University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-25-1933 Sandspur, Vol. 37 No. 15, January 25, 1933 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 37 No. 15, January 25, 1933" (1933). The Rollins Sandspur. 360. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/360 ^ H-f.r THE WORLD Established Attend VIEWED In 1894 Chapel AT ROLLINS Eollins andspur By EGJ WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, JANUARY 25, 1933 Two nations formed from the ; United States—secession. Such was the heart of a resolu- Key Society Adopts MRS. HOMER D. GAGE Philosophy Club Is ; tion presented before the North > Dakota State Senate by Senator IHETA WILL BE Program of Securing Founded at Rollins CELEBIiATION i W. E. Martin. As was to be hoped, the proposal incited cries of "trea- Opinions on Contract By Professor Tory i son;" that one of their fellow mem- ; bers could originate such a radical NSIIILLEOHERE Adoption of a plan for the secur­ The Philosophy Club will hold IS HELD ON \ move shocked even the friends of ing of student and faculty opinion its first meeting Wednesday eve­ the rebel senator. on the contract plan, formulated ning, January 25, at the Perrydell His resolution named the six New by Professor Edwin L. Clarke, was Orlando. There will be a dinner t England states, Pennsylvania, New 28 announced by the Rollins Key So­ before the meeting after which the : York, and New Jersey as the "Fi- ciety in a meeting held in the pub­ members will have a "round table" , nancial East" and claimed that Kappa Alpha Theta Chapters lications office Tuesday evening, discussion. President Holt will be Tribute Paid to Franco-Amer­ January 17. the guest of honor and will wel­ j those nine commonwealths had so In the Sou-th Will Send ican Settlers by Baron "manipulated Congress" that they Student and faculty will be ask­ come the organization as another I had "become rich at the expense Delegates to Rollins ed to give their opinions as to the step toward the progress of Rol­ Constant I of the Union." The remedy pro- advisability of adopting the plan, lins. The founder of the club. Pro­ Installation of Gamma Gamma I posed was that the 39 remaining a system whereby student and pro­ fessor Tory, will also speak. The memory of a royal prince of chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta at states should secede from the Un­ fessor will enter into an agreement The purpose of the club is to France, who distinguished himself Rollins College will take place on ion, "carrying with us the Star as to how class will be conducted, have open discussion (and not too one of Florida's colonial pion­ Saturday, January 28. The cere­ Spangled Banner and leaving them what will be covered, and other deep) of all that is relative to Phi­ eers, was honored at Rollins Col­ monies will begin on Friday eve­ the stripes, which they richly de­ points relevant to the course. losophy. AH those who are inter­ lege Saturday night when the ning, with initiation at 8 o'clock. serve." Members of the society will in­ ested and have not as yet attain- 132nd anniversary of the birth of At noon on Saturday the instal­ Prince Achille Murat, nephew of It was demanded in the resolu­ terview faculty and student mem­ d the age of thirty, may apply lation service will be held at the Napoleon, was celebrated with an tion that the new country have no bers during the next month and or membership to Mary Trow­ chapter house, followed by a lunch­ laborate program of commemora­ connection whatever with the "fi­ then a report will be drawn out­ bridge or Chandler Johnson. eon at the Whistling Kettle. The tion exercises. nancial" group and that no treaties lining the contract plan that seems The meeting will be held every ceremonies will close with a recep­ or trade agreements be drawn up, best for Rollins from the opinions other week at the Perrydell. The celebration reached its cli- tion and dance at the Winter Park in order to leave the seceding secured. ax in the Annie Russell Theatre Woman's Club at 9 P. M. The Tri­ states free to "build anew and car­ where an audience heard a lecture angle Rhythm Kings will play for ry out the principles of Democrat­ English by Baron Paul d'Es- dancing. ic government as founded by Wash­ toumelles de Constant, son of the Charter members of the chapter 1.RAGHELLERIS late Senator of France, and a great ington and Jefferson." will be Ruth Arrant, Marjorie Bas­ nephew of Benjamin Constant, in­ The sole result attained by such