H5348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 21, 2011 Rohrabacher Sessions Turner AUTHORIZING THE CLERK TO There was no objection. Rokita Shimkus Upton MAKE CORRECTIONS IN EN- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Rooney Shuster Walberg Ros-Lehtinen Simpson Walden GROSSMENT OF H.R. 1315, CON- ant to House Resolution 359 and rule Roskam Smith (NE) Walsh (IL) SUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION XVIII, the Chair declares the House in Ross (AR) Smith (NJ) Webster SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS IM- the Committee of the Whole House on Ross (FL) Smith (TX) West PROVEMENT ACT of 2011 the State of the Union for the consider- Royce Southerland Westmoreland Runyan Stearns Whitfield Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I ask ation of the bill, H.R. 2551. Ryan (WI) Stivers Wilson (SC) unanimous consent that in the engross- b 1929 Scalise Stutzman Wittman ment of H.R. 1315, the Clerk be author- IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Schilling Sullivan Wolf ized to correct section numbers, punc- Schmidt Terry Womack Accordingly, the House resolved tuation, and cross-references and to Schrader Thompson (PA) Woodall itself into the Committee of the Whole Schweikert Thornberry Yoder make such other technical and con- House on the State of the Union for the Scott (SC) Tiberi Young (FL) forming changes as may be necessary consideration of the bill (H.R. 2551) Sensenbrenner Tipton Young (IN) to accurately reflect the actions of the making appropriations for the Legisla- NOES—173 House. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tive Branch for the fiscal year ending Ackerman Grijalva Pallone September 30, 2012, and for other pur- Altmire Gutierrez Pascrell objection to the request of the gentle- woman from West Virginia? poses, with Mr. WOODALL in the chair. Andrews Hahn Pastor (AZ) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Baca Hanabusa Payne There was no objection. Baldwin Hastings (FL) The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the Perlmutter f Bass (CA) Heinrich Peters bill is considered read the first time. Becerra Higgins Peterson REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- The gentleman from Florida (Mr. Berkley Himes Pingree (ME) VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF RENSHAW Berman Hinojosa Polis C ) and the gentleman from Bishop (NY) Hirono Price (NC) H.R. 2584, DEPARTMENT OF THE California (Mr. HONDA) each will con- Boswell Hochul Quigley INTERIOR, ENVIRONMENT, AND trol 30 minutes. Brady (PA) Holden Rangel RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIA- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Braley (IA) Holt Reyes TIONS ACT, 2012 Brown (FL) Honda Richardson from Florida. Capps Inslee Richmond Mr. BISHOP of Utah, from the Com- Mr. CRENSHAW. I yield myself such Capuano Israel Rothman (NJ) time as I may consume. Cardoza mittee on Rules, submitted a privi- Jackson (IL) Roybal-Allard Mr. Chairman and ladies and gentle- Carnahan Jackson Lee Ruppersberger leged report (Rept. No. 112–176) on the Carney (TX) Rush resolution (H. Res. 363) providing for men of the House, this is the funding Carson (IN) Johnson (GA) Ryan (OH) consideration of the bill (H.R. 2584) bill for the Subcommittee on the Leg- Chu Johnson, E. B. Sa´ nchez, Linda islative Branch of the Appropriations Cicilline Jones making appropriations for the Depart- T. Clarke (MI) Kaptur Committee for 2012. Sanchez, Loretta ment of the Interior, environment, and Clarke (NY) Keating Sarbanes related agencies for the fiscal year end- Everybody knows that we are in the Clay Kildee Schakowsky midst of some very difficult economic Cleaver Kind ing September 30, 2012, and for other Schiff Clyburn Kissell purposes, which was referred to the times. I don’t need to tell the Members Cohen Kucinich Schwartz House Calendar and ordered to be that we have had deficits of over $1 Connolly (VA) Langevin Scott (VA) Scott, David printed. trillion for the last couple of years. I Conyers Larsen (WA) don’t need to tell people that we’ve had Cooper Larson (CT) Serrano f Costello Lee (CA) Sewell about $4 trillion added to our national Sherman Courtney Levin FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE debt in the last 21⁄2 years. We all know Shuler Critz Lewis (GA) SENATE that we have $14 trillion of national Crowley Lipinski Sires Cummings Loebsack Slaughter A further message from the Senate debt, and that equals our entire econ- Davis (CA) Lofgren, Zoe Smith (WA) by Ms. Curtis, one of its clerks, an- omy. Davis (IL) Lowey Stark nounced that the Senate has passed a DeFazio Luja´ n Sutton b 1930 Thompson (CA) bill of the following title in which the DeGette Lynch The one thing that everyone would DeLauro Maloney Thompson (MS) concurrence of the House is