Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 19/18 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 16.-31. Oktober Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Überraschende Kommunalwahl ..................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Umstrittenes Gedenken an Rabin-Mord ........................................................................................................................ 2 3. Jordanien will Verpachtung von Ländereien an Israel nicht verlängern .................................................................... 4 4. Medienquerschnitt ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Überraschende Kommunalwahl Israel annektierten Gebiet empfindet sich bis heute Für Überraschungen sorgten Israels als syrische Bürger und die Golanhöhen als Kommunalwahlen in Jerusalem und in Haifa. In syrisches Land, auf dem keine israelischen Wahlen Jerusalem unterlag der von Regierungschef stattzufinden haben. Wer trotz der Proteste den Weg Benjamin Netanyahu bevorzugte Kandidat Ze´ew zum Wahllokal wagte, musste einen regelrechten Elkin, der amtierende Minister für Jerusalem- Spießrutenlauf über sich ergehen lassen. Angelegenheiten, schon im ersten Wahlgang zwei stärkeren Gegenkandidaten. Eine Entscheidung Despite death threats, I want to serve Jerusalem steht aus, denn weder Moshe Leon, dem von der (…) East Jerusalem has a shortage of 2,000 class- orthodoxen Wählerschaft präferierten Mann, noch rooms, and as a result the street violence and delin- dem liberalen Ofer Berkovitch gelang eine quency among Arab youth is on the rise, a fertile ausreichende Mehrheit. In Haifa wird zum ersten breeding ground for extremist anti-state terrorist Mal eine Frau Chefin im Rathaus. Die von der activities. There is little organised planning, and Arbeitspartei unterstützte Einat Kalisch-Rotem stach building permits and proper infrastructure are badly den seit 15 Jahren amtierenden Bürgermeister Yona needed. The piles of trash in the streets are no Yahav mit überzeugender Mehrheit aus. Eine comparison to the relatively clean streets in the weitere Frau, Aliza Bloch, machte in der zunehmend western side of the city. The Shuafat and Kfar Akeb von Ultra-Orthodoxen dominierten Stadt Beit neighborhoods are now fully controlled by local Shemesh Geschichte: Der religiösen, jedoch nicht crime gangs. This will only get worse and spread, charedischen Frau gelang es, die Wähler_innen von affecting both Jewish and Arab residents unless we ihrer Botschaft der Toleranz zu überzeugen und den take immediate action to redress the situation. I, Dr. amtierenden ultra-orthodoxen Bürgermeister Moshe Ramadan Dabash, a Muslim resident of East Jeru- Abutbul aus dem Amt zu hieven. In Ostjerusalem salem, (…) have decided to become proactive and scheiterte der erste palästinensische Kandidat bei am standing for a seat on the municipal council of a den Kommunalwahlen, Ramadan Dabash, am city which should be united not just in name but in Boykott seiner arabischen Mitbürger_innen . Die practice. A united city in which all residents, from Palästinenser hatten dem Druck des Muftis und der both the east and west, can take pride; where all palästinensischen Führung nachgegeben. Von residents enjoy the same services for which they heftigen Protesten begleitet war die Wahl auf den pay! (…) I urge you all, Jewish and Arab alike, to Golanhöhen. Die Mehrheit der Drusen in dem von vote for my party (…). Let us make history together 1 and create change for the sake of peace for us all, few months ago. (…) The other two candidates are for a better life for us and our children; for a real Jerusalemites emerging from local politics. Daitch peace, not just one written on a piece of paper. (…) represents Agudat Yisrael, while Berkovitch is the Vote “YUD” in the voting booths. founder and chairman of the Hitorerut (Hebrew for Ramadan Dabash, TOI, 24.10.18 Awakening) movement, which is composed of both secular and Orthodox Jews. (…) A victory for Daitch Why local elections matter would return the city to the days when female danc- (…) local authorities, while not involved in the well- ers at a public event became an explosive political known issues of war and peace, the Palestinian issue and the gay pride parade was an event to be conflict, and foreign relations, nevertheless play a ashamed of. Berkovitch, who built a strong and major role in Israeli life. (…) Just like in the national popular movement in Jerusalem without a political political arena, however, the quality of the politicians apparatus behind him, has displayed an understand- varies greatly, which is why, similar to other govern- ing of the city’s deep problems. A victory for him ance questions in Israel, reform is sorely needed. would be a victory for