Gulf Breeze gets ready Memorial is bringsDay Broadway Monday, for Spring game Friday Sports, 1B Potholes concern commuters, 10A to Pensacola Lifestyle,May 31 1B FULL SERVICE DERMATOLOGY MEDICAL | SURGICAL | COSMETIC John H. Phillips III, MD • 850.932.1455 May 27, 2021 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER $1.00 “Asking our inspectors to do 30, 40 and some times 50 inspections Best in Show a day is an impossible task for any human if they are going to do justice to those inspections.” — Sam Parker Santa Rosa County Commissioner County needs more inspectors in housing boom Art @ The Center, the first in memory art show exhibited at the Gulf Breeze Community gence here. We did 68,575 inspections BY PAM BRANNON Center, ended May 23 after 10 days. The show, Gulf Breeze News © 2021 in 2006, with 16 inspectors doing an sponsored by Gulf Breeze Arts, Inc. was an op- [email protected] average of 18 inspections each every portunity for local artists to showcase their work day. after the Gulf Breeze Celebrates the Arts show Keeping up with the inspections “We did 73,725 inspections with 10 was canceled in 2020 and 2021. needed for home improvements, new inspectors averaging 30 inspections The group awarded the following ribbons: home building, and commercial growth per inspector per day in 2020. Some in- in Santa Rosa County is getting to be spections took less time than others, so TOP: Best of Show – Ashley Rafferty “Life’s an impossible task. Last week at the Picnic” some days some inspectors will come county planning work session, County in and pick up their tablets and have RIGHT: 1st Place – Susan W. Knowlton “The Commissioner Sam Parker asked the Color Pink” 70 inspections in their area assigned, new supervisor of the Building Inspec- while other inspectors only have 20,” BOTTOM RIGHT: 2nd Place – Capri Boyle Jones tion Department to bring commission- “Popcorn & Paperhat” she said. ers a report soon on how many new She also explained that in 2006, BOTTOM LEFT: People’s Choice - Kerra Nguyen inspectors they need to honestly get “Chicken Run” the county issued 1,464 permits for inspections done in a timely manner. new single family homes. However, in “Asking our inspectors to do 30, 40 2020, there were 2,286 permits for sin- and some times 50 inspections a day gle family homes issued. is an impossible task for any human “All other building permits in 2006 if they are going to do justice to those added up to 8,250 – which could in- inspections. The inspectors get burned clude things like roof replacements, out. We need to help our inspection shutters, expansions, remodels and department and find a way to get you commercial work. But in 2020 that what you need – starting with some number for all other building permits added inspectors.” added up to 15,896.” Tambre Lee is the new building Plan review is also a problem, with inspector supervisor and she told Lee explaining it can take up to 15-25 commissioners that last Thursday’s days for a plan review for a commer- meeting was her 13th day on the job. cial job and single family residential She presented a PowerPoint to show new homes take 25 days for plan re- commissioners how many inspections view before moving forward. Review were being done and how many were of plans for enclosures, shutters, roof needed with the growth happening in replacement, and more is taking 15 the county. business days currently. She hopes to “In 2006, the county was experienc- get that down to 10 business days. ing a peak housing market,” she said. She reminded commissioners that “But then the housing market trailed the Development Services Depart- off in 2007 and 2008. But now, in 2020, we are getting a housing resur- See Inspectors Page 10A » City Manager Sam Abell is Rotary’s Citizen of the Year Abell was selected as the result of Abell came to Gulf Breeze in the BY GLENDA CAUDLE Gulf Breeze News© 2021 a decision by a four-member local position of deputy city manager in [email protected] Rotary council that reviewed nom- August 2016. Following the retire- inations for the honor by the mem- ment of former Gulf Breeze City Citing her strong community bership. Criteria for being named Manager Edwin “Buz” Eddy in leadership in a variety of situations Citizen of the Year include the fact May 2017, she was appointed inter- and during multiple circumstances, that the nominee must live or op- im City Manager. In September of Rotary District Governor nominee erate a business in the Gulf Breeze that year, she assumed the respon- designate, area governor and past community and that person’s activ- sibilities and title of City Manager. president of Gulf Breeze Rotary ities must be