7 Tokyo English Tourist Information The Chiyoda City Tourism Association will help you to make your trip enjoyable. We are just 3mins' walk from Kudanshita sta. Exit4. Please feel free to come and get the travel information! MAP 1-6-17, Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo included Weekdays 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM E-mail [email protected] Check the current conditions of the cherry blossoms at URL https://visit-chiyoda.tokyo Chidori-ga-fuchi by scanning the QR/AR codes below! CHIYODA Free Wi-Fi Step_1 Step_2 千代田区 ▲ ▲ CHIYODA CITY Activate the AR Scan the mark on the right with your Mobile Phone Charger / Baggage Storage / Free Wi-Fi Service camera by scanning smartphone. this QR code! Cover photos by Yumiko Niwa(above),Takashi Toki(below):The award winners of Chiyoda City Photo Contest *The photos and illustrations are for illustrative purposes only. Events may be cancelled or altered at any time without prior announcement. *Opening hours and closed days may change. Please confirm beforehand. Edited by KADOKAWA UPLINK INC. Designed by META +MANIERA. AR by infotex INC.Published by Chiyoda City Tourism Association Don’t text while walking. 上野御徒町駅 日本語/English 上野広小路駅 新御徒町駅 御徒町駅 Chiyoda湯島駅 City仲御徒町駅 MAP For more information, please visit the website Suidobashi Sta. Illuminated Cherry 水道橋駅 Blossoms at Night-time Iidabashi Sta. Suehirocho Sta. 飯田橋駅 Suidōbashi Sta. 末広町駅 JR水道橋駅 Ushigome-kagurazaka Sta. 10 牛込神楽坂駅 Iidabashi Sta. Tokyo Dental College JR飯田橋駅 Chidori-ga-fuchi 東京歯科大学 Ochanomizu Sta. 御茶ノ水駅 Boat Pier Nihon Univ. 日本大学 牛込柳町駅 20 Nihon Univ. Ochanomizu Sta. Akihabara Sta. 日本大学 秋葉原駅 13 JR御茶ノ水駅 15 Akihabara Sta. JR秋葉原駅 The Nippon Nihon Univ. 日本大学 Akihabara Sta. 浅草橋駅 Dental Univ. Meiji Univ. 秋葉原駅 日本歯科大学 明治大学 浅草橋駅 Senshu Univ. Shin-ochanomizu Sta. 専修大学 新御茶ノ水駅 Jimbocho Sta. Kudanshita Sta. 神保町駅 Iwamotocho Sta. 九段下駅 岩本町駅 Hosei Univ. Ogawamachi Sta. 法政大学 小川町駅 Chiyoda City Office Awajicho Sta. i 千代田区役所 淡路町駅 17 11 Kanda Sta. 7 Nippon Budokan Chiyoda City 神田駅 日本武道館 Tourism Association 1 千代田区観光協会 Ichigaya Sta. Kanda Sta. JR市ケ谷駅 Nishogakusha Univ. 二松学舎大学 JR神田駅 Science Museum 4 科学技術館 Nihon Univ. 日本大学本部 Otsuma Women’s Univ. Kodemmacho Sta. 大妻女子大学 Takebashi Sta. 小伝馬町駅 竹橋駅 Japan Meteorological Agency Shin-Nihombashi Sta. 気象庁 JR新日本橋駅 i 23 浜町駅 2 Otemachi Sta. Mitsukoshimae Sta. 9 大手町駅 三越前駅 22 人形町駅 12 Yotsuya Sta. 16 JR四ツ谷駅 Hanzomon Sta. Kojimachi Sta. 半蔵門駅 The Imperial Palace Mitsukoshimae Sta. 皇居 麴町駅 三越前駅 Otemachi Sta. 大手町駅 Sophia Univ. 上智大学 19 Nihombashi Sta. 水天宮前駅 Tokyo Sta. 日本橋駅 東京駅 5 18 Tōkyō Sta. 3 Supreme Court of Japan JR東京駅 Kayabacho Sta. 最高裁判所 Nijubashimae 茅場町駅 〈Marunouchi〉Sta. 24 二重橋前〈丸の内〉駅 Kayabacho Sta. 25 茅場町駅 Parliamentary Nagatacho Sta. Museum 永田町駅 憲政記念館 Sakuradamon Sta. Kyobashi Sta. 京橋駅 桜田門駅 14 Tokyo International Forum Akasaka-mitsuke Sta. 6 東京国際フォーラム 赤坂見附駅 The National Diet Metropolitan Police Building Department Yurakucho Sta. 警視庁 国会議事堂 有楽町駅 Hatchobori Sta. Yūrakuchō Sta. 八丁堀駅 21 Ministry of Foreign JR有楽町駅 Kokkai-gijidomae Sta. Affairs of Japan Hibiya Sta. 国会議事堂前駅 外務省 日比谷駅 Kasumigaseki Sta. 8 Prime Minister of Japan 霞ヶ関駅 and His Cabinet Ginza Sta. 首相官邸 Akasaka Sta. Imperial Hotel 銀座駅 No smoking 赤坂駅 Tameike-sanno Sta. 帝国ホテル on the streets 溜池山王駅 Smoking on the streets is banned Ginza Sta. 