The Denver Catholfc R j^tster JUNE 8, 1988 VOL. LXIV NO. 23 Colorado’s Largest Weekly 28 PAGES 25 CENTS Individual Confession Bishops asked to avoid abuses of generai absolution By Agostino Bono VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has told U.S. bishops to promote greater individual Confession and to avoid abuses of general absolution. The sacrament of Penance is in crisis in many parts of the world because of “unwarranted interpretations’’ of the requirements for general absolution, he told a group of U.S. bishops May 31. The renewal process envisioned by the Second Vati­ can Council requires “the practice of integral and individual Confession of sins,’’ he added. The Pope said national bishops’ conferences must continuously promote better understanding of the re­ quirements for general absolution contained in canon law, the church’s legal code. “Sporadic efforts are not enough to overcome the crisis,’’ he said. Not criticizing U.S. One U.S. bishop who attended the papal meeting said the Pope was not criticizing U.S. practices but reiterating general principles. “I welcomed it," said Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly of Louisville, Ky. “It was encouragement to foster the sacrament of Penance.” The Pope spoke to 20 bishops from Louisiana, Ken­ tucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama and the Archdiocese for the Military Services. They were at the Vatican for their “ad limina ” Photo by Mark Beede visits, required of diocesan heads every five years to Charity Chase report on the status of their dioceses. General absolution takes place when a priest grants Proper tension on a sweatband is important or than 2,350 runners traversed the three-plus-mlle absolution from sin to a number of people at the same runners might iose their concentration. Here six- course to raise money to assist the poor in the sixth time without individual Confessions. year-old Jason prepares for the Charity Chase June annual run sponsored by Catholic Community Serv- Exceptions 4 with the help of his grandfather, Bob Parker. More ices.See more photos and story on Page 3. Canon 961 of the Code of Canon Law says that under normal circumstances this absolution can be given only when a person confesses individually to a priest. But the canon allows for two exceptions: — When “the danger of death is imminent,” such as during a war. Treaty signed in Moscow — When “a serious necissity exists,” such as a lack of sufficient priests to hear Confessions, and this lack would deprive people from receiving Communion and sacramental grace for a long period of time. supported by U.S. bishops The canon says it is up to the diocesan bishop “in the light of criteria agreed upon with other members By Laurie Hansen bishops are to consider when they meet June 24-27 in of the conference of bishops” to judge which condi­ WASHINGTON (NC) — The U.S.-Soviet intermediate- Collegeville, Minn. tions justify “a serious necessity” for general absolu­ range nuclear weapons treaty that President Reagan and Reagan and Gorbachev agreed to the treaty at a summit tion. Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev signed in Moscow June in Washington Dec. 8 after eight years of on-and-off negoti­ Another canon. No. 962, says that for a penitent with 1 was supported by the U.S. bishops as an important step ations. It is the first superpower pact to attempt to scrap serious sins, general absolution is valid only if the toward nuclear disarmament. an entire class of nuclear weapons. penitent has the intention of later confessing individ­ On May 27, just before the May 29-June 2 Moscow On-site monitoring ually the serious sins which at that time cannot be summit, the Senate voted 93 to 5 to approve the historic Over three years it is expected to eliminate all ground- confessed. Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which was then based nuclear missiles with ranges of 300 to 3,400 miles — Discussing norms sent to Moscow for the joint signing by Reagan and Gor­ 859 U.S. missiles and 1,836 Soviet missiles. It provides for The U.S. bishops have been discussing norms for bachev. The Supreme Soviet, the Soviet Union’s parliament, on-site monitoring of compliance at weapons facilities in approved the treaty May 28. both nations. general absolution since the publication of the Code of The INF treaty had been backed by the U.S. Catholic Canon Law in 1983. At a meeting in Collegeville, During their Moscow summit Reagan and Gorbachev also Conference, the bishops’ public policy arm, and it is part of discussed use of land-mobile intercontinental ballistic mis- Continued on page 5 a report on the current state of nuclear deterrence that the . JWcWbIshftp Itsllowl eowttiHiss Ms spiscopsi ;:f.fHltl|<loiiS t» m psrishss In the North Denver ,;:.v w , Page 2 — Wed., June 8, 1988 — The Denver Catholic Register IN THE The SPOTLIGHT Archbishop’s Column Helen Keaveny Occupation: Rural Urban Coordinator for the Catholic Ru­ Holiness, crisis and renewal ral Life Office. Age: Yes. I have a lot of it and During the past few weeks I’ve had three extraor­ call to holiness is not for themselves but for others. 