tin, Ruth Jeanne Bellamy, Rosa­ timate associate of Napoleon. a needlessly scurrilous attach upon mond Carson, Rogene Corey, Twa­ Baron d'Estoumelles, who dis­ the national government must be net Evans, Nancy Gantt, Mary cussed "Pioneering and the French the concentration of ridicule on the SET FOR IHEATRE Katherine Huffman, Elizabeth Traditions," paid tribute not only heads of all those who accorded it Hyde, Virginia Jones, Sally Lim­ College Addressed by Rollins to the pioneers who left the soil of their support, and the fall of the erick, Katharine Rice and Mary Part of Series Arranged by Trustee Sunday France to establish colonial settle­ state of North Dakota from the re- Virginia Taylor. ments throughout the world, but to • spect of more conservative patri­ Miss Russell National officers who will attend America "which not only gave them ots. Its action is indeed too ab­ Wtih the stirring call of "For­ the installation are Mrs. Purd B. shelter and food but also the surd to merit attention beyond A program of Indian folk lore, ward" Irving Bacheller concluded Wright, Jr., grand vice president warmth and sunshine of its own mere notice. dances and masks by Princess Te his inspiring talk in Knowles Me­ of Menasha, Wisconsin; Miss L. ideals." Ata and her cousin, Princess Ata­ morial Chapel last Sunday. Pearle Green, grand secretary of Mr. Bacheller began by pointing "The Murat commemoration," he A thrilling recital of the amazing loa, both members of the Chicka­ Ithaca, New York, and Mrs. T. T. out that the purpose of college is said, "is one of those too rare oc­ fortitude shown by two British girl saw Nation, will be presented in Moore, district president, of New to aid in the structure of a fine casions when our memories go back fliers was brought to light after the Annie Russell Theatre Satur­ j Orleans. life, and the necessity of a firm to pioneers whose devotion we are the rescue of the Misses Joan Page day night, February 4, as the next College delegates will be pres­ in the professional artists series foundation. too easily inclined to forget. We, and Audrey Sale-Barker, whose ent from Alpha Phi chapter at COLLEGE TRYDOIS in France, have sufficient good ai'ranged by Miss Annie Russell. "The failure of the Insulls, the plane was wrecked in an attempt­ Newcomb, New Orleans; Alpha Eta ground to Be proud of those of our Both are well known entertain­ Jimmie Walkers, and the Krue- ed flight across Tanganyika in the chapter at Vandervilt, Nashville, countrymen like Murat, who lifted ers. Miss Russell, who saw Te Ata gers," he said, "was because their African wilds. and Beta Nu chapter at Florida the veil under which unknown perform in Philadelphia two years SET FDR JAK, 3D lives were founded on sand." Then Flying at night through dense State College for Women at Tal­ he explained that we were helpless worlds lay hidden. Our history, cloud banks while a strong cross ago, is authority for the informa­ lahassee. without faith in ourselves, and that (Continued from page 2) wind blew them far off their tion that Te Ata is one of the most "Berkeley Square" to be Given Kappa Alpha Theta was found- Guest of Celebration Speaks when we were ready to receive this course, they had determined to land talented artists of the day and one < Continued on Page T) Last Saturday March 9 and 10 faith; vision and inspiration would in the first suitable place to be who enthralls with her artistic en­ found when their plane hit the face tertainment. Her early training Next Mr. Bacheller told how to of a fifty-foot ledge which they had was in tribal schools and at the A hope that the friendship be­ All-college tryouts for John use this structure which has been failed to see in the dark. The ma­ age of eight she was sent away to tween France and the United Balderston's romantic fantasy, built. chine was wrecked and Miss Sale- FORMER HEAD OF an Indian boarding school. Later States would be strengthened was "Berkeley Square," have been an­ "Life," he stated, " is an inter­ Barker knocked unconscious when she received her degree from the expressed by Mrs. Homer Gage, of nounced for 3:30 Monday after­ minable war against evil. First her head struck a rock; Miss Page Oklahoma College for Women and Worchester, Mass., in a brief ad­ noon, January 30, at Recreation against evil in ourselves, then evil suffered a broken leg, and it was following that, she spent a year dress at the exercises Saturday Hall.
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