銀座駅 throughout Chiyoda City. *A penalty of ¥2,000 will be Toranomon Sta. imposed if smoking is found. 虎ノ門駅 新橋駅 乃木坂駅 新橋駅 1 Chidori-ga-fuchi 10 Kanda Myojin Shrine 19 Sanada-bori Moat 千鳥ヶ淵 神田明神 真田濠 新橋駅 2 Ninomaru Garden, East Gardens of the Imperial Palace 11 Tayasu-mon Gate 20 Tokyo Daijingu Shrine 皇居東御苑 二の丸庭園 六本木一丁目駅 田安門 東京大神宮 築地市場駅 汐溜駅 3 Hotel New Otani Japanese Garden 12 Ote-mon Gate 21 Hie-jinja Shrine ホテルニューオータニ 日本庭園 大手門 日枝神社 4 Kitanomaru Garden 13 Iidabashi Sakura Terrace 22 British Embassy Tokyo 北の丸公園 飯田橋サクラテラス 英国大使館 5 Shimizudani Park 14 Ministry of Justice 23 Daikancho-dori Ave. 清水谷公園 法務省 旧本館 代官町通り 6 Diet Front Park 15 Akihabara Electric Town 24 Kioicho-dori St. 国会前庭 秋葉原電気街 紀尾井町通り 7 Yasukuni-jinja Shrine Shinchi Teien(Sacred Pond Garden) 16 Chidori-ga-fuchi Park 25 Kokyo gaien National Gardens 靖國神社 神池庭園 千鳥ヶ淵公園 皇居外苑 8 Hibiya Park 17 Yasukuni-jinja Shrine Chiyoda Sakura Festival 日比谷公園 靖國神社内苑 This event will be held from the end of March 9 East Gardens of the Imperial Palace 18 National Theatre 皇居東御苑 国立劇場 to the beginning of April. 02 03 *Sakura=Cherry blossom Let's Enjoy Sakura Festival 9:00 8:30 illuminating The illumination starts around 6 p.m. after sunset. 1 Chidori-ga-fuchi Let'sChidori-ga-fuchi is one goof the majorto cherry Chiblossom spots in dori-ga-fuchi!Chiyoda City. This is a place where people can enjoy different appearances of the cherry blossoms viewed from boats, illuminated and so on. About 260 cherry trees, including Somei-yoshino and Oshima cherry trees, blossoms at Chidori-ga-fuchi, Illuminated Cherry Blossoms where more than 1 million visitors come during the season. Cherry at Night-time blossoms give people different impressions depending on the time This is also a popular photo spot to see and location, such as being seen the impressive Tokyo Tower over the over the moat, reflected on the moat. water surface, or viewed from the approximately 700m walkway. Photo by Michihiro Niibe,the award winner of Chiyoda City Photo Contest. Chidori-ga-fuchi Boat Pier Boat rental is also available on the moat. A night-time service is available during the Sakura Festival. You can enjoy viewing cherry blossoms illuminated on water. For more information,please visit the website 08 09 Cruising around no.2 Hotel New Otani 3 The Japanese Japanese Garden Gardens Chiyoda City maintains Japanese-style gardens and entertains visitors in many parks and facilities. You can check some of these Japanese-style gardens below. no.1 Ninomaru Garden, 2 East Gardens of the Imperial Palace The garden surrounding a pond, located in the hotel grounds where a suburban residence owned by Kato Kiyomasa, succeeded by the Ii family and others afterward, originally stood, has a history of 400 years. It’s also popular for a pond with about 350 carp, a moon bridge, and a Japanese data 4-1, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku 6 6:00 to 22:00 rock garden. It is famous as a secret Yotsuya sta. / Nagatacho Sta. / Akasaka- place to view cherry blossoms. mitsuke Sta. no.3 Kitanomaru Garden 4 A lawn and a pond are located in the center of the garden. It’s a popular spot The original garden was designed by to relax and view flowers, trees, plants, Kobori Enshu, a master of tea and birds. Nippon Budokan, the Science ceremony in the early Edo period, at