THE SUN AND flEW YORK HERALD, WEDNESDAY," SEPTEMBER 22) 1920, 11 MRS. E. C. STOCKTON tehsonax itjteixigenoe, THOMAS W. SHIELDS, Plans Completed Sailing Europe Aquitania. New Rigoletto in Synge's Drama of IS DEAD OFAPOPmy, NISW YOHIC, for on the j for Several Early Mr, and Mra, aernldyn I. Iledmnnd of VerdVs Opera at Irish Life Makes Hewlett, L, I nro ut the Bt. Ilegls, PAINTER, DEAD AT 72 Funeral of Prominent Wont' whero also nro Mia, Chlld.i Krlclr, Mr, an to Be Held To-da- y. AutumnWeddings nnd Mra, Georso D, Wldettor and Mr. thd But Slight Appeal Manhattan I nnd Mrs, Itobert 10, Btrawbrllse of Mrs. Kdwnrd Cantey Stockton, a Philadelphia ami Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hroolclyii Fiuno C, l'ruyn of Albany, Artist Won member of a noted Southern family",' rpho JIIssch Jonjroi's, tortor Vinconto Ballcfltcr Hoard in Ooltlo riuvora Open Tlioir jrifl NotQil long a resident of Now York, died Mon, Mr. Harold H, "vamlorbllt and Mra, with "Mozart's IohIiov Aro Soon to Mmo. Wp-kowsl- ca of day In Ht, Luke's Hospital from ft atroko nnfl Hamilton McJCny Twombly were amonu Titlo Itolo mid Sonson With 'Dlordro Last Jloqulcin." BiliTcs, thoae who entertained ut luncheona nt (Hid". of npoplexy, Tho funeral will bo held Hocomo Delmonlco'i yesterday, Mr, Itcglnnhl Is tho tho Sorrow's.' nt li o'clock thla morning In tho chapel 0, Vandorhllt was the mieat of friends ,of tho hospital. ' (hero at luncheon, Thomas W, flhtolds, nil artist, whose Mrs, Atockton, who had lived for Arrangement tsr several early autumn The Manhattan Opera Homo was Tlw Celllo players openod their fall ratntlng, "Mozart'a Laat Itequlem," waa several years at 152 Madison avenue,'1 Mr, nnd Mrs, J, Ivea Plumb, who was Miss Nelllo 13, .Itltcholl, daughter hate Tieen conjpleted, Mlsa crowded evening when the necond fourth bill nt the tha centre of a sensational discussion In weddlnn passed the summer at Blmdowbronk, last soaooii with their erf tho Into Col, James Mitchell! of, Opera consist-?.,mp?!- l); Louise McAllister Jongoro, dauahtor of lellp, U I., wera paesomrom on tho performance of tho Ban Carl' nramhnll riayhouse last' night, tho art world fourteen ycara ago, died ICrnnlrtln county, Va who was a chap-- i Olymplo laat Hatorday, They will re- ave- Mr. ami Mra, .Alphotieo Jonce're, will be .? Ing of "Delrdro of tho Borrows," tho Monday In his homo, 1ST Clinton lain In tha Confedornto army, I lor' main ubroad through the winter, sold and all, tho.f.1"":1. loom was years married t lIr' Thoma Ashley Pent, drama by J, M, flyngo, which haa tho nue, Brooklyn, tn hla 72d years, He husband, who dlod several ago, occupied, The opera wna that tried and was Cnpt. ICdwnrd Canley Stockton, flyrncuso on tlw aftornoon of er Mra, Blddlo Duke will pass much of repertory, to engage tho was aerlously III nt pneumonia last Jr., of trtio veteran f tho Italian honor to be tho first play U, H. N n aon of tho latu Peter Angus-- , her future tlrrta In Hryn Mawr, Pa,, , "Rigoletto,"' performance S 1" chantry 8t. Uiomaa'a Verdi's Tho highly accented tongues of these coop August In flt. Pater's Hospital. Brooklyn, tus Stockton, nf Newport nnd Prince-- , ' where wire re she hnn Tented the Colonial one Its par- was of respectable merit. evening. home. ton, Mra, nncostryi Church. Tim weildlmr will la witnessed country- - plnco of Mr, A. F. Kelly, who erntlve actors for n full It was und had recently returned to lib Stockton traced her ticular atnr waa Vlncento llalloster, to Itobert Jlruco Duko ofJ limited catlierlnit of relatives and caay to nfter tho perform Tho funeral will ho held even- nnd the first by ft Impersonated tho unhappy Jester, understand Mniiborough nnd waa a descendant of Mr. nnd Mra, Paul Tuclteiman of Mr, Ballester will probably prnvo to ploco 8 Lcffnrls Place friend". ance why thla Is tho first time tho ing nt o'clock In tho Aloxnnder SpottWwnnde, tho Colo-- 1 Ttixcno I'arK arm unpt. nnu Mrs, win-la- bo one of most popular membcra of first will bo the only tho It waa Chapel, 80 Leffertn plnce, nlnl of Virginia, Blio Is aur Mli Oalro rion A. Jlurton of Hnutliamptou aro at the San Carlo company, Hla light bary- ever Iwh been presented hero, for Governor Itlti-Carlto- vlvcd hy tliriMi dnilghtqra Mra, attendant nnd the br'IdcKrqom'a thq tone voice la ono of very agreeable qual- too replete with symbolism nnd toot re- - Mr, Shields wna born In Scotland nnd Nelllo bridal Katoi, gonerully well produced, and lend- In ror nonrly fifty Stockton nnw In llucnoa Ayresw father, Mr. Thomas Ashloy Dent, will act ity, riiimlnntlv remindful of Ireland's die I'ad lived socluslon Mra, Ilcriilco Jonoupoulo