Table of Statutes

Table of Statutes

Table of Statutes Commonwealth Constitution: 297 s 9: 296 Ch III: 5, 14, 15, 234, 363, 370, 372, 391, s 10: 296 397, 398, 404-406, 410 s 11: 296 s 1: 391, 422, 436 s 12: 17 s 7: 417, 422, 423, 425, 428, 429, 432, s 13: 296 436, 441 s 14: 296 s 8: 436 s 15: 17, 18, 296 s 15: 180, 193 s 15(1): 6 s 16: 436 Australia (Request and Consent) Act s 24: 416, 417, 422-425, 428, 429, 432, 1985: 296 436, 441 Australian Capital Territory (Self-Gov- s 29: 422 ernment) 1988 s 30: 422, 436 s 22: 66 s 49: 317 Broadcasting Act 1942 s 51: 65 Pt IIID: 426 s 51(xxix): 233 Builders Labourers Federation (Cancel- s 51(xxxi): 380 lation of Registration) Act 1986: 367, s 51(xxxv): 426 370 s 51(xxxvii): 3 Builders Labourers Federation (Cancel- s 51(xxxviii): 3, 281, 285, 287, 288 lation of Registration – Conse- s 53: 191 quential Provisions) Act 1986: 367 s 57: 185, 192 s 7: 368 s 61: 391 Builders Labourers Federation Legis- s 71: 14, 384, 391, 396, 397, 399 lation Amendment Act 1990: 389 s 73: 384 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902: 422 s 74: 273 Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904: s 77(iii): 14, 384, 396, 399, 405 367 s 80: 380 Constitution Alteration (State Debts) Act s 90: 66, 67 1929: 142 s 92: 380 Customs Act 1901: 66 s 105A: 142, 144, 148 Financial Agreements (Commonwealth s 105A(3): 144 Liability) Act 1932: 143 s 105A(5): 144 Financial Agreements Enforcement Act s 106: 78, 79, 234, 352, 371, 432, 440 1932: 143, 146, 152, 157 s 107: 356, 357 Pt II: 144 s 116: 380 Financial Agreements (State Legislation) s 117: 380 Act 1932: 148 s 128: 18, 115-117, 429, 434 Industrial Relations Act 198: 426 Judiciary Act 1903: 234, 392 Commonwealth s 40: 408 Australia Act 1986: 17, 22, 125, 232, 284- s 40A: 273 297, 319, 378 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987: 317 s 1: 17, 296 s 8: 240 s 2: 296 s 16(2): 346 s 2(2): 354 Privy Council (Appeals from the High s 3: 296 Court) Act 1975: 273 s 4: 296 Privy Council (Limitation of Appeals) s 5: 296 Act 1968: 273 s 6: 4, 5, 6, 125, 296, 355 New South Wales s 7: 296 Appropriation (Parliament) Act 1996: s 7(5): 18 165 s 8: 296 Audit Act 1902: 149, 150, 157 xviii TABLE OF STATUTES Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985: 296 Constitution Amendment (Legislative Bills Annulment Act 1935: 148, 167 Council) Act 1932: 195 Builders Labourers Federation (Special Constitution and Parliamentary Electo- Provisions) Act 1986: 363, 364, 367 rates and Elections (Amendment) s 3(1): 367, 370 Act 1978: 186 s 3(2): 370 Constitutional Powers (New South s 3(3): 370 Wales) Act 1978: 281 s 3(4): 367, 370 Crimes Act 1900: 394 s 4: 368 Customs Duties Act 1871: 59 s 5: 368 Customs Regulation Act 1879 Community Protection Act 1994: 15, 384, s 32: 60 386, 393-395 s 131: 61 s 3: 393, 395 s 133: 59, 60 s 3(1): 384 Defamation Act 1847: 64 s 3(2): 384 Defamation Act 2005: 252 s 4: 394 Equity Act 1902 s 5: 393, 395 s 6: 176, 249 s 5(1): 384 Imperial Acts Application Act 1969: 252 s 8: 394 s 6: 314, 346 s 9(1): 394 Sch 2, Pt 1: 346 s 15: 384, 394 Industrial Arbitration Act 1940: 366 s 17: 384, 394 Industrial Arbitration (Special Provi- s 17(1)(a): 394 sions) Act 1984: 366 s 17(1)(b): 394 Parliamentary Evidence Act 1901: 252, s 17(1)(c): 395 323 s 17(3): 394 