The original documents are located in Box 19, folder “10/25/75 - Cleveland, Ohio (3)” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 19 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .,.- .. ... .. ·I f ...... ·;. 1 t It .'Betty· Ford, wlt- President: w~ s.:rrounded by a ~rowd at~ Re~~bltcan women's 'fund.raf4ing lu.nch~on TuesddY_ ~ \iur_- ~ .·~UUm t. 1.lq.~ but the·cr1,tS1i'.didn'.t seem to lio~er . her. • . -;::; efi". 1-'\ \~1Sit 7_-:--:'. ii !~ Betty · Ford charms \' 'COP,•. women hCre By Patricia Moore When Betty Ford entered a crowded VIP and Mrs. William Wood-Prince;·'lho brought reception that preceded the Repupllcan wom­ Mme. Chagall to the eveqt. · en's luncheon Tuesday, her local hostess, Mts. Franklin G. Clement of Lake Forest ·'JIOpe McCormick looked a little nonplussed got a kiss on the cheek from Mrs. Font :Mrs •. witil Mrs. Ford,encouraged her, "Just zoom Clement explained that she and her first bUs­ in.~· band, Walter Goodspeed, lived .in Grand Ra­ That's exactly what Mrs. ford did during pids and took ballroom dancing lessons from ,Ul !he p~li~ mo111.ents ".~ o~ yisit to -. " ~~!Y J elµ'S 9• .'~:Sl!e .. a g . teacli- . :~... -11 e ·es1 n . p unged "I'm still out of breath from the last 10 months/' she in with a smiling, unflappable style. She Jis· CAMPAIGN FINANCING was a luncheon tened attentively as 14 ;candidates told her topic. Lola Flamm, underdog candidate fqr told the 650 women. (Photos by Fred Stein) . ~ ,abotit $eJr campaigns, patiently signed. au~ Cook Co~nty clerlc, ·~d. ~·someone wlll,give. ' . l .· 8}gn · grapb.8, an(l tool.c ~e tizpe t'O most of theti.l . 1$1,000 to a male candid~te and $40 t~ a worn~ · . · Mary. McDonalcl~ who is e~pected to wJn .u ( 1l~;,'1. · , , . to Mazy 14-Y or' Lillian_ or whoJPever. She 1 ;an. l ~ow . ~t ~au•e 1t .~appened. a GOP,i,capdidate ·for; the· Cook County -~¢ 1),,./..,~-t .. ~). j chai1iied 650 Republicap. women 'an<J Vava .~ . Mrs• .OlUe Clark., wl¥>'s Jn the very unfavor­ in th~ suburbs, is. unhappy · that the lJnlt.ed. ' :.; ." ~ . I Chagall, : . ,., . , . of ZefO. wJfe ~f Marc Chagall. 1 able pasitlo~ ~g for tqe C!)Ok County Republican .Fund is giving dollars to.tlle ". "She was v~ry kind," · smiled_Mme. ~:.:;,, ~rd as.a RepubUcan In the city, a~mitted Women Power committee. Tile ·14 candidates gall. "She said she admires my husband:" .... ., · the going is tough. "I don't even· have the are to spilt proceeds ·r~ 1Uesday's lunch- wnMRN D~wvv 1111~1. c+.rt. t>oh ..- ~ney to pay oft the 11q~ I already owe." eon, 11tlm1tfd at $8,000. · ' · Mrs;Eera• #".Ii ~ : tOp draw' .·: .. IWY . Co)1ire~s , ·tO teatu'ril talk ::_"' By Mary St ssmeyerf"~1 ·;,y Betty Ford·-. Mrs. Gerald .Ji'ord, the natfo~/~ first lady, wiij make her first Cleveland appearance today, the From First ·Pa e " The c0ngress is expec_te(i' to at- opening day of .the Greater Cleve- men in a nat,io~ poll wbc) fe1t tract women athletes:· wo~en lilDCI -International Women's Year ey are not discriminated shqw . business luminaries an~ ~ anhe''Cleveland Conven- gainst. ... ;. C' r dignitaries from aroliild ·the world. ti.on Center. The poll results .. we\.e reveal~ They incl!!de India's Madam Vi- Mrs. Ford will arrive · from esterday by former ~ 'Clevelandt!r' Jaya Lakshdti' Pandit, ,the first Wasfiington--afl0:30 a.iii. She will hyllis L. Gillis, uecutive direc· ·",wolllal'l president of ,"~h~ U.N-, tour the ,-congress's 250 exhibits or of the Gallup' IntetnationaL Re- . General Asse~.bly, .col':"llmst Ann , and its day .. care center. before earch Institute Irtc; . · ·>~ders, tenms. pro J';'lle Heldman going to.Public '·Music·Hall·for. her . ..,. · ,. , . , and actors .Ossie Davis, Ruby .Dee speech at 1'2:30' p.m. · .1· Gallup dt~ an ~oternational ·poll .·and Lily Tomlin:. .,., ;._ : . , , . .. i9n the question, What Do Women w k- h · · ·11 d i · · · · ·· Till. c is . 'We've , Come a Lon& , .~eally f Think and Want'" ..\ . 11 or , s ops .