requested: Deutch Markey Tierney S. 1103. An act to extend the term of the in- agree on is that we just can’t keep Dicks Matsui Tonko spending like that. That’s just not sus- Towns cumbent Director of the Federal Bureau of Dingell McCarthy (NY) Investigation. tainable. Everyone says that. So we Doggett McCollum Tsongas Donnelly (IN) McDermott Van Hollen f bring this bill in the midst of that kind Doyle McGovern Vela´ zquez of discussion, and we want to try to do Edwards McNerney Visclosky LEGISLATIVE BRANCH our part in getting a handle on the way Engel Meeks Walz (MN) APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2012 we spend money around this place. We Eshoo Michaud Wasserman Farr Miller (NC) Schultz Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I ask want to try to stop this culture of Fattah Miller, George Waters unanimous consent that during consid- spending and turn it into a culture of Filner Moore Watt eration of H.R. 2551 pursuant to House savings. Frank (MA) Moran Waxman Fudge Murphy (CT) Welch Resolution 359, the following amend- So when we bring this bill, this Leg- Garamendi Nadler Wilson (FL) ments be permitted to be offered out of islative Branch appropriations bill, it Gonzalez Napolitano Woolsey the specified order: will spend 6.4 percent less than last Green, Al Neal Wu Amendment No. 9 by Mr. MORAN; year. That’s $227 million. It will spend Green, Gene Olver Yarmuth Amendment No. 12 by Mr. HOLT. 14.2 percent less than what was re- NOT VOTING—18 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there quested, that’s $474 million. Bachmann Costa Landry objection to the request of the gen- Now, it’s our best effort to keep the Bishop (GA) Ellison Pelosi tleman from Florida? commitment that we’re going to try to Black Giffords Schock There was no objection. do things more efficiently and more ef- Blumenauer Griffith (VA) Scott, Austin GENERAL LEAVE fectively than we have before. How do Butterfield Hinchey Speier Castor (FL) Hoyer Young (AK) Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I ask we do that? Well, we listen to the facts. unanimous consent that all Members We had eight formal hearings. We had numerous informal hearings. We lis- b 1927 may have 5 legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and in- tened, we set priorities, we made some So the bill was passed. clude extraneous material on H.R. 2551 tough choices, and we have the bill be- fore us. The result of the vote was announced and that I may include tabular mate- rial on the same. I certainly want to thank the mem- as above recorded. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there bers of the subcommittee for their in- A motion to reconsider was laid on objection to the request of the gen- volvement, for their participation, for the table. tleman from Florida? their hard work, for their input. And a VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:08 Jul 22, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21JY7.054 H21JYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 21, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5349 special word of thanks to MIKE HONDA they want to have lots of staff, they Their budget has been reduced. They from California, the ranking member, can have lots of staff. If they want to are working with us to make sure that who was involved in the process all send lots of mail out, they can send they can continue to provide the serv- along the way and knows the difficult lots of mail out. The MRAs even allow ices that we need. choices that we had to make. Members to lease a car. There will be We oversee the Architect of the Cap- I certainly want to thank our staff, an amendment later on to say you itol. He’s charged with overseeing over both the majority and minority staff. can’t lease a car if it costs more a a million square feet of offices all A lot of times we go home at night and thousand dollars a month. across this Capitol Hill. His budget is they stay and keep on working, and So when you hear people say this is being cut, and he’s got a list of the they helped us get to where we are going to make it very difficult for us to projects he needs to do. He’s set a pri- today to have this final product. do our job, I think what it’s going to do ority there, and he will do what needs Now, let me just give you some of the is make us as Members be more respon- to be done, but he’ll make sure that he highlights of this bill. sible, be more efficient, set the right doesn’t impair the health and the safe- If you look at the legislative branch, priorities and continue to do our job. ty of any Members of this House, any about 36 percent of the spending goes Because some people say we ought to staff, or the people that work on the to the House of Representatives.
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