ISSN 2448-3915 | e-ISSN 2448-3923 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF AFRICAN STUDIES Revista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 9 Jan./June 2020 Brazilian Jan./June Journal of Porto Alegre v. 5 n. 9 p. 1-248 2020 African Studies ABOUT THE JOURNAL The Brazilian Journal of African Studies is a biannual publication, in digital and printed format, dedicated to the research, reflection and prop- agation of original scientific articles with emphasis on the analysis of Inter- national Relations, Organizations and Integration, Security and Defense, Political Systems, History, Geography, Economic Development, Social Struc- tures and their Transformations and Schools of Thought. RBEA is essentially academic, linked to the Brazilian Centre for African Studies (CEBRAFRICA) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The RBEA has as target audience researches, professors and students interested in the specificities of the African continent and its international insertion. Alongside such perspective, the Journal intends to expand the debate about the Brazilian projection world widely, the Brazilian cooperation efforts (including in the Defense field) with the African countries in the South Atlantic perimeter and the construction of a regional identity in face of a scenario of geopolitical transformations. INDEXES This work was supported by the Journal Edition Supportive Program (PAEP) - UFRGS EDITORIAL TEAM /EQUIPE EDITORIAL CHIEF EDITOR /EDITORA CHEFE Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) DEPUTY EDITOR /EDITOR ADJUNTO Paulo Visentini (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) EDITORIAL BOARD /CONSELHO EDITORIAL Ajay Dubey (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Índia) Ángel Dalmau Fernández (CIPI, Cuba) Antônio Joaquim Calundungo (Universidade Agostinho Neto, Angola) Beatriz Bissio (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) Chris Landsberg (University of Johannesburg, África do Sul) Cyril Obi (Social Science Research Council, EUA) Fábio Morosini (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) Hilário Cau (Instituto Superior de Relações Internacionais, Moçambique) Ian Taylor (University of St. Andrews, Escócia) Kamilla Raquel Rizzi (Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brasil) Karl Gerhard Seibert (UNILAB, Brasil) Li Anshan (Peking University, China) Luiz Dario Teixeira Ribeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) Vladimir Shubin (Russian Academy of Sciences, Rússia) EDITION ASSISTANTS /ASSISTENTES DE EDIÇÃO Camila Taís Ayala (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) Cecília Maieron Pereira (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) Igor Estimo Sardo (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) Rafaela Serpa (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) CONSULTATIVE BOARD /CONSELHO CONSULTIVO Alfa Oumar Diallo (Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Brasil) Andrei Tokarev (Russian Academy of Sciences, Rússia) Aparajita Biswas (University of Mumbai, Índia) Diego Pautasso (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – Sul, Brasil) Eduardo Migon (Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército, Brasil) Fantu Cheru (American University, EUA) Gladys Lechini (Universidad Nacional de Rosário, Argentina) Henry Kam Kah (University of Buea, Camarões) Igor Castellano da Silva (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil) John Akokpari (University of Cape Town, África do Sul) José Carlos dos Anjos (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) José Rivair Macedo (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) Leila Hernandez (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil) Lito Nunes Fernandes (Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas, Guiné-Bissau) Lotfi Kaabi (Institut Tunisien des Études Stratégiques, Tunísia) Mamadou Alpha Diallo (UNILA, Brasil) Mamoudou Gazibo (Université de Montréal, Canadá) Marina de Mello Souza (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil) Nathaly Silva Xavier Schütz (Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brasil) Paris Yeros (Universidade Federal do ABC, Brasil) Tim Murithi (Free State University, África do Sul) Renu Modi (University of Mumbai, Índia) Wolfgang Adolf Karl Döpcke (Universidade de Brasília, Brasil) This edition also counted on review of the researchers Ana Simão, Anselmo Otavio, Arnaldo Massangaie, Daniel Aguiar dos Santos, Helio Farias, Leonardo Granato, Luis Gustavo Mello Grohmann, Maíra Baé Baladão Vieira, Nilton Cardoso and Yoslán Silverio González. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF AFRICAN STUDIES Revista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos © Brazilian Centre for African Studies – UFRGS Editorial supervising: Michele Bandeira Cover: Janaína Horn Graphic design: Janaína Horn Layout: Janaína Horn Artwork: Tiago Oliveira Baldasso The Brazilian Journal of African Studies is available online both in English and Portuguese at www.seer.ufrgs.br/rbea CONTACT INFO Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Prédio ILEA – CEGOV Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Prédio ILEA, Sala CEGOV (115) CEP 91501-970 – Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil Phone: +55 51 3308.9860 / 3308.7988 E-mail: [email protected] seer.ufrgs.br/rbea ufrgs.br/cebrafrica CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION (CIP) Responsible: Gládis W. do Amaral Library, Faculty of Economics, UFRGS Revista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas, Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Africanos. – Ano 5, n. 9 (jan./jun. 2020). – Porto Alegre : UFRGS/FCE/ CEBRAFRICA, 2017. Semestral. ISSN 2448-3907. e-ISSN 2448-3923 1. África. 2. Relações internacionais. 3. Integração regional. 4. Segurança internacional. 5. Política de defesa. CDU 327 CONTENTS EDITOR’S NOTE 7 Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira BRAZIL-AFRICA RELATIONS: FROM THE SLAVE NEXUS TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS 11 Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira AFRICAN MARXIST MILITARY REGIMES, RISE AND FALL: INTERNAL CONDITIONERS AND INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS 33 Paulo Gilberto Fagundes Visentini MAIN TRENDS OF TERRORISM IN AFRICA TOWARDS 2025 53 Yoslán Silverio González THE DOMINANCE OF TERRORISM: ASPECTS OF THE SOCIO-POLITICAL CHALLENGES IN POST INDEPENDENCE WEST AFRICA: NIGERIA, BURKINA FASO AND MALI 85 Osiomheyalo O. Idaewor THE INFLUENCE OF DIPLOMACY ON CONTROVERSIES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN DIPLOMATIC MEDIATION AND ARMED CONFLICT 105 Cícero Ricci Cavini TRUST IN POLITICAL POWER AND GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS IN MOZAMBIQUE: 2014-2018 119 Kátia Sara Henriques Xavier Zeca ELECTIONS AND DEMOCRATIC DEFICITS IN NIGERIA’S FOURTH REPUBLIC: A COMMENTARY 143 Al-Chukwuma Okoli Chigozie Joseph Nebeife Markus Arum Izang AFRICAN UNION: MBEKI’S SOUTH AFRICA POLICY FOR AFRICA 169 Luiza Bizzo Affonso Vitor Ferreira Lengruber SOCIO-SPATIAL AND ETHNIC-RACIAL SEGREGATION IN MEGACITIES, LARGE CITIES AND GLOBAL CITIES IN AFRICA 189 Fabio Macedo Velame Thiago Augusto Ferreira da Costa REPRESENTATIONS OF POWER IN MAYOMBE: “MEN WILL BE PRISONERS OF THE STRUCTURES THEY WILL HAVE CREATED” 215 Carolina Bezerra Machado BOOK REVIEWS “Out of the Dark Night: Essays on Decolonization” by Achille Mbembe 233 Ermelinda Liberato “Decoloniality and afro-diasporic thinking” by Joaze Bernardino-Costa, Nelson Maldonado-Torres and Ramón Grosfoguel 237 Carla Pereira Silva PARTNERS 241 SUBMISSION STANDARDS 243 The responsibility for the content of the articles is of their respective authors. A responsabilidade do conteúdo dos artigos é de seus respectivos autores. Brazilian Journal of African Studies e-ISSN 2448-3923 | ISSN 2448-3915 | Porto Alegre | v. 5, n. 9 | Jan./June 2020 Brazilian Journal of African Studies | Porto Alegre | v. 5, n. 9, Jan./June 2020 | p. 7-10 7 EDITOR’S NOTE Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira June/2020 BJAS, in its ninth issue, is launched in the midst of a global health crisis. Much is being said about its impacts on large developed centers, but little about the African situation in this context. In regional settings, there is little articulation between states within their organizations. In Africa, on the contrary, the African Union’s role in the health crisis triggered by COVID-19 is being articulated by the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), responsible for preparing technical-scientific reports, providing information and recommendations for countries of the continent, training scientists, communicators and health professionals, as well as the aggregation of new scientific discoveries related to the virus. All of these activities are being recorded in weekly reports, available in full on the CDC website (https://africacdc.org/). In addition to the reports, the organization also makes available a series of other documents, the purpose of which is to assist African countries in fighting the pandemic. These documents include strategies for identifying, testing and monitoring the evolution of the virus in the specific case of Africa. By pointing out the bottlenecks in basic sanitation, urban infrastruc- ture and the capacity of health systems, the CDC draws attention to the fact that African countries will have to develop measures appropriate to their real- ity to deal with the crisis. While countries like South Africa show rapid action by the government, which has announced intensive isolation measures and a large number of tests implemented with the aid of the army, other African countries do not have the same resources. Even at the domestic level, inequal- ities continue, with poor regions of high population density being physically unable to implement intensive social isolation. According to a World Bank report, Sub-Saharan Africa will face its first recession in almost two decades, with the expectation
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