US 201202593 62Al (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0259362 A1 Weinland et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 11, 2012 (54) TEETHING AND THUMB SUCKING DEVICE (52) US. Cl. ...................................................... .. 606/235 (76) Inventors: Ann L. Weinland, Parker, CO (US); Kenneth W. Weinland, II, (57) ABSTRACT Parker, CO (U S) A teething and thumb sucking device that is Worn on a hand of (21) Appl. No.: 13/084,431 an adult is provided. The device includes an elongate tubular body portion and a ?are portion. The body portion includes a (22) Filed: Apr. 11, 2011 proximal open end con?gured to receive a thumb of the adult hand and a distal closed end. The body portion decreases in Publication Classi?cation diameter from the proximal open end to the distal closed end. (51) Int. Cl. The ?are portion is disposed at the proximal open end of the A61] 1 7/00 (2006.01) body portion and extends axially therefrom. Patent Application Publication Oct. 11, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 3 US 2012/0259362 A1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 11, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 3 US 2012/0259362 A1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 11, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 3 US 2012/0259362 A1 US 2012/0259362 A1 Oct. 11, 2012 TEETHING AND THUMB SUCKING DEVICE material Which Would provide soothing contact With the infant’s gums, prevent saliva from soiling the adult’s hands FIELD OF THE INVENTION and Which Would be Washable for sanitation purposes. [0009] In order to achieve the above mentioned objects and [0001] The present invention relates to infant care devices. other objects of the present invention, a teething and thumb More speci?cally, the present invention relates to infant teeth sucking device that is Worn on a hand of an adult is provided ing devices, and, in particular, to a teething device Which may that basically comprises an elongate tubular body portion and be Worn on the thumb or digit of an adult hand. a ?are portion. The body portion includes a proximal open end con?gured to receive a thumb of the adult hand and a BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION distal closed end. The body portion decreases in diameter [0002] Human infants at birth typically have no teeth. Dur from the proximal open end to the distal closed end. The ?are ing the ?rst year of life, an infant’s teeth begin to develop, and, portion is disposed at the proximal open end of the body as they groW, they break through the gums causing soreness, portion and extends axially therefrom. irritation, itching and in?ammation. As anyone Who has [0010] These and other objects, features, aspects and raised a child knoWs, an infant going through the teething advantages of the present invention Will become apparent to process experiences considerable oral discomfort, Which the those skilled in the art from the folloWing detailed descrip infant instinctively attempts to mitigate by sucking or cheW tion, Which, taken in conjunction With the annexed draWings, ing on just about any object it can grasp and insert into its discloses a preferred embodiments of the present invention. mouth, including toys, teething devices, its oWn hands and ?ngers and the ?ngers and/ or thumb of the hand of an adult BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Which may be holding the child. The constant moisture, biting and cheWing on the hands, ?ngers or thumbs of either the [0011] FIG. 1a is a plan vieW ofa human hand depicting the infant or and adult can cause considerable irritation and chaff device of the present invention positioned on the thumb; [0012] FIG. 1b is a plan vieW of a side opposite the side mg. [0003] A number of infant teething devices are commer shoWn in FIG. 1a; cially available Which are designed to be grasped by an infant [0013] FIG. 2a is a perspective vieW of a human hand and bitten or cheWed, thereby massaging the infant’s irritated depicting the device of the present invention positioned on the gums. By Way of example, such devices include teething thumb; rings and nipples Which are familiar to most parents raising [0014] FIG. 2b is a plan vieW of the device of the present young children. HoWever, one di?iculty associated With such invention according to an embodiment; articles is that an infant’s ?ne motor skills are not suf?ciently [0015] FIGS. 3a and 3b are side and top plan vieWs of the developed to permit it to place a teether into its mouth and device of the present invention including a mouth attachment hold it there. They are constantly being dropped and become according to an embodiment; lost, soiled and generally unsanitary. [0016] FIG. 30 is a top plan vieW of