Spring clean-up i Lowell Chamber of Com- week May 15-20 merce is asking that Lowell merchants and industry work along with the city in a drive Spring clean-up week will be- where needed would also help to clean-up and brighten-up the gin Monday, May 15, according beautify and protect buildings. business district. to City Manager Bernard C. We trust that the community Olson. All city crews and equip- will accept these suggestions as Clean-up week for Lowell ment will be used to help lo- ways the City may help in en- Is May 15-19! cal residents with the cleaning couraging citizen participation of their properties. in this clean-up campaign. The clean-up project calls for Clean Up Week • ron^rted action on the part of l^jwell firemen were called everyone in the community to In conjunction with Michigan to the Kenneth Gogglns farm make our town spic and span. Week programming, the City of home on Bailey Drive Sunday Lowell has designated the week afternoon. The only fire loss. Start your clean up job in the attic and work downward. If of May 15 - 20 as Clean Up Chief Baker reported, was a Week During that week city set of sleighs that caught fire you have a collection of old newspapers and magazines you crews will pick up refuse if Abe DeYoung and burned. Vol. 74—No. 5 THURSDAY, MAY II. 1967 will never look at or discarded placed next to the roadway In clothing, broken furniture, trash containers or bundles of reason, dies in Viet Nam The fire Is thought to have able size and weight. Urger started In some straw In the and other combustibles, throw Sgt. Abe R. DeYoung. former articles not suitable for con- Henry Sullivan rear of a barn. thern away. School Board sells bonds for resident of the Lowell area, All types of household discards tainers of reasonable sire and services Thursday Historical Society was killed in combat in Viet that residents desire to dispose weight will also be picked up. Nam on Tuesday. May 2nd. His of will be picked up if placed Pick-ups will be according to Henry (Hank) J. Sullivan, 63, mother. Mrs. Mary DeYoung of this schedule; completion of Alto School plans restorations Lowell Police arrested two at the edge of the road or at of 36 Alten NE, Grand Rapids, 1109 Fuller Avenue. NE, Grand Monday — East of Flat River Lowell Area Schools sold Bob Knooihuisen. 9840 Foreman men on charges of drunk and the curb. Small items should be passed away Monday afternoon. The West Central Michigan Rapids, was informed that her placed In containers to facili- and South of Grand River. 1140,000 in bonds on Monday SE, has also picked up peti- A lifelong resident of Parnell, disorderly last week; Mel Boer- Tuesday — West of Flat Riv- night to First of Michigan Cor- tions. They have until Saturday Historical Society held their an- son was killed by small arms ma, 66, Avery Street, paid a tate handling. Mr. Sullivan was well known nual membership meeting on' fire in action in the Mekong Discarded or obsolete furni- er. poration to complete construc- afternoon of this week. in the Lowell area. He was a fine and costs of $35 in Justico Wednesday — East of Flat tion of a four room addition to The board authorized pur- May 2nd at the Runciman Ele- Delta. ture, clothing magazines and member of St. Patrick's Church v Fuller's Court. River and South of Grand Riv- Alto Area Elementary School. chase of $18,462.55 in new equip- mentary Building. The nieeliiig DeYoung Is the third casualty newspapers are potential fire and its Holy Name Society. He was called to order at 8:30 of the war to come from the hazards and residents are urged er. The bonds will bear an average ment for the new school and has been president of the St. Samuel D. Mills. 25, Colum- Thursday — West of Flat interest of 4.0983 percent and additions, plus desks and chairs p. m. by the president. Mrs. immediate Lowell area. Tex bus, was arrested last Thurs- to gel rid of them at this time Patrick's Cemetery Association Leonora Tower. Ford of Lowell and James with city cooperation. River. cost $85,177.45 over the 25 year for the Junior High School. for many years. day ou a drunk and disorder- Friday — Entire City. life of the bonds. Also authorized was 17,000 for The first order of business Heether were good friends and ly charge. He was released Junk cars, pianos, lumber He is survived by his wife, was election of board members classmates at Lowell High from demolished buildings and Only one trip over the route The Alto school additions are new portable tables with built- Florence (Cherie); three broth- on a $1M bond awaltlug