\YI e ve Jn to Way; ~ut ·We've Got a Long Way .' 'flere was conducted by Bart::ra wo~~n s roles .10 ind~~· um~~· to Go.. ,{ Rawson/ consultant to the Cleve~ poh~1cs, iµ~d~cine,.:. sp~rts; the 1 :Mi's, Ford will. be introduced by' :-land.Foundation, and an IWYcom:: · ~;i.:::and gove~en_Ld·; 't, be th Jfil Ruckelshaus, chairman of the mittee. · c?n~ ·is. sai o e National Commission on the O}>; 1,frs. .Gill~ said the international la!g.est of its - ~d IP the ':J.S . .servance of .the International poll shows women in the U. s. be- Th~ , Congress nms from 9·,-.m. Women's Year. lieve,. their. :~~ole i~ spciety - ~i}~:~~~::~t'~'-114 :"'onday. After her s~. whi~h, like all f~wmg much·m_ore · th~ .women . , 2.J..../-\ ,.'t· ;.~.. ~>;~~- :' : /J i ' Greater Clevelarid IWY Congress 1~. Canada ~ · !~em ·1$urope ~ :. activities, is' free and open to the ie~e theiM'ole . ~. ~ ,.·~.! public, Mrs. Ford will lanch ~~ . • "~iXty-~our- per cent of the u:s: Bond Court Hotel . with 10 Clever women pc>tted ·believe thetr role is land women estimated to be most changing·,.;( great deal," MI'S. "Gillis influen_tial in last Sunday's PD' \ "Whereas. in C~~a, 433 Magazme. · think so. "In Western Europe, just Mrs. Ford will be guest of honor ' 29% believe it." at a small reception in the hotel MI'S: Gillis said the results indi- before returning t9 Washington. CCite U.S. women think they have Two polls will be released at the \ come a long way and that they congress today, including one probably have a better life than showing 443 of local women said womt!n in other countries; · ·they ~id. not fee) discriminated ,. .she said, the piternal;iQ~al poll, •Jaiull eompared ·• 27'1 Of del'.Wl'itten by the. ·Charles· F. ~- Qmitnaed oa Page tt-A et~ Poundation of ~aytoli, is . a; APlr.Clda~)·.~ .F· •·~· ~ elating tb women. _.... < •. • -:: .. ; , ..a ~1 womei: ·ji;jibn· of ·.-,e · °"' , nd ·· ~ ·'liwe' ~ questtons 1 : · '.I'!, bout · the ideaf life "and about t ~~" available cqmmunity services for . t• : ~ . women, Mrs. Rawson said. d .. } ;'( FlrtST LADY - wJl1l~iJ W~Sri l ~GTJ~ CA?> -- FIRST LADY B~TIY FJnD , ~rlJ STlrik~J ri~AT~D u~oA1~ LAST Y~AK WHi N Srl~ CAM?A I G~~D FUn THi ~QUAL rilGHl~ A~~ ~DM~~T , WkS TJ a~ A F~AfURiU s?~AK~ri TUDAY AT A WOM~N ' S c0~F~rl~~c~ I N CLEVSLA ND . SHE WAS TO ADDriiSS THi G~~ATiri CLEViLA~D CUNGri~Ss JF I ~ TLKNATl u AL w~ME ~ ' S Y~AK o~ TH~ OP~~ l ~G DAY UFA THk~E - D~Y cu~Fiki NCE 0~ ~ uMi~ ' S ISSUES . 0Trl~ri SP ~AK~R S INCLUDS MAJAME VIJAY LAKSHMI PANDIT OF I ND IA , F Jk~~R PR ~ S ! D i~ T OF THi U. N. G~~EHAL ASS~MBLY , AND JILL rtUCKELSHAUS , HiAD UF TH£ U. S. '.JA f l lJ !-J AL COMM I SS I ON U : ~ THE UBSirlVA NC £ OF llHJ::R ;~ ATiu .~ AL WOt'i.C:N ' S Yi.Ai\ . MRS . FOriD , ~CCJM~A~ I ED BY S I ~ M£~BE~S OF H~A STAFF R~ D l ~ n~PGnTtnS , WAS TO FLY TO CL~V~ L A~D ABJAriD A 40 - PASSi~GiK MILIIAkY DC9 J~T . 10- 25- 75 l 0: 3JiDT ------ -- -- ~----. --- 1.5.5 f\ ?£J?L I T !.. -~s CL.:.V .... LA i.) (.£\?) -- fIJ<Sf U\DY ·;:.TTY FvitLJ ¥:ILL SPEAK ~.J.J 1)-{ v? ." I ~~G DAY SATUKDAY .JF A TH,\i:.i:.. - DAY I Tt..111~ATIO AL ioJUI~!..·~ · S Y;:..Ar; uBS.::r{VA ~r_ . 11."iS . Fu.-W WAS SCHCDUL:J Tu ADDrlt.SS A LU lCHiu.~ GATH.C..riLiG J, A '~ AS y_T U.JDISCLuS.:.O TJ?IC • .3H·.:. {1AS ALSu Tv ATT.t:. !~ O A i<l::Cc.PTll.. .~ . uTH:::n WHJ WILL /-\?Pi.Ar{ JUrlhlG TH::: Trlnic. DAYS OF 'i.V,;.. ·iTS I :LUD L'-lDIA ' S VIJAYA L~K:.:) H:1 I ?A.~iHT , TiE FI11Sf W0r1A;-J ?1iE.SID.:. lH JF T 11. U II .D rATIO.JS G::..:hliAL ASSi:.bBLY , G:JLUi11.HST A;·u LAirn£rlS , Tc...JiHS ?itv JULH MiLDMA~·j Arn TELEVISIU.~ COi1lSDIL'lN ..... LILY Ti.ML I i~ . ,, .. ··~ ' ""' ,, - \ AIRPORT WELCOME - First Lady Betty Ford (left) received a bouquet of flowers from Mayor Perk and his wife L1Jcllle when she arrived ~t Cleve­ land ~Ins Aln>ortthis moming prior~~ t~ VWel'n. tlonal Womeri'1 ~ ' RuttrMnter, t!W1'taltf'M!lrldor {rfDht),:holds 1 gift the Perkl e•v• Mrs~ ~Ol"CS ..::.
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