ACTA HISTORIAE ARTIS SLOVENICA 18|1 2013 UMETNOSTNOZGODOVINSKI INŠTITUT FRANCETA STELETA ZRC SAZU 2013 Vsebina • Contents 1 Ana Kostić, Public Monuments in Sacred Space. Memorial Tombs as National Monuments in Nineteenth Century Serbia | • Javni spomeniki v sakralnem prostoru. Spominske grobnice kot nacionalni spomeniki v Srbiji v 19. stoletju 18 Ana Lavrič, »Javni« spomenik škofu Antonu Martinu Slomšku v azilu mariborske stolnice • The “Public” Monument of Anton Martin Slomšek under the Shelter of Maribor Cathedral Polona Vidmar, Lokalpatriotismus und Lokalpolitik. Die Denkmäler Wilhelms von Tegetthoff, Kaiser Josefs II. sowie Erzherzog Johanns in Maribor und die Familie Reiser • Lokalni patriotizem in lokalna politika. Spomeniki Wilhelmu Tegetthoffu, cesarju Jožefu II. in nadvojvodi Janezu v Mariboru ter vpliv družine Reiser Nenad Makuljević, Funeral Culture and Public Monuments. Jernej Kopitar, Vuk Karadžić and Creating a Common Serbo-Slovenian Culture of Memory • Pogrebne slovesnosti in javni spomeniki. Kopitar, Karadžić in ustvarjanje skupne srbsko-slovenske kulture spominjanja Irena Ćirović, Memory, Nation and a Heroine of the Modern Age. Monument to Milica Stojadinović-Srpkinja • Spomin, nacija in herojinja moderne dobe. Spomenik Milici Stojadinović - Srpkinji Ceremony of the unveiling of Milica Stojadinović-Srpkinja’s monument,Vrdnik Monastery (detail) ACTA HISTORIAE ARTIS SLOVENICA ACTA HISTORIAE ARTIS SLOVENICA Establishing National Identity in Public Space Public Monuments in Slovenia and Serbia in the Nineteenth Century 25 � 18|1 2013 http://uifs1.zrc-sazu.si XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU France Stele Institute of Art History ZRC SAZU ACTA HISTORIAE ARTIS SLOVENICA 18|1 • 2013 Establishing National Identity in Public Space Public Monuments in Slovenia and Serbia in the Nineteenth Century LJUBLJANA 2013 XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Acta historiae artis Slovenica ISSN 1408-0419 Znanstvena revija za umetnostno zgodovino / Scholarly Journal for Art History Establishing National Identity in Public Space Public Monuments in Slovenia and Serbia in the Nineteenth Century Izdaja / Published by Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta ZRC SAZU / France Stele Institute of Art History ZRC SAZU Glavna urednica / Editor-in-chief Barbara Murovec Vabljeni sourednik / Invited Co-editor Nenad Makuljević Uredniški odbor / Editorial board Tina Košak, Ana Lavrič, Barbara Murovec, Mija Oter Gorenčič, Blaž Resman, Helena Seražin Mednarodni svetovalni odbor / International advisory board Günter Brucher (Salzburg), Jaromir Homolka (Praha), Iris Lauterbach (München), Hellmut Lorenz (Wien), Milan Pelc (Zagreb), Paola Rossi (Venezia), Sergio Tavano (Gorizia-Trieste) Lektoriranje / Language editing Jesse Gardiner, Olivia Hellwell, Kirsten Hempkin, Mija Oter Gorenčič, Anke Schlecht Prevodi povzetkov in izvlečkov / Translations of summaries and abstracts Renata Komić Marn (srbskih in angleških v slovenski jezik), Tina Košak (slovenskih v angleški jezik) Oblikovna zasnova in prelom / Design and layout by Andrej Furlan Naslov uredništva / Editorial office address Acta historiae artis Slovenica Novi trg 2, p.p. 306, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija E-pošta / E-mail: [email protected] Spletna stran / Web site: http://uifs1.zrc-sazu.si Revija je indeksirana v / Journal is indexed in BHA, FRANCIS, IBZ, ERIH, EBSCO Publishing, Scopus Letna naročnina / Annual subscription: 35 € Posamezna enojna številka / Single issue: 25 € Letna naročnina za študente in dijake: 25 € Letna naročnina za tujino in ustanove / Annual Subscription outside Slovenia, institutions: 48 € Naročila sprejema / Orders should be sent to Založba ZRC / ZRC Publishing Novi trg 2, p. p. 306, SI-1001, Slovenija E-pošta / E-mail: [email protected] AHAS izhaja s podporo Agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. AHAS is published with the support of the Slovenian Research Agency. © 2013, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana Tisk / Printed by Cicero d. o. o., Begunje Naklada / Print run: 400 Contents Vsebina Nenad Makuljević, Barbara Murovec Preface 5 Uredniška beseda 7 DISSERTATIONES Ana Kostić Public Monuments in Sacred Space. Memorial Tombs as National Monuments in Nineteenth Century Serbia 11 Javni spomeniki v sakralnem prostoru. Spominske grobnice kot nacionalni spomeniki v Srbiji v 19. stoletju 23 Ana Lavrič »Javni« spomenik škofu Antonu Martinu Slomšku v azilu mariborske stolnice 25 The “Public” Monument of Anton Martin Slomšek under the Shelter of Maribor Cathedral 58 Polona Vidmar Lokalpatriotismus und Lokalpolitik. Die Denkmäler Wilhelms von Tegetthoff, Kaiser Josefs II. sowie Erzherzog Johanns in Maribor und die Familie Reiser 65 Lokalni patriotizem in lokalna politika. Spomeniki Wilhelmu Tegetthoffu, cesarju Jožefu II. in nadvojvodi Janezu v Mariboru ter vpliv