Mr, nnd Mra. David Cheater Noyea ing Itself readily to those elaborately year In tho Clinton nvenuo houso, which Stockton of hla Lest man, The ualiora will bo tresses to bo played by any but a atrlctty Now York and Minn Mnude Spoltlswoodo is have rctirned front Colorado Spring, prolonged dynamic gradations which am la filled with paintings, moutly from, hla Duane, Henry Persons, D, where they pn&Ked the summer, and will Htockton of 152 Madison avenue, Messrs. nobctt ro dear to the Italian opera lover, Hla national thaatro, own brush, It la aald that ho possessed t occupy on apartment at 15 Hast Tonth Murray Edwards, John V, Clssel and sinning was of a sympathetlo character Laid In soma remoto period that can valuablo property, atreet. nnd quickly found favor with the hear- one ot tnoae raro March, 1900, Mr. Bhlolda figured In Kenneth Hanson. A imall reception will only be guessed nt by In ers, Hla MaoUHo ww a portrait of Individuals who knowa all of Ireland's: a dlsousslon which attracted Interna- BIRTHS. follow at 200 West Fifty-sevent- h street. Mr, and Mra, Hamilton Cnrhartt, who quali- similarity of small dimensions, but Its musical numerous klngn by heart, It concerns tional attention over tho W, passed the summer abroad, will sail wero generally Iletjulcm" nnd a WALKlin.-Iln- rn on September 1050,. to Ml" Jcnuer la a RrnnddnuBhter of the Olymplo on ties commendable Delrdre, a benutlfll maiden who em- hla "Mozart's Last 3d, from England on board tho Mun-kocs- y, Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Walker of lit Mmo, Lydla Llpkowsko, who la not same theme by HUty-lliIr- d He Dr. V, Marlon McAlllater,. who open their house bodies all those virtues of body nnd painting on tho Knit St., a son. te Heptember 29 nnd will to stage, color-los- s Hungnrlnn nrtlst, avenue, unknown the local was a spirit which tho Gaels In song nnd story tho famoufl for thirty years wna toctor of Trinity nt 927 Fifth (HUla, Considerably off the key at wna Bhlelfls's master In tho latter s hnvo mndo representative of their native who N, She In a Brand-nlce- e times, but showing knowledge of tho painting In question MARRIED, Church, KlUnbdli, J. Insley Hlatr have gone la sought In marrlaKo by student days. Tho Mr. rt'd Mra. J. loutlne of tho operu, (lluseppo Agostlnl, land, Hho and Park) beforo of the Into Ward McAllister of thin liouso In Tuxedo from South- aged high king of Ulster, was shown In Munich to tholi a tenor of much experience nnd little Oonchuhor, tho being hung finally In tho gallery ot live Ilobert nia of Oedt' ampton, ' city. Her father la a portrait painter of finesse, wna Duke, do but she prorera otmi,u y" Bcloncca. ney I'an.is annnunnaa the manlwte of her the while Plutro filled, with tho Brooklyn Institute of Artii and ilniiKhter, Nntalja Morley, lo Mr. Carl Bar-io- n wild, linndsomo, daring, note, Blast was tho Siwnfucito and May When Munkacsy's "Tho Lnst Moments 1 on Mr. nnd Archibald 0. Mcllwalni', Is ascribed to a .niter nr New Yoik, Tuesday, Mr. the Jddildlotfi, Uuctiuio Merola flro which generally by thn Metro- September 21. Mr. Dent la n Brand-nephe- of the late who worn mieats of lior mother, Mrs. of Moznrt" was obtained conducted. Sinn Folner. politan Museum of Art Mr. Bhlolda In- r,00 Wnshlnrten av.," Clrnnt, wife President William A. Head, hi tho Adirondack, cornea to claim lira. Ulysses of Albany, When Oanehuhor sisted thnt hla master Imd 'appropriated Ilroolilyn, hy itev, Dr. Wlnant, Mis. litlul Imvo returned to their home In la eccretly Nex, Orant. After n wedding: trip ho and hla UeMre ni hla bride she his Idea, nnd protected to Sir Caspar Person to John William N, V. t PLANS F0R COHAN "REVUE. away YOtJNCI I.H I", bride will Hvo In Syracuse. mnrriad to Nnlil and runa with Purdon-Clnrk- then director of the HOY. Heptember at th whero jiieinonisi lipucopai unurcii, Mini Katharine Delano I'prter, younir- - Flnley J, Bhepnrd have him to tho forest of Alban, for Metropolitan Museum, N, iihiuwoon0 Mr. and Mrs. Weber, Pos- nappy nro J Helen II,, daughter ot ir, ami airs. wt dauKhtcr of Mr, nnd Mra. II. Hobart to Lyndhurst. their country house Bernard, Fields and seven years they lead tho oi In hla atntemcnt to Sir Caspar Mr. David to Hoy, to Lieut, Aiel J, Young of., Bono Virginia. Then cornea Mass, Porter of thla city, will be marrlod to In Irvlngton, fron lloxbury, N. Y, sibly Colt nn Himself In C'usl, a Paul and n Shields said thnt whllo studying under Boston, nosion papers picass copy Lyon Hamlll, aon of Mr, their traglo undoing, flynge'a work Is Munkacsy ho laid beforo tho Hungarian Mr.
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