American Express won't penalize you for graduating during a credit crisis. American Express hasn’t changed its application qualifi­ cations for graduating students during the current credit crisis. That’s because the American Express'Card isn’t a credit card. It’s a charge card/There’s no revolving, open-end credit. You are expected to pay your bill in full every month. So with the Card, you don’t get in over your head. You use your head. American Express is continuing its special application plan for graduating students. If you have a $10,000 job (or the promise of one) lined up, you can apply for an American Express Card right now. You’ll need the Card for everything from business lunches to vacations, from buying clothes to buying theatre tickets. You’ll have new responsibilities after graduation. American Express Card will help you manage diem. To apply for a Card, just pick up an application at one of the displays on campus. Or you can call the toll- free number800-528-8000,and ask for a special student application. The American Express Card. Don’t leave school without it g^r T *k# IUPUI magmeim* Vol 9 N * 56 Edkm km CWaf: 9u m h J. F arm M — g k g M u r David Edy OrepM riM Ur D A W« m t ShirWy CouU. Grqg Day. Ann Miller i C— iHkufru. William A Barton. S J Coonr. K L Wacav. Shirley Smith, Kevin Strunk Photographer* Tom Strettman. Doug Hvidaton BaMaeae: Diane Adame Dietribatioa Plul Ragan Notices Predartlea Mary Anderson. Cathy Baatara___________________ THE STUDENT POLITICAL SCIENCE Associa THE FRESHMAN OUTSTANDING Scholarship lion announces the eighth in a senes of roundtable discussions recognition luncheon will be held Monday- May 6. at noon in The Sagamore ia a weakly mage with department faculty and guests on Wednesday. April 30 the Roof Lounge of the Union Building Six students will re­ line, published by student* of The topic will be "Thoughts on the 1960 Election presented ceive scholars hi pe of 11,000 by Prof Victor Wallis The roundtable will begin at 1 p m in Indiana Umvanity-Purdua CA 129 Interested students are welcome to attend . University at Indianapolis. Views > expressed are those of the editorial HERRON SCHOOL OF ART will present their annual staff or of the individual whose Honors and Awards Program Friday. May 2. at 7:30 p m The \ THE IU HOSPITALS will honor 200 volunteers at their name appears in the bylina. The program will be held in the Auditorium of the Museum Build annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon Wednesday. April 30 editor in chief is the final authority ing at Herron The Senior Exhibition will also be on view in the at noon in the Hoosier Room of the Union Building Carol on Sagamore content, and cannot Gallery Krause, co-anchor of W ISH -T V , will discuss "N ew s Coverage be censored ofHuflMfephes ^ The Sagamore operates as an auxiliary enterprise of IU P U I but IUPUI ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT and the Metro ia financed entirely through ad­ THE CAMPAIGN FOR SAFE ENERGY iCSE) will Athletic Club will sponsor an awards ceremony honoring vertising revenue be offering summer internships for academic credit Positions IU P U I athletes in intercollegiate sports The ceremony will be The Sagamore is published at will be available in Boston. New York and Washington. D C., held .Sunday, May 4. at 7:30 p.m. in the Hooeier Room at the 1UPU1 Cavanaugh H all Room as well as field placements across the country CSE activities Union Building 001G. 926 W Michigan St . include a nationwide effort to lobby delegates to the national Indianapolis, IN 46202. Editorial conventions, grass roots organizing and education as well as THE POSTAL CAREER CONFERENCE entitled phone. 264*4006; advertising anti-nuclear rallies outside the conventions For further infer "Y ou Can Get There From Here will take place on May 30 phone. 264-3466; business phone, mat ion, contact CSE s Boston office at 617-423-1901. and 31 at the Marriott Inn at 21st and Shadeland The seminar 264 2639 is geared toward upward mobility for any career minded mdi THE CONSORTIUM FOR URBAN EDUCATION vidual and is sponsored by the Indianapolis MSC Women s will sponsor the Third Annual Teacher Candidate Interview Program Committee The Sagamore recognises its Conference, ^ • ■ d a y . May 1. from 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m , at Registration for the seminar will be accepted until May 16. responsibility to provide a forum Nicoeon Hall on the campus of Indians Central University The fee is 146. which includes a workshop, two luncheon meals, for readership commentary beyond The purpose of the conference is to present forthcoming teach a banquet dinner and four refreshment breaks For further the scope of letters