MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE V. N. KARAZIN KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY «BIOLOGY: FROM A MOLECULE UP TO THE BIOSPHERE» Abstracts of the XІV International Young Scientists’ Conference (November 27th – 29th, 2019) Kharkiv 2019 UDC 57 Reccomended for print by Scientific council of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Protocol №12 by 25 November 2019 Registration certificate UkrISTEI № 549 from 10 October 2019 Orgcommittee of the conference: Chairman: Prof. Katrych V. O., Dr Sc, First Vice-President for Research of KhNU Vice-chair: Prof. Zhmurko V. V., Dr.Sc, dean of the Biology Faculty, head of the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants and Microorganisms Dr. Gamulya Yu. G., PhD Prof. Shabanov D. A., Dr.Sc. Editors: Akulov A. Yu., Atemasova T. A., Barannik T. V., Bozhkov A. I., Gamulya Yu. G., Gorenska O V, Kazarinova A. O., Komarysta V. P., Martynenko V. V., Naglov A. V., Nikitchenko I. V., Raievska I. M., Shabanov D. A., Tymoshenko V. F., Vinnikova O. I. Address of the organizing committee V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University School of Biology, Svobody sq., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022 e-mail: [email protected] «Biology: from a molecule up to the biosphere»: proceedings of the 14th International young scientists’ conference (November 27th – 29th 2019, Kharkiv, Ukraine). – Kharkiv: Publisher V. N. Karazin KhNU, 2019. – 220p. Assistance in organizing the conference was provided by the members of the student organizing committee: Pustovalova Е. S., Fedorova А. О., Polonska А. V., Bondarenko H. М., Havrysh P. V., Kostenko Y. H. The abstract book contains presented on the conference abstracts of young scientists from Ukraine, Turkey, Germany, Japan, Canada, Bulgaria and Lithuania. The intended readers are scientists, lecturers, students and PhD students working in the fields of biology, ecology, nature conservation, medicine, agriculture and forestry. The authors are responsible for the accuracy and reliability of all factual reports and opinions. © V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2019 ISBN 978-966-285-608-8 © Filonenko S. O., cover design, 2019 © Balint Szajki,, cover photo KEY SPEAKERS Key speakers 5 Reproduction and Growth Performance of the Medicinal Leeches (Hirudo sp.) Mustafa Ceylan1*, Ramazan Küçükkara2, İsmail Erbatur1, Emin Karataş3, Meryem Tunç4, Naim Sağlam5 1Medicinal Leech Research Laboratory, Fisheries Research Institute, Eğirdir-Isparta-Turkey 2Department of Medical Services and Techniques, Eflani Vocational School, Karabük University, Karabük-Turkey 3Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Sinop University, Sinop-Turkey 4Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta- Turkey 5Department of Aquaculture and Fish Diseases, Fisheries Faculty, Fırat University, Elazığ-Turkey e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: CITES, cocoon, hatchlings, survival rate, Palaearctic region, leech aquaculture. The leeches are one of the neglected organisms in the scientific studies. There are approximately 800 leech species, however a small number of them are classified as “medicinal leech”. They are used in veterinary, cosmetic, pharmacology and especially medicine areas. Because of both over collection and habitat destruction, the medicinal leech populations are gradually decreased in the wetlands. Therefore, the trade of leeches collected from nature is carried out at certain limits under CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). The leech demand is increasing day by day, however natural leech stocks cannot respond to leech demand. Therefore, leech aquaculture should be expanded, however, the effective aquaculture is required the knowledge of their reproduction and growth properties. This study aims to shed light on the medicinal leeches and compare the reproduction and growth performances of them. The earlier studies and the data of a current study being conducted by authors were used. Accordingly, Hirudo sulukii, the endemic medicinal leech to Turkey, has the highest cocoon performance although the survival rate and cocoon size is more less. Hirudo medicinalis, the European medicinal leech, has the biggest hatchlings although the number of hatchlings per cocoon is more less. Hirudo orientalis, the Transcaucasian, Iranian and Central Asian medicinal leech, has the highest survival rate. Finally, Hirudo verbana, Southern medicinal leech, has the highest reproduction performance with highest percentage of broodstock that deposited cocoons and hatchlings number. Similar to the results of reproduction properties, H. verbana has the highest growth performance having the growth pattern that increased over time. In conclusion, H. verbana, which has the widest distribution in Palaearctic zoogeographical region, stands out compared to the others. It is thought that living in the different geographic conditions provides great advantages to H. verbana in leech aquaculture. Our current study revealed that neglected leech species, such as H. sulukii, have great potential to medicinal leech aquaculture. Acknowledgement: This study was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) (Project No: 118R027). 