SUMMER ISSUE KehilathjeshurunBulletin © 27 Sivan, 5735 Volume XLII Number 15 June 6, 1975 RAMAZ LEADS ALL YESHIVOT IN NEW YORK STATE AND NATIONAL ACADEMIC COMPETITION World Zionist Organization Presents School With Shazar Award Two Students Place First and Second in National Bible Contest Johns Hopkins Stern College tively in the National Bible Contest, As the academic year draws to a Michigan SUNY sponsored by the Jewish Agency, the close, we are very proud to inform M.I.T. Syracuse finals for which were held in May. the congregational family that Ramaz N.Y.U. Touro David and Deena scored top honors School, which is sponsored by Congre¬ Pennsylvania Wellesley from among a splendid group of win¬ gation Kehilath Jeshurun, has once Princeton Yale ners from all over the country in the again brought great honors to itself Rochester Yeshiva Junior Division of this contest. and to the Congregation in a wide Rutgers The two winners have been invited variety of educational activities. The to Jerusalem next May as the School, which is completing the 37th Zalman Shazar Educational Award guests of the World Zionist Organization to year of its existence with a record The achievements of the School compete in the International Bible Con¬ enrollment of 703 children from nurs¬ have also been marked this year by test, which will be held in Jerusalem ery through grade 12, continues to two outstanding results in the area of on Israel set the Independence Day 1976. pace for the Yeshiva world in Judaic Studies. The Department of Our heartiest congratulations to General Studies and Judaic Studies. Education and Culture of the World these two splendid youngsters on their Zionist Organization has chosen Ramaz New York State Scholarships diligent work and their exceptional this year as recipient Once again this year, our percent¬ the of its annual Zalman Shazar Educational Award "for accomplishment. Similar good wishes age of winners and alternates in the to the proud parents of the winners, its outstanding contribution to day New York State Scholarship Competi¬ Dr. Ferdinand Freudenstein and our school education in the United States." tion was the highest among all Yeshi- own members, Dr. and Mrs. Charles The presentation of this award was vot. Out of 49 students who were I. Cohen, on this great nachas. May made to representatives of the Ramaz eligible to take this examination, more their children continue to excel in the Alumni Society by President Katzir in than half — 28 seniors — won scholar¬ the Presidential Residence in Jerusa¬ study, practice and love of Torah. ships, while 6 placed high on the lem on May 28. Present occa¬ alternate list, so that they will receive for the LILLIAN JACOBS COMPLETES sion were eleven Ramaz seniors who scholarships before the program is 34 YEARS OF SERVICE TO SCHOOL are currently studying at the Jerusa¬ concluded. At a moving ceremony lem Torah College or participating in last week, the Parents Council of Ramaz present¬ National Merit Competition a work-study program at Kibbutz ed our devoted member, Mrs. Lillian Four students of the Senior Class Yavneh. Jacobs, with an artistic citation on the were Finalists in the National Merit The presentation of this award is a occasion of her retirement from the Competition. One of them, Syma Stein- great compliment to Ramaz. We con¬ position of Assistant to the Principal metz, won a gratulate the students, teachers and actually National Merit of Ramaz. Mrs. Jacobs served the Scholarship. Five students were Semi- parents as well as the founder of the School in a variety of capacities for Finalists, while an additional ten School, Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein, on the past 34 years. earned Letters of Commendation in this great honor. Generally referred to as "the First this competition. David Freudenstein and Deena Cohen Lady of Ramaz," Mrs. Jacobs left an As previously announced, one of Win First and Second Places in Junior indelible mark upon the School, its our students, Barry Wyshogrod, son of Division of National Bible Contest organization, tone, direction and am¬ our members, Mr. and Mrs. Morris One of the outstanding develop¬ bience. The Congregation is pleased to Wyshogrod, was a Westinghouse Final¬ extend its ments of this year was the splendid congratulations to her upon ist this year. achievement of two students in the the official completion of a splendid The 59 graduates of the School this Joseph H. Lookstein Upper School of career at Ramaz. We are sure that she year have been admitted to some of will continue to contribute to the the finest colleges in the country, fre¬ Ramaz, David Freudenstein of Form II and Deena Cohen of Form I, who School in many ways for many years quently in large numbers. Among the won first and second to come. colleges which have accepted Ramaz places respec¬ seniors for the academic year begin¬ ning in September 1975 