NOTICE TO READER: you finish rrtdinf rhii nu^aiUir • le sianip nn this noUre. mail the nu^aaine. uitt u will placM t0 Vol. >XX, No. 27 n • t P Th« haxicls our snltUrrs tc sailors rUiitiniMi to uvrr Ni* JULY 6. 1918 Price, 15c No addrioa—A. s. Vc^tmAMa Cuitrtu. Published weekly at Cincinnati. O. Subscription. $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class mail matter January 4. 1897, at Post Office. Cincinnati, under act of March 3, 1879. CARRIES ALLTHE WISE ADVERTISERS BUSINESS THIS ISSUE CONTAINS 33V^ PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 66^ PER CENT READING MATTER JOS. G-KAEMPFER F^roprt dor Tip Top Toy Company-New York 2 JULY 8, 191t ■= RINGS STREETMEN CAN SELLtt= GET YOUR MONEY BACK We've get a lul of Gold Plated Ringv. wt wii^g a.Mnted Stone**, about I."* styles, that aJmovt THE FIRST DAY knock youi eye out for atlractirmeas and general getup. 5lay w>und like a pg. (Vm,, gT fairy tale, hut we can par? theste Kinga along to you in limlte*! Iota for UlU**, ^ I .OV Saaigla 0*z«a, 7Sc. SiagU Sample, 25<. Let Na. 129. JtK Grand Rapids, Mich. New York Office, 28 E. 22d St. 10-PIN lEIIM SCENERY FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE 24 piece. Iiceutllul Sijce S’tiierj-; Knmt Drop. 12x18. BUWUNn GAME cost $37"l O# new. hunt hv rcittlUr <u rceii ertlM in St Ret'OfTiUinc tha acute buyitii: BcniM of Stro'tnun. tac arc KeA*ii to h«Ae >uu see a copy of our new Uiui.; my price »1(IU mi CLKM U'MItKR OO.. Karm- intrlllc. Texa.. BUYERS’ GUIDE—FREE TO YOU. Complili oitfit Ridy stick a [Kc-tal in the mad and t>e glad you did. / Vf \ U opBfite costs yoi VELVET DROPS and STA3E SETTINGS ft I SIO.^ a thrai art- Beautiful o.li.r.'-. any ~izi Itciitul. ami rtay terDU. ORIENTAL MANUFACTURING CO., '’'“'•'Vovioence. r. i. BEAUMONT VELVET SCENEItY STUDIOS. [! ! fils will cat yai 245 West Forty-sixth Street. - New York City. 935 Market Street. - San Francitco. Cal. S2iOQ, ud win pos- I HiMiy SCENERV LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Diammid Dye. Oil or Water Color*. PAT FOR SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO. COLUMBUS. OHIO. { THEMSaVES Wanted-Clarinet Players otht Musicians Great Southern Shows who Bre Ms’^tvr Masttus iti HtaiMliiiK. to I<w*Bte I > THE FIRST DAY in th«‘ city of .MiMidiaii. Miss.. nikI play witli llamasa Have Leased the Two Hnadred and Twasty Ton Steamer 1 ITtIIiIT ll **** ***■ drind 'Peaiiplr band (an amateur nncanizatinii). Married I ^/KlflLfw store ever Invtnie*!. men preferred, nmre especially if they are exempt L W* wlU abtp a com- from draft. Statt in first letter your Masi>nle stand¬ plet* oeUlt. charge* ing, in.stniment pla.vcd, ante, marneil ur sIprIc. and prepaid If artier U ac- line of work desired. Atldresg all lorrespondeiico to UNCLE OLIVER cumpanlad wUh full ALIaKN M'-r.ANTS. INiientate Hamasa Temple. Me¬ ridian. Mi'»is'<ipi>i. WE DO NOT WORRY ABOUT RAILROADS OREST DEVANY WANTED Comedian C.AN PL.ACH (lirls for Cabaret. River towns an* Rtvid ealtaret territorr’. Cood 1549-1547 Braagway. NEW YORK. That playh on iruitar or banjo. i>ld>'kfa aiul Irish pro|K)sitioii to Whip or Silotlrmne. ('an furnish outfit for a real Bally Show. Illu¬ Open air work, x^ne and two \voek.s in a ttmii. J:r».no Iter week and R. It. af*er joining. Tiektl^ if 1 know sion jireferred. ('^inee-ssions of all kinds. No exelusivts. KCFF ft HARRINGTON Tou. |*av your own wires. WIIITK KAtiLK MKr>I- GREAT SOUTHERN SHOWS, Helena, Ark., thii week; Meapkit, Tenn., July 8-!3, then Ohie riNK t OMPANY. Northfttrk- West VIrpini River Towns. 