11 like it better everyday. dinary opportunities to come to know the people of the Their sanctification is for mission. Such was Jesus’ self­ Parish: St. James, Denver archdiocese better. understanding: “Sanctify them in the truth: your word is truth. As you have sent me into the world, so I have What is it that led you to For the celebration of I choose your profession? I Pentecost about 74 Colorad­ sent them also into the world. And for them I sanctify oans traveled to the Marian myself, so that they also might be sanctified in the I have been a teacher, both in shrines in Washington and truth’’ (Jn. 17: 17-19). land out of the classroom, most of Baltimore on pilgrimage. We Recent surveys and essays on American culture have __I my life, thanks to the influence prayed before icons and im- concluded that Americans face many obstacles in re­ *,; J^^ B an d example of some wonderful [ ages with which many na­ sponding to the call to holiness. It represents a religious people who were my teachers V tionalities and ethnic groups crises. It appears that many of us, especially in the . What do you like best about it. in America have honored generation whose values were formed during the past M t------ The daily interaction with Mary, the Mother of God and two decades of upheaval, are reluctant to make moral people, shaping one another’s growth and development the Mother of the Church, over judgments. Why is this so? Because they might be continual challenge and stimulation of the learning process the centuries. required to act on them. As Joan Frawley Desmond comments about a recent survey among the baby- What do you like least about it? In the days following Pen­ Paperwork. tecost I visited the parishes boomer generation: “Many of those would-be parents What is your most memorable experience? I of the North Denver De­ cannot draw lines because they might ultimately re­ quire a change in their own behavior, perhaps even Too difficult to choose. anery. The rich variety of gifts of our church was never What is your favorite pastime? more apparent to me. Two of the specials signs of the sacrifices.’’ Jesus Himself was clear on the essential connection Reading, discussing religion, politics, peace and justice power of the Holy Spirit were the harmonious relation­ issues with friends, playing word games, cooking land of ships between clergy and laity and the commitment of between faith and action among His disciples. “If you the parishes to helping the poor. love me, you will keep my commandments’’ fJn. 14: course, eating what I cook). On the Solemnity of the Body and Blood ol Christ a 15). The Second Vatican Council teaches: “The Lord What one person has had the most influence on your life? large number of those baptized or admitted to the Jesus, the divine Teacher and Model of all perfection, There were so many — family, teachers, students, co- Catholic Church on the Easter Vigil celebrated the preached holiness of life to each and everyone of His workers, friends and the people of Haiti, with whom I lived Eucharist with me at the Cathedral of the Immaculate disciples, regardless of their situation: ‘You therefore and worked. Conception. The content of this feast’s Mass has great are to be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is What is your day-to-day philosophy of life? richness and depth. Later hundreds joined me in the perfect’ (Mt. 5: 48).’’ To live each day to the fullest, to nurture personal rela­ Corpus Christi procession through the streets surround­ The measure of what it means to be human is not tionships, to have a good laugh everyday; to work toward a ing the Cathedral. It was a public demonstration of feeling, or sincerity, or self-interest, or authenticity, world ‘beyond war’ in my own daily situation. faith in the Church as the pilgrim people of God who but the experience of truth. When a person does the What is your favorite word of advice to others? can be sustained in the many conflicts of life only by good, one fulfills oneself and experiences the truth. “Eat your vegetables!” the Bread which has come down from heaven. I have been greatly strengthened by the witness of What is the one thing that displeases you most? In each of these pastoral events I perceived a pro­ thousands of fellow diocesans during the past several Injustice; oppression of the least of God's children found hunger for God among our people.
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