New Jersey Directory of Radio Scola, exec VP; Suzanne Clark, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Gary Veronica Ave., Somerset (08873). (732) 249-2600. Fax: (732) Dilks, net! sls mgr & rgnl sls mgr; Chris DeBello, mus dir; Kevin Shumaker, nati sls mgr; Chris Van Zant, progmg VP: Bill Clanton Sr., 249 -9010. Licensee: Raritan Valley Broadcasting Co. Group owner: McCardle, news dir. *Rates: $40; 30; 35; 20. chief of engrg. Greater Media Inc. (acq 5.1.57) Net: ABC/E. Rep: Katz. Format: News/talk. News staff: 6; news progmg 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 -54. WNNJ -FM- Oct 15, 1961: 103.7 mhz; 2.3 kw. 892 ft. TL: N41 11 33 WNJM(FM)- August 1999: 89.9 mhz; 1 w horiz, 200 w vert. Ant 259 Spec prog: Rutgers Univ. & high school sports. Dan Finn, VP; John W74 45 13. Stereo. Format: Adult contemp, classic hits, classic rock. ft. TL N39 41 57 W74 14 05. Box 777, Trenton (08625-0777). (609) Ford, gen mgr & stn mgr; Tim Teftt, opns mgr, Cheryl Carlisle, prom News staff: 2. Target aud: 18 -49; upscale, young families with teenage 777-5036. Fax: (609) 777 -5217. Web Site: www.njn.net. Licensee: dir, Bruce Johnson, news dir; Keith Smeal, chief of engrg. Rates: children. Spec prog: Relg one hr, pub affrs one hr wkly. Matthew New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority. Net: NPR, PRI Format: $125; 90; 90; 30. Jeff, mus dir & pub affrs dir. *Rates: $70; 65; 65; 35. News/talk. *Bill Jobes, gen mgr. WMGG(FM)- Coowned with WCTC. 1947: 98.3 mhz; 1 kw. 525 ft. North Cape May Mar 27, 1995: 1 WYRS(FM)- 90.7 mhz; w horiz, 500 w vert. 289 ft. TL: N40 28 33 W74 29 34. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Format: Adult TL: N39 41 W74 14 730 57 05. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box (08050). 113 contemp. News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Tim Teff, WDOX(FM)- 1993: 106.7 mhz; 3 kw. 200 ft. TL: N38 57 32 W74 55 Lighthouse Dr. (609) 978 -1678. Fax: (609) 597-4146. E -mail: progmg dir: Lou Russo, mus dir. [email protected]. Web Site: www.wyru.org. Licensee: Penn -Jersey 23. 3155 Rt. 95, Rio Grande (08242). (609) 463 -9369. Web Site: www.wdox.com. Licensee: WJNN Inc. (acq 3- 29-01). USA, Educational Radio Corp. Net: Skylight, AP. Format: Christian, educ, Net: WRSU -FM- April 1974: 88.7 mhz; 1.4 kw. 150 ft. TL: N40 28 00 Format: Relg. hrs reg. Target aud: General. Bob Wick. CEO, gen mgr. mus dir & chief Moody. Spec prog: Class 3 wkly. *Charles Knutson, W74 26 15. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 126 College Ave. (08903). (732) of engrg; Frank Napurano, pres. gen mgr. 932 -7800. Fax: (732) 932 -1768. Web Site: www.wrsu.org. Licensee: Board of Governors Rutgers University. Format: Var /div. News progmg Oakland Margate City 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: 15-30; college students, div group of young adults. Mary Nichols. gen mgr. WTTH(FM)- Nov 19, 1991: 96.1 mhz; 2.8 kw. 400 ft. TL: N39 21 02 WVNJ(AM)- Dec 13, 1993: 1160 khz; 20 kw -D, 2.5 kw-N, DA -2. TL: W74 26 55. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.2922 Atlantic Ave., Suite 201, Atlantic N41 03 26 W74 15 CO. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 1086 Teaneck Rd., Suite City (08401). (609) 348 -4040. Fax: (609) 348 -1303. Licensee: Equity Newark 4F, Teaneck (07666). (201) 837-0400. Fax: (201) 837 -9664. E -mail: Communications L.P. (group owner; acq 3- 29.02; grpsl). Net: wvnj1160am @aol.com. Licensee: Universal Broadcasting of New York ABC/SMN. Rep: D & R Radio. Format: Urban adult contemp. News WBGO(FM)- Feb 7, 1948: 88.3 mnz: 10 kw. 431 ft. TL: N40 44 11 Inc. (group owner, acq 3-24 -94; $12,050,000. with WTHE(AM) staff: one; news progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -49. Spec prog: W74 10 15. Hm opn: 24. 54 Park Pl. (07102). (973) 624-8880. Fax: Mineola, NY; FTR: 6-20-94) Format: Adult standards. News staff: one; Gospel 5 hrs, relg one hr wkly. Don Brooks, gen mgr & sls dir: Rick (973) 824 -8888. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: www.wbgo.org. news progmg 8 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35-64; upscale. Spec prog: Spaide, opns mgr. Licensee: Newark Public Radio Inc. (acq 12 -77) Net: NPR, AP. Health related. *Miriam Warshaw, pres; Ira Warshaw, sr VP; David Wash atty: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: Jazz. News staff: 3; Margalotti, opns dir, progmg dir & mus dir; Stogie Warshaw, dev dir; Millville news progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Philip Elberg, chmn; Andrea Keely, sls dir; Pete Bucky, prom dir, news dir & pub affrs dir. Cephas Bowles, gen mgr: Arajua Backman, rgnl sis mgr; Amy Reed, Rates: $100; 100; 100: 40. WIXM(FM)- Feb 2, 1962: 97.3 mhz: 50 kw. 203 ft. TL: N39 25 19 mktg mgr; Thurston Briscoe, progmg dir; Gary Walker, mus dir; Doug W75 01 14. (CP: Ant 466 ft. TL: f439 19 15 W75 46 17). Stereo. Doyle, news dir. Ocean Acres Rebroadcasts WKXW(FM) Trenton 100% 2021 New Rd., Linwood (08221). (609) 645 -8400. Fax: (609) 926 -5907. Web Site: WCAA(FM)- August 1992: 105.9 mhz; 2.4 kw. 722 ft. TL: N40 45 04 WBBO(FM)- 1992: 98.5 mhz; 6 kw. 328 ft. TL: N39 45 06 W74 15 www.nj1015.com. Licensee: Millennium Atlantic City II License Holdco W73 58 25. 485 Madison Ave., New York, NY (10022). (212) 39. Hm opn: 24. Rebroadcasts WJLK -FM Asbury Park 95% 703 LLC. Group owner: Millennium Radio Group LLC (acq 12 -21 -01; 310 -6000. Fax: (212) 310 -6095. Web Site: www.latinmixlm.com. Millcreek Rd., Manahawkin (08050). Rt. 35 & 66, Ocean (08050). grpsl). Format: Oldies, news/talk. Target aud: 25 -54. *John Dziuba, Licensee: WADOAM License Corp. ("WADO "). Group owner: (609) 597 -6700. Fax: (609) 597.0639. Licensee: Nassau Broadcasting gen mgr; Barbara Rabinowitz. gen sls mgr: Carry Terdvick, natl sls Hispanic Broadcasting Corp. (acq 1- 30 -98) Format: Sp, contemp. Partners L.P. (group owner) Format: Adult contemp. News staff: one; mgr; Mike Pollack, prom dir; Leigh Jacobs, progmg dir; Nick news progmg one hr wkly. Target aud: 25 -55; women. Don Dalesio, Alexander, news dir; Ray Fodge, chief of engrg. gen mgr. WFME(FM)- 1959: 94.7 mhz; 38 kw. 570 ft. TL: N40 4718 W74 15 19. Stereo. 