are: Ambassador and Mrs. Yosef Tekoah Barnard University of Chicago will be honored by the Congregation at services Boston University Columbia this Shabbat morning, June 7th Brandeis Cooper Union as they complete their tour of duty in the U.S. Brown Cornell Please join in this tribute. Carnegie Mellon CUNY 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN WITHIN OUR FAMILY Special Anniversaries — daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Har¬ Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ary of Brooklyn. Silverstein, who have just celebrated Aufruf — their 35th wedding anniversary. Sim¬ We are looking forward to the cele¬ ilar good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ira bration of the Aufruf of David Mandel- W. Nadler and to Mr. and Mrs. Noam baum, son of Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Shudofsky, who have just celebrated Mandelbaum, which will be held in their 20th wedding anniversaries. our Synagogue on Shabbat morning, Mazel Tov also to Dr. and Mrs. Nathan June 21. We hope the marriage will Wachtel, who will celebrate their 25th take place in happiness and blessing. wedding anniversary, please God, in June. Condolences — We extend our condolences to Mrs. Special Academic Milestone — Jerome A. Badner on the passing of Our warmest congratulations to Dr. her beloved father, Edward J. Lepow. Joseph Litwins, received in May who Similar expressions to Dr. Albert his B.A. degree from Columbia Uni¬ Cornell on the passing of his beloved versity. He writes: "This is 51 years brother, Dr. Abraham H. Cohen. late, but welcome nevertheless." Dr. We extend condolences also to Litwins is a distinguished physician in on our community. We rejoice at his latest Philip Jadek the passing of his revered B'nai Mitzvah achievement. father, Avraham Dziadik. Similar expressions to Dr. Samuel RON HALLEL Birth — Janus on the passing of his beloved Kehilath Jeshurun is happy to con¬ Mazel Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Leon A. mother, Mary Yanushewitz. gratulate Dr. and Mrs. Tom Ha I lei upon the Bar Mitzvah their Feldman on the birth of a son to their Our condolences to Mrs. Aaron G. of son, Ron, which was celebrated in our children Susan and Howard Feldman. Meislin on the passing of her beloved syna¬ May he grow up to Torah, Chupah father Isaac Engle. gogue on Shabbat morning, May 24. and Ma'asim Tovim. Ron, an Israeli student in Form I We pray that all of the bereaved of Ramaz, read the Prophetic portion families will be spared further sorrow A Member and Author — on that morning. for many years to come. We are very pleased to announce EUGENE MAJOR the publication of Dr. Michael W. Congratulations also to Dr. and Mrs. Sigall's second book. It is entitled Kiddush Sponsors William Major upon the "New Patterns in American Politics." forthcoming We thank Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. celebration of the Bar Mitzvah of their Dr. Sigall co-authored it with an asso¬ Nadler for sponsoring our congrega¬ son, Eugene, which will ;be observed ciate of his, Thomas A. Reilly. tional kiddush on May 24th on the in our synagogue on Shabbat morn¬ a of es¬ The book consists of series occasion of their twentieth wedding ing, June 7. says by authorities such as Arthur M. anniversary. Eugene, who is completing Form I Schlesinger, Jr. on a variety of subjects of Similar thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ramaz, will read the Torah and including: The Imperial Presidency, Haftorah on that Perlberger, for sponsoring the kiddush morning. The con¬ The Congress to Come, Law as Poli¬ on May 31st in of the gregation is invited, as guests of the tics, The Ethnic Vote, Democracy in the celebration third birthday of their son, Daniel Major Family, to kiddush following Suburbs, among others. services. Nahum, and on the occasion of their We congratulate Dr. Sigall, an As¬ moving closer to the synagogue. STEVEN EISMAN sistant Professor at Wagner College, Our thanks also to Mr. and Mrs. We extend our best wishes also to on this latest publication. Norman Bensley and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Eisman upon the occasion of the Mitzvah celebration Member in Print — Steven Thai, who will be co-sponsoring Bar kiddush on June 14th in of their son, Steven, which will take We are pleased to note the publica¬ celebration of the second tion of an article by Dr. Leon A. Feld¬ wedding anniversaries place on Shabbat morning, June 21. of both Steven, who is man, which appeared in the Jubilee couples. completing Form I Volume in honor of Professor Salo of Ramaz, will read the Torah and Haftorah on his Bar Mitzvah Baron. The article deals with some of morning. Thaftk You The the writings of Rabeinu Todros Halevi Eisman Family invites us all to Abulafia. Our thanks to Samuel and Allan kiddush following services.
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