Applications of Jacobi Field Estimates on Topology and Curvature∗ Hangjun Xu November 20, 2011 Last time we proved the Fundamental Theorem of Morse Theory which states that: Theorem 1. Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold, and let p; q 2 M be two points which are not conjugate along any geodesic. Then Ω(M; p; q) has the homotopy type of a countable CW-complex which contains one cell of dimension λ for each geodesic from p to q of index λ. This gives a good topological description of the path space Ω(M; p; q) provided that p and q are non-conjugate along any geodesic. We first prove that such a pair of non-conjugate points exists. Recall that a smooth map f : M −! N between manifolds of the same dimension is critical at a point p 2 M if the include map dfp on tangent spaces has nontrivial kernel. Theorem 2. Let M be a complete manifold. expp v is conjugate to p along the geodesic γv from p to expp v if and only if expp : TpM −! M is critical at v, i.e., (d expp)v has nontrivial kernel. Proof. Suppose that v is a critical point of expp. Let 0 6= X 2 Tv(TpM) be ∼ in the kernel of (d expp)v : Tv(TpM) = TpM −! Texpp vM. Let u 7! v(u) be 0 a smooth path in TpM such that v(0) = v, and v (0) = X. Then the map α :(u; t) 7! expp tv(u) 2 M defines a smooth variation through geodesics of the geodesic γv, which is given by t 7! expp tv. Therefore the variational @ vector field t 7! @u [expp tv(u)]ju=0 is a Jacobi field J(t) along γv. Note that ∗This is a talk I gave at the Morse Theory Seminar, Fall 2011, Duke 1 J(0) = 0. Moreover, @ J(1) = [exp v(u)]j = (d exp ) (v0(0)) == (d exp ) (X) = 0: (1) @u p u=0 p v p v But J(t) is not identically zero since @ @ (D @ J)(0) = D @ [expp tv(u)]ju=0 = D @ [expp tv(u)]jt=0 @t @t @u @u t=0 @t u=0 = D @ (d expp)0(v(u)) @u u=0 = D @ [v(u)] @u u=0 @v = j @u u=0 = X 6= 0: So there is a non-trivial Jacobi field along γv from p to expp v, vanishing at these two points; hence p and expp v are conjugate along γv. Conversely, suppose expp is non-singular at v 2 TpM, we can choose n lin- early independent vectors X1; ··· ;Xn in Tv(TpM) so that f(d expp)(Xi)ji = 1; ··· ng is a set of linearly independent vectors. Choose paths u 7! vi(u) in 0 TpM, i = 1; ··· ; n, such that vi(0) = v, and vi(0) = Xi for each i. We can construct n variations through geodesics α1; ··· ; αn similarly as above. From them we obtain n Jacobi fields J1; ··· ;Jn along γv, vanishing at p. From (1) we see that Ji(1) = (d expp)v(Xi), hence J1(1); ··· ;Jn(1) are linearly inde- pendent. Recall the dimension of the space of Jacobi field along γv vanishing at p is n. Therefore there exists no non-trivial Jacobi field J along γv that vanishes at both p and expp v. Corollary 3. Let p 2 M. Then for almost all q 2 M, p is not conjugate to q along any geodesic. Now we study the behavior of geodesics on manifolds with positive sec- tional curvature and negative sectional curvature. Recall that the sectional curvature of the plane spanned by the linearly independent tangent vectors i j X = a @ijp;Y = b @jjp 2 TpM is defined as hR(X; Y )X; Y i K(X ^ Y ) := 1 jX ^ Y j2 1This is Milnor's convention. 2 where jX ^ Y j2 := hX; Xi · hY; Y i − hX; Y i2. Lemma 1. Suppose M is a manifold of nonpositive sectional curvature, then no two points of M are conjugate along any geodesic. Proof. Let γ be a geodesic with velocity vector field V , and let J be a Jacobi 0 DJ field along γ. We use J to denote dt , the covariant derivative of J along γ. Then from the curvature hypothesis and the Jacobi equation: hJ 00;Ji = −hR(V; J)V; Ji = −2K(V; J)jV ^ Jj2 ≥ 0 d 0 00 0 2 0 Therefore dt hJ ;Ji = hJ ; ti + jJ j ≥ 0. Thus the function hJ ;Ji is mono- 0 tone increasing, and strictly so if J 6= 0. Suppose J(0) = J(t0) = 0 for some 0 0 0 t0 > 0, then hJ ;Ji(0) = hJ ;Ji(t0) = 0 as well. Hence hJ ;Ji ≡ 0 on [0; t0] by monotonicity. But this implies that J 0(0) = 0. Since J is determined by J(0) and J 0(0), which both vanish, J ≡ 0. This completes the proof. Theorem 4 (Cartan). Suppose M is a simply connected, complete Rieman- nian