather, she said. fall. Since On-Call is a Catholic Youth Services Seventeen persons were trained and com­ program, a permanent deacon who works missioned to ‘‘be available when teen-agers with CYS has a lot of influence among the •need a friend,” according to Maryanne counselors. An On-Call counselor himself. Fuentes, one of the organizers of the Deacon Joe Hawley has a lot of enthusiasm program. for the program. Mrs. Fuentes and Marcia Cross, both He said that he has seen several strong members of Spirit of Christ Parish in Ar­ relationships develop between counselors vada, did much of the groundwork for the and young people they counsel. On-Call program in cooperation with the “Some of the kids who have family CYS staff. The job of instructing the 17 problems have developed what may be counselors was done by CYS and personnel lasting relationships with couHselors,” he from the Familv Life Center. said. Another counselor, Charlotte Krivonak of Training Broomfield, said that ordinary teen-agers The training included learning various are the ones who most frequently take ad­ counseling techniques and a weekly prayer vantage of the service. and Communion service. The type of counseling utilized by On-Call Ordinary KIda counselors is known as indirect counseling, “There are so many ordinary kids without according to P’uentes and Cross. big problems like drugs or alcohol that That technique involves listening on the come to us,” she said. “Their problems are part of the adult counselor, they said. those of adjustment and they just need “We are not there to give solutions or adults who will listen to them. We are able make decisions for them,” Cross said. to stop some problems before they become ‘‘Most of these young people have their own big problems.” answers within themselves, the job of the Mrs. Krivonak said that the three counselor is to help them work through all counselors in her parish. Nativity of the their emotions and find the answers to their Lord, have developed a trust among the problems.” teen-agers in the parish youth group. “The kids in the youth group are now Counsaling Situation beginning to bring other kids with problems ■J be typical counseling situation goes to us,” she said. something like this: Dennis Neal, director of Catholic Youth A teen-ager approaches one ol the .Services, said that the program is not counselors and arranges a time and place to meant to conflict with other counseling of- discuss a situation. At the appointed time fereil by parishes. Photo by Rev C B Woodnchi the counselor listens to what the youth has to say and, when appropriate, shares a similar experience and the solution that Halp lo Parlahea This Isn’t ‘Little House on the Prairie’ worked in that case Inis progi diii is providing a help for the The relationship is flexible It may last pari.sh priests who don't have the time to It’s Centennial Time in Leadviile for one meeting or several, or may even counsel everyone,” he said. The On-Call program is an experimental Robinson. IJarrell Vigil, a develop into a long-term friendship if that is These young people par­ year-old church are. from left. miner: and Robbie Mondragon, a what the young person desires. But the On- program this year, Neal said. ticipated in a pageant .March 25 Brenda Windorski. who played a miner Archbishop James V Call program has no built-in follow-up, ac­ Referrals to counselors are made through opening year-long celebrations of miner s wife: Rena Mondragon, Casey concelebrat^ .Mass with cording to Fuentes the Catholic Youth Services, at 388-4411 ext. the centennial of Annunciation an Indian. Chris MoffetL as the pastor. Father Neal Hewitt, Bishop Joseph .Machebeuf: Kelly The youths who have taken advantage of 245 (hurch. Leadviile. Before a and 10 other priests stained-glass window in the 