731 PlYMOlJTH CT. RADIO GUIDE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS RELIGION AND RADIO A GUEST EDITORI A L By The R ev. Henry Scott Rubel (WHO WRITES FOR PICTURES AND RADIO UNDER THE NAME OF HAL RAYNOR) INCE J was eight years old I have been inter· ested in radio. I had my first commercial wire­ Cover Picture Sless.operator's license the first year they were It's jusl a hunch, of course, but we believe that issued by the Government, in 1912. The progress many of our readers must be as tired as we are that has been made in radio has been very close to of seeing stars. For all the years of RADIO GUIDE'S miraculous. Little did any 01 us think when we life, we have published nothing but famous faces were tossing about on the broad expanse of the on our covers. Herewith we present for your Atlantic Ocean listening to the faint buzzes from approval a new policy which will, in effect, mix in Cape Cod thai some day a little child would flip a with our parade 01 familiar and celebrated physiog· switch and turn on music hom London, speeches nomies, some of which you have never seen. In from Praque. and instantaneous reports born all brief, instead of glorifying the stars we hope to parts 01 the world. glorify the radio listener. Belore we speak more of radio, let us define This week, for instance, we submit two grand religion. Christ defined religion as a Way. a old folk whose end-of·life is made rich and full Truth, and a Lile, or material. intellectual and spir­ because of their love for each other and their itual, and the purpose of this religion was to bring appreciati on of broadcasting. They are the couple about the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood everyone knows, the couple down the block; and of man. This is the Kingdom 01 Heaven as far as they are foremost among those millions to whom this world is concerned. There can be no higher radio is an everlasting blessing, ideal than that complete love 01 God and love of neighbor, and this ideal is the common ground on which Jew and Gentile agree and unite. If re­ The Circle ligion is to bring about an international unity of It is time, finally, for us to report further on The humanity - materially. intelJectually and spiritu. Circle, that S30,000 package of talent which we ally - then radio is a divine agent. Jigious force. Thai is why I feel that radio is a anticipated with a rousing two·page slory inviting Radio is lighl haveling al the rate of 300,000,000 powerful agent of religion, and if, through radio, our readers to get an earful of the nalion's most meters a second (186,000 miles). Thai means radio the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man expensive entertainment. has placed Tokyo, Moscow. Berlin, London, Rome, is brought about, then the two words will become You know the result. The Circle has been the Washington and Paris splil seconds apart. In synonymous and radio will have fulfilled its great­ biggest disappointment of the year, according to abort, radio has shrunk the world to the point est destiny. the radio trade-press. The man who produced it when Washington is closer to London today The atonement for the sins of greed and selfish· has had a nervous breakdown, the big stars than New York was to Philadelphia a hundred ness become the al-one-ment 01 all races and na· have pulled out, the public hasn't accepted it. and fifty years ago. tions knit together for the primary purpose of We pause now to wonder why. and we do not Millions of people all over the world listened to making this word a heavenly habitation for every think we are going oul of our way to be nasty the speeches of Benes. Hitler, Mussolini and human creature, to Hollywood when we say it was because Chamberlain in the recent war too much dependence was placed scare. Millions of people, speak. in untrained people. Ron­ ing many dilferent languages, ald Colman, Carole Lombard, Cary had II deep interest in the welfare Grant, the Marx Brothers- none 01 01 the people in a small, distant these were radio names, None 01 republic in southeastern Europe. CONTENTS these had enough mike experi­ As we understand our neigh. ence. For example, Colman had bors. our sympathy and interest in been on the air on two previous them grows. We see in Ihe Who Is Your Star of Stilrs? The Radio Newsreel 14 occasions, Lombard had done a Chinese and Ethiopian a brother Proud and Proud of It 2 Airiatto Lowdown 15 half-dozen guesl appearances, Cary with the same virtues and faults as Easter Fashion_Then and Hollywood Showdown 16 Grant had done no more , the Marx Now 4 the members of our own house­ Let's Look Backstage 17 Brothers had done a short radio hold. Musical Giant: Tschalkowlky 5 series several years ago and a few Lilitening to Learn 18 With the advent of television, Coming Event. 