an open, tolerant and modern (…) mayors and councils hold sway on issues of Jerusalem. vital public importance: education, culture, infra- Editorial, HAA, 30.10.18 structure and zoning, commerce and quality of life, to name but a few. Municipalities with ample re- Women on every list sources have a lot of power to shape their local (…) Ultra-Orthodox support for Haifa’s new mayor environment – and by extension, the lives of their demonstrates that the exclusion of women – in poli- residents. The opposite, to be sure, is also true for tics and other realms – is not a decree from heaven those localities with fewer resources at their dispos- or holy concept in Jewish law, but is primarily de- al. (…) Seemingly not a week goes by without an- rived from power struggles. There’s no justification other report on a mayor being questioned by the for agreeing to a discriminatory attitude toward half police. This is a byproduct of the local political sys- the population. (…) The explanation for refusing tem. (…) With one signature the head of a local women the right to run for office is that it poses council can create millions of shekels in business: “halakhic difficulties” or could “offend” people – so choosing one contractor over another, approving or much so that there’s seemingly no choice but to denying a re-zoning permit, allowing a hotel complex respect the demand to bar women from contending. to go ahead or not. (…) On the local level, reform of But the support by Degel Hatorah and Shas for the planning and building committees is necessary secular female candidates points to a different rea- in order to better inform the public and defend son: the fear of undermining rabbinical control over against corruption. Transparency of committee de- tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox women. It’s not liberations, accessibility to information, greater pub- an imaginary modesty problem, but a desire to con- lic participation at earlier stages of the planning tinue oppressing the women of their communities. process, publicizing – and eliminating – conflicts of (…) There should be no restrictions on women being interest, and increased legal oversight are all steps able to run for office. that need to be taken. The good news is that much Editorial, HAA, 31.10.18 of them already exist in the legal code; it just needs to be implemented. (…) Yohanan Plesner, JPO, 28.1018 2. Umstrittenes Gedenken an Rabin-Mord 23 Jahre nach dem Mord an Israels früheren Regie- Berkovitch for a tolerant Jerusalem rungschef Yitzhak Rabin scheint das Land zerstritte- (…) Jerusalem is known as a city of “camps.” (…) ner denn je. Bei den Gedenkfeierlichkeiten auf dem Jerusalemites may have a conservative reputation, Jerusalemer Herzlberg bezog sich Noa Rothman, but in this campaign they’ve been ignoring the “vote Rabins Enkelin, auf eine angebliche Twitter- contractors” and have shown political maturity and Nachricht aus dem Büro von Regierungschef Ben- independent thought. Of the mayoral candidates jamin Netanyahu, die Rabin als „Verräter“ bezeich- with a chance to win, two are political veterans who nete. Netanyahu wies diesen Vorwurf zurück. Rabin came from outside Jerusalem hoping to conquer it. war am 4. November 1995 von einem nationalreligi- One, Moshe Leon, an associate of ministers Arye ösen Extremisten erschossen worden. Zwei Jahre Dery and Avigdor Lieberman, arrived five years ago. zuvor hatte er im Rahmen der Osloer Prinzipiener- The other, Elkin, a Likud hawk, moved to the city a klärung den schrittweisen Abzug Israels aus den 2 besetzten Palästinensergebieten in die Wege gelei- them, have been buried and dismissed. (…) It will tet. Die Verhandlungen scheiterten mit einem letzten take new leaders who are able to develop trust and Versuch des damaligen US-Außenministers John confidence, first between themselves, and then with Kerry vor gut vier Jahren. their own people and with those on the other side of the conflict. (…) Stop poisoning the memory Gershon Baskin, JPO, 24.10.18 (…) on the anniversary of the murder of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, certain individuals, Revealed: The people behind the notorious perhaps more than a handful, are overcome with a Rabin-SS posters sense of bitterness. (…) The spirit of this (…) For 23 years the settlers, Likud, Habayit remembrance day is gradually shifting direction (…) Hayehudi and religious Zionists have been trying to toward a regular weekday, just another day. (…) we evade any link to the repulsive murder. As far as saw divisions and political head-butting rear their they are concerned, the murderer is a rogue heads, with very little room for stateliness. (…) element who was not influenced by
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