श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः Aum Shri Gurubhyo Nama SOUVENIR 24th and 25th November 2018 NAVNAT Centre, Hayes, UK With grateful acknowledgements for the support and contribution from all sponsors and volunteers Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsav (UK) - 2018 SOUVENIR PUBLICATION SOUVENIR PUBLICATION SOUVENIR PUBLICATION By the divine grace of GOD and Beginning with the blessed the blessings of our Acharyas, foreword from Jagadguru Shri the Hindu community in the UK Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Sanka- is blessed to have performed racharyar, a number of use- Shri Radha Madhava Kalyana ful articles including valu- Mahotsav in tradional way, for able insights about Shri Radha the irst time in the UK (24th Madhav Kalyanam and a set and 25th November 2018), un- of popular bhajan songs are der the guidance of renowned vakratuṇḍa mahākāya s compiled in this souvenir so Bhagavathar Udaiyalur Brahma ūryakoṭi samaprabha | as to be cherished as a valuable Shri Dr. Kalyanaraman & Party. nirvighnaṁ kuru me deva reference for all. sarvakāryeṣu sarvadā || To mark this grand celebration, The organizers and the edi- the organizers are pleased to O Lord, (Sri Ganesha), Who has torial sub-committee pro- present this souvenir, availa- a curved trunk, large body and foundly thank everyone for ble both in print and electronic the lustre of a million Suns, (we supporting the event and also formats for free distribution to pray) by the divine grace, may making the souvenir possible, all. all our endeavours be free of with their valuable contribu- all obstacles at all times! tions. The trustees and the volunteers of Shri Radha Madhava Kalyna Mahotsav (UK) 2018 Gratefully acknowledge and thank Brahma Shri Udaiyalur Dr. Kalyanaraman & Party for the guidance and the execution of Shri Radha Madhava Kalyana Mahotsavam www.radhakalyanam.uk facebook.com/shriradha.madhav.kalyan 2 Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsav 2018 (UK) CONTENTS 1 Blessing from Jagadguru - (Shri Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Acharya Swamigal) 4 2 Foreword - Welcome and introduction to the Souvenir 5 3 Shri Radha Madhava Kalyana Invitations - Sampradhaya Patthrika 7 4 Message form Siddhashramam 9 5 Shri Radha Madhava Kalyana Utsavam - Purpose and Tradition 10 (Udaiyalur Dr.Shri K. Kalyanaraman) 6 நாம சங்ீரததன ம்ிமம - The glory of Nama-Sankirtanam 12 (Shri Kalyanasundara Sivacharyar) 7 Bhakta Kavi Jayadeva Goswami - A sketch about Jayadeva and Gita Govindam 14 (Shri Sridhar Aiyangar) 8 Gita Govindam - English transliterartion of the main 24 Ashtapadi 17 9 Nama-Sankirtanam – Bhajans (Udaiyalur Dr.Shri K. Kalyanaraman) 41 10 Hasya rasa in Jayadeva’s Gita Govindam -Examples (Shri E. Balaji) 43 11 Radha & Krishna – As the Eternal Lovers (Shri N. Gopal) 45 12 Vedopathy -Relevance of Ayurveda in this modern age (Shri Dr Sridhar) 47 13 நாலாவு ்டு் ஹுமா் – ்மப் ு்ழாரம - (Shri S. Swaminathan) 49 14 In the Pursuit of God - Addressing some doubts (Shri Mee. Rajagopalan) 51 15 Know about Radha Kalyanam - A summary view (Shri Venkatraman) 56 16 Some Bhajan Groups in the UK - Contacts of the local bhajan groups in the UK 60 17 Popular Krishnar Temples in Tamilnadu - (Shri N. Vedanarayanan) 63 18 Some Popular Bhajan Songs- English transliteration 65 19 Some Important Hindu Festivals - Traditions (Smt. Jayalakshmi Krishnan) 73 20 Thirukkuaral - The greatness of Thirukkural (Shri KR Krishnan) 76 21 Bhāratavarṣa - A Sacred Geography, a Brief histroy (Shri Naresh Joshi) 78 Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsav 2018 (UK) 3 Blessings From Jagadguru Message Content in English His Holiness Shri Shri Acharya Swamigal is delighted to note the united efort of all Hindu Devotees living in and around London for celebrating Shri Radha Madhava Kaly- ana Mahotsavam in the UK for the irst time, and that too following the tradition, involving Muthu-Kuttal, Unjavrit- ti, Thodaya Mangalam, Ashtapadi, Dolotsavam and Divya Nama-Sankirtanam, under the leadership of Udaiyalur Shri Kalyanarama Bhagavathar. His Holiness Shri Shri Acharya Swamigal blesses all participating devotees and the event organizers for attaining all prosperities in their lives and the Souvenir publication for its usefulness to the devotees. 4 Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsav 2018 (UK) FOREWORD od is everywhere and it is in true love incorporating relevant and important Gwhere the divinity abundantly shines Ashtapadis from Jayadeva’s Gita Govin- through. We are truly blessed for being dam and also popular bhajan songs and able to witness the enactment of the divine insightful articles, we hope to make this matrimony of Shir Radha and Shri Mad- Souvenir a useful treasure for all. hav, traditionally done for the irst time in the UK (London on 24th and 25h Novem- The irst article is from UKR setting up the ber 2018). This souvenir is dedicated to context and providing an outline for per- serve as a token for the cherished memory forming Radha Kalyanam according to of the event for many years