6 FMUB-2019, Kharkiv, Nov 27-29 The tendency of Amphibian roadkills in Lviv region for the last decade Ostap Reshetylo Department of Zoology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine e-mail: [email protected] Анотація: Повторне обстеження місць загибелі земноводних на дорогах Львівщини протягом 2017 р. встановило, що найчисельнішими жертвами виявилися B. bufo (72,8%) і R. temporaria (22,6%), які сумарно становлять майже таку ж частку загиблих, як і у 2006 році (90,5%). Однак, якісний і кількісний склад жертв за останнє десятиліття зазнав істотного збіднення (2078 особин 9 видів земноводних у 2017 р. проти 3555 особин 13 видів у 2006). Основними причинами занепаду популяцій земноводних у регіоні є забруднення, деградація та зникнення репродуктивних водойм, а також зростання інтенсивності автомобільного руху, що вимагає негайного їх захисту. Обгородження тимчасовими захисними бар’єрами однієї з досліджуваних ділянок дороги в ПЗ «Розточчя» різко знизило загибель амфібій: понад 1500 особин піймано у відра-пастки вздовж бар’єрів і безпечно перенесено через дорогу працівниками заповідника, місцевими школярами та волонтерами. Kлючові слова: дороги, земноводні, міграції, загибель, охорона Keywords: roads, Amphibians, migrations, mortality, protection Roads are one of the widespread artificial barriers in the environment. They fragment it and isolate some sites. This leads not only to the habitat degradation, but to the significant road mortality of animals during their migrations. It causes also the decrease of animal population number (e.g., Forman and Alexander 1998, Загороднюк 2006, Andrews, Gibbons and Jochimsen 2008, Carvalho and Mira 2011, Jakes et al. 2018). The analysis of wide spectrum of literature combined with our own professional experience point out the obvious negative influence of transportation infrastructure on amphibian populations (e.g., Langton 1989, Ashley and Robinson 1996, Cooke and Sparks 2004, Mazerolle 2008, Решетило та Микітчак 2008, Reshetylo and Briggs 2010, Reshetylo et al. 2019). Amphibians are very sensitive to this kind of impact because of their biotic peculiarities and usually are 70– 88% of all the road victims among terrestrial vertebrates (Puky 2003, Glista, De Vault and De Woody 2008). The distance of amphibian migrations between breeding, feeding and hibernating sites usually is longer than the size of landscape patches fragmented by the roads. Such a conflict complicates not only their life cycle, but traffic safety as well (e.g., Blaustein, Wake and Sousa 1994, Gibbs and Shriver 2005, Новицкий 2005, Внукова 2011, Литвиненко 2013, Стах та ін. 2017). The evaluation of modern level and character of roads impact on the condition of amphibian populations, its comparison with our previous data (Решетило та Микітчак 2008) and the proposition of reasonable mitigation measures on the main roads of Lviv region are the goals of this work. The research of amphibian road mortality was realized on the main roads of Lviv region (М06, М09, М10, М11, H02, H09, H13, Р15, Т1412, Т1413, Т1420, Т1423, Т1425) during the activity season of amphibians (March–November) in 2017. Total length of the investigated routes was about 1250 km. Amphibian mortality data were collected uniformly three times per season during the periods of their high migration activity. We did it evenly on 69 research road sections which were the same as in 2006 to compare them after. All the crushed individuals were removed from the road surface immediately after the identification to avoid the repeated count. Common Key speakers 7 herpetological (Heyer et al. 1994, Berninghausen 1995, Писанець 2007) and specific methods were used: registration of amphibians from the vehicle on the road transects (Sutherland, Dunning and Baker 2010), localization of the breeding ponds using breeding choruses (Fahrig et al. 1995), estimating the population number of amphibians by the regression method (Vogel and Puky 1995) etc. The main research criteria taken into account on every surveyed road section were: a) qualitative and quantitative composition of crushed amphibians, b) traffic intensity within the road section, c) availability of amphibian breeding ponds and distance to the nearest of them from the road section, d) population number. 69 road sections with amphibian
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