289 Mt. Pleasant Ave., West Orange (07052). (973) WMVB(AM)- December 1953: 1440 khz; 1 kw -D. 65 w -N, DA -2. TL: 736 -3600. (212) 736-3600. Fax: (973) 736 -4832. Web Site: Ocean City N39 25 19 W75 01 14. Hrs opn: 24. 415 N. High St. (08332). (856) www.familyradio.com. Licensee: Family Stations Inc. (group owner; 327 -4141. (856) 327 -8800 office. Fax: (856) 327.0408. Web Site: acq 3- 10-66) Format: Christian educ. Target aud: General. Harold WIBG(AM)- October 1992: 1020 khz; 500 w -D. TL: N39 19 05 W74 www.wmvb.net. Licensee: Guinn Broadcasting Inc (acq 7 -1 -94; Camping, pres & gen mgr; Charles Menus, stn mgr 8 chief of engrg; 37 09. Hrs opn: Sunrise- sunset. Traders Lane Professional Complex, $340,000) Format: News/talk. sports. News staff: 4. Target aud: 25 -54; George Robson. pub affrs dir. 3328 Simpson Ave. (08226). (609) 398 -1020. Fax: (609) 398 -3736. general public. Spec prog: Sp 2 hrs, gospel 8 hrs, children 3 hrs wkly. E -mail: wibg @juno.com. Web Site: www.wibg.com. Licensee: Enrico Greg Hennis, gen mgr; Allan Black, opns dir; Don Frame, dev dir; S. Brancadora. (acq 12-1-92; $140,000; FTR: 12-21-92) Format: Adult Richard Arsenault, gen sls mgr; Ellen Cangro, mktg dir, Pearl WHTZ(FM)- June 1, 1961: 100.3 mhz; 7.8 kw. 1,220 ft. TL: N40 44 Praise News staff: news Giordano. prom dir: Rich Van Noord, news dir: John Trovarelli. pub 54 W73 59 10. 36th FI., 101 Hudson St., Jersey City (07302). (212) contemp, Christian, & Worship. one; progmg 239 Fax: one hr wkly. Target aud: 25 -45; young urban-suburban professional. affrs dir; Richard Stem, engrg dir. Rates: 923; 23; 23; 23. -2300. (212) 239 -2308. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: www.z100.com. Licensee: AMFM Radio Licenses L.L.C. Group *Enrico S. Brancadora, chmn, news dir & pub affrs dir; Nancy A. Morristown owner. Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 630.00; grpsl) Rep: Brancadora, exec VP; Jennifer Downing, stn mgr, sls dir & mktg dir; Christal. Format: CHR. Adult contemp. *Scott Elberg, gen mgr: Rob . Regal, opns mgr; Tom Sappie, prom mgr & mus dir; Cad Sharon Ritterband. gen sls mgr; Theresa Beyer, mktg dir; Tom Effstrom, chief of engrg. YJSV(FM)- Feb 22, 1971: 90.5 mhz: 124 w. 17 ft. TL: N40 50 10 Poleman, progmg VP & progmg dir: Paul Bryant, mus dir; Josh W74 29 16. Stereo. Hrs opn: 8 AM -10 PM (M -F). 50 Early St. (07960). Hadden. chief of engrg. WKOE(FM)- Oct 1, 1972: 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. 308 ft. TL: N34 13 40 (973)292-2168. Fax: (973) 539 -5573. Licensee: Morris School District W74 40 57. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 950 Tilton Rd., Northfield (08225). Board of Education. Format: AOR, progsv. News staff: one; news (609) 645-9797. Fax: (609) 272 -9208. Licensee: Ocean progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: General. Spec prog: News/talk 3 hrs, WNSW(AM)- 1947: 1430 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-N. TL: N40 42 32 W74 14 Communications.
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