. 1 m - : I ■- ■ ■■■ ^ * 4H ^TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 196S Averaffo Dally Nat Freaa Rtm . I a OE FOImTEEN^ Th« Weather For tto Week K n M ForeoMt of D. 8. VoatMr BoM ItMVh », in«t . Roln onding thlo ovenlac oii|| Thd Connecticut Horticultural PTA to Present turning o little coldw Society will meet Thursday, March 13 j9 5 7 About Town 21. at 8 p.m. in the Conhecticut ‘H^sel-Gretel’ MaulMr of tto Andti ' Low In the 20*. Ttanradoy portijr Historical Society Auditorium. 1 BniMD of Otnndatfoii» okmdy and cooL U g h m m t 4 0 . 8t. Mary*« EplwopW Guild will Elizabeth St., Hartford. Df. Gus­ Mancheater—^A City o f Village Charm meet tomorrow at 11 a.m. in the tav Mehlquist, UConn chairman of Two performanceB of, ■ "Hansel Guild Hall. Member# are remind­ the floriculture department: and aod Oretel" will be presented by ed to bring .sandwiches. Desserts Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Farmington, the 'Windsor Theatre Of the Giyen VOL. LXXXn, NO. 138 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— IN TWO SECnONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1963 (Olaaoifled AdvertiRlng on Page 3t) PRICE FIVE CENTS and beverages will be served by will present an Illustrated lecture, Children’s Company Saturday at Mrs. Claude Porter, Mrs. Oran "Glimpses of European Garden­ 1:30' and 3:30 p.m. in the 'Ver- Hilts and Mri. Norah Coupe. The ing.” Dr. Mehlquist will also con­ planck School auditorium. group will sponsor a food sale at duct a Plant Forum and there will The performances will be spon­ the church Sunday after the 10 be a plant auction for the scholar­ sored by the Verplanck PTA. Reds Form State News a.m. service. Committee mem­ ship fimd. Tickets will be on sale at the bers hre Mrs Alice Johnston, school tomorrow and Wednesday U . S. Reduces Mrs, Arthur Holmes. Mrs. Flor- Kenneth F. Warner, aViation mominga at the PTA meeting to­ enc»J3onnelly, Mrs, Eletha Green- machinist's mate 3C., U.SN, son-of morrow night, and at the door. Center Unit Roundup halgh 'land Miss Isabelle Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A.'Warenr, Parents are ashed to attend with Floods, Wind 38 Joseph St.,' is spring at the their children. LENOX PHARMACY Orford P ^ h , DAR. will meet Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, Proceeds will benefit the PTA 299 E. CENTER STREET— MI 9-0898 Thursday at ifSO p.m. at the R. I. scholai‘shlp fund and other PTA N-Check Area In Industry home of Mrs. Albert Schulze, 25 activities. Governor Gains Olcott Dr. Mrs. Henry Schorer, Seaman Stanley W. Clulow Jr.. itonorAry regent of Sarah Whit­ iJSN, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. MOSCOW (A P )—The gov­ GOP Cooperation man Hooker ‘Chapter, West Hart­ GENEVA (AP)— oquoro mUoa.. Prevl' Clulow, Foster St., is serving ously the United States demanded ernment established a Su­ ford, will exhibit and talk on glass aboard the atta.ck transport USS a concession to the Soviet On NHRR Issue paper weights. Mrs. Ruth French, inspection of an area of TOO to 800 preme National Economic Mountrail, currently participating Union, the United States sub­ square kilometers ^ 0 to 808 30,000 es Mrs. Maurice Willey and Mrs. Ar­ in amphibious training exercises in Council today for the man­ thur Feltault will 'serve ag hos­ stantially reduced' today the square miles — to ' determine HARTFORD (AP) — Re­ the Caribbean. ' agement of industry and con­ tesses. area each on-site inspection whether a suspicious underground disturbance was an earthquake or struction throughout the So­ publican leaders agreed today The American Legion wTll-myet would cover to police a ban on to work directly with Gov. Nathan Hale PTA will meet to- a banned nuclear explosion. viet Union. Premier Khrush­ tonight at 8 in the Post Home. The underground nuclear tests. "A 'careful review of the scien­ •John N. Dempsey and his ad­ n i^ t at 7:15 in the .school audi­ executive committee meets at 7. The ,Sovleta prompUy bruahed chev himself heads it. torium to hear the Rev. Joseph tific. problems concerned. in de. i This appeared to mark comple-, ministration in dealing with 1 7 D e a d , the plan aside, oalling it an at­ termlntag the iTCation of m ^ Khrushchev’s design for W. Reynold.s. chaplain of Wethers­ Dennis D. Keith, son of Mr. and c h e c k y r o e tempt to "sabotage the discussion the problems of the N6w Ha­ center’’--the center of the disturb-' centralizing economic guidance field State Pri.son speak on the Mrs. Roy L. Keith Jr., 22 Hollister of a test ban by^bringing up tech­ ven Railroad. “State Penal System." ance—led the United States to which he announced at a meeting St.; and Miss Linda Olm.sted, nical matters.’ ’ By getting into offer the 'reduced inspection area, The legislative leaders of both daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Richard teohnicaliUes, said Soviet Dele­ of the Communist party’s Central parties met with the Governor only S ix L o s t , Stelle said. Committee last November. C. Olmsted, Hebron Rd., Bolton, gate Semyon. K. Tsarapkin, "We Stelle told the conference the hours after Dempsey made it clear i are on the dean's list at Bates may talk for another 10 years.’’ The Soviet news agency Tass today that he was unwilling to I want to enjoy 3 cars in 1 with the world’s Soviet Union was given advance said the council will outrank all College Lewiston, Maine. U.8. Ambassador Charles C. notice of the detailed proposal In deal with a three-man committee only slide-open-roof wagon-convertible.H^ said the council will out- appointed by the GOP leaders last □ 8telle put before the IT-natlop dis­ the hope of obtaining some Rus­ riank all other economic bodies In S o u t h EXPERT Spencer Group of Second Con­ armament conference the first de­ sian response. week. and will work directly under the Dempsey told a press confer­ gregational Church will meet to­ 1 want to command America’s fastest production tailed Western Plan for inspection ’The test ban talks are dead­ Council of Ministers. PIAJVO morrow at 2 p.m. in the church procedures. ^ locked by the Soviet refusal to ence he considers It a matter that By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS parlor. Mrs. Nellie Bradley and car (over 150 mph at Bonneville)—one of the The plan provides that any on­ discuss any Inspection procedures It was a drastic effort to cure should continue to be handled by Water rationing begins in Mrs. Freda Hubner will be hos­ Manchester Flotilla Marks First Anniversary □ agricultural ills and industrial the top Republican leaders, as it site inspection would cover a Harlan, Ky.,,today as devas­ AND world’s highest-performance, 4-passenger luxury cars.-*f**K stagpintion besetting the economy has up to now. tesses. The group wdll work on Members and guests of the. U.S. Coast Guard Flotilla Auxiliary of Manchester review a list of char­ maximum of BOO square kilo- (Oontinaed on Page Ten) tating floods and deadly tor­ cancer pads. ter members Saturday night at the American Legion Home where the unit’s first anniversary was that Khrushchev last fall wrote <X)P House Speaker J. Tyler VOCAL celebrated. They include, left to right, Robert Dougan of Manchester, public information officer; 1 want to live it up with the dough 1 save by wrote off his 1967 experiment Patterson of Old Lyme said after nadoes left more than 30,000 St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters Carl R Anderson of West Hartford, rear commodore of the Third Coast Guard District Auxiliary: with decentralized economic ad­ meeting with the Governor that' persons homeless in the South of Isabella,. wjll meet tonight at 8 Daniel E. Steele, vice commander of Manchester Flotilla 17-9, and Frank Niedrvylcld, staff officer of picking America’s lowest-priced V8.3!*H**I* Season’s Vaccine Ineffective . ministration. the Republican legislative leaders j and property damage in the Manchester Flotilla 17-9. (Herald photo by Satemis). □ The Central, Committee ap­ had assured the Governor of their' INSTRUCTION at the K of C Home, Main St. proved his plan for returning tight willingness to go to Albany to con- ; millions. j I I want to be a rich pedestrian.^*l**l**K controls to central agencies to fer with New York legislative Seventeen persons were dead The dinner March 21 at Fiano's Temple Chapter, Order of East­ 49. of 42 Gerard St., was dam­ and six others missing. Twelve of in Bolton to honor Miss Helen J. Truck Hits Car aged yesterday when it skidded eliminate the shortcomings of the leaders on the problems of the Instnictor Was ern Star, will have its annual scattered regional economic coun­ railroad. the deaths were attributed to Estes is open to the public, In­ meeting with election of officei's on an icy patch at the Brookfield New Virus Brought floods, and five to tornadoes. Formerly With Big cluding former students of the Waiting to Turn SL. entrance to Manchester High cil system he created at gjreat po­ Patterson said that if the gov­ tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Ma­ litical risk five years ago. ernor wanted the GOP leaders to A flash flood—one of several Manchester High School English sonic Temple. Refreshments will School and hit a car driven by caused by torrential rain — Name Orche.stra teacher who is one of 10 finalists James J. Prior, 17, of 181 'Wads­ Tass said the new council had “ participate in this effort, we are for "National Teacher of the be served.
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