I OBI 10 IlGEB SOCIITY OFFICIAL PUBLICATION A magazln~ d~voted to th~ study or Horatio Alaer, Jr., h,s hr~, works, and innuenc~ on th~ culture or AmericlI. 1832 - \899 VOLUME XXXII NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1994 NUMBER 6 _~. ~tor4 1t1ortp J!{rtluing. Horatio Alger loV, ;itell jnr the Amcrican Union and the OLD "llnl0N, THE ~Il ER. American Union A STORY OF THE NEW YEAR. lJ yeA n r. C A K TAD • -- See Page 5 UIlAP'1'j~Lt r. ... followed by Old Sinton, the Miser -- See Page 9 Suspiciously like Stratemeyer Syndicate series -- See Page 17 NIU's Alger repository library plans -- See Page 3 Page 2 NEWSBOY November-December 1994 HORATIO ALGER SOCIETY To fllrther the plrilosophy ofHoratio Alger, Jr. and to encollrage tire spirit ofStrive and Slicceed that for Iralfa centltTy guided Alger' President's coCumn IIndalinted heroes - lads wlro'e tnt les epitomized tire great American dream and flamed hero Ideal in cOlllllle mil/ion of yOllng Americans. OFFICERS ~Y DIT H PRESIDE T JOH CADICK VlCE-PRE IDE T MURRAY D. LEVI TREASURER ROBERT E. KA PER EXE UTIVE SECRETARY ROBERT COLLMER (1 95) DIRECTOR BOB HUBER (1995) DIRECTOR JES IA CADI K (l 5) DIRECTOR CHRISTI E DE HAAN (1996) DIRECTOR BART J. NYBERG (1 6) IRECTOR JOSEPH T. SLAVI III (19 6) DIRECTOR MILTO r. EHLERT (I9 7) DIRECTOR ElL J. M CORMICK (1997) DIRECTOR JOH R. JUVI ALL (l 7) DIRECTOR LEO "BOB" BE ETT EMERITUS RALPH D. GARD ER EMERIT S r p r year). 20. with mak all w York' fam u Finger Languag A BOOKS RECOMMENDED BY H.A.S. -HoratiOAIg r. Jr.. A Comprelwn i I Blbliography. byBob Bcnn II (PF-265). -HoratiOAlg r or. TIleAmerican Hero Era, by Ralph D. Gardner (PF-053). -TIl Fictional R pubHc: HoratiO Alger and Am rican PoIWeal Discour e. by arol ackenolT(PF-92 I). -Publleation Formats ojthe 59 Stories by Horatio Alg r. Jr. as R printed by th John . WinstOil " b Bob wyer(PF-455) and Jim Thorp (PF-574). -HoratiO Alg r Books Published by A.L. Burt. by Bradford S. eha e(PF-412). -Horatio Alger Books Published by M.A. Donohue & Co., b Bradford S. ha e (PF-4l2). -Th La t Uj4 ofHoratio Alg r, Jr.. by ary hamhorst with Ja k Bal (PF-258). ntion, ae pt my wi h for ewsboy ad rate rull pa~ . ,32.00; one-half page. 17.00; one CJuarter pag. 00. per olumn Inch (I In h d ep b approx.3 1/2 In he ea on! wtde), 200 nd ad . wtth he k payabl to lloratio Alg r SocIety. to Robert E. Ka per. 585 E. l. Andr ~ Dr.. Medl,. PA 13Th above mtes apply to all want ad . alon wtth ads olTertng non AI 'r book for Y ur partie'Jar fri nd, aJ . Ilowev r. Itls the policy of th Iloratio Alg r lely to promote th Mar Ann Diteh (PF- 1) exch, ng of Alger book and related Alg r mat mls b provtdlng pace free of charge 10 ollr member for the ule only of such mat rtal. Send 4 57 Ma on t. 811 h ad or -Letter to the Editor- tll Newsboy ('dltor William R Gowen maha, 6 106 (Pr 706) at 923 South L;: k t.. Apt 6. Mundc!t'ln. II. 00 0 November-December 1994 NEWSBOY Page 3 NIU has big plans for Alger repository by Northern Illinois University Director of Libraries Arthur P. Young, right, and Samuel T. Huang, Rare Books and Special Collections Curator, welcome researchers and visitors to the Alger repository. will be cared for and appr iated for g n ra- m . The colle tion i a plac wh r i t m mb r and other may ontribut individual it 01 ntir colle tion in order to pr rv Alg r' om indi idual hay already b gun to donat tion . Anoth r mutual goal is th cr ation of an 01 nt for th Horatio Ig r 011 ction. Thi agr ment ha far-r aching implication Univ r ity and the cholarly community. Th has agr d t donate and p rmanently tran fro i ty corr pondenc, r port, books, journal and oth r r 1- vant mat rial to orth rn lllinoi Univ r ity Librar- 1 . Th H rati Alg r i ty ha an int mati n 1m 01- b r hip t 260. er th ear, i ty memb rand rth rn lIlin i Uni r ity th r ha compl t d r arch uncov ring n w Ig r har th ame coli c­ wnting and fact about hi lif, d um nt d fir t­ i to in lude in thi ditionandr printpubl" hingpattems,de I p dan, I ­ e relatin hi writing to the" 01 rican Dr am," work d ucc fully to ha a omm morativ tamp (Contil1ued 011 Page 4) Page 4 NEWSBOY November-December 1994 Alger repository ... 