Háskóli Íslands Hugvísindasvið Viking and Medieval Norse Studies Artemis, Diana and Skaði: A Comparative Study Ritgerð til M.A. prófs i Viking and Medieval Norse Studies Giulia Mancini Kt.: 280794-4739 Leiðbeinandi: Luke John Murphy & Tofi H. Tulinius May 2019 Giulia Mancini Spring 2019 ABSTRACT The Norse goddess Skaði is somewhat of a Nordic enigma, in that she seems to be much more complex than what we can make from her mentions in the myths, which are scarce and yet surprisingly detailed. The question of her role within the Norse mythology is still unanswered, and her complexity and controversial roles have captured the attention of many of the finest minds in this field, however no study has yet succeeded in providing a definite answer to the question of her role during the Late Pagan period. As such, this thesis seeks to insert itself into the discussion, by standing on the shoulders of giants and, at the same time, attempting to walk its own research path in the investigation of the Norse goddess. For the purpose of this work, Skaði will be analyzed in a wider European context, comparing her to goddesses belonging to the Classical tradition, Artemis and Diana, who seem to be linked with similar activities and elements. Drawing from a series of literary sources respectively from the Germanic and Classic tradition, together with the comparative and the semantic center approach (Schjødt 2009), a comparative analysis of the goddesses will be proposed, to individuate similarities and differences in their connection with animals, hunting and landscape. Through the use of these sources and tools, an attempt will be made of demonstrating the validity of the methodology proposed, by testing it both within the frames of Norse religion and comparative mythology. In conclusion, the underlying aim of this work is to prove the validity of the chosen methodology while, at the same time, attempting to answer the ever-present questions on the Norse goddess Skaði: what was her role in the late pagan period. i MA Thesis Artemis, Diana and Skaði: A Comparative Study ÁGRIP Fornnorræna gyðjan Skaði hefur löngum verið ráðgáta, þar sem hún virðist mun flóknari en ráða má af þeim goðsögum um hana sem varðveist hafa, en þó þær séu fáar, kemur á óvart hvað þær eru auðugar af efnisatriðum. Enn er ósvarað hvert hlutverk hennar var í goðafræðinni á síðari hluta heiðna tímabilsins þó margir af bestu fræðimönnum á sviðinu hafi glímt við spurninguna. Í þessari ritgerð er reynt að taka þátt í umræðunni, með því að standa á herðum risa í fræðunum en um leið að feta nýja leið í rannsóknum á norrænu gyðjunni. Hér verður Skaði skoðuð í víðara evrópsku samhengi, með samanburði við grísk- rómversku gyðjurnar, Artemis og Díönu, en þær virðast tengjast svipuðum verkum og náttúrufyrirbærum. Byggt verður á samanburðaraðferð sem styðst við norrænar og grísk-rómverskar heimildi og notuð aðferð Schjødt (2009) sem leitast við að nálgast merkingarmiðju frásagna. Gyðjurnar verða bornar saman til að draga fram hvað er líkt og ólíkt með þeim í sambandi þeirra við dýr, veiðar og landslag. Með þessum heimildum og aðferðum verður enn fremur leitast við að sannreyna gildi aðferðafræðinnar, bæði innan ramma norrænnar goðafræði og samanburðargoðafræði. Samandregið, þá er tilgangur ritgerðarinnar að sannreyna gildi þeirrar aðferðafræði sem valin er, um leið og leitast er við að svara sígildri spurningu um norrænu gyðjuna Skaða: hvert var hlutverk hennar í heiðni? ii Giulia Mancini Spring 2019 “In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloody, but unbowed.” Invictus, W.E. Henley. To my mom, the fiercest woman I know, whose bravery and strength in the face of adversities never fail to leave in awe. (Alla mia mamma, la donna più coraggiosa che conosca, la cui forza e resilienza di fronte alle avversità mi lasciano sempre senza parole.) iii MA Thesis Artemis, Diana and Skaði: A Comparative Study ACKNOWLEDGMENTS While this thesis is uniquely my own work, daughter of enthusiasm, curiosity but also sleepless nights and rivers of coffee, there are many people I wish to thank for their invaluable help and support. I would firstly like to thank my supervisors, Luke John Murphy and Torfi H. Tulinius. Thank you Torfi for allowing Luke to supervise me and for assisting me in all the technical matters, such as the translation of the abstract. Luke, there is no putting into words how grateful I am for all the help and support you have given me on every academic matter I have thrown your way. Thank you. Infinite thanks go to the staff of VMN, and especially to Haraldur, VMN’s own special Vergil, who could teach Old Icelandic to a rock and still be successful. You reignited my love for ancient languages and for this I will forever be grateful. Many thanks go to my family, who has been by my side through every step of the way and which I love so deeply I cannot put into words. You accepted my every choice without once failing to be supportive. It takes a special kind of bravery, and I thank you for that. To my friends, the ones who stayed and the ones who just arrived. You know I am not one of many words when it comes to feelings, but do believe me when I say my life without you would be unthinkable. Thank you for reading whatever I have thrown your way and for standing by my side through thick and thin. It would take me a lifetime to thank you for all the good you brought into my life, thankfully that is exactly as long as I am planning to stick around. Many thanks go to my colleagues at “the Viking”, who not only have made my working life much more enjoyable than I would have hoped for, but have also put up with my crazy writing in these last months. I will miss you. Lastly, to my rock, my better half, I do not know what the future has in store for us, but I am glad we are taking this journey together. iv Artemis, Diana and Skaði: A Comparative Study. Giulia Mancini May 2019 CONTENTS List of Figures ................................................................................................................... 1 List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 2 1. Introduction and Method. .......................................................................................... 4 1.1. The Aims of This Project ..................................................................................... 4 1.2. Skaði: a Brief Overview ...................................................................................... 5 1.3. Methodology ........................................................................................................ 8 1.3.1. Comparative Mythology ................................................................................ 9 1.3.2. The Semantic Center Approach .................................................................. 12 1.4. The Structure of This Thesis ............................................................................. 15 2. Discourse 1: The Animals and the Hunt .................................................................. 16 2.1. The Classical Goddesses ................................................................................... 16 2.1.1. Artemis and the Roman Diana .................................................................... 17 2.1.2. The Italic Diana ........................................................................................... 28 2.2. The Pattern So Far ............................................................................................. 31 2.3. Skaði .................................................................................................................. 32 2.3.1. Does Skaði fit the pattern? .......................................................................... 36 3. Discourse 2: the Landscape ..................................................................................... 37 3.1. The Classical Goddesses ................................................................................... 37 3.1.1. Artemis and the Roman Diana .................................................................... 38 3.1.2. Italic Diana .................................................................................................. 42 3.2. The Pattern So Far ............................................................................................. 45 3.3. Skaði .................................................................................................................. 46 3.3.1. Does Skaði Fit the Pattern? ......................................................................... 52 4. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 53 Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 56 Giulia Mancini Spring 2019 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Greek vase from Boeotia, 9th century BC. ...................................................... 19 Figure 2 Copy of the statue of Ephesian Artemis. .......................................................... 20 Figure 3: Map of Skaði's place-names. ........................................................................... 34 1 MA Thesis Artemis, Diana and Skaði: A Comparative Study LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Ad Aen. = In Vergilii Aeneidem commentarii. Ad Geo. = In Vergilii Carmina commentarii. Aen. = Aeneid. Bibl. = Bibliothēkē, Βιβλιοθήκη. Caes. = De Vita Caesarum
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