ar- scheduled will be made each presently under construction and in benches for the Runciman and officers. All former officers School, where they were mem- raignment. other items too large to hand- ers, Rev. John A. Sullivan, O P. and board members were re- bers of the Class of 1965. le will not be picked up. day so place your refuse out are expected to he finished late Elementary Cafeteria. of Adrian, James A. of Lowell, early or the night before one this summer. tained in their offices. They are Sgt. DeYoung was a cross Don't forget to check the base- Eugene of Wyandotte: three sis- Leonora Tower, president: Nor- country runner for Lowell High ment and garage. Make sure of the days scheduled for your Ask to CMUaae Baccalaureate ters, Sr. M. Jane, R.S.M. of St. neighborhood. Two Candidates File ton Avery, vice-president: Mrs. and was voted the most valu- Carl Venneman. 36. Route that all combustibles are not The Lowell Ministerial Associ- Gertrude's Convent in Grand able member of his team as Two candidates for election to ation, an organization of local Irma Richmond, treasurer; Mrs. No. 3, Lowell paid fine and stored near the heating units. City Urges Early Clew Up Rapids, Miss Frances Sullivan the most consistent winner. He Throw away all empty paint the Lowell Area Board of Edu- pastors, requested permission to Marion Yates, secretary. The costs of $105 and had his driv- of Parnell and Mrs. Thomas was also a member of the base- cans and worn out brushes. cation have filed their petitions, take over the Baccalaureate board members are Edward ers license picked up this week. A schedule for refuse pick up Wharton of Wyandotte; several ball team and was active in Heed, your yard may need Supt. Pace told the board mem- im for 1968. The school Denkema. Dr. Robert Kyserand has been set up to provide ev- nieces and nephews. the Future Farmers of Ameri- deanine too. May unlicensed eryone with at least two op- bers Monday. Roger Powers previously planned to drop Gordon Johnson. Lowell PoUee arrested Ura Requiem Mass will be sung ca. automobiles, some partially dis- portunities to avail themselves and Bernard Kropf have com- this service from the school far weaving across Main St Thursday morning at St. Pat- Before coming to Lowell High mantled, are being stored in of this service. Delav in placing pleted their petitions and have c-lendar. Restoratkm Plans at 2:85 a. m. on Saturday rick's Church in Parnell with School, he attended the grades back yards in residential neigh- refuse out for pick up may qualified to be on the ballot The school board agreed to moralug. interment in St Patrick's Ceme- George Mueller of the Kent at Farreli Elementary School. borhoods, to the detriment of mean that the entire load will Bill Jones and Howard Thur- allow the pastors of the com- tery. County Parks and Forestry De- At this time his family resided the community appearance and ced out at the end of the tell who have announced their munity to use the school audi- In lieu of flowers the family partment gave the Society a at 8881 Two Mile Road, NE. citizens are urged to dispose of This could make it im- candidacy have not filed yet. torium for this service. suggests that donations be made very interesting account of the Sgt. DeYoung entered the them at this time. lble to finish clean up by to the Dr. Doran Foundation at Three sixteen-year-old juven- great natural advantage of Fal- Army on May 4. 1966. He was iles were picked up behind the Repairs to buildings, fences, Iay 20—kick off dav tor Michi- St. Mary's Hospital or to the lasburg as a restored village with Company A of the 3rd and lawns, and paint applied gan Week. LETTER TO EDITOR— American Heart Association. Ledger office Sunday at 2 a. m. George Kellogg and large recreational area. Battalion, 47th Infantry, 9th In- and turned over to Juvenile fantry Division. There is a great need for ad- authorities for being under the services Thursday ditional and varied recreational Surviving besides his mother Thomei• UI 111 c9 Donovan" • influence of liquor. 1 facilities catering to families are a brother. Martin J. of ToumfaiiMtfli aeo-* a ritrlnmoayu Bank merger Tax George Kellogg passed away and all age groups. These acti- Ada: a sister. Mrs. Adrian De- They are bdng uuesUvoed Tuesday at his farm home, vities will be a means of rev- Loof of Grand Rapids, and sev- on the source of their supply. Thomas Donovan. 75, of Low- 13637 Five Mile Road, Grattan enue for the operating of the eral nieces and nephews.
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