to the editor education graduates with an opportunity to interview for information and registration blanks contact Indianapolis MSC Comments on current issues available teaching positions For further information, contact Woman s Program Committee. P O Box 1802.126 West should be limited to 600 words, be the Consortium at 264-3709 South Street. Indianapolis. Indiana 46206 to the point and include the phone ■B ih ar and address of the writer. No comment will be printed unless it ia signed. Only the name will ap­ pear unless the writer requests Observations anonymity The editors reserve the right to delete irrelevant or inflanv T o IU P U I: workers who could care less about the money.we jnatory material, but no commen­ The Sagamore staff wishes to assure everyone realize that there are very few people with such tary will be rejected because it is controversial Comments should be concerned that it is committed to covering campus qualities. typed and addressed to the Editor. news. Unfortunately, the ability of the Sagamore To where is this leading? We need your help. In Cavanaugh H all Room 001G. press corp to cover campus events is limited. Our order to cover campus news, we thought perhaps The Sagamore welcomes letters staff ia at beet 20-strong^that including everyone that a pool of correspondents could be developed A to the editor Letters should be from salespersons to wriArs. student could he in charge of covering the events of limited to 300 words end follow a particular department, club or school. The comment guidelines for form. All The editors are beset with a news staff largely letters should be typed and ad­ made up of freelancers who write in their spare time correspondent could write the story or simply dressed to the Editor. Cavanaugh away from school and work. Only a small percent­ supply the Sagamore editors with facts. We could H all Room 001G age of our writers has the time and access to work up some copy from there. Qampus events. Then there's always the constraint If and probably only if we get this type of of meeting our printer’s deadline. cooperation can we hope to service the IU PU I Cover Photograph by Futhermoref the monetary incentive is small. It community. Please contact the Editor, and we ll D A W M av just doesn’t nay to write. Since we eke out an arrange something. existence aoWy on advertising revenue, our budget Sincerely. is tight, and few people can live on what we pay. Susan J. Ferrer While the current staff members are selfless E ditor in chief i A p H i s a i m o % -------------------- DARTS----------------------- THE RECOVERY ROOM 1868 Lafayette Road 634-8642 Wednesday night is Student night - DRAFT HER • 254 Every other Saturday Shroud of Turin— is Sound Trials the mystery examined jujr pocwft onoo open 3-J i linen. 14 lest lo t* Some scholars believe the and three and one-half feat ends Shroud of Turin to be the burial Ths image of a man is visible shroud of an ordinary man of on the doth. It appears that the that religious scholars are al biblical tunes Others believe it doth was folded over the man, ; positive that it ia ths to have protected the body of aeonehaHofthedothraamn- i of Christ. The purpose of Jeeua when he was entombed bias the feowtfll features and the > lecture is to report after his death other half beers the image of the evidence that ia available to The evidence aa to whom it ac­ man 's beck. According to Scs prove or disprove the validity of tually protected is incooduaive. vone. the man would have been tfc6 Shroud of Turin Dr Daniel Sea von*, professor of approximately “five feet ten Taste were made in 1960 with ancient hi story at Indiana State inches tell and weighed approxi­ the aid of an electron micro­ University in Evansville, be­ mately 170 to 176 pounds. scope. to determine the origin of lieves the Shroud of Turin is the The Shroud has an ' the fibers of the Shroud It was burial doth rendered by Joseph ■ v s history,*’ said Seasons Jt discovered that within the of Aramathia for the burial of can be traced from ancient weave there \ Jeeua Despite his persons! be­ Constantinople (1400 A D ) to itothe lief, Bcavooe dealt objectively the City of i W Italy (1678 with his alida/Wcture. The A D.) There are n o s in iu his­ Shroud of Turin - Fabrication tory. especially during ths or Fact?” April 22. period of Lime W 8C A V O N E , W H O H A S bean 30 A.D. and its that the lecturing on this subject for 10 la the Middle years, has viatad ths City of Tunn to talk with ths i the years by liturgical and scholars who have t tific scholars and m 1978 cele­ ths Shroud, in addition to < brated iU 400th ann H aD aph m , are i ■ve research on ths subject.
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