družine Reiser 86 Nenad Makuljević Funeral Culture and Public Monuments. Jernej Kopitar, Vuk Karadžić and Creating a Common Serbo-Slovenian Culture of Memory 89 Pogrebne slovesnosti in javni spomeniki. Kopitar, Karadžić in ustvarjanje skupne srbsko-slovenske kulture spominjanja 105 Irena Ćirović Memory, Nation and a Heroine of the Modern Age. Monument to Milica Stojadinović-Srpkinja 107 Spomin, nacija in herojinja moderne dobe. Spomenik Milici Stojadinović - Srpkinji 124 APPARATUS Abstracts and key words / Izvlečki in ključne besede 127 Contributors / Sodelavci 131 Photographic credits / Viri ilustracij 133 Preface The 2013 Acta historiae artis Slovenica comprises two thematic volumes dedicated to public monu- ments. In the past few years, researchers from the France Stele Institute of Art History at the Re- search Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts have started to conduct systematic research into public monuments, related topographic studies, and wider questions of public space and memory with regards to commissions and realised works. In the research programme Slovenian Artistic Identity in a European Context (Slovenian Research Agency, P6-0061) and several other re- search projects related to this programme, such as Visual Arts and Architecture in the Spatial Context of the City of Maribor (applicative project, co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency, the Mari- bor Municipality and the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, L6-4315), and Artistic Exchange and the Creation of Yugoslav Identity in Visual Culture 1848–1990: Serbia-Slovenia/Slovenia-Serbia (bilateral project in cooperation with the Department of Art History, Faculty of Philosophy, Uni- versity of Belgrade), scientific conferences were organized and international collaborative research projects were set up between researchers of public monuments and memory in Central and South- East Europe, especially the countries which once formed the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Yu- goslavia. An important contribution to this collaborative research was made by the research network Media & Memoria: Cultural Science Network for South-Eastern European Studies. The first issue of the journal Acta historiae artis Slovenica for the year 2013 comprises five ar- ticles, which bring new research findings on nineteenth-century public monuments in Slovenia and Serbia. Due to the need to establish a new state and national culture of memory, a number of memorials were erected in the nineteenth century, which included artistically ambitious public monuments. Although all European countries saw an increase in artistic production, examples from Slovenia and Serbia reveal that each space was co-formed by specific national, regional and local characteristics. One of the features of Serbian culture was its close relation to the religious sphere. The article by Ana Kostić shows how national monuments were built and designed in Serbian Or- thodox churches, which, due to a specific historical context, also functioned as public and national spaces. In Slovenia, national memory was related to religious space only exceptionally. One such example is the public monument of Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek in Maribor Cathedral, which was researched in detail by Ana Lavrič. Due to the pressures of German-Liberal circles, the monument of this Slovenian visionary and poet could not be erected in a public location in Maribor, therefore, it found its place in the Maribor Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. In the nineteenth century, the role of women gradually changed, and women too received their first public monuments. IrenaĆirov ić describes the first Serbian monument dedicated to a woman: the monument of Milica Stojadinović Srpkinja at the Vrdnik Monastery in Fruška Gora. The first joint Slovenian-Serbian public initiatives also influenced the characteristics of collective memory. Nenad Makuljević discusses Slovenian- Serbian solemnity on the occasion of the transfer of the remains of Jernej Kopitar and Vuk Karadžić. Both of these important personas of Slovenian and Serbian cultural life were buried in the Vien- nese St. Marx cemetery, whereas their remains were simultaneously transferred to Ljubljana and Beograd, where both graves were given the status of national public monuments. An important element in the understanding of the visualisation of memory and its function in public space are the monuments erected in the time of the Habsburg Monarchy. Polona Vidmar has analysed the role of the Reiser family in erecting public monuments to Wilhelm von Tegetthoff, Emperor Joseph II and Archduke John in Maribor, which were removed after the dissolution of the monarchy. The articles discussing nineteenth-century public monuments in Slovenia
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