6 guest appearances since. Altogeth. we shall look in upon the people Inside "The Inside Story" 8 This Week', Programs 20·35 er, they had less radio experience of Ihe world as well as hear their Atom·Smasher 9 On Short Waves 36 than anyone of a hundred Wile· words. We shall be, Visually and The March of M ualc 10 Birthdays 37 known character·actresses in a auditorily. a fraction 01 a second Playbill: " T he Guiding Crossword Punle 39 script.show. from every man, woman and child Light" 12 Mr. Fairfax Repllea 41 We think this is a shining ex· in the world. It will be very diffi· ample of how not to build a radio cult then 10 preach doctrines of M. L ANNEN BERG. Publisher show. We think the public has re­ race haired and nationalistic prow- alized. at long last, thai movie ess. It will be difficult to get men CURTIS MITCHEL L, Editor glamour does not come out of a to deslroy the lives and property Vol. 8, No. 26 April 15, 1939 loudspeaker. Radio lalent which is they have been so very close 10. R A~ ' O Go",. (T,."" )UrIr 11 ..' ....0<1 U. S. 1'&1 . O!ll<o). \'o' u"'o \,111. :': u<ob.. 21. woe+< ,!>d'n_ that quality which makes for good Ap,1I U . IIU . l'ubll.ht<! • ·• • k ) ~ b, Tho c"""n. ComP..... 71, I'h· .....lh t·...,rt. ClIk.. o . li n"" ... radio entertainment cannot be Radio is light and religion is the .:"t ~ ........a·< ' ... "'.u., ., l ho l 'oOt Olll<e. Chi ..... 1111 ",,1•• ".b""'~ 11 . IU2. UndOT oct 01 force 01 enlightenment. The light M' JCh 3. 1118. Au''''','""" M £,,,,,, u m"" n, " . rt.. n'. ott. "o. Co" .IIo .........d ·.1... .. , u .,. COpy· counterfeited. and substitule talents . Irbl. I n ~. ~~ TIto I'_ II. I.'omp. nr. All .llnt' , .......to! . M. I,. Anno""" ... l'''''d. nl ' Arnold K.,,,•• 01 the world. The light of love, 1I««tory; 0 __• d·Ut.,". 0 ......1 MOllU.'; ~ld Zollo. CI,...,I.UOIl ~Ion ...' . U...,II<lI.d mo"",,,lpl' will not suffice. hould .... _pon'to! b1 ".mptd. " U·.dd,... '" <n,.. 1 _ r. , ..l um. Ton ' ..... PO' """,. In 'h. U" " .d faith II.nd hope shining in Ihe dark· ~t ..... !Jubl<J, pt"'" rol .. ' n '''' I) . 1I ••Dd ""'.... , .....!>d """"" , .. Ol tho l'o,,·AOIO,'<on 1'00,., I)n'",, : "The Circle" has administered a U . IIIOII U,.. u .a: .... JOo,. ' 4 .... Subkllot' OI> rol .. In fo",u:a _ Dl,loo: " .......tJu. U.U ; ..... ness 01 fear, suspicion and despair, 1<0,. $I. ... a ... lt 111 pootol ....... _ t. uP..... _ Old.,. or ....... cIro ..... to Old", 01 110010 sound spanking·lesson to broad· G ~, • • . CUtntltl" ...., 01 .u....... lbt,·. rill. Any force which draws mankind casters for the transgression of not more closely together is a re- fully understanding tbeir field, 'III P WHO IS YOLJR STAR OF STARS? rE' Once each year, any listener can ex· Don't let the week go by without ex· Fort Pearson, others. Strike a blow for belter pro· press himself through the Star of Stars pressing yourself in behalf of those Best commentator (temale): Dorothy Ygrams! Poll. Annually he has this opportunity good programs you have enjoyed. Thompson, Kate Smith. Mary Margare! Tell the broadcasters what you think to oller tangible thanks to those enter· Use your ballot. McBride, others. about their programs and palaenalilies. talners who have been his regular Vote! Besl comedian: Jack Benny, Fred guests. So much of radio and broad· Allen, Abbott and Costello. Edgar Ber­ Your ballot in the Star of Slars Poll ia a gen (Charlie McCarthy). Eddie Cantor. powerfu1 influence for better broadcast­ casting is "receiving." One's favorites REMINDERS AI Pearce. Bob Hope, Bob Burns, oth· ing_ are so close that you can hear them We present Ihese typical proqrams era. What is the Slar 01 Stars Poll? The breathe. yet so far away that one may properly classified for your conveni­ Best d'amatic program: Campbell firat Poll was conducted by RADIO never see them or tell them of their ence as reminders. Their arrangement Playhouse, One Man's Family. Lux GUIDI: in 1934. The first Star of Slars importance. But here is an opportunity. is not meant to imply our endorsement Radio Theater. Vic and Sade, Ma Per· was Joe Penner, elected largely by the Every vote you send will be a graceful or that programs omitted are inferior in kins.
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