Museum, The National Museum of the direction of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the Modern Art Tokyo, its Crafts Gallery, third Tokugawa shogun. After being and bamboo groves are also found on destroyed by fire, it was restored in this site. About 330 cherry trees, 1968 based on a drawing completed including Somei-yoshino, bloom in the during the reign of Tokugawa Ieshige, garden. It is highly recommended to the ninth Tokugawa shogun. walk the path on the bank along the data Chidori-ga-fuchi moat. 1, Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku 6 9:00 to 16:30 (Entry to the park until 16:00 is permitted) Monday data & Friday (The park is closed the following day if 1-1, Kitanomaru Park, Chiyoda-ku Monday is a public holiday.) Takebashi Sta. Kudanshita Sta. / Takebashi Sta. 10 11 no.4 no.6 5 Yasukuni-jinja Shrine Shinchi Teien 7 Shimizudani Park (Sacred Pond Garden) This is a park facing Hotel New Otani. Trees are planted around a pond with a shape that resembles the Chinese character of “heart.” This creates a calm atmosphere. The monument in memory of Okubo Toshimichi, who was assassinated in the area, stands here. data 2, Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku Nagatacho Sta. / Akasaka-mitsuke Sta. no.5 This stroll garden with a central pond in the shrine precincts, originally 6 established in the early Meiji period, Diet Front Park and restored in 1999, is known as one of the nation’s leading gardens. There is a walking path which goes around the precincts. In addition, watch also for the stone waterfall and granite bridge. This is the spot of the tree used as a standard to declare the condition data of the cherry blossoms in Tokyo. There 3-1-1, Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku are about 400 cherry trees. 6 6:00 to 18:00 Kudanshita Sta. no.7 Hibiya Park 8 The park was established in 1903 as Japan’s first western-style park, but also houses a Japanese-style garden. There are many places of interest to see such as the pond created by using the stones from the walls of the former Hibiya gate and a part of the moat, as well as Somei-yoshino, Satozakura and weeping cherry blossoms in the season. The National Diet Building has a Western-style and Japanese-style garden. It consists of a pond with carp data and an observation deck in the Hibiya Park 1-6, Chiyoda-ku Hibiya Sta. / Kasumigaseki Sta. / Yurakucho Sta. Japanese-style garden. In the Edo period, the Kuki residence stood on the site. In the Meiji period, it was acquired by the Arisugawa court, and became Kasumigaseki-rikyu afterward. It is known for about 150 cherry trees that blossom there in spring. data 1, Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku 6 9:00 to 17:30 Sakuradamon Sta. / Kokkai-gijidomae Sta. 12 13 10 Kanda Myojin Shrine East Gardens of Tayasu-mon Gate Ote-mon Gate 9 the Imperial Palace 11 12 Che rry Blos som in Spo ts Chiyoda Check the locati ons on the map! 13 Iidabashi Sakura Terrace 14 Ministry of Justice 16 Chidori-ga-fuchi Park 18 National Theatre 15 Akihabara Electric Town 17 Yasukuni-jinja Shrine 19 Sanada-bori Moat 20 Tokyo Daijingu Shrine 21 Hie-jinja Shrine Late flowering cherry blossoms that can be enjoyed until the end of April.
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