s 4: 317 s 24: 394 s 5: 317, 323 s 25: 394 Sentencing Act 1989: 404 Constitution Act 1853: 77, 179 Sentencing Legislation Further Amend- ss 38-40: 77 ment Act 1997: 404 Constitution Act 1855: 62, 63, 161 Special Commissions of Inquiry Act s 1: 60, 62, 179, 190 1983 s 45: 60 Pt 4A: 346 Constitution Act 1902: 250, 362, 371, 373- s 22: 349 374 s 23: 349 Pt 2: 351 s 24: 349 Pt 9: 5, 372 s 33A: 346 s 5: 169, 319, 371, 377, 378, 395 s 33B(1): 346 s 33B(4): 347 s 5A: 164, 167, 191, 319 s 33D(1): 346 s 5B: 162, 165-167, 171, 172, 175, 177- 183, 319 s 33D(3): 346 s 33F(1): 346 s 5B(1): 195 s 33G: 346 s 5B(4): 172, 180, 181 s 33H: 346 s 7A: 11-12, 101-128, 162, 164, 167, 169, Special Commissions of Inquiry Amend- 179, 332, 351, 355, 356-358 ment Act 1997: 331, 346-347 s 7A(1): 101, 108, 351, 356 Supreme Court Act 1970 s 7A(2): 101, 108, 351 s 37: 414, 415 s 7A(3): 114 Supreme Court and Circuit Courts s 7A(6): 101, 102, 108-111, 116 (Amendment) Act 1965: 249 s 7B(1): 372 s 7B(1)(a): 5 Queensland s 13A(3): 241 Appeals and Special Reference Act 1973: s 15: 253 276 s 15(1)(a): 317 s 3: 277 s 19: 241 s 4: 277 s 22D: 193 Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985: 296 s 22D(1): 264 Constitution Act 1867: 1, 6, 8, 69, 70, 77- s 46: 169 88 Constitution Amendment Act 2000: 241 s 1: 80 xix TABLE OF STATUTES Constitution Act 1867 (Qld) (cont) s 13: 193 s 2: 80, 190 s 28A: 192 s 9: 194 s 38: 317 ss 15-17: 77 s 41(1): 192 s 15: 81 Constitution Act Amendment Act 1973: s 16: 81 186 Constitution Act Amendment Act 1908: Constitution Act Further Amendment 194 Act 1881 Constitution Act Amendment Act 1934 s 16: 191 s 3: 124 Constitution and Electoral Acts Amend- Constitution Act Amendment Act 1977: ment Act 1973: 186 281 Constitution Further Amendment Act Constitution of Queensland 2001: 2, 97 1913: 201 Criminal Proceeds Confiscation Act ss 21-26: 191 2002: 400-402 Convict Prevention Act 1857: 37 s 4(1): 400 Customs Act 1854: 32 s 4(2): 400 Electoral Act 1855: 32, 37 s 30: 400, 401 Equity Act 1866: 45 s 31: 401 Local Courts Act 1861: 42 Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Real Property Act 1858: 29-32, 39 Act 2003: 407 s 13: 30 s 3: 407 Real Property Act 1860: 36, 37, 39, 40 s 8: 407, 408 Real Property Act 1861: 31 s 13: 407, 408 s 41: 40 Industrial Arbitration Act 1916: 69, 72- Registration of Deeds Act 1841: 39 73, 75, 79, 81, 92 Registration of Deeds Act 1862: 43 s 6(1)-(3): 72 Supreme Court Act 1853 s 6(6): 72, 81, 83, 84 s 182: 27 s 7(1): 72, 73 s 9(3): 73 Tasmania s 19: 72 Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985: 296 Local Government (Morayfield Shop- Constitution Act 1855: 203 ping Centre Zoning) Act 1996: 404 s 33: 190 Parliament of Queensland Act 2001: 2 Constitution Act 1934 s 9: 317 ss 42-43: 191 s 34: 329 Constitution Act 1968: 186 s 35: 329 Constitutional Powers (Tasmania) Act Parliamentary Bills Referendum Act 1979: 281 1908: 80, 194 Land and Income Taxation Act (No 2) Repealing Act of 1867 1924: 203 s 3: 78 Parliamentary Privileges Act 1858 Supreme Court Act 1867 s 1: 317 s 9: 77 s 10: 77 Victoria Supreme Court Acts Amendment Act 21 Vict no 33 (1857) 1903 s 2: 205 s 3: 79 s 3: 205 Workers Compensation Act 1905: 71 s 12: 205 Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985: 296 South Australia Builders