manifold, and has nonpositive sectional curvature. Then any two points of M are joined by a unique geodesic. Furthermore, M is diffeomorphic to Rn. Proof. Since there are no conjugate points, it follows from the index theorem that every geodesic from p to q has index λ = 0. Thus Theorem 1 implies that Ω(M; p; q) has the homotopy type of a 0-dimensional CW-complex, with one vertex for each geodesic connecting p and q. Since M is simply connected, Ω(M; ; p; q) is thus connected, Hence Ω(M; p; q) has the homotopy type of a point. Hence there is precisely one geodesic from p to q. Therefore the expo- nential map expp : TpM −! M is one-to-one and onto, and is critical point free (hence a local diffeomorphism), thus expp is a global diffeomorphism. Remark. More generally, if M is complete, has nonpositive sectional cur- vature, but not simply connected, (e.g., M might be a flat torus S1 × S1 or a compact surface of genus ≥ 2 with constant negative sectional curva- ture.) Then Theorem 4 applies to the universal covering Mf of M, where Mf is endowed with the pullback metric from M which is also complete, and has sectional curvature ≤ 0, since curvature and metric are purely local invariants. For details, we refer the reader to [1], Chapter 7, Exercise 2. 3 Corollary 5. If M is a connected complete Riemannian manifold with non- positive sectional curvature, then the higher homotopy groups πi(M) = 0 for all i > 0, and π1(M) is torsion free, i.e. there is no element of finite order other than the identity. Proof. Using the long exact sequence of homotopy groups of the fiber bundle ∼ ∼ n Mf −! M with discrete fibers, we see that πi(M) = πi(Mf) = πi(R ) for all i > 0. Since Mf is now contractible, we have • ∼ • H (π1(M)) = H (M); with coefficient any left Z[π1(M)] module (i.e. a module that admits a π1(M) • action). Here H (π1(M)) is the group cohomology computed using free res- olutions. Suppose G is a non-trivial cyclic subgroup of π1(M), then we can construct a covering space Mc over M such that π1(Mc) = G. Hence Hk(G) ∼= Hk(Mc) = 0 for k > dimM, since Mf is the universal covering of Mc as well. However, it is a general fact that the group cohomology of a finite cyclic group are nonzero in arbitrarily high dimensions. This gives a contradiction. Therefore π1(M) is torsion free, and in particular, infinite. Remark. From the above corollary, we see that if M is a manifold whose universal covering is contractible, then it also follows that π1(M) must be torsion free, hence infinite. Thus the universal covering being contractible puts strong restrictions on the topology of M. This result is also known as the Smith's Theorem. Now we will consider manifolds with positive Ricci curvature, which can be thought of as the average of sectional curvature over all the possible two planes. P i Definition 1. The Ricci curvature in the direction X = i a jp 2 TpM is defined as X jl Ricp(X; X) := g hR(X; @j)X; @li j;l Thus if we choose an orthonormal basis e1; ··· ; en of TpM, then the Ricci curvature at p in the direction ej is given by n−1 X Ricp(ej; ej) = hR(ej; ei)ej; eii: i=1 4 Theorem 6 (Myers). Suppose that the Ricci curvature satisfies Ric(U; U) ≥ n−1 r2 > 0 for every unit tangent vector U at every point of M, where r is a pos- itive constant. Then every geodesic of M of length > πr contains conjugate points; and hence is not length minimizing. Proof. Let γ : [0; 1] −! M be a geodesic of length L. Choose parallel vector fields P1; ··· ;Pn along γ which are orthonormal at one point and hence are orthonormal everywhere along γ. We assume that Pn points along γ so that dγ DP V := = LP ; and i = 0:2 dt n dt Let Wi(t) := (sin πt)Pi(t). Then from the second variation formula, we have Z 1 1 2 2 2 E∗∗(Wi;Wi) = (sin πt) π − L hR(Pn;Pi)Pn;Pii dt 2 0 Summing for i = 1; ··· ; n − 1, we obtain: n−1 1 X Z 1 E (W ;W ) = (sin πt)2(n − 1)2π2 − L2Ric(P ;P )dt: 2 ∗∗ i i n n i=1 0 n−1 Now if Ric(Pn;Pn) ≥ r2 and L > πr, then the above expression is negative, hence E∗∗(Wi;Wi) < 0 for some i.
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