MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) RESOLVES10Lc OF THE GENERAL COURT OF THE PASSED AT THEIR SESSION, 'WHICH COMMENCED ON WEDNESDAY, THE 31st DAY OF MAY, AND WHICH ENDED ON THE 15th JUNE, 1815. / ~~,.. Published agreeably to a Resolve of 16th January, 1812. ~ BOSTON: \ ~"~, " , , PRINTED BY ll.USSELI" CUTLER AND co. FOR BEN.TA..'lIJ.N RUSSEl.r,', / PRINT'ElI TO TUE STATE, 18,t,5. 1 CIVIL LIST OF THE OOMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, FOR THE POI~ITICAL YBAR 1815-16. HIS EXCELLENCY- OALEB STRONG, Esq. Governor. IDS HONOR WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Esq. .Lieutenant Gove1"um'o COUt::OIL. Hon. David. Oobb, IHon. EPhl'a.im W. in. iaros, Samuel Fales, Joshua Head, Nahum Mitchell, Joseph Allen, . John WeUes, , Ezekiel Whitman,. Nathaniel Bowditch; A.LDEN BRADFORD, Esq. SeCj,plary of the Cojnmm()n~~ealth. JOHN T. ApTHORP, Esq~ '1.'I'easul'et· Illtd Receiver' Gen.eral of the Commonwealth,; SENATE, Hon. JOHN PHII.LIPS, Esq. President. Sujfollc-Hon. John Phillips, Josiah Q,uincy, Harrison. G. Otis, Thomas H. Perkins, Joqathan HUllewell, Richard Sullivan. Essex-Hon. Thomas Stephens, N ehemiali. Oleaveland, Nathaniel Hooper, Stephen Hooper, John Pickering. .Middlesex-Hon. Sam'l Hoar,'rimothy Fuller, JolIn IIart" Worr,ester-Hon Silas Holman, Benjamin Adams, MOa §es Smith, Oliver Crosby. Hnmpshire, Hnmpden and l1i·anklin-Hol1. Ezra Stark~ weather, Samuel Lathrop, Elijah Paine. Berksldr'e-Ilou Timothy Child, WiUialll P. Walker" . B'ristoZ·--· Hon. Samue.lOrocker, J ames Ellis . .Plymouth-Hon. Wilkes Wood, Thomas Weston. Barnstable - Hon Solomon Freeman. IJulc{J,s County and Nantucket-Hon. Thaddeus Ooffin. :Nolfolk-Ron, J o11n Howe. Joseph Bemis. Yo'rlc-Hon. William )\t1oody, John Holmes. Cumberland-Hone Lothrop Lewis, Jacob Abbot. Lincoln, Hancock and JVashington-.-Mark L. Hill, James CJampbell, 'Villiam Crosby. ICennebeck-Hon. j oshna Gage. Ox/m'd and SomM'set-Hon. William llead. Samuel F. M'Cleary, Esq. Cler'lc. Robert C. Vose, Esq. Jl.<1sistant Clerk Q ]l~v. Dr. John l4atbrop, Chaplain. Q ••••• " •• a ••••••• BOUSE OF REPRE8ENTA'l~IVEEt Bon. TIMOTHY BIGELOW, Speakm'lo COUN ry OF SUFFOLK. Boston, William Smith, Jonathan Whitney, , J ames Robinson" Samuel J. Prescott, Josiah Bachelcler, Joseph fierce, Stephen Codman, Andrew.Sigourney, :Benjamin Russell, Thomas Barry, Denjalnin Whitman, IIenry Sargent, Charles Davis, William Harris, William Hammatt" Benjamin Gorham, William H. Sumner, 'Villialn Sturgis, Ephraim Thayer, John Howe" George G. Lee, John Bellows, N atha.uiel O.urtis~ Charh~s P. Phelps, William Tudor, .Jr. .Benjamin West, Richard Faxon, Nathan Appleton" Samuel Dunn, ...\ndrew Ritchie, Jl~. John D. Howard, George Sullivan, Thatcher Goddard, Israel Thordike•. Lynde Walter, Chelsea. Jonathan Loring, ESSEX. Salem, Dudley L. Pickman, Sa'l.tg'Us, Robert Emes. .Benjamin Pierce, ,Danvers, Nathan Felton" Amos Hovey, Hezekiah :Flint, Robert Emet'Y, Sylvester OfolbOl'n~ ~zekiel H. Derby, William Putnam Page. Joseph Torrey, Beverly, Thomas Davis, Benjamin Hawkes, Abner Chapman, Elisha lVlack, Robert Rantoul, John Glen King, Nathaniel Goodwin, Joseph Andrews, Nicholas 'l"horndike. Jacob Peabody. JIVenham, Paul Porter. Marblehead, Isaac Story. Ilamilton 9 John Safford. Lynn, Aaron Breed, JJt[ancheste1~~ Thompson BLUTil1. Glouceste1', J o11n Tucker" .Lynnfield. .10hn Manning. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 5 Be,njamin Webber, Stephen Howard, J a.mes Odell, Isaac Adams, James Hayeil- William Cbase, Ipswich, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel L. I{nap, Jo~eph Farley, }~benezer ~Iosely, Joseph Hodgkins, Edward 8. Rand. George Choate. B1'adford Jesse Kimbal. Bowley, Joshua Jewett, Boxf01~d, Israel FURter. Parker Oleveland. Jlndove1', Thomas Kittredge. ;]V ewbury, Silas Little, Jtliddte.ton. ' , John Osgood, Topsfield. Daniel Emery, Methuen, Benjamin Osgood. Ebenezer Hale, Have1'hill, David Howe. Thomas Hills, J1mesbu,r'Y, 'rllOmas Hoyt. Moses Dole, Jr. Salisbu1'Y, Samuel March .. Newburyport, Jonathan Gage, :MIDDLESEX. I Cha'Y'lestown, Josiah Bartlett, She'l'bu'l'ne. " Timothy Walker. Holliston. Camb'Y'idge, Hopkinton. Samuel P.P. Fay, P1'amingham, John Fisk. William Hilliard. JJ!larrlborough, tVl-st. Cambridge, Daniel Brigham. Thomas Russell. Stow and Boxborough, Brrighton, Augustus Tower. Nathaniel Champney. Conc01'd, Tilly ~'Ierriclt. Me~ford, Timothy Bigelow, Bedford. Abner Bartlett, Bwrlington. Malden, Jonas Green. JVobu1'n, J ollll Wade. Newton, Ebenezer Cheney, Stoneham. Ebenezer Starr. Readinct;, Watertowl'/" Jonas White, 'rimotllY ",Vakefied, rrllOmas Clark. Daniel Flint. Waltham, David Townsend. 8outh" Read'ing. Weston, fVilmington. Lincoln, William" Haydeu8 Billerica, Josiah erosl)y, Jr. Lexington, James Brown. Tewksbury, Jesse 'frull. Sudbu'l~y, "Villianl Hunt. Chelmiford, Amos Whitney n East-S'ltdblt1~y, Cm'lisle, 'Thomas Heald. Micah lVlaynard RutterQ WestfO'l'd, Jesse Minot J\~aticko ,Jlcton, Joseph Noyes, 6 HOUSE OF REPRESENTA'rIVES. Littleton, Shirley. _ Jonathan He.artwell. Pepperell, G1~oton, Luther Lawrenc-e._ Nehemiah. Jewett, Jr. D'racat. Townsend, Samuel Brooks. Dunst-ahle. Jlshby, 'l'Y'fl gsborougk b NORFOLK. \ Boxbll1'Y, William Brewer, Abner Ellis, A bij all Draper, Erastus W orthillgton. Lemuel I,ebauon, ",iF t!djieldand Dover, Paul Gore. Medway, _ Dm'che~t'M~, " Bellingham, John Sates. Mather .Withington. -F1'anklin, Phineas Ware, B1~ookline, Isaac S. Gardner. Lewis li'isher. Milton, Jason Houg;hton. Wrp-ntha-m, J airus Ware. Quincy, 'rhomas Greenleaf. Walpole, Daniel Kinrgsburyo JJraint1~ee. Foxbm·ough. Weymou,th. Sharon, Ziba Drake. Cohass.et. Stoughton, Samuel Talbot. :If eedhwn. Canton, John Bailey. Dedham, Samuel H. Dean, Randolph, Micah White. PLYMOUTH . Plymouth, .:A!liddleborough. Nathaniel Spooner, Bocheste1', Abraham IIolmesp­ Barnabas Hedge, \ Wa7"ehamo Joseph Bartlett, Ca1·ver. Benjamin Brkmhall, Plimpton. Nathaniel Morton Davis. Halifax. ICingston, John TbOlnas. J1bington , Nathan Gurney,J r 0 ])uxbury, George Partridge. Hanover, Reuben Curtis. :Afarshjield, J othal11 Tilden. Scitunte, Micah Stetson. Pembroke, _ Hingham, Thomas F-earillg, Kilhorn Whitman. Hull. B1'idgewater, Daniel Howard" BRIsrroL. Tau-nton, Thomas Lincoln.. B(tyn~am, John Gilmore, J1' .. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 7 Eastown. Fl'eetown, RobertStrobridg;e, Norton, Isaac Hodges~ Job Morton. Mansfield. Tl'OY, Joseph E. Read. Jittleborough, Westpm't, Abnr,r Brownell, Abia.thar Richardson, J.r .. Silvester Bl'ownell, Rehoboth, James Bliss. Abner B. Gifford. Sp,e7con7c, Dartmouth, Ephraim Tripp, Oliver Starkweather. Thomas Almy, Dighton, Rufus Whitemarsh. George Morton. Wellington, New-Bedford, Nathaniel Wheeler. Jireh Swift, Jr. Swansea, Daniel Hale. John M. Williams, Somerset, J ames Washburn, Billings Coggeshall. Manas~eh Kempton. Be1~7cely, Apollos Tobey. Fuirhavert, John Ddau(). BARNSTABLE. Barnstable,N athanielJ enkins,Bl'ewster, Elij~h Cobb. Sandwich. Chatham. Falmouth, Thomas ]'ish, Jr. 01'leans, Jonathap B~scoH1~ Ycwmouth, 'fhomas Hedge, Eastham. t-Lenry Thacher. Wellfleet. Dennis, Daniel Howes.. T1~U'f/O. Harwich. Pl'ovincetown. DUKES' COUNTY. Edgartown. 'l'isb1try. NANTUCKET. Nant1wket, Micajah Gardner. WORCEST~6o Worcester, Abraham Lincoln,H01,th~Broo7cfield. Nathan Vfhite, Weste1~n, Harvey Sessions. Levi Lincoln, Jr. StU/J'b'l'idge, John Phillips. Lgicester, Austin Flint. Chm·lton, John Slnnl', Spencer, James Draper, Jr. Isaiah Rider . .Brookfield, Simeon Draper, Dudley, Aanm 1"'ufts~ ~lisha Hammond·o Amasa Nicho1sz 8 HOUSE OF REPRESEN1'ATIVES'" Dmtglas, Aaron Benson. Princeton, David Rice. Uxb'ridge, Samuel Read, Holden, Ebenezer Estabrook. Daniel Oarpenter. Rutland, Joel Davis • .Northb,ridge, Oakham. Adolphus Spring. Paxton. "Me,nrion, Joseph Adams.. New-Braintree, Milford, Pearly Hunt. lIenry Penniman. Upton, Ezra \f ood, Jr. Hardwick, Timothy .Paige, Grafton. Jason Mixter. B'utton, Josiah Wheeloclt. Bar're N athaniel Jones. Millbury, Asa Goodell. Hubbardston. o,a:!m'd, Abijah Davis. Petersham, Joel Briant. n .. ard. Leominster. Sk'rewsbury, Samuel Haven. Bezaleel Lawrence. fVestborough. Lunenburg. Southborough.' l?itchburg. nl"V'orthbm·ough. James Keyes. Westmi11ste'l'-, James 'Vhite, BO!Jlston, Jotham Bush. Alexander Dustin. West-Boylston, Gardner, Barnahas Davis. William Bickford, Jr. LancasterI', WilliamCleveland,Jlshburnham, Elisha White. John Thurston. Winchendon,SamueIPrentiss, Ral'lW'l>d, Stevens Hayward. Royalston, Joseph Estabrook. lJolton~ Stephen P. Gardner. Templeton, Moses Wright. Be'J'lin, Henry Powers. .£lthol, James Oliver. Ste1'ling, James \:Vilder, PhilliZJston, Ithamar Ward. Thomas Howard Blood. Dana. HAMPDEN. Springfield, Edluund Dwight.,Ludlow, Ely Fuller. Joseph Pease, Palmer, Jesse King. Edmund Bliss. JVest.Springjield, Long11'wadow, J onatl~an HmitlI" Alexander Field. Oharles Ball, JVilb'raham, Joseph Lathrop, Gad W atrinm'. Itobert Hessions. Alfred }~lower. ~'f;lons()n. 'Abner Ero,,,n JVe,stjield, Benjamin Hastings, J-Jrimfield, Stephen Pynchon, Asal'iah Mosely, Israel E. 'rra§k. William Blair. , IJolland ar/.d South.B'l'irnjield,So1tthwiclc, DOl'as Stiles. James L. Wales. Grmwilie, J ~,lnes Cooley, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 9 Davia Curtis. Chester, Sylvester Emmonso Tolland, Pm'es Marshall. Russell. Blandfm·d~ Alanson Knox, 1I11.ont!!;01ne1·Y· Isaac Lloyd. HAMPSHIRE. Northwnpton, Cumington, Robert Dawes. Jonathan H. Lyman, Worthington, Josiah IVIills.
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