Labourers Federation (De- Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985: 296 recognition) Act 1985: 367 Chief Justice’s Pension Act 1861: 36 Charter of Human Rights and Responsi- Constitution Act 1855: 26, 31, 32, 37-43 bilities Act 2006: 3 s 33: 38 Community Protection Act 1990: 393 s 34: 39 Constitution Act 1855: 185 Sch A: 26 s 56: 190 Constitution Act 1856 Constitution Act 1903 s 1: 190 s 31: 193 Constitution Act 1934 Constitution Act 1975: 1, 2, 6 s 10A: 124 Pt III: 5 xx TABLE OF STATUTES Pt IIIAA: 5 s 6: 418, 432 s 16: 378 s 9: 418, 432 s 18: 5 s 12: 211, 212, 215-219, 223-229 s 19: 317 s 13: 212, 214, 447 ss 62-65: 191 Electoral Distribution Repeal Act 2001: s 65: 206 237 ss 65B-65C: 195 Electoral Districts (Cancellation of Pro- Constitution (Parliamentary Reform) clamation) Act (No 1) 1959: 212, 224 Act 2003: 2, 186 Interpretation Act 1984: 217 Constitution (Reform) Act 1937 Justices Act 1902 s 2(1): 193, 194 s 102: 403 s 3: 206 One Vote One Value Act 2005: 212, 213 Constitutional Powers (Request) Act Parliamentary Privileges Act 1891 1980: 281 s 4: 317 Industrial Relations Act 1979: 367 Legislative Council Reform Act 1950: Australian Capital Territory 186 Human Rights Act 2004: 3 Tobacco Act 1987 s 21(1)(f): 193 Northern Territory Legislative Assembly (Powers and Pri- Western Australia vileges) Act 1992: 240 Acts Amendment (Constitution) Act Magistrates Act: 405 1978: 281 s 6: 422 India Acts Amendment (Electoral Reform) Act Act XXII of 1869: 53 1987: 186, 214 s 2: 53, 55 s 89: 418, 432 s 9: 53, 54, 55 s 92: 418, 432 United Kingdom/Imperial s 94: 418, 432 Australia Acts (Request) Act 1985: 296 26 & 27 Vict, c 76: 39 Constitution Act 1889: 1, 213, 432 Act of Settlement 1701: 77 s 6: 188 Australia Act 1986: 17, 22, 125, 232, 319 s 37: 213 s 1: 17, 296 s 66: 190 s 2: 296 s 73: 214, 227, 234, 235 s 2(2): 354 s 73(2)(c): 237, 416, 422, 430, 432, 434, s 3: 296 438-441 s 4: 296 s 73(6): 227 s 5: 296 Sch A: 213 s 6: 5, 6, 125, 296, 355 Constitution Act 1899: 1 s 7: 296 Constitution Acts Amendment Act 1899: s 7(5): 18 212 s 8: 296 s 46: 191 s 9: 296 Constitution Acts Amendment Act (No s 10: 296 2) 1963: 186 s 11: 296 Constitution and Electoral Amendment s 12: 17 Act 2005: 212 s 13: 296 Crimes (Confiscation of Profits) Act s 14: 296 1988: 405 s 15: 17, 296 Criminal Code s 15(1): 6 653: 235 Australian States Constitution Act 1907: Electoral Act 1907: 212, 214 268 Electoral Amendment and Repeal Act Bill of Rights 1689: 9 2005: 2, 14, 186, 447 Art 9: 252, 314, 332, 346, 348, 349, 353, Div 2: 447 354, 359 Electoral Distribution Act 1947 (formerly British North America Act 1867: 56, 58, Electoral Districts Act): 212, 214- 59 231, 237, 418, 423, 434 s 92: 58 British North America Act 1871: 65 s 2A(2): 418, 432 xxi TABLE OF STATUTES Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 (Imp): Limitation Act 1623 7, 21, 42, 56-57, 67, 78, 82, 87, 267- s 6: 64 269, 271-272, 286, 296 Magna Carta: 9 s 1: 56 Merchant Shipping Act 1894: 268, 271 s 2: 7, 63, 78, 79, 81-83, 271-272 ss 735-736: 296 s 5: 4, 11, 63, 78-83, 88, 89, 109-122, New South Wales Act 1823: 64 126, 179, 180, 355 New South Wales Constitution Act 1855 s 7: 42 (18 and 19 Vict c 54): 60, 77, 320 Colonial Leave of Absence Act 1782

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