'Eaitor's note6oo{ (Con til/lied from Page 3) i ued honoring Alg r in 1982 and publi h d n w book about Alger and rei sued m of hi rarer title. This agre m nt will not only nrich th p ciaIcoli c­ Thi i th fir t i ue of ewsboy using our new tion of the Univ r ity Librari , but also will help make mput riz d databa e and mailing label. While p r­ the preemin nt institution for the tudy of Horatio f ti n i ur g at w r alize that there may b om Alg rand imilar author, attracting cholar and other litch in th Y tern at fir t. E ecutive cretary Rob di tingui hed i itor to th ampu. Th Univer ity Ka p r ha requ t d that ifther ' a problem with your Librari will b come known a a c nter d dicat d to the addr ntact him at 5 5 a t St. Andr w Ori , pr rvation of ampl of all Alger' writing and dia, P 19063; Phone: (610) 566-5917. committed to making the important works acce ibl If th pr blem cau you not to get thi i ue (obvi- to collector and r ar hr. u 1, u'll then breading thi after the fact), w will J. arroll Mo dy, Vic Pr id nt and Provo t, com­ orr t th addr and r -mail it imm diat Iy. feel ment d that "th I ction of th orthern lllinoi Uni­ th n w tern will b beneficial in th long run to you versity Librari a the repo itory for th Horatio Alger a w 11 a th i ty. i ty i very gratifying and r pr nt a major oppor­ Al ,R b r mind all memb r that h ha veral tunity for the d v lopment of our pecial c II ction ." I r-r lat d it m for al : red- namel H.A.S. wreath­ Arthur P. Young, Oir tor f ibrari ,ob r d that and-p n I g lap 1 pin for $5 ach; and the official "th Horatio Alg r iety ha honor d orth rn Illi­ H. .. til, -inch quar, along with a lO-inch- quare n i Univ r itybythedeci iont I ctourlibrarya th w d n frame (total, 14). p rman nt r po it ry for it corr pondence, r port Bo k till availabl ar Ralph ardn r' Alg r bib­ and b oks. Our on iderable tr ngth in th ar a of 19th Ii graph ,Road to lIcces (pap rback, $5); Horatio Al er, c ntury American rie fiction and h r ic literatur Jr. A" Annotated Biblio raphy o/Comme"t and Critici m by will b ignificantly enhan ed by thi magnifi ent ift. ar harnhor t with Jack Bal (hardcov r, 10); and ur int ntion i t attract mor tud nt and holar to Mabd Parker; or, The Hidden Trea lire by Alg r with a thi nati nall important coli cti n." pr f b hamhor t (hardcover, 16.50). Al 0, ew­ Tho e int r t d in u ing it m in th curr nt coll ­ boy ba k i u are $3 each, ubj t to a ailability. tion of wor band ab ut Horatio Alg r, Jr. ar wel- Finall , if Y u find a remind r lip enclo ed in thi orne to i it the Rar B ks and pial II ction i . u , pI a pay y ur due. In th tran ition of the o partment at ounder M morial Library. Th yare m mb r hipli tto urn wdataba wef lIb hindo er availabl and a c ibl for amination and r earch th summ r in including th r mind r ; hop fully, purpo e y ar-r undo Th library' rvi hour for \'\' 'r ba k n ch dul . thi p cial ar a ar Monday-Friday from a.m. to noon In thi i ue: P t r Walther off r another di covery and 1 to 4:30 p.m. Sp cial arrangem nt may b r­ from hi tir I r arch : th Alg r (ad antab) que t d by ch lar and r arch rs b yond th hour. hort t r ," Id imon, the Mi r," which it ubtitle, Write to: University Librarie ,Rare Book and pe- 't r f th w Year," make it appropriat far for cial Collection Department, orthem Illinoi ni- thL h lida a n.
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