100- .McEwen. as Father Henry Page e -1 THÉ DEHVER CATHOLIC RBOISTER. Wed! MarcH 2(i, AH( limSHOP SOKKK K iOO Just'phine Strei’l Umver. CO K02D6 4 More Top Goal Official With four additional pansLes making goal, the has made goal since A.ACP was started in 1971. Archbishop's Annual Campaign for Progress (AACP) There are now 101 parishes over goal by $180,140. AH crept over the $1.4 million mark during the week of parishes have surpassed 1978 pledges by $175.911. APPOINTMENTS .March 19. Number of pledges increased to 32,457 and are ex- Rev. Msgr Thomas F, Barry, to be I’astor, St. New parishes over goal are Sterling St. Anthony s (6), {jected to surpass the record of 33,139, set in 1976. Anthony Church, Julesburg, and St. Peter's, Crook. St. Philomena (3), St. Louis (3) and Ft. Collins Holy The pledged amount now stands at $1,404,391. Reverend Robert L. Breunig, to be Associate Family (7). Parentheses indicate number of times parish I’astor, St. John the Evangelist Church, Denver. Very Rev. Arthur Kinsella. O.P., Prior, also be be Associate Pastor, St. Dominic Church, Denver. Father Robert Nevans Sf:HEDULES ARCHBISHOP JAMES V. CASEY Sunday, April 1, 10 a.m,, 12:00 Noon, Denver, St. Catherine's Church, Concelebrated Masses, Pastoral ‘Welcoming of a Pastor^ Visit. BISHOP GEORGE R. EVANS Father Robert .Nevans will Commission on Human homily. Msgr. Shocklee is Hospital. Colorado Springs: Friday, March 30, 7:30 p.m., Denver, Blessed tx‘ installed as pastor ol St. Rights ol the St. Louis noted for his work in the pastor of St. Peter's Sacrament Church, Concelebrated Mass and Confir­ I'tierese's parish. Aurora, on archdiocese, will give the social action field and for his Greeley; and founding mation. .April 4 at 4:30 p m. m the participation in the black pastor of St. Mary's, Saturday, March 31, 5 p.m., Denver, Central new rite ol pastoral installa­ community. Greeley. He also was an as­ Catholic High School, Denver Catholic Youth Services tion called 'Welcoming ol a Father Nevans has sistant under Msgr. Shocklee Youth Rally, Mass. Pastor." previously served at St. at St. Finglebert's. St. Louis, Saturday, March 31, 7 p.m., Denver, Denver Francis de Sales' and St. and has been moderator of County Jail, Mass. Father John Anderson, Catherine's parishes, the Archdiocesan Council ot Thursday, April 5, 7:30 p.m., Loveland, St. ^ohn dean ol the East Denver Denver; was pastor of Catholic Women (AACWi the Evangelist Church, Concelebrated Mass and Con­ Deanery, will olticiate at the Presentation. Denver; and state chaplain of the firmation. installation. which chaplain at Penrose Knights of Columbus. BISHOP RICHARD C. HANIFEN emphasizes the involvement Sunday, April 1, 4 p.m., Denver, St. John’s Church ol the parish council and ('oncelebrated Mass, Confirmation. Ollier parishioners in the Monday, April 2, 7:30 p.m., Colorado Springs, St. welcoming Paul's Church - Parish Meeting. Msgr. .lohn A. Shocklee. HOLY GHOST CHURCH Tuesday, April 3, 7:30 p.m., Colorado Springs, executive swretarv ol the Holy Apostles Church - Presentation of the Creed, IMPORTANT NOTICE! Catechumenate Program. Wednesday, April 4, 7:30 p.m., Colorado Springs, CHANGE IN MASS TIMES Catholic Education Center - Vicariate Coordinating Committee Meeting SAT. 7 P.M. MASS CANCELED Thursday, April 5, 7:30 p.m., Colorado Springs, Holy Trinity Church - Meeting of CCD Teachers. NEW MASS ADDED 1 P.M. SAT. ALSO 11:30 AND 12:10 SAT. .Msgr John A. Sho<-klrr Catholic Women STOP - DON’T PAINT o r INSULATE III Conference Set Until You Read This Otter For 10 Days ONLY We Are Offering Up To 40% Oft On Top Name Brand Sidings, The ,'j3rd annual con- Other speakers will in­ Steel, Vinyl Or Aluminum lerence of the Denver clude Sister Mary Luke Archdiocesan Council of Tobin, Patrick McGuire.
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