the mouth attachment of [0004] One solution to this problem is to provide a teether the embodiment shoWn in FIGS. 3a and 3b; and Which may be a?ixed to a ?nger or thumb of a teething [0017] FIGS. 4a-4e are side plan vieWs of alternate con infant’s hand, thereby ensuring that it Will not be dropped and ?gurations of the device of the present invention according to soiled. Such a device is disclosed in US. Pat. No. 2,688,961 embodiments. issued Jun. 1, 1953, to Thomas for a “Multipurpose Finger Attached Accessory”. Other devices include teething mittens DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION for an infant disclosed in US. Patent Application Publication [0018] Before proceeding With the detailed description, it No. US2005/0222621 published by DuWelius et al. on Oct. 6, should be noted that the present teaching is by Way of 2005, and in US. Patent Publication No. US2006/0004412 example, not by limitation. The concepts herein contained are published by Gilbert on J an. 5, 2006. HoWever, these teething not limited to use or application of one speci?c type of teeth devices are intended to protect the hands and ?ngers of an ing and thumb sucking device. Thus, although the instrumen infant, and are not intended to protect the thumb and/ or ?n talities described herein are for the convenience of explana gers of an adult holding a teething infant. tion, shoWn and described With respect to exemplary [0005] Other prior art devices, such as the device disclosed embodiments, the principles herein may be applied equally in in US. Pat. No. 5,010,901 issued Apr. 30, 1991 to Pales, other types of teething and thumb sucking devices. disclose devices Which are speci?cally designed to prevent a [0019] Referring noW to FIG. 1, a teething and thumb suck Wearer or user thereof from sucking his or her thumb. The apparatus of the Pales disclosure does not address the prob ing device (hereinafter, “device”) of the present invention is shoWn generally at 10. The device includes a generally elon lems associated With an infant’s teething on a thumb or ?nger gate tubular body portion 12 extending along a longitudinal of an adult Which may be holding it. axis 14. The body portion 12 includes a proximal open end 16 [0006] Accordingly, a need exists for an infant teething con?gured to receive a thumb or ?nger of an adult human device Which may be Worn on a thumb and/or the ?ngers of hand and a distal closed end 18. The body portion 12 is the hands of an adult. generally tapered axially and in a diametrically smaller direc tion from the open end 16 to the closed end 18. In the embodi SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ment shoWn, the device 10 is ?tted over a thumb 20 of a [0007] It is an object of the present invention to provide a human hand 22; hoWever, it is to be understood that the device teething and thumb sucking device adapted to ?t over either a could be Worn on any of the other ?ngers Without departing thumb or ?nger of an adult hand. from the scope of the present invention. [0008] It is a further object of the present invention to [0020] The device 10 further includes a ?are portion 24 provide a teething and thumb sucking device constructed of a connected to the body portion 12 at the proximal open end 16. US 2012/0259362 A1 Oct. 11, 2012 The ?are portion 24 extends axially away from the body portion 12 With an increased Width. The ?are portion 24 offers TABLE l-continued additional protection for the adult Wearer and more surface area for alternate teething locations. The ?are portion 24 can Material Explanation be shaped to curve around the base of the thumb 20. Speci? bombazine tWilled silk and Worsted fabric cally, the ?are portion 24 is con?gured and arranged relative borato thin fabric the body portion 12 to cover a portion of the thumb’s 20 boucle fabric of uneven looped yam brilliantine light lustrous cotton and Worsted fabric metacarpal bone. The ?are portion 24 includes an end portion broadcloth dense tWilled Wool or Worsted fabric 26 that is con?gured and arranged such that When the device brocade rich silk fabric With raised patterns 10 is Worn, the end portion 26 is in proximity to a carpometa buckrarn stiff-?nished cotton or linen used for corpal joint of the thumb 20. The end portion 26 includes a linings of garments bump coarse cotton fabric band member 28 for reinforcing the ?are portion 24 Where it bunting light loosely Woven fabric used for meets the thumb 20 near the carpometacorpal joint. ?ags [0021] The body portion 12 and the ?are portion 24 are burdet cotton fabric formed as an integral, unitary, one-piece member to form the burlap coarse plain-Woven jute or hemp fabric burnet dark broWn; dark Woolen cloth device 10.
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