to come. tradition. Divya Nama-Sankirtanam is the most important part of the ceremony Blessed indeed is this endeavour as we have and singing relevant sections of Jayadeva’s the grace and the foreword from Jagadgu- Gita Govindam is the established tradition. ru HH Shri Shri Sankaracharya Swamigal Our resident Shivacharyar Shri Kalya- of Kanchi. Blessed indeed, as we have the nasundaram endoreses the power and glo- stewardship of Brahma Shri Udaiyalur Dr. ry of Nama-Sankirtanam in a brief article, Kalyanaraman (UKR) and the assemblage reminding us also on the opportunity and of noted Bhagavathars for conducting the the value for being part of such satsang. ceremony according to traditions. The involvement of many of our devotees for Gita Govindam is a master-piece worthy following the tradition is amply demon- of study for the many aspects of its gran- strated, for example, in the ‘uñchavṛtti’ deur - the pure poetry of excellence, the that took places at several places for pro- supreme portrayal of true love and the cu- moting the spirit of Shri Radha Madhav rious insights leading to the essence of Ve- Kalayana Mahotsav.. danta. It provides a perfect context for the seekers to soak in divine love, through the This Souvenir is our humble efort to com- drama of dancing, singing and frolicking memorate this momentous occasion. By of a devotee in pursuit of a perfect com- Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsav 2018 (UK) 5 munion with the Lord. three of them in his article. A sketch illuminating the life and deeds of There are many groups of devotees in the the great poet of Kavi Jayadeva, the author of U.K who meet regularly and sing Bhajans. the magnum-opus Gita Govindam is writ- They also teach them to new comers. A ten by Sridhar Aiyangar. This is followed brief introduction to ive such groups is by the transliterated text of twenty-four se- given with the hope that interested people lected Ashtapadis from Gita Govindam that may join them and enjoy the bliss of Nama- are mainly sung during Shri Radha Madhav Sankirtan. Some simple and popular bhajan Kalayna Mahotsav. songs are also included for the beneit of the readers. In a second article, UKR emphasises the ob- jectives and beneits of Nama-Sankirtan- Smt. Jayalakshmi reminds us of the impor- am, especially for promoting human values, tant Hindu festivals and the associated tra- fraternity and national integration. In his ditions. The glory of Thirukkural through article, Balaji cites examples from Gita Go- a few couplets as examples is outlined by vindam, to show the subtle sense of humor Shri Krishnan. As a itting conclusion, arti- that Jayadeva employs, intriguing the read- cle by Naresh Joshi outlines a brief history ers to read more of Gita Govindam for such of the sacred geography - Bhāratavarṣa, our aesthetic tastes. Mother India. Radha and Krishna as eternal lovers in Go- We hope that with all these useful contents, pal’s article, while Swaminathan quotes this souviner is a worthy gift to all. We ex- from Kambar, for the appropriateness of press our grateful thanks to all the con- treating Hanuman as the fourth God, an tributors for their valuable articles. We are extension to the generally regarded Trin- also very thankful for the various advertis- ity. Attention to personal wellbeing is also ers who have used this Souvenir to promote a dharma according to Veda and Dr Srid- their products. We wish them all success. har brings out the glory and signiicance of Ayurveda for our well-being in his article. The volunteers who helped to edit, assem- ble, design and print the souvenir are grate- Rajagopalan by the way of taking us in pur- fully acknowledged. Thanks to CM MEDIA suit of GOD, addresses some of the common for printing the Souvenir beautifully at a questions realting to the concept of GOD. short notice. An useful summary based on frequent ques- tions and answers on Radha Kalyanam is God Bless us all. provided by Venkatraman. Though there are On behalf of the Event organizers and the thousands of traditional Vishnu temples in Editorial Sub-Committee Tamilnadu, very few of them are dedicated to Lord Krishna. Vedanarayanan describes 6 Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsav 2018 (UK) SAMPRADAYA INVITATION Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsav 2018 (UK) 7 PROGRAMME INVITATION 8 Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsav 2018 (UK) Wishes From Siddhashram Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsav 2018 (UK) 9 Shri Radha Madhav Kalyana Mahotsavam By Dr. Udaiyalur Kalyanaraman adha Madhava Kalyana Utsavam (or human integration. Rsimply called Radha Kalyanam) is mainly performed to understand the beau- Radhakalyana Utsava Paddhati ty of Jeeva-BrahmaIykkyam on the basis of The Bhajan starts with Thodaya Mangalam the Gita Govinda Maha Kavyam composed (Invocation) composed by Sri Bhadrachala by Sri Jayadeva Kavi during 12th Century. Ramadasar, Sri Annamayya and Sri Vijaya- Each and every one of us is considered as gopala Swamigal.
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