centered in the area. In that role, as a member of Rota- Club Kerry Anne Schultz, along Recognition is given for leadership ry and as a resident of Gulf Breeze, with Guy Gascard, director of voca- and performance in several areas of she has been an example of steadi- tional services for the local club, an- community service over a period of ness to the values of Rotary and the nounced Gulf Breeze City Manager years, and nominations are accepted Gulf Breeze community, it was not- Samantha Abell as the Gulf Breeze for people from all walks of life. ed when the honor was announced. Jim Green | Special to the News Rotary Club’s Citizen of the Year Nominees must exemplify the Flanked by Gulf Breeze Rotary Club President Bobby Potomski, President Elect Lee last week. Brown, District Governor Kerry Anne Schultz and Vice President Mike Stahl, Samantha Rotary motto: Service Above Self. See City Page 8A » Abell, center, accepts the honor of the club’s Citizen of the Year award. Arrest Report . 3A Mailing Statement THU 5/27 FRI 5/28 SAT 5/29 SUN 5/30 Calendar .........3A & 4A on Opinion Page SUNNY MOSTLY PARTLY ISOLATED Classifieds/Legals .......3B WEEKEND TWO SECTIONS, SUNNY CLOUDY T’STORMS Crossword Puzzle.......5A 14 PAGES Weather-plus hi 82/lo 72 hi 82/lo 73 hi 82/lo 72 hi 81/lo 70 Movies ................4A VOL. 21, NO. 22 rain: 7% rain: 7% rain: 24% rain: 31% Opinion . 6A MAY 27, 2021 Sports ...............1-4B 2A May 27, 2021 GULF BREEZE NEWS No limits on graduation guests dents would add up to 4,500 – which is BY PAM BRANNON Gulf Breeze High School Gulf Breeze News © 2021 not even 75 percent, which is what the [email protected] Bay Center said it was allowing with Graduation most recent COVID restrictions.” 11 a.m. Saturday, June 5 Michelle Hardman of Gulf Breeze used She also pointed to actions taken by Pensacola Bay Center her three minutes during public forum at Governor Ron DeSantis, saying, “The the last school board meeting to help a lot governor has lifted all restrictions. Baccalaureate services of people with graduates from Gulf Breeze There are families like mine that are for the 2021 Gulf Breeze High High-- as well as all the other schools in the having problems with the eight ticket School senior class county. She questioned why there was such limit. The contract with the Bay Cen- Thursday, June 3, at 6 p.m., 850-932-6278 a low limit on tickets per student for Gulf ter says the school district controls the at St. Ann’s Catholic Church, Publix Shopping Center | 836 Gulf Breeze Pkwy. Breeze High graduation since the governor capacity number for attendance, so I 100 Daniel Drive, Gulf Breeze. lifted all restrictions on gatherings. By end just want to know why? Why so few The Baccalaureate service is a non- of day Friday, those limits were lifted and tickets?” denominational worship service and all it was announced that each student could Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kar- are invited to attend. Current CDC Guide- have as many people attend graduation at en Barber told Hartman, “I will follow lines will be followed and a live stream Pensacola Bay Center as they desired. up with the Bay Center tomorrow. We option will be available at http://www.face- During Public Forum at last week’s do want as many family members to EXPERIENCED AGENTS Santa Rosa County School Board meeting, be able to attend graduation as possi- YOU CAN TRUST Hardman told the board, “The Bay Center ble.” has a 12,000 person capacity. We have been The following day the limit on tick- told each student could get eight tickets. ets was lifted and Barber announced Hardman was being hailed as a “hero” on JUST LISTED JUST LISTED With the number of students graduating, that graduates could invite as many people social media sites by parents for getting the that would mean ticket holders plus stu- as they want or need to invite to graduation. change made. Astronomy gear will let students see the stars 1580 WHISPER BAY BLVD, GULF BREEZE 6538 EAST BAY BLVD, GULF BREEZE supplies for this next school trying to have an Astronomy They will also receive some 4BD | 3.5BA | 3,865 SF 3BD | 2BA | 2,342SF BY PAM BRANNON year to help with Astronomy Night but they often don’t have books on astronomy to help $1,150,000 $819,900 Gulf Breeze News © 2021 SHANNON KIKER SHERLYN WAGHALTER [email protected] Nights. strong enough telescopes or the with the Astronomy Nights so 850.324.1476 850.449.4242 Dr. Karen Barber said she right materials. This will make students know what they are Astronomy Night should be was very excited about the op- it possible for students and par- looking at in the sky.
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