24 ARCADE MACHINES tioor! eoiiditlon. Will aell rlieat». .lAMKS SVOLOH, .122 So. Ualsted St., Chicago. CHOCOLATES WANTED—WEEK-STAND VAUDEVILLE TRY A SHIPMENT OF OUR FAMOUS I'utlrr envas. tood Straislit Man for nigger acta, who can do Mitne Ilexrlea in Tali.. Dramatic bill; alao WANTED-A-I TALKER want Mo^tlg Picture Operator. Edixoii machine: must tiiiderstaiid ga.s and double stage, Edrance or canraa. to handle front. RED BOX CHOCOLATES WANT Man Cook. WANT neat Canrasman; muat Also would like to hear from Miss Maxin, the Four-Legged GirL double stage, advance or operate picture machine. FULL POUND Other ustful people not subject to draft write. Long (M LBS. TO CASE) W W W season. 1 pay all after joining. If you ilon’t stats FEATURE FREAKS ALWAYS WANTED salary, age. height, weight, etc., fir^t letter you wlH get BO answer; no time to correspond. Addreaa OI/- Write, stating particulars, salary; send photo. HALF POUND % LIE HAMILTON. Plymouth. North Carolina. HUBER’S MUSEUM CO., Coney Island, N. Y. (T3 H LBS. TO CASE) db # W SEHD DEPOSIT ASK FOR PRICE LIST WANTED CIGARS, CANDIES & ICE CREAM CONES b^xjM'ripnccd LOUIS DENEBEIM & SONS DANCE VIOLIN, TROMBONE AND 1224 OAK ST KANSAS CITY. MO CORNET PLAYER SUPERIOR SHOWS WANT TWO MORE HIGH-CLASS SHOWS AND Address Hippodrome Theatre, Peoria, III. FOR SALE, ONE HURDY-GURDY LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS and alxnit 120 paira at Rnllar Bkatn. Prioa llBi. Wanted, A-1 Man Piano Player to join at once. Our Fair season starts in Aui;ust with Cleveland (Ohio) Kx- .MRS. H, U OPIE. Stauntnn. Virginia. To piny Air uirJi llac-'iUwk C’irrus Band. posltion. and ten real Fairs to follow. Will consider flrst-clas.s Riding Device, Also Bass Solo riNrinot kti.l f’ornct. T‘*p salary for including Whip, to join for Fairs immediately. WANT Talkers. Freaks for tfHKi musirians. Wire as per r'dito. J. K. BETTZ. WANTED Band MaMer. Side-Show and Working Men. Wheeling, W. Va., this week; Bellaire, Ohio, next week. Address at once. Double A Billposter WANTFn VIOLIN TO DOUBLE BASS Permanent position; highest wages. VV AIN 1 cU ogyM OR ALTO in Band. Easy work. J*a.\ y»mr own F*tn« BEAVER VALLEY POSTER CO., trick. Write or wire J. A. care N'*rth Bro»., WANTED, DROME RIDERS New Castle, Pennsylvania. JunHicn f’lty, Kan., until July 7. I'crmanent addre*». Holton. Kan.sas. To Strengthen Our Show for the Fair Season CAN L'SE one more Lady Kider and one Man. Yes. we all work. The draft has EWING’S LADIES’ WANTED—Useful Tom People caught some of the bo.vs and we are helping those at home. 8ANGE8’ WALL MTiite and rolurcd. Long, pleasant engagement. Pia- OF DEATH, care World at Home Shows, Steubenville, Ohio, week July let; ZOUAVE BAND lUvely no tickets. Address HKH.NaRD Mi<;RAt\'. with Alma Huntley, soloist; 16 people. Oardeii. July 4; Nahma. July .5; Rapid River, July 6; Columbus, Ohio, week July 8th. Powers. July 8; all .Michigan, In fpiier Peninsula. Hooked almost solid for the F'elr dates. Any one who can use this Band for the winter season write me at once as CLARINET PLAYER WANTED EVANS' EXPOSITION SHOWS per route, or permanent address, WANTS one more Ballyhoo Show, good Urind Show, legitimate L'oDcaaaiaDi, Plaotatlon Perform¬ For Pantages vaudeville house. Must l>e eiperienc-d. W. M. EWING, Champaign, Illinois. tttbers write. 0. G. BRINKMEIER. Leader. Orpheuai ers, Cabaret Danceni and a good General Agent that knowa the Southwest. Ballyardt, Kan., thia Theatre. Waco, Texas. week, in the heart of the largest oil flelda In C. H. A., and doing huaineaa. P. S.—CAN PLACE good Coniesaion Agents at all times. BAND AT LIBERB Wanted, Italian Musicians Can Kdn Immediately (>ond .mall Italian Band. WIro BAND MASTEB, rare Carnival Co., WUllaiBaln«n, Clarinet Player; f20.00 a week. Address PROF. AN¬ THONY F^SPOSITO. Bandma.'te,r World's Fair Shows. MIND READINe ACT Kantuckf. Waverly. la., week July 1: Oclwein. la., week July 8. Privilppe to hpII horoscofjcs and futures on pererntage. Also want glass blower with own outfit. Permanent place till iSept«*mber Ist; tlienfuirs. Address SKRPKNTINA AT LIBERTY WANTED, MUSICIANS-Clarinet, Comet Sober romal. B. tt Q. Join at once, ‘nefcet If far. and string Bas>; 12100 week. Permanent. I'nturea. SHOWS, 2017 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N. J. r. a. MZOir. S4 S. Ptoda St. Chicago, DUnola. LYBIC AMl’SF;Mf;NT CO.. Huntington. W. Va. WANTED-MED. SHOW PERFORMERS WANTED-CONCESSION PEOPLE Sure money and long season. .No Ixsjic. IIA.N'KIN MED. CO.. Hotel Bristol. Cleveland, Ohio. ROLL DOWN, POP-’EM-IN, SPOT, ETC. CHEWING GUM ta/AU^ MAN PARTNER, for Mpdicine Show. • one with a little capital, to work the BERNARD L. WALLACE, per route. Coop & Lent Shows. PoaltWely the greateat ralne on the market. South. Jw-'lurcr or comedian prefem-d. Please state all DIAMOND SPEARMINT, MAPLEMINT A MEL¬ you do. Address .M. X.. tleii Del., {.sigrange. Ga. LOW FRUIT. l.tKMt t'arkagea. tl--B0: 2,000 WANTED AT ONCE, GRINDERS FOR TEN-IN-ONE parkagea, I'jn.oo. (>r>lcra Hlleil and ablpped promptly. Itcuilt hy money order, I’, O. or AND ORIENTAL SHOW Expreai. CHEWING GUM Oriental Dancers. Freaks for 10-in-l; also Merry-Go-Kound. to Join August Get eur Prtcai. Wg aaka all fclade. 6th for big circuit of Fairs. T. A. UEEDY CHICLE CO., HELMET GUM SHOP, » • Uaclaiull, Ohli. H. F. KETCHUM, Nowburgh, N. Y., wsek July ItL Out all winter. m W. Zri« ItrMt, OXZOAOO, Z| / INDISPENSABLE TO THE PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINER AND ALLIED INTERESTS C«nrH|ht. Itlt, by Th« Billboard Pobliihlnf Camfaoy. Revised List of Dead, Missini After Three Years’ V/ork and and Injured Expenditure of $2,000,000 With Roster of Survivors Back McGarvey and Baber See With the Show Fruition of Efforts Tour Continued on Tuesday